新目标英语七年级上册实验测试卷 Unit

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新目标英语七年级上册课题实验单元测试卷 Unit 7 How much are these pants ?班级 姓名 座号 得分 听力: 20% I. 听句子,选图片,读两遍。5% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. II. 听句子,选择相应的答语,读两遍。10% ( )6. A. Its black. B. Its 10 dollars. C. Its small.( )7. A. No. B. OK. C. You are welcome.( )8. A. Green. B. Two. C. Big.( )9. A. Here you are. B. Im sorry. C. Yes, please. ( )10.A. Thank you. B. OK. Ill take it. C. I cant believe it! III. 短文理解 听短文选择正确答案,读两遍。5% ( )11. The boy in the picture is _. A. Tom B. Toby C. Tony( )12. Does he like oranges?A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, she does. C. No, he doesnt. ( )13. Where are the balls? A. On the bed. B. Under the chair. C. Under the bed. ( )14. How much is a volleyball? A. $9. B. $18. C. $12. ( )15. Does the boy like volleyball ? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. No, she doesnt.笔试: 80% I. 单项选择: 15% ( )1. Where _ your new pants? _ on the bed. Ais, Its Bare, They are Cis, Theyre Dare, Its( )2. The girl _ a colorful pencil. Athere is Bthere are Chave Dhas( )3. You want it, we have it, _ a very good price. Afor Bat Cof Din( )4We have sweaters _ all colors _ ¥50 each. Ain, at Bat, in Cin, in Dat, at( )5Come down _ Huaxing and see _ yourself. Ato, to Bfor, for Cto, for Dfor, to( )6We can _ books _ the bookstore (书店). Asell, to Bbuy, from Csell, from Dbuy, to( )7The store _ school things _ the students. Asell, to Bbuy, from Csells, to Dbuys, from( )8There _ many shorts _ sale in the store. Aare, on Bare, for Cis, on Dis, for( )9_ the pants? Theyre 15 yuan. AHow many is BHow many are CHow much is DHow much are( )10. This shirt is very cheap. Ill _ it. Abring Btake Cwant Dbelieve( )11. The car is very good, but its too dear (贵的) I cant _ it. A. sell B. like C. afford D. see( )12. -Please give me some chicken. -OK. _.A. Here you are B. Give you C. Yes, thankD. Please( )13. Look! These red shorts are _ sale _ only $8. A. on; at B. on; for C. at; for D. for; on ( )14. -Can I help you? -_. I want a hat for my daughter. A. Yes, please B. Im sorry. C. Here you are D. Youre welcome( )15. We_ 100 RMB now. Lets go to Mr Zhangs Clothing Sale. A. each has B. all has C. have eachD. each have II. 完形填空: 10% Look 1 the woman in a yellow coat. 2 is my teacher. She teaches 3 English. She is a good teacher. Her 4 is Wang Hong. Her bike is red. 5 under the tree. Her brother, Wang Dong 6 in a black coat. His bike is 7 . Their friends 8 Jack and Mike. They are 9 . My teacher, Wang Dong and their friends are 10 home now. ( )1. A. in B. see C. at D. for( )2. A. He B. She C. ID. It( )3. A. my B. I C. me D. mine( )4. A. teacher B. student C. name D. mother( )5. A. Its B. It C. Is D. Its( )6. A. is B. am C. are D. put on( )7. A. a black B. a red C. black bike D. black ( )8. A. is B. am C. be D. are ( )9. A. England B. China C. America D. American( )10.A. to B. at C. for D. of III. 阅读理解: 20% ( A )One morning Mr Green and his son, Bill, are in a big shop. Mr Green wants to buy a new sweater and a skirt for Mrs Green, and a shirt for himself (他自己). Bill likes apples, so (所以) his father buys two kilos of apples. Bill wants to buy a black T-shirt and some picture books too. There are many people in the shop. They all want to buy something in the shop.根据上文,判断下列句子正 “T”, 误 “F”. ( )1. Bill goes shopping with Mrs Green. ( )2. Mr Green wants to buy a new skirt for Mrs Green.( )3. Mr Green buys a T-shirt for himself.( )4. Bill wants to buy some books. ( )5. Many people buy things in the shop. ( B ) There are four people in Jims family. They are Kate, Jim, their father and mother. Jim is Kates brother. He is fourteen. Kate is Jims sister. She is twelve. They are in the same middle school. Jim is in Class One, Grade Three. Kate is in Class Two, Grade One.They are good students.Their father Mr Green is a teacher. He is thirty-nine. He teaches English in a school near his home. Their mother is a teacher, too. But she teaches Chinese in a different school.Now they are all at home.( )6. How many people are there in Jims family?A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 2( )7. Mrs Green is _.A, an English teacher B. a Chinese teacher.C. a Japanese teacher D. a maths teacher( )8. Jim and Kate are in _ middle school.A. the same B. different C. No. 2 D. same( )9. Mr Green and Mrs Green work _. A. in different school B. in the same schoolC. in a factory D. in different schools( )10. Now Jim is _.A. at school B. at home C. on the bed D. in the classroomIV. 根据所给首字母或汉语写出正确的英语单词: 10% 1. B_ _ your math book here. 2. The shore s_ _ kinds of things. They are very cheap. 3. Watching TV is b_ _. But playing soccer is very interesting. 4. His first name is John, and his f_ name is Green.5. All the fruit and vegetables are at a very good p_.6. Do you (需要)_ _ big and red strawberries at five yuan a kilo? 7. The sports shoes in all (颜色) _ are 70 yuan a pair. 8. How much are the (短裤)_ _? 9. In the store, we can (买)_ _school things. 10. Come and see for (你亲自) _ at Huaxing Clothes Store!V. 句型转换: 10% 1. The boy likes English. (一般疑问句) _ _ the boy _ _ English?2. The pen is five yuan. (划线提问) _ _ _ _ is the pen?3. This T-shirt is too small for me. (反义句) This T-shirt is _ _ _ _ for me. 4. We have red, green and yellow pans for you. (同义句) We have _ _ _ _ red, green and yellow. 5. These, are, a, good, hats, at, very, price (连词成句) _.VI. 任务型阅读: 10% Maria is an English girl. She was born (出生) on January 11, 1990. Now she studies at No. 1 Middle School in Beijing. She likes watching movies. Ge You is her favorite Chinese movie star. She often plays sports. She likes playing volleyball. Her favorite color is red. She has lots of red pants, T-shirts and shorts. She likes them very much, but she doesnt like skirts or hats. She likes shopping, too. She has a great bag collection. She has many kinds of bags in many colors. 根据短文内容,完成下面表格. Name (1) _ Birthday January 11, 1990. School (2) Hobbies (爱好) (3) Favorite star (4) Favorite color (5)VII. 书面表达 5% 假如你的服装店出售很多的衣、帽、鞋、袜等,请写一则销售广告。(开头已给)Welcome to Fenghua Clothing Sale. These T-shirts are just $ 5 each . _Unit 7 How much are these pants ?听力材料: I. 听选图片: 1. The T-shirt is only 20 dollars. ( B ) 2. Ill take the sweater. ( C ) 3. Those blue socks are on sale for 2 dollars. ( C ) 4. How much are the long blue shirts? ( A ) 5. Welcome to Mr Cheaps Clothing Shop! We have nice things at a very good price. ( A ) II. 听句子选答语: 6. How much is the bag? ( B ) 7. Thank you for your help. ( C ) 8. What color do you want? ( A ) 9. Can I help you? ( A ) 10. It is 21 dollars. ( B ) III. 短文理解: Do you the boy in the picture? He is my brother. His name is Tony. He likes hamburgers, French fries, oranges and ice cream. This is his room. Here are some balls under his bed. He doesnt like volleyball, but he has two. Do you know how much they are? Only 18 dollars. The blue pants on the bed are 12 dollars. Look, here is a baseball. Its interesting. 1115. CACAB笔试: I. 选择题: 15. BDBAC 610. BCADB 1115. CABADII. 完形填空: 15. CBCCD 610. ADDDB III. 阅读理解: 15. FTFTT 610. DBADBIV. 拼写单词: 15. Bring; sells; boring; family; price 610. need; colors; shorts; buy; yourselfV. 句型转换: 1. Does; like 2. How much; too big; pants in 5. These hats are at a very good price.VI. 任务型阅读: 1. Maria 2. No. 1 Middle School 3. watching movies; playing volleyball 4. Ge You 5. redVII. 书面表达: (One possible version)Welcome to Fenghua Clothing Sale. These T-shirts are just$5 each. Do you like any sweaters? We have sweaters in all colors at$15 each. Do you need bags for sports or school? We have great bags for just $4. And hats in all colors for just$2 each. We have socks for$6. And thats not all. Please come to Fenghua and see for yourself!Unit7 重点词组及句子翻译练习一词组:1一条黑色的裤子 2.两双白色的袜子 3.一件大号的男式衬衫 4.三件小号的T-恤衫 5.红色的短裤 6.九件绿色的毛衣 7.四双蓝色的鞋 8.一件黄色的裙子 9一把长直尺 10.一个矮个子的售货员 11例如 12.服装店 13.来学校/来上学 14.去北京 15.到这儿来 16.去那儿 17.回家 18.非常好 19.在三夏服装店 20.廉价出售 21.看一看我的全家福 22.以非常合理的价格 23.从0到100 24.运动包 25.亲自/为自己 26填写价格标签 一 句子:1这件短衬衫多少钱?七美元。 ? . ? .2.那些小号的短裤多少钱?八美元。 ? . ? .3我想买一顶小号的帽子。 .4早餐他想吃汉堡包。 5.她想去打网球。 .6.来华夏服装大卖场买衣服吧。 .7我们的短裤价格合理,仅售12美元。 8.你需要运动鞋吗? ?9.我们有非常好的运动服仅售19美元。 . 10.对于女孩子们,我们有红色,黄色,和白色的裙子仅售20美元。 , 11.我想为妈妈买件毛衣。 12.他想为叔叔买双袜子。 13.华联大卖场有有各种颜色的包,仅售30元。 .14.亲自来我的店看看吧! .15.我从李明那儿买了一个排球。 .16.李明卖给我一个排球. .Unit7 重点词组及句子(答案)一词组:1一条黑色的裤子a pair of black pants2.两双袜子two pairs of white socks 3.一件大号的男式衬衫a big shirt 4.三件小号的T-恤衫three small T-shirt 5.红色的短裤red shorts 6.九件绿色的毛衣nine green sweaters7.四双蓝色的鞋four blue shoes 8.一件黄色的裙子 a yellow skirt 9一把长直尺a long ruler 10.一个矮个子的售货员a short clerk 11例如for example 12.服装店clothes store 13.来上学come to school 14.去北京go to Beijing 15.到这儿来come here 16.去那儿go there 17.回家go home 18.非常very good 19.在三夏服装店at Sanxia Clothes store20.廉价出售on sale 21.看一看我的全家福 have a look at my family photo 22.以合理的价格at a very good price23.从0到100from zero to one hundred 24.运动包bags for sports 25.亲自/为自己for myself26填写价格标签fill in the price tags二 句子:1这件短衬衫多少钱?七美元。How much is the short shirt? Its seven dollars.Whats the price of the short shirt ? Its seven dollars.2.那些小号的短裤多少钱?八美元。How much are the small shorts? Theyre $8.Whats the price of the small shorts Theyre $8.3我想买一顶小号的帽子。 I want to buy a small hat.4早餐他想吃汉堡包。He wants to eat/have hamburgers for breakfast.5.她想去打网球。 She wants to play tennis.6.来华夏服装大卖场买衣服吧。Come and buy your clothes at Huaxia great sale/store.7我们的短裤价格合理,仅售12美元。 We sell/have shorts at a very good price for only twelve dollars.8.你需要运动鞋吗? Do you need shoes for sports?9.我们有非常好的运动服仅售19美元。 We have great clothes for sports/sports clothes for only $19. 10.对于女孩子们,我们有红色,黄色,和白色的裙子仅售20美元。 For girl, we have skirts in red, yellow and white for only $20.11.我想为妈妈买件毛衣。 I want to buy a sweater for my mother. I want to buy my mother a sweater. 12.他想为叔叔买双袜子。He wants to buy socks for his uncle. He wants to buy his uncle socks.13.华联大卖场有各种颜色的包,仅售30元。 There are bags in all colors for only thirty dollars at Huanlan great sale.14.亲自来我的店看看吧! Come and see for yourself at my store. 15.我从李明那儿买了一个排球。 I buy a volleyball from Li Ming.16.李明卖给我一个排球. Li Ming sells a volleyball for me. His /Her birthday is October twenty-ninth/ October 29th 4一年有12个月。 There are twelve months in a year.单元测试题听力部分略。笔试部分(80分). 单项选择(10分)( ) 1. This _ is small. Do you have a big one?A. shortsB. shirt C. pants ( ) 2. The red shoes _ $20.A. have B. has C. are ( ) 3. We have pencils _ all colors _ just 1 yuan each.A. in; in B. in; for C. for; in( ) 4. Our price is very low(低的), and anybody can _ it.A. afford B. see C. sell( ) 5. Here are some nice skirts _ a very good price! A. in B. for C. at( ) 6. Whats that over there(在那儿)? Lets go and _ it.A. have a lookB. have a look at C. look( ) 7. How much _? They are 3 dollars.A. is the T-shirtB. are the pair(双) of shoesC. are the socks( ) 8. How much are the white shoes?Thirty-five yuan.OK. _.A. Here you are B. I want itC. Ill take them ( ) 9. _?Yes, please. I want a bag for sports.A. Can I help youB. Is that your bagC. What do you want( )10. Thank you very much._.A. No, please dont B. Youre welcome C. Dont say that . 完形填空(10分)Now Im in Singapore. Here is a 11 sale. On Orchard Road(路) there are 12 big stores. You can see big “ 13 ” in front of(在前面) the 14 stores. You can see T-shirts in red, yellow, blue and green for 15 5 to 10 Singapore dollars. The pants are 16 sale for 8 dollars. And the hats are at a very low 17 . They are 1 dollar 18 . The stores have nice shirts, bags, shoes and many other 19 . If you have a chance(机会), go and 20 for yourself and your family in Singapore! ( )11. A. longB. shortC. big ( )12. A. many B. much C. lot( )13. A. BUY B. SELL C. SALES( )14. A. vegetable B. fruit C. clothes( )15. A. very B. only C. also ( )16. A. on B. in C. of( )17. A. dollar B. color C. price( )18. A. every B. each C. some( )19. A. T-shirts B. things C. pants( )20. A. see B. look C. watch. 阅读理解(20分)A1英镑相当于人民币14元左右,1美元相当于人民币8元左右。你认为Tom 能用100元人民币买到一双18英镑的鞋子吗?One day, Tom, Jim and Frank go to a big store. There are lots of shoes in all colors. They are from other countries(国家).“Oh, look at those three pairs of shoes!” Tom says, “I like this pair. I like red. ”“How much is it?” Jim asks. “18(18英镑). That pair of white shoes is $18. Do you like them, Jim?” Jim says, “Yes. Ill take them. What about you, Frank?”“This pair of black shoes is very good. Theyre only ¥18. Ill take them, ” Frank says.“I want the most expensive(最贵的) pair! That red pair! Its from England!” Tom shouts(喊), “I have 100 yuan!Its enough(足够的)!” 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( )21. Tom, Jim and Frank go to a big store to buy _. A. socks B. shoes C. clothes ( )22. Tom wants to buy the _ shoes.A. red B. white C. black( )23. Jim wants to buy the shoes for _.A. 18 B. ¥18 C. $18( )24. The most expensive pair of shoes is from _.A. England B. America C. China( )25. Does Tom have enough money to buy the red shoes?A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. We dont know. BThere is a big store near my home. There are many things in it. (a)Many people go shopping(去购物) in it every day. It is a Sunday afternoon. We dont have any food in the fridge(冰箱). My mother and I go to buy some food for dinner. We buy some chicken, fish(鱼), vegetables and fruits. They all look (b) fresh and are not expensive. I buy a blue pencil and an eraser. The (c)shop assistants(售货员) in the store are very friendly(友好的). 根据短文内容完成下面的任务。26. 写出(a)处画线句子的同义表达:_ _ people go shopping in it every day.27. 回答问题:What do the writer and her mother buy the food for?_28. 根据文意猜测(b)处画线单词fresh的意思: _29. 回答问题:What does the writer buy?_30. (c)处画线单词可以换成:_. 词汇练习(10分)A) 根据图片提示填入恰当的单词。(5分) 31 32 3331. This _ is fifteen yuan. 32. How much are these _?33. Do you like this red _?34. The white shorts are on _ for 25 yuan.35. His father is a _ in a bank(银行).B) 根据句意写出下列各句中某个词的对应词或反义词。(5分) 36. Your room is big, but our room is _.37. I dont like this black shirt. I like that _ one.38. This skirt is too long. Do you have a _ one?39. _ are my books and those are his books.40. You can _ to my home, and we go to the store together(一起). . 根据语境填入恰当的单词补全对话,每空一词。(10分)A: Can I 41_ you?B: Yes, 42_. I 43_ a shirt for my son.A: What 44_ does he like?B: Blue.A: What about this one?B: Let me have a look. Oh!Its too 45_.Do you 46_ a small one?A: Yes. 47_ you are.B: How 48_ is it?A: Its 60 yuan.B: OK. Ill 49_ it. Thanks.A: Youre 50_.句型转换,每空一词。(10分)51. These shoes are twenty yuan.(对画线部分提问)_ _ are these shoes?52. Can I help you?(改为同义句)_ can I _ for you?53. The shorts are $12.(改为同义句)The _ of the shorts _ $12.54. They have a book each.(改为同义句)_ of them _ a book.55. He likes blue.(对画线部分提问)_ _ does he like?.书面表达(10分)假设你是Ben的朋友,请你给Ben刚刚开张的服装店写一则广告。要求:内容包括服装、颜色、价格、优惠活动等。50词左右。参考答案笔试部分. 1-5 BCBAC 6-10 BCCAB. 11-15 CACCB 16-20 ACBBA. A) 21-25 BACABB) 26. Lots of 27. They buy the food for dinner.28. 新鲜的 29. A blue pencil and an eraser.30. clerks. A) 31. T-shirt 32. socks 33. sweater 34. sale 35. clerkB)


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