Module8 Sports Day Unit 1 What are you going to do-英语优秀教案设计 - 小学英语教案及反思

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Module8 Sports Day Unit 1 What are you going to do-英语优秀教案设计 - 小学英语教案及反思_第1页
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Module8 Sports Day Unit 1 What are you going to do-英语优秀教案设计 - 小学英语教案及反思_第2页
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Module8 Sports Day Unit 1 What are you going to do-英语优秀教案设计 - 小学英语教案及反思_第3页
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Module8 Sports Day Unit 1 What are you going to do?英语优秀教案设计 - 小学英语教案及反思 教学目标分析知识技能目标1技能目标:能用一般将来式的形式简单的描述将要发生的事情。2知识目标:2词汇:Sports Day、for、metre 、every day 、good luck 、come on2句型:What are you going to do for Sports Day ?Im going to 情感态度价值观目标1培养学生给别人鼓励,学会欣赏和赞赏他人。2激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立信心。3增强学生的团队意识,共同完成学习任务。学习策略目标:简单了解一般将来式特殊疑问句“What are you going to do for Sports Day ?,及答语。文化意识目标:了解如何用英语在比赛中给运发动鼓励、加油的用语。四、教学资源设计分析用新单词Good luck制成奖励用的卡片,充分利用单词卡片,并根据教学需要自制课件,对教学和教材资源进行有效整合。五、课堂教学效果检测设计本课的课堂教学效果检测从检测个人和检测小组两方面进行,遵循由简到难的原那么。六、教学过程设计(T表示教师)Greeting:T:Hello,boys and girls.(Students answer)T: How are you ?(Students answer)T:Im fine ,thank you .Today , I take many “Good luck!(Show them ).If you can do well ,Ill send one to you .( Lead reading it . Students spell it and the teacher write it on the blackboard. )Warmer:Show the chant about “Every Day use courseware :Every DayWere going to play football.Were going to play football every day.Were going to play basketball.Were going to play basketball every day.Were going to swim.Were going to swim every day.Were going to play table tennis.Were going to play table tennis every day.Were going to run.Were going to run every day.T: Now lets have a warmer .First ,students read it by themselves.Second, the teacher lead the reading of it .Third ,say the chant and do the actions .Claping hands when say every day .New lesson:Lead in :Show the picture of Sports Day use courseware.T: Look at this picture ,what are they doing?(Students answer)T: Yes ,they are having a Sports Day.Show “Sports Daycard.Lead reading it . Students spell it and the teacher write it on the blackboard.T: We are going to have a Sports Day.The teacher write it on the blackboard and lead reading it .Tets have a look ,what can we do on our Sports Day?Show the pictures of sports use courseware.No.1 is play football.No.2 is play basketball.No.3 is play table tennis.No.4 is swim.No.5 is run the 100 metres.Show “run the 100 metrescard. Lead reading it . Show “metrecard. Lead reading it . Students spell it and the teacher write it on the blackboard.T: What are you going to do for Sports Day ?Show “What are you going to do for Sports Day ? use courseware. Show “forcard. Lead reading it . Students spell it and the teacher write it on the blackboard.The teacher asks some students“What are you going to do for Sports Day ? Show “Im going to use courseware and lead them to answer.( Send one“Good luck!to who can do well .)Teamwork :Talk about “What are you going to do for Sports Day ? in groups.Then show their teamwork in the front of class. ( Send one“Good luck!to who can do well .)T: Im going to run the 100 metres .Im going to run every day.Show “every daycard. Lead reading it . Students spell it and the teacher write it on the blackboard.Students learn the text by themselves :First ,students read the text by themselves and draw out the new words.Second, find the new words in word list .Third , read the text again and answer the question “Whats Daming going to do for Sports Day ?Show “Whats Daming going to do for Sports Day ?use courseware. The teacher asks some students“Whats Daming going to do for Sports Day ? Show “Hes going to use courseware and lead them to answer.( Send one“Good luck!to who can do well .)Then show answers “Hes going to run the 100 metres . “Hes going to run every day.Listen , repeat and point.First ,listen,repeat and point.Pay attention to the new words.Second, look at the last three pictures.1)Listen,repeat and point.2)Act out one picture by one picture .Pay attention to “come on , “Good luck!.Show “come on and “Good luck!cards. Lead reading them one by one . Students spell them and the teacher write them on the blackboard one by one.New words:Read the new words one by one use the word cards.Summary:Through the blackboard design ,summary this lesson.Homework:?First, listen ,repeat and point five times. ?Second,teach your parents what you have learned today. Blackboard design:Module 8 Sports DayUnit 1 What are you going to do? We are going to have a Sports Day. What are you going to do for Sports Day ?Im going to


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