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个人搭乘公共交通的优点我搭乘公共交通工具的时候,始终保持对普通人用不同于盈利性 媒体所描绘那样的眼光平等看待。我遇到与我有相同情感的真正的、 真实的人。无论我在公共汽车上还是火车上,甚至偶尔在出租车上, 我都会与司机沿途搭载的乘客分享。除去我曾与一些坏人有过部分残 酷的不愉快经历,我相信大多数人对我的用心是好的,也就是,他们 并不会故意伤害我,关于接受尊重和给予别人尊重的有意义的经验人们在搭乘公共交通时普遍都会尽可能的有礼貌和客气。就像我 们先前被大众、父母、长辈以及时代所教育的那样。我们经常需要在 大众面前表现最好的自己。看到强健的男人给老人、残疾人和孕妇让 座是很重要的经历,我甚至看到女人给其他人让座,看到人们在座位 上挪动一点仅仅是为了给需要座位的人一些空间,看到人们微笑着相 互交谈。当我处在公共汽车或者火车上的人群中时,会感受到更多的 友情。我看到人们对同行的旅客表现出真诚的愉悦,也认识到在现在 这些困难时期这样做需要很大的勇气。为其他目的省钱我经常有很多可以省钱的地方,而且近期的确省了不少钱。尤其 是你生活在像纽约这种地铁和公共汽车网络发达的城市时,我曾经做 过计算:如果你是像我这样住在斯塔腾岛的话,搭乘地铁、公共汽车 或是轮渡会比你买一辆小汽车然后开车去经常去的地方要便宜得多。 你节省了停车费、通行费、保险费、修理保养费、行驶中驾驶员可预 见的严重花费、燃油费,以及其他费用。而在公共交通方面,你只需 简单地买张车票。随身携带轻重量的行李我出行仅随身携带少量的行李,行李的简约和轻便使我无论是站 着或是坐着都占用最少的地方。如果在出行时有一场意外事故,与你 在你自己的车里不同的是,我能保证只需担心我自己。当你在车里有 意外发生时,你会使情况恶化,因为你必须注意除了你自己以外的东 西。(而你,在那个时候,可能会非常紧张,甚至是在最糟的时候希 望这事不曾发生。)我自信于我为保持更清洁的环境做出了很多贡献。驾驶员必须认 识到他们的汽车使用化石能源更多的是在积累对环境的破坏。那些为 环境而忧虑的人,尤其是政策制定者、领导人和管理者,如果时间允 许的话,也应该通过抓住使用公共交通的机会而注意到这些。他们的 追随者最终会获得这样的信息:你将会通过远离使用紧缺的自然资源 来贡献更多地保护我们的生活环境。运动与锻炼我获得了从住处走到公共汽车站(或者地铁站,或者轮渡港口) 锻炼身体的机会。我无论何时搭乘公共交通都会确实感受到一个更健 康的自己。来吧,加入我和大家一起搭乘公共交通。I.Section A1. Y2. N(文章第二段开头:People generally behave as politely and respectfully as they can whenever they take public transportation.)3. NG(文章第三段中间:Ive done the math:ifs far cheaper to.,than to keep a car and drive yourself to your usual destination.)4. N(文章第四段最后:If an accident happens while you are in your car,you will be doubly aggravated because you will have to keep tabs on things other than yourself.)5. Y6. YSection B1. end up seeing2. Behave as politely and respectfully as they can3. conduct our best selves4. take a lot of guts5. just pay the fare6. efforts in sustaining and keepingII.Section A.maintenance2. considerable3. economical4. accumulation5. warmth6. assuranceSection B.sustaining2. stand3.incident4.intention5. pushed6. aggravatedSection C1. up 2.in 3.to 4.forward 5.up 6.iniii.Section A1. to check how they conduct themselves in the public places2. though the government make the assurance to enlarge the employment3. consider other people before you take action4. they never quarrel in public5. very confident that everything will conduct as being planedSection B当涉及个人财政,我们都在寻找省钱的方式。我们的家庭预算包 括各种大小花费,我们都想减少开支来减轻我们的资金压力,至少, 花到其他更好的地方。有一件事你一定考虑到了就是使用公共交通而 不是自己的车。要表现公共交通更便宜其实很简单,因为公共汽车的消耗要远比 油气少得多。但那并不是唯一需要考虑的事。回顾你的高中经济课并 试着回忆关于机会成本的课程。这些就是你在一次又一次选择中需要 放弃的东西,如果你那堂课醒着的话你应该会想起来。尽管它们不是 用钱来衡量的,但当你在做财政决定的时候它们依然要被考虑。IVSection A1.The amount of violence seems to be increasing everyday at this point in our country.2called to the children repeatedly to get their attention,but did not get any response from them.3will be working at the store on a full-time basis from the month of June.4. Due to the fact that Chens car refused to start up,he had to take bus to his place of work.5. When I was just a little boy,I already knew that my goal was to be a stockbroker in the future of my life.Section B1. Much as2. also3.Similarly4. For example5. even6conclusion7. butSection CKeeping our respect for seniorsNowadays, in order to create a harmonious society and show more care for seniors, the government of Urumqi has carried out a good policy, which is provide free bus travel for seniors over 65. But it also brings the government a new problem,because too many young workers same needs at rush hour. Then, some suggest canceling the free ride for seniors at rush hour. Should we do like that?Of course not, its very clear that we should keep on showing our care for seniors.First, the key to release the influence of traffic jams never rely on our canceling this policy. No matter we provide free bus travelfor seniors or not, the needs for traveling wont decrease.Second, we may try some other more efficient measures to solve the problem. For example, we could increase the number of buses. Also we could try to encourage some citizens to go for work by riding if the distance is not too far, which can also provide you a good chance to exercise at the same time.Third, if we can overcome the difficulty and continue to show our respect, we have to say that Its very efficient to develop the atmosphere of taking much more care for seniors.So keep on showing our care for seniors,and find some new measures to improve the serious traffic situation.Thats what we really have to worry about.


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