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Unit 12 My favorite subject is science. Section A(1a-1c),favorite feivrit ,I like black .I like white .I like green. But I like green best.,= My favorite color is green.,favorite adj./ n. 最喜爱的 like sth. best,S,9,oranges,Just like this : Your favorite letter/number/ is ,Photo of the teacher,Guess! My favorite feivrit letter /number/ is ,green,English,English is a subject. Computer is a subject , too.,sbdkt .,computer,subject sbdkt .,Chinese,Chinesetani:z,Englishl,art:t,history:hstr,computerkmpjut,P.E.,sciencesans,subject sbdkt n.,科目,学科,mathm,music,musicmjuzk,puter,English,English,English,Who has the quickest eyes?(记忆比拼),Who is the quickest? (比比谁最快),m_s_c,_ngl_sh,Ch_n_se,sc_nce,P.E.,_t,m_th,u i,E i,i e,ie,ar,a,1a Match the words with the pictures.,Task 1 Match,_1.P.E _2.art _3.science _4.music _5.math _6.Chinese,c,d,b,e,a,f,8,art,science,music,math,Whats your favorite subject?,English,math,art,music,science,P. E,Chinese,history,computer,My favorite subject is ,science,English,math,art,music,A: Whats your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is .,Task2: Ask and answer (Work in pairs.两人一组编对话.),Chinese,P.E.,1. P.E. _ 2. art _ 3. science _ 4. music _ 5. math _ 6. Chinese _,c,f,b,d,e,a,1b,Listen and circle the subjects in 1a you hear.,A: Whats your f_ subject? B: My favorite subject is s_. Whats yours? A: Hmm. Well, I like a_ and _ (数学). But my favorite subject is m_.,rt,usic,math,rt,avorite,cience,Tapescript 听录音,根据首字母填单词。,English,art,music,3. Jim can play very well and his favorite subject is _.,1. We learn ABC in _ class.,2. I like . So _is my favorite subject.,4. Miss Read is our _ teacher. She helps us in her class.,P.E.,词汇填空,你一定能行!,math,science,Chinese,5. “What is 13 and 15?” our _ teacher asks us.,7. Today, were going to learn some of Li Bais poems(诗) in our _ class.,6. I like doing experiments (实验) , so I like _.,词汇填空,你一定能行!,1.-Whats your favorite subject? -My favorite subject is _. A French fries B England C music D Sunday 2. _ your favorite subject? A Whats B What C Where D When 3. Whats _ favorite subject? My favorite subject is music. A. he B. his C. she D. your,我是你唯一的选择,当堂检测,(一)翻译下列单词: 1.学科 . 2.科学 . 3.一堂体育课 . 4.一堂美术课 . (二)把下列句子翻译成英语。 1.你最喜欢的科目是什么? 2.我最喜欢的科目是英语。,a P.E. class,science,an art class,subject,课堂反馈(请自己核对答案,有问题请提出),Whats your favorite subject ?,My favorite subject is science.,History makes people wise; poetry makes people smart; math makes people careful; science makes people profound. 历史使人明智;诗词使人灵秀;数学使人周密;科学使人深刻。,Remember,语文 数学 英语 美术 音乐 科学 体育,Chinese,math,English,art,music,语言目标,P.E.,science,词汇目标,Summary(小结),科目 subject,最喜爱的 adj./ n. favorite,A: Whats your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is .,1.抄写本课所学单词三遍,注意书写规范。 2.听录音,和同桌模仿对话1b, 然后编一个相似的对话并写下来。 3.对你的同学或朋友做一个调查,记录下他们最喜欢的科目。 4.查找出更多科目的英语名称并记录下来。(选做),Homework,Thank you!,1.Words(单词): favorite art subject music P.E. Chinese science math 2.Target language(目标语言) I like P.E. best=My favorite subject is P.E. What your/his/her favorite subject ? My/His/Her favorite subject is science.,1His favourite subject is English. (改为一般疑问句?) 2Her mothers favourite color is blue. (对划线部分提问) 3Anns favorite subject is music.(同义句转换),句型转换,Is his favourite subject English?,Whats her mothers favorite color?,Anna likes music best.,看谁做的又好又快,拓展延伸,1. She favorite color is red. 2. Whats you favorite subject ? 3. Whats your mother favorite color? 4. Whats your favorite singer?,Her,s,r,是对还是错你说了算,合作探究,Whos,A:Whats your favorite subject?,B:My favorite subject is,English computer P.E. art science music math Chinese ,English, English, English, my favorite subject is English. P.E., P.E., P.E., my favorite subject is P.E. Art ,art,art, my favorite subject is art. Music,music,music, my favorite subject is music. Math,math,math, my favorite subject is math. Science,science,science, my favorite subject is science. Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, my favorite subject is Chinese.,Lets chant!,Brainstorm,头脑风暴,art,P.E,Whats his/her favorite subject? His /her favorite subject is.,English,music,science,请同学们用上边的句型和图片里的科目,两人一组编对话,然后表演。,A: Whats ? B: His .,his favorite subject,favorite subject is P.E,P.E.,A: his favorite ? B: His favorite subject is .,Whats,subject,science,science,Whats his favorite subject?,His favorite subject is P.E.,Whats her favorite subject?,Her favorite subject is music.,What are they talking about? Do you want to know? After class please prepare next lesson on page72.,?,?,?,?,?,?,他们在谈论什么呢? 要想知道,请课后预习72页的内容.,P.E. =physical education,1b,_1. P.E _2. art _3. science _4. music _5. math _6. Chinese,c,d,b,e,a,f,A: Whats your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is ,Ask and answer in pairs:,Ask and answer in pairs:,A: Whats his/ her favorite subject? B: His/ Her favorite subject is ,English, English, English, my favorite subject is English. P.E., P.E., P.E., your favorite subject is P.E. Art ,art,art, his favorite subject is art. Music,music,music, her favorite subject is music. Math,math,math, my favorite subject is math. Science,science,science, your favorite subject is science. Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, his favorite subject is Chinese.,Lets chant!,Lets have a chant!,Homework:,1.抄写新单词,每个3遍; 2.模仿1c编对话一个; 3.完成作业本(1)P43; 4.预习课本2a-Grammar focus。,Thank you for your listening!,A: Whats your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is science. Whats yours? A: Hmm. Well, I like art and math. But my favorite subject is music.,The best imitator,2a Listening,2,3,4,Tapescript,A: Whats your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is P.E. A: Why do you like P.E.? B: Because its fun.,Subject Description 1.art a. fun 2.science b. interesting 3.music c. boring 4.P.E d. difficult 5.math e. relaxing,2b Listening,Tapescript,A: Whats your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is P.E. A: Why do you like P.E.? B: Because its fun. How about you? Whats your favorite subject? A: Hmm. My favorite subject is music. B: Really? Why? A: Because its relaxing.,Make up a new dialogue with your partner.,A: Whats your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is. A: Why do you like .? B: Because its .,My favorite subject is P.E. Because its exciting.,My favorite subject is science. Because its interesting.,My favorite subject is math. Because its interesting.,My favorite subject is art. Because its fun.,My favorite subject is music. Because its relaxing.,My favorite subject is history. Because I can learn about Chinese history.,Whats his/her subject? Why does he/she like ?,Whats his/her favorite subject? His favorite subject is Why does he/she like? Because he/she thinks its.,Survey,Whats your partners favorite subject? Why? Report: His/Her favorite subject is Because he/she thinks ,3a Conversation,A: Whats _ favorite _ ? B: _ favorite _ is art. A: Who is _ art _? B: _ art _ is Mrs. Jones.,subject,your,subject,My,your,teacher,teacher,My,Talk about the subjects you study at school.,A: What subject do you study? B: I study (English) A: When do you study (English) ? B: I study on,Whos your favorite teacher?,Why?,如何询问 “ 爱好和原因 ” Whats +主语(his/her/your favorite )? Why + do (does) +主语 + 动词原形 +宾语? His / her / my favorite is Because,A: Hello ! B: Hello ! A: _ is your _,please. B: _ name is Jim. A: Whats your _ subject ? B: _ favorite subject is science.,完成对话:,What,name,My,favorite,My,A: _ do you like it? B: Because it is _. A: I dont think it is interesting. And whats your sisters favorite subject? B: _ favorite subject is _. A: Oh, really? I like P.E , _.,Why,interesting,Her,P.E,too,We learn ABC in _ class. I like painting so _is my favorite subject. 3. Miss Read is our _ teacher. She helps us sing and dance in her class. 4. Mary can play basketball very well and his favorite subject is _.,English,art,music,PE,5. “What is 13 and 12?” our _ teacher asks us. 6. Today, were going to learn some of Li Bais poems in our _ class. 7. I like doing experiments (实验) so I like _. 8. I dont like _ because I cant remember (记住) those events. (事件),math,Chinese,science,history,Do you know your family members favorite things? Complete the chart of Part 4 in Page73, then talk about your family members with your classmates.,Homework,Section B,Match the subjects with their meanings.,art science music P.E. math,数学 美术 体育 科学 音乐,Whats your favorite subject? My favorite Whats his / her favorite subject? His / Her Why do you like math? Because Why does he /she like art? Because,Days of the week,Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday,星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日,Weekdays (工作日),Weekends (周末),Put these days into the correct order.,Tuesday Thursday Saturday Wednesday Sunday Friday Monday,3,5,7,4,1,6,2,Sunday在古英文中的意思是 suns day (属于太阳的日子)。对基督徒而言, 星期日是安息日, 因为耶稣复活的日子是 在星期日。约在西元三百年 左右, 欧洲教会和政府当局 开始明定星期日为休息的日 子, 直到今日, 世界上大多 数的国家都以 Sunday星期 例假日。,Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday,Whats your favorite day of the week?,Why?,A: Whats your favorite day, Dave ? B: My favorite day is Monday A: Why? B: Because I have art.,Survey,Dave,Monday,I have art.,Report:,Daves favorite day is Monday because he has art. He likes art.,What subjects do you study at school?,I study ,Art science music math P.E. Chinese history biology,Listening,Write down the school subjects you hear.,_ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _,biology,history,art,science,history,fun,Friday,art,relaxing,Monday Wednesday,science,interesting,this afternoon,2b Listening,Ken: Are you OK, Ming? Ming: No, Im not. Its Tuesday and I have biology. Selina: And you dont like biology? Ming: No. Its so boring. Ken: So, whats your favorite subject?,Tapescript,Ming: Oh, history! Its such fun. I love Friday because we have history in the morning. How about you , Selina? Selina: Art, I guess. Its really relaxing. Ming: When do you have art?,Selina: On Monday and Wednesday. How about you, Ken? Whats your favorite subject? Ken: Science. Its really interesting. I have science class this afternoon.,Pairwork,Ask and answer in pairs: A: What is your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is A: When do you have B: We haveon A: Why do you like ?,B: Because I think its A: Who is your teacher? B: My teacher is Mr. / Mrs. /Miss /Ms ,Dear Jane, Its Tuesday, November 11. Im really busy! At 8:00 I have math. I dont like math. Then at 9 I have science. Its difficult, but interesting. Next, at 10:00, I have art. Its boring, but at 11:00, I have P.E.,3a,Thats my favorite subject! I eat lunch at 12:00. After lunch, I have music. Music is relaxing. I like my music teacher, Mr. Cooper. Hes fun. My last class is at 2:00. After class I have volleyball for two hours. Our teacher is very strict and Im usually,very tired after class. Then I have Chinese history club. Its really interesting! Love, Lin Mei,Tuesday,Chinese history club,music,lunch,P.E.,art,science,math,volleyball,what ,why ,who 引导的疑问句 及回答的运用,1.What 是疑问代词,引导特殊疑问句, 意为“什么”“干什么”,放在句首。如: -Whats your father? - He is a worker.,2.Why 是疑问副词,意为“为什么”, 相当于“whatfor?” 放在句首,用来询问原因理由。回答why的问句用because. 如: -Why do you learn English? -Because I like it very much.,3.Who 是疑问代词,意为“谁”,位于句首。如: Who is the man ? He is my uncle.,When do you have +科目 ?,I have + 科目,everyday,on + 星期,你什么时候上课?,我每天(星期)上课?,1. What is your f_ subject? 2. He likes English because it is i_ . 3. My s_ teacher is Mr king. 4. I am very b_ today. 5. I eat l_ at 12 oclock. 6. My favorite day is F_.,每空填一个单词, 使句意完整。,avorite,nteresting,cience,usy,unch,riday,Practice,7. I am s_ you like some subjects. 8. Do you want to k_ about my morning. 9. Can you play the d_ . 10. All my classes f_ at 2:00.,ure,now,rum,inish,1. Why do she like music best ? do does 2. Whats you favorite subject ? you your 3. Whats your mother favorite color? mother mothers,判断正误。,句型转换。,1. His favourite subject is English. (改为一般疑问句?) 2. Her mothers favourite color is blue. (对划线部分提问) ,Is his favourite subject English?,Whats her mothers favorite color?,3. He likes art because its fun. (对划线部分提问) _ 4. My sister often does her homework in the evening.(改否定句) _ _,Why does he like art?,My sister doesnt often do her,homework in the evening.,Li: Which is your _ _? Han: Math. Li: _ do you like _? Han: Because its interesting. Li: Are you good at _ ? Han: No. Im _. Li: Whats your favorite_?,favorite,subject,Why,it,it,not,color,Fill in the blanks. (补全对话),Han : Blue. Li : Whats your mothers favorite color? Han : _ favorite _ is red.,Her,color,Writing,调查周围的人(包括他的亲戚朋友和邻居)喜欢收看哪方面的电视节目。运用本单元所学的句型: What do you think of.? (Why?) Whats your favorite game shows? What do you think of talk show? I doesnt mind it. I like it. I love it. I cant stand it.,Thanks for listening!,


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