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Revision,1.有相当长的一段时间黑人受到不平等的待遇他们没有选举权,There was a long time when blacks were not treated equally. They had no right to vote.,2. 美国民众强烈要求废除奴隶制,消除种族歧视,给黑人民权,The American public strongly demanded that slavery (should)be ended/abolished and that racial discrimination be removed/fought against and that black people be given their civil rights.,3. 他领导了抵制日货运动,因而受到全国人民的重视,Leading a boycott of Japanese goods gave him national attention.,4. 他相信社会的变革是通过和平手段而不依靠暴力,He believed that changes /reforms in society could be accomplished by peaceful actions, not by violence.,5. 教育应该是为所有孩子开办的,无论任何种族,宗教信仰和性别,Education should be / is supposed to be intended for all children, regardless of race, religion or sex.,6. 孩子们可以根据自己的意愿自由地选择读物,Children are free to make a choice of reading materials.,=Children are free in their choice of reading materials.,Unit 15 Destinations,Dictation,Every now and then, we get the itch to travel. Downtown Rio is Brazils cultural and historical heart and a walk through it is a history lesson. Few visitors leave Rio feeling disappointed. Kitzbuhel is a paradise for skiers, where you can try some of the finest and most challenging skiing in the world.,Revision of the text,Rio de Janeiro, Brazils second largest city, stretches itself lazily along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. So there are many famous beaches there, the best known one is Copacabana. Besides this, you can see a lot of modern malls and theme parks. The best time to visit Rio de Janeiro is in June or July. If you go around March, you are likely to meet one of the worlds most famous festival - Carnival. People there are known for their big hearts and friendliness,The best time to visit Kitzbuhel is winter because it is a paradise of skiers. Kitzbuhel is also home to one of the most challenging and exciting downhill slopes in the world. No matter whether you have learnt skiing or not, you can enjoy yourself very much there. After skiing, you can go to see some village culture, making your journey richer and more comfortable.,Word study,1.Practise making complaints and apologies.,complaint,complaints,I can see no grounds for _.(没有理由抱怨) We received a number of _ from customers about the lack of parking facilities.,complaint n. 抱怨,发牢骚 complain v.抱怨,发牢骚 complain to sb. about /of sth. that clause make a complaint about/against sb./sth,我要就这件事给经理提意见。 他愤懑的诉说他所受的不公平待遇。,Im going to complain to the manager about this.,He complained bitterly that he had been unfairly treated.,2. You are upset about the poor service.,打乱,搅乱,肠胃不适,腹泻,混乱,困扰,He arrived an hour late and upset all our arrangements. an upset stomach The company has survived the recent upset in share prices.,upset vt.& adj.& n.upset, upset upsetting be upset about sth. that clause,3.我们时不时会有去旅游的强烈渴望。,have an itch for knowledge,The insect bite itched all night.,The lads itching to go to university.,渴望知识 虫子咬的地方痒了一整夜。 这小伙子渴望去上大学。,itch n.痒;渴望,欲望 v. 发痒;渴望 get/have an itch to do for sth. itch to do,Every now and then, we get the itch to travel.,4.即使这个城市和周围的阿尔卑斯山的纬度不足以保证有雪,这儿的天气和令人惊叹的风景使得Kitzbuhel成为世界一流的滑雪胜地。,Even though the altitude of the city and its surrounding Alps is not enough to guarantee snow, the good weather and breath-taking scenery make Kitzbuhel a world-class ski resort.,guarantee vt.保证,保障;担保;确保 guarantee sth. sb. sth.= guarantee sth. to sb. to do sth. to be adj/n. that clause,保证某人某物,保证做,保证是,The art dealer _保证这幅画是真的,他们对这个钟的保修期为一年。,Buying a train ticket _ _不能保证你有座位,我们保证一星期内交货,They guarantee this clock for a year.,doesnt guarantee you a seat,We guarantee to deliver your goods within a week.,guaranteed the picture to be genuine.,/guaranteed that the picture was genuine,5.大多数宾馆有网站在那里你能看房间和价格。,Most hotels have websites where you can view rooms and rates.,rate n.价格,费用;速度;比率 vt.评价;看好;划分等级,at any rate rate sb/sth adj. (as) n.,无论如何,不管怎样;反正,大多数人步行的平均速度为每小时5公里。,Most people walk at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour.,The performance was rated (as) a success., Rated as a valuable travel book, The Travel Notes of Xu Xiake has been much studied by people of later times., She is currently rated number two in the world.,consider,rank,Key phrases,1.make an outline of 2.every now and then 3.get/have an itch to do 4.give sb. a glimpse of sth. 5.cool off 6.breath-taking scenery 7.a world-class ski resort 8.a feast for the eyes 9.take a dip in the pool 10.work out,11.a travel agent 12.a package trip 13.an entrance ticket 14.travel documents 15.a credit card 16.a travellers cheque 17.make a photocopy of sth. 18.foreign currency 19.seasoned travellers 20.travel light,at the sight of at first sight/glance out of sight in sight catch sight of lose sight of lose ones sight catch/ get a glimpse of have a good/poor eyesight =have good/poor sight,一看见到(就),乍一看;第一眼,看到;发现,看不到,失明,看不见,看得见,一瞥;一看,Key phrases,1.Should you have enough energy left after a day on the slopes, you can take a dip in the pool, work out at the gym or go dancing in one of the citys many hotels and clubs. I work out regularly to keep fit. Things have worked out quite well for us. Itll work out cheaper to travel by bus. Ive never been able to work her out.,take exercise,成功地发展,calculate,understand sbs character,He is _a new novel. She _ an engineering company _an engineer. I couldnt _ where the music was coming from.,working on,works with,as,work out,Sentence structures,1.Should you have enough energy left after a day on the slopes, you can take a dip in the pool, work out at the gym . 2.There is no need to worry if you have never skied before. 3.Finding out more about the destination you have chosen is not only a good way to save money and avoid problems , it can also be a lot of fun.,Answers to exercises,1-5 AADAA 6-9 BAAB,(1)afford (2)begin (3)looking (4)make (5)supposed (6)dare (7)comes (8)sounds (9)course (10)celebration,Writing:,


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