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2018考研英语作文历年真题及高分范文一2017年考研英语二,小作文考察的是一封邀请信的回函,要求写作内容包括:1、接受教授邀请给留学生做有关中国文化的presentation(介绍/演示)。2、提供介绍内容的关键信息。考官出题的套路并不好预测,和往年一样,让想依靠背模板来过写作关的同学眼前一黑,这完全证实了考研英语反押题反模板的一贯思路。不过从内容上看,写作手法也秉承了以往考研英语二小作文的思路-多种文体结合。此次写作完全可以写成一个感谢开头结合内容介绍的格式,思路简单但操作略有难度。写作过程中最难的地方在于有关中国文化的关键信息,对考生的基本功有一定要求。小作文Dear Professor Williams,It is my honor to receive your invitation to give presentation about Chinese culture to international students. And I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude and provide the specific information about my presentation, which is about the brief introduction of Confucianism, the dominant philosophy of oriental culture.To begin with, the first part of my presentation is the brief introduction to Master Confucius and the Analects of Confucius. Relevant background about Spring and Autumn warring state period will also be introduced. In addition, the second part is about etiquette, one of the cores of Confucianism, which stabilized ancient Chinese society. Moreover, I would like to upload the e-book of English version of the Analects of Confucius to the official website of our university, so that the audience will be fully prepared.Thank you for your invitation, and I wish my presentation will be appreciated by the audience.Yours sincerely,Li Ming亲爱的威廉教授:很荣幸收到您邀请我给留学生做关于中国文化的介绍,我在此对您表达衷心的谢意并提供相关的具体信息。我的介绍是关于东方文化的主导哲学思想儒家的内容。首先,我介绍的第一部分是关于孔子和论语的简介。同时还会介绍有关春秋战国的背景。其次,我的第二部分是关于“礼”的介绍。作为儒家思想的核心之一,“礼”为古代中国社会具有了稳定性。再次,我会把这些作品的电子版上传到我们大学的官方网站,以便听众能方便的下载,并对我的讲授内容做出充分准备。感谢您对我的邀请,我希望我的介绍能被大家欣赏。李明二2017年考研英语二考的大作文是曲线图,虽然以往没有考过这类型的图表,但是难度并不大。这种图形写作与2010、2011所考的柱状图写法有很大相似之处,都是有关一定时间段内数量变化的类型,可以说是换汤不换药。该图表涉及内容是参观博物馆的人数变化数据,关键词也不难写,故此从难度上看,属于中低难度。图中的关键词,博物馆(museum)是中学词汇,有基础能力的同学可以相对轻松把握;博物馆参观者用简单的visitors即可;至于图表中的数字是十万,6378个十万即6.378 billion.范文如下:The statistics about museums and their visitors are precisely illustrated by the line chart. During the 3 years from 2013 to 2015, the figure of museums experienced a gradual rise, and soaring from 4.145 thousand to 4.692 thousand. Besides, following the same tendency, the number of museum visitors, as is shown, ascended gradually from 6.378 billion to 7.811 billion, increasing by about 1.43 billion.The following factors, from my perspective, are responsible for the statistics. To begin with, aside from disseminating knowledge in schools, department concerned adopts other ways to promote the comprehensive quality of Chinese citizens, for instance providing more access to museums is a simple yet effective way to broaden visitors horizon. In addition, having been experiencing the unparalleled material prosperity, most of Chinese citizens intend to pursue knowledge by visiting museums, tourist attractions and other places. Moreover, museums, which are supported by public funding, provide visitors with knowledge and professional service. Individuals, therefore, are inclined to enjoy their leisure time by visiting museums.To summarize, the data shown by the chart objectively reflect whats happening in our society. Museums undoubtedly exert indispensible effects on our society and Chinese citizens, and it is predictable that, in the next decade, both large cities and small towns will witness the popularization of museums.三Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following pictures. In y essay. You should1) describe the pictures briefly.2) interpret the meaning,and3) give your comments.You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)左边一副图一个男孩放了好多书,没有读;右边一个男孩正在读书,针对本题,按照陈正康老师教的方法,三段式构思:1.简要描述-一人在空想,一人在行动!2.分析引申义-行动的重要性3.观点建议-提倡行动What is clearly presented in the picture is two opposite behaviors. In the first picture ,there are a lot of books besides a boy, but he doesnt read any book at all. On the contrary,, the second boy is making a plan of reading and carrying it out. Nothing can be more far-reaching and thought-provoking than this drawing!Apparently ,the implication of the given picture can be interpreted with regard to the significance of taking actions.No one can deny the fact that taking actions is extremely essential to achieve your goals. Only by putting your dream into action, can you really realize it. If you never take actions, you will never have a chance to win. Just as an old Chinese saying goes: “The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.” The more actions we take, the more likely we are to accumulate experience, master skills and get close to our destination. To further demonstrate the importance of taking actions, I would like to take a famous fable as a case in point: the Foolish Old Man who dreamed of removing the mountain in front of his gate began with carrying away small stones and finally realized his dream.Consequently, I believe, on the one hand, our government and the media should lose no opportunity to publicize the importance of taking actions. On the other hand, in our daily life, more than just thinking of something, we have to put it into action. Only by doing so, can we achieve our objectives and realize our dream. 四Part A Directions:Write a letter to your university library, making suggestions for improving its service.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.Do not write the address. (10 points)Part BDirections:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) support your view with an example/ examples.You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)Part AJanuary 20th, 2007Dear Sir or Madam,Im a student in the university and a loyal reader of this library. Im writing to tell some of my ideas, which I hope to be helpful for you.I notice that many magazines in our library are out of date. It would be beneficial to us students if they could be updated in time. And I suggest introducing some new journals so as to bring new fresh air to the library. Furthermore, since we have a huge number of books, it is not easy to find the right one easily. However, if we can introduce some new searching means, such as implementing new information management system that would be useful.Thank you for taking time reading this letter and Im looking forward to seeing some new changes soon.Sincerely Yours,Li MingPart BAs can be seen from the cartoon, different ideas may come from the same thing. In the picture, while trying to catch the upcoming soccer, the goal-keeper says to himself why it is so big. And, the striker simply thinks in a different way, that is why it is so small?!What makes such a big contrary on the same tournament at the same moment? It is no doubt that they are facing the very same goal and experiencing the very same moment. However, the subjective views result in different impression on the same object. Many of us may still remember the story of a pony crossing the river, which we learned from the textbook in primary school. The squirrel tells him, the river is deep; and the cow tells him, the river is not deep at all. However, in the end, he tells himself a third answer. Therefore, it is not exaggerating to say that most of us are looking into the world with personal ideas. Subjective mental status may result in a really big difference in personal views, just like the goal-keeper and the striker in the drawing.A possible solution might be to face any situation as objectively as possible. If we realize this in an objective way, it would be good for us to deal with what we encounter in life, especially when we are in setbacks or facing difficulties.


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