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Italand French cuisineoodtrnn, everyone, wetoaytk out ood in Italy and Frnch。 I knowts toundersand it, wich oly though hmansenses, letste, me, touch, and e an be iprssedSthe aim of uppt iae youno evrythi of soetin, otseing fething. My top ivides nt ig pats,ItaladFance, n here aralmos 3 lstd cisines n ach。Pr Italy1) When itcme to Italyod, th firt occurs to ssold be Spagheti eore we know , we shoud knw asta,a fod mad fom a iture oflo, war, nd somtimes eggs tha s formed intdferentsapes(uch astin trips,tes, or hells) and sully bol(面条的统称), adspaghettiis one kid oit。 Thee aeove 30psta。Alpabets 字母面,通常字母面是用来放在汤里起点缀作用的.Macaron-通心粉,短于M才叫通心粉,大了就是另外的种类了.Rotin (”piralrTwits) 螺旋粉.一般短于4C。螺旋形。AngelHir, Cpelini (ine Has”)天使面,细长如发丝,意大利人亲切地称之“天使的发丝”。Maicott 大通心面(袖筒面),直径很大,内部可填充馅料。Jmb Sll-大扇贝面,内部体积大,可填充馅料。Btterflie 蝴蝶结面,因其形状深受女性的欢迎.MdimEg Noodle蛋面,扁形。edium Shells, Chlie- 扇贝面,大扇贝面的缩小版,里面不填馅.paghetti长面,传统的长条形,也是一般意义的“意粉Orzo (”Barley”) - 粒粒面,饭粒形状.Vrmielli-细面,区别于天使面,细面一般短于5CM。Lasan-千层面(宽面),一层面一层馅焗制,或者拿去包意式云吞,口感独到。Rdaore (adiars”) - 层层面,造型别致精巧。2)Hee I sttowspecliserts we were famiia with bt no oaly et knwn em。 One s Trais。 Ilive msteahi oud fall inoveith insantly i yu go achne t dewhi。 Tramisu i asic Italiadeliay. Itsrich iate, justieteasre-huning,evry aer has iffernt tate。 提拉米苏(iramsu),在意大利原文里,“Tira”是“提、拉”的意思,“Mi”是“我”,“Su是“往上,合起来就是ic Up-拉我起来,带我走的意思;也有另一种解释是说提拉米苏 (iramisu)能让人更有精力!当然了,提拉米苏(Tirais) 里面又是咖啡又是酒,叫这个名字一点都不奇怪!Abot its nae, t s a tory. Dring wolwr I, a Italinsldir hve to leave tirhoms tjoi the arm. Deep loved hs ife would ik t prpare s saks or him owever,is famil wa too pr to rvide hefood. As aesul, i wfe nlytofindoutall iscts,read anffe, lyeranlayerstckup,mde ino deert and nae tiramisuvery time te sodier eats ts desert on te btlerun h awatink ohishom nd hs blved ife Soirmis mens “taking m aw” in Itay. f,t takes way not nly delicus, bualso loveand hapies. The soldier brought it, presenting hiswfes lv to th btleground. In adiio, it usallyals ha anohermeaning “remember m”, o eembr someone u ved。eror,t is calle “h taste of lv”tht c ot oertaed And tat i hyany couls ike toorder a tirmu western unries。 I wl, d thesr o h cream anwhisk until o peks appeari the mxture Whisk ay lmps utof the ascrpone d t thecram and u mixture。 Str gentl sont to erid fhe bbblein the mixtur.Soa h sponge fingr i the coee。n a glss bowl,bening with the cea, ayr thcreansogefinges until l temiture i se u. To ith theeam miture nd fih wt dtng ofccoa power and grted oclaeLeav t setin thefridge o3 o 4 hours or ovenght。制作步骤 (奶酪需要提前拿出回室温) ) 用大约一杯半的开水将咖啡粉冲开,放在一边冷却。 2)找一只小锅放少量凉水烧开,把鸡蛋黄,糖和百利酒放入一个不怕热的小盆内搅拌均匀(最好是不锈钢或者玻璃碗),水开后将火关小,将小盆放在锅上一点点的加热并且不断的搅拌。慢慢的你会发现鸡蛋液变稀了,但是过了一会又开始变稠,并且开始有小气泡冒出来.这个步骤其实是一种很常见的甜点酱的制作方法。这样做出来的蛋黄不但保持了生蛋黄的流动性,而且非常的卫生安全,慢慢的加热中细菌都被杀死了。并且酒精也蒸发出去很多。 根据盆的大小,这个过程可能要510分钟。 3)将奶酪用搅拌器打均匀,之后倒入做好的蛋黄液打至均匀光滑。4)鲜奶油打发.打出波浪不会消失就好(如图). 倒入(3)搅拌均匀。这时候我们的提拉米苏就做好一半了 5)准备好容器,我们可以组装了! 把手指饼的两面都轻轻的在咖啡液里沾一下。一面沾两秒钟就足够 (我都是在心里说1,2,就翻面) 6)一层手指饼,一层奶酪酱。两层还是三层随你。(我个人认为两层最好).这个配方用大容器做可以切出很规整的形状。7)最上面撒上巧克力粉,送入冰箱。 至少要冷藏八个小时。可以保存一周。你会发现时间越久味道越完美。当然,这么美味的东西谁会等到第7天才吃完呢。)创设于55年以后的圣芳济教会(Cpchin)的修士都穿著褐色道袍,头戴一顶尖尖帽子。圣芳济教会传到意大利时,当地人觉得修士服饰很特殊,就给他们取个Cappuci的名字,此字的意大利文是指僧侣所穿宽松长袍和小尖帽,源自意大利文“头巾”即Cappuccio. 然而,老意爱喝咖啡,发觉浓缩咖啡、牛奶和奶泡混合后,颜色就像是修士所穿的深褐色道袍,于是灵机一动,就给牛奶加咖啡又有尖尖奶泡的饮料,取名为卡布奇诺(Cappucco).英文最早使用此字的时间在1948年,当时旧金山一篇报导率先介绍卡布奇诺饮料,一直到199年以后,才成为世人耳熟能详的咖啡饮料。卡布奇诺也和一种猴名有关.非洲有一种小猴子,头顶上有一撮黑色的锥状毛发,很像圣芳济教会道袍上的小尖帽,这种小猴子也因此被取名为Capci, 此一猴名最早被英国人使用的时间在85年。apchin此字数百年后洐生成咖啡饮料名和猴子名称,一直是文字学者津津乐道的趣闻。 干卡布奇诺(DryCappuccino)是指奶泡较多,牛奶较少的调理法,喝起来咖啡味浓过奶香,适合重口味者饮用;湿卡布奇诺(Wet Cappucc)则指奶泡较少,牛奶量较多的做法,奶香盖过浓呛的咖啡味,适合口味清淡者。at Fanehe tl coectios any discussonftheinfuences on Fenc cuisinewoul b incolee wthot reconizi tetria conibution of Italy o he vepment of Frenchcookig. n 1533,tene De Medcis(a Forntine prncess) arre HnyduOrens (o ecame King Henry II Frnce) t s oint,ancews notknow forits fod or o culture.atherine brought n enourge of Itlan fswith herto Frce, wh intducetoFraea varety f dishe, fodprepaion andinng practices。 Althoug Frace d Italy obviously hae evolvd verydfferent odcltue,both efre since is contbuin, much of Frances curret food cuture can be trace back o ths time.French cii s extemyere, ani from th vy bic, such ashe tratonal bgute plscheese pu ineesive wie,to ery laboraeaffirs that can involea dozn corss and dierentws cnsumed vr severhurs 1)A sandard baguete hsa damtrof abot 5 or6centieer(2 o 2in) nd ausuallenh f but 65 centimeters (26n), ltouga bauette cn beuto aer (40in)log.The bagettede tadionrans” is de fr weat flor, er, ya, ancmmoslt。 t de not oi aites, bu t my otaibrod beanflour (x%),soya four(m0。5%), n wamlflo (ax 0。3%).Sandard bgueteoweve mayontain a rtain numb of aditivs。Dependig on hoseuse eithe inte rnalflou or the ded epaatelytohe bred ingrediens, a baguete or an otrFrench bad- may notbe onsidred eg rkoser2) brea and buter ar te bestcoic.o exts hese。Tere ae about 40 dfferenttyps of rccheese。 For asingle pe of hese, ther r y evral hndiferet prdcerThe cheese fromthse prodcrs l be somewat ifferntdueto ton inhe l, yeast,and oduction approach used Chese hou be sredin cool, dry loction Its peferbl to bewaped inape rate han lasti, as t paperallows t brahe。 Cmmbe is simp mde ofw milk, and tates far bettere creamy, so is outside eridgefor a ew ors beoeevin so ttyo kt soter.Goa cee is xcelnn wil be he ly of mot od redwinsbecase t bnsut their flavr。 Goas mi hees cn be vy dr,re, ocrea: prfer mdim dr one。 Fromage ra; jut s abve, manpeop ae fo f it and apprecia hvethi hie on yurcheesboard, ojut by itsefaftr a hevymal。3) A truffe s hfruitn boy of asubteranean Acmycetefngus, predinantly one f the many spciesof he geus Tber. m of the trufflescis ahighy prizda afo。Fench gouran caletrules ”hediamonds ofthkith.4) In trm ie, the vin i the ost mous arond h wl Butwe on talkabou how o tastethe, how detif hem. We toay discush Fenc n Cssificatin. 文中如有不足,请您指教!7 / 7


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