新核心大学英语听说教程3Unit 2

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Unit 2 Nuclear RadiationIn this unit you will:1.learn about nuclear radiation and the consequences resulting from a nuclear crisis;2.familiarize yourself with the words and expressions related to the theme of the unit;3.learn to recognize main ideas and understand the purpose of a lecture;4.enhance listening skills through non-theme related audio and video materials;5.learn to use proper expressions and sentence structures to get conference information from the registrar.Learning objectives Section I Science Report I Section II Science Report II Section III Science Report III1.Are you exposed to radiation everyday?2.What is the physical process of nuclear radiation?Lead-in questions:Unit 2 Part I Section I Lead-in questionsWord Bankproton/prtn/n.质子质子neutron/njutrn/n.中子中子weld/weld/v.接合,焊接接合,焊接uranium/jurenim/n.铀铀fission/fn/n.裂变裂变CANDU(Canadian Deuterium Uranium reactor)n.加拿大重水铀反应堆加拿大重水铀反应堆moderator/mdret(r)/n.减速剂减速剂deuterium/djutrm/n.重氢重氢calandria/klndri/n.排管式容器排管式容器coolant/kulnt/n.冷却剂冷却剂Unit 2 Part I Section I Word Bankturbine/tban/n.涡轮机涡轮机domesticate/dmestket/v.训化训化ingenuity/ndnjuti/n.聪明才智聪明才智radioactivity/rediktvti/n.放射性放射性low frequency低频低频submerge/sbmd/v.湮没湮没opaque/pek/adj.不透明的不透明的disrupt/dsrpt/v.扰乱扰乱off spring/fspr/n.后代后代respiratory/rsprtri/adj.呼吸的呼吸的pneumonia/njumni/n.肺炎肺炎Unit 2 Part I Section I Word Bankbone marrow骨髓骨髓juggle/dl/v.耍弄耍弄mortality rate死亡率死亡率Three Mile Island三里岛三里岛invariable/nveribl/adj.始终如一的始终如一的Unit 2 Part I Section I Word BankNotesUnit 2 Part I Section I Notes1.Three Mile Island Accident The Three Mile Island accident was a core meltdown in Unit 2(a pressurized water reactor manufacturedby Babcock&Wilcox)of the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station in Dauphin County,Pennsylvania near Harrisburg,United States in 1979.The power plant was owned and operated by General Public Utilities and Metropolitan Edison(Met Ed).It was the most significant accident in the history of the USA commercial nuclear power generating industry,resulting in the release of approximately 2.5 million curies of Task 1 Watch the video clip and then decide whether the following statements are true or false.1.The nuclei of certain elements,such as uranium,are stable and can be split apart in the process known as fission.2.Fission will occur when neutrons are moving too quickly.3.Deuterium has a neutron in its nucleus.4.Heavy water is more effective as a moderator than light water.5.A normally operating reactor will not leak any amount of radioactivity.FF_T_T_F_Unit 2 Part I Section I Task 1TaskTask 2 Watch the video clip for the second time and then complete the following sentences.Task1.The capacity to penetrate through otherwise opaque substances.The capacity to ,to .2.Radiation causes things other than fatal cancers or in live-born offspring.3.I think the number being counted by the Council on Economic Priorities,around nuclear commercial plants in the States have to do with pneumonia-type deaths.disrupt biological processes _kill cancer cells_serious transmittable genetic disease_nine thousand deaths a year_Unit 2 Part I Section I Task 24.But these are used to explore the relationship between smoking and lung cancer.5.The overall excess mortality the accident,conservatively,was 50,000 extra deaths.the same types of statistical techniques_probably attributable to_Unit 2 Part I Section I Task 21.How is radiation produced?2.How can one guarantee the safe operation of a nuclear power plant?3.How many different types of radiation does this video imply there are?What are they?Task 3 Watch the video clip again and give a short answer to each of the following questions.TaskThe reactor produces radiation as it generates heat._Personnel must be well trained,so that they can master this complex technology._3,low frequency radiation,high frequency radiation,nuclear radiation._Unit 2 Part I Section I Task 34.Does a nuclear power plant affect the mortality rate in the surrounding areas?【Script】According to the statistics released by Dr.Bertell,living near nuclear plant means more exposure to elevated levels of radiation,which largely,in turn leads to more death tolls._Unit 2 Part I Section I Task 3ScriptUnit 2 Part I Section I Script The atom:in the center surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons,lies the nucleus.There,protons and neutrons are welded together by unimaginably powerful forces,but the nuclei of certain elements,like uranium,are unstable and can be split apart in the process known as fission.In fission,a nucleus absorbs a stray neutron and splits apart.Heat and radiation are released alongwith more neutrons.If the right material is arranged correctly,a chain-reaction is produced.If the neutronsare moving too quickly,fission will not occur.A Word Bankevacuation/vkjuen/n.撤离,疏散撤离,疏散seal/sil/v.密封密封carbon dioxide二氧化碳二氧化碳filter/flt(r)/n.过滤器过滤器squat/skwt/v.蹲下蹲下dacha/dt/n.(俄语)(乡间)房屋(俄语)(乡间)房屋vent/vent/v.通风通风suffocate/sfket/v.使使窒息而死窒息而死kit/kt/n.成套设备(工具)成套设备(工具)fallout/flat/n.(核爆炸后的)放射性坠尘(核爆炸后的)放射性坠尘Unit 2 Part I Section II Word BankNotes1.Richard E.Besser Richard E.Besser,MD,(born 1959)is an ABC News Medical editor and formerly the acting director of the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry(ATSDR).2.emergency kit A list of supplies or items prepared(usu.in a suitcase)to help you evacuate in case of emergency,such as a flashlight,battery-operated radio,food,water and blankets.Unit 2 Part I Section II Notes1.Which of the following best explains“shelter in place”?A.To find a house in which to live.B.To be protected by the door.C.To place carbon dioxide and ice in its original place.D.To get indoors quickly and seal the area off.2.Which of the following is NOT true of Dr.Bessers demonstration?A.It involved taking carbon dioxide and ice and placing them under the door.B.It showed that a basic door can be of great help to keep radiation out.C.The gas really came through the basic door.D.The door needed a plastic.Task 1 Watch the video clip and choose the best answers to the questions below.TaskUnit 2 Part I Section II Task 13.How long can one stay in a sealed room before ventilating it?A.3 days.C.3 minutes.4.What is the first priority if nuclear radiation is released?A.To evacuate first before the disaster.B.To have a radio.C.To prepare three days water.D.To shut the door.5.Following the guidelines reduces radiation exposure to of what one would experience outdoors.A.5%C.25%B.3 hours.D.3 days and 3 hours.B.15%D.55%Unit 2 Part I Section II Task 11.How should one seal the door?2.Why does a basic door offer little help?3.What is the purpose of the test?4.What emergency supplies should homeowners keep?Task 2 Watch the video clip for the second time and give a short answer to each of the following questions.TaskTake a basic plastic sheet,ideally pre-cut,and use it to cover the door on all sides.Make sure that the gas has no way to come in._It allows gas to come through._To test whether following the guidelines will effectively keep radiation(of toxic gasses)out._Water,food,and a radio to follow broadcasting instructions._Unit 2 Part I Section II Task 2Task 3 Watch the video clip again and speak for two minutes on the topic.Prepare to answer one or two questions from classmates or the teacher after the presentation.For Reference:Unit 2 Part I Section II Task 3Task In this television program,Dr.Besser gives useful advice on how to keep safe when faced with nuclear radiation.In such an emergency,the immediate goal is to evacuate as quickly as possible.However,if there is not enough time to get out of the radiation zone,one should seek shelter in place,which would reduce radiation exposure substantially.There are several rules to follow in order to seal the door.First,prepare plastic sheeting(ideally,have it pre-cut).Second,cover the Suggested questions and answers:1.What does“shelter in place”mean?2.What if oxygen starts running out in the sealed room?3.What if the water is not drinkable?It means getting inside quickly and sealing off the area from dangerous gasses or radiation._One cannot keep the door sealed all the time.After three hours,one has to vent it to let some oxygen in to avoid suffocation._The best way is to store as much drinking water as possible._Unit 2 Part I Section II Task 3【Script】ScriptUnit 2 Part I Section II ScriptHolder:So lets talk about the people in the evacuation zone around that stricken nuclear plant,still so many there,told to seal themselves off inside their homes.The people here in the U.S.asking what to do if a nuclear crisis happens in this country,and Dr.Richard Besser,you decided to take a really closer look at this.Doctor B:Thats right,Robin,you know,the goal is to get out of the radiation zone as quickly as possible.But if there wasnt time to evacuate,you may be told to do whats called shelter in place.That means toget inside fast and seal off the area from whatever is Word Bankwrestle/resl/v.奋力对付奋力对付international nuclear event scale核事件分级核事件分级anomaly/nmli/n.异常事物异常事物meltdown/meltdan/n.核反应堆核心熔毁核反应堆核心熔毁prompt/prmpt/v.促使促使deployment/dplmnt/v.部署部署Ukraine/jukren/n.乌克兰乌克兰radius/reds/n.半径半径Harrisburg/hrsbg/n.哈里斯堡(美国宾西法尼亚州首府)哈里斯堡(美国宾西法尼亚州首府)sicken/skn/v.使愤怒使愤怒graze/rez/v.放牧放牧Unit 2 Part I Section III Word BankNotes1.Bob Woodruff Robert Warren“Bob”Woodruff(born August 18,1961)is an American television journalist.His career in journalism dates back to 1989,and he is widely known for succeeding Peter Jennings as coanchor of ABC News weekday news broadcast,World News Tonight in January 2006.Later the same month he was critically wounded by a roadside bomb in Iraq.2.International Nuclear Event Scale The International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale(INES)was introduced in 1990 by the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA)in order to enable prompt communication of safety signifi-cance information in case of nuclear accidents.Unit 2 Part I Section III Notes1.Level 1-3 2.Level 4 3.Level 5 4.Level 6 5.Level 7 Task 1 Watch the video clip and match the levels in the left column with the descriptions in the right column.Taska.an accident:minor release of radioactive material,high probability of significant exposureb.incidents:ranging from anomaly to serious incidentc.a serious accident:a significant release of radioactive material,requiring planned counter-measuresd.an accident:a limited release of radioactive material,requiring some counter-measures,a few deathse.the worst nuclear power plant accident in history,major release of radioactive materials1.b 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.e_Unit 2 Part I Section III Task 1Task 2 Watch the video clip for the second time and choose the best answers to the questions below.1.How large is the evacuation radius from the reactor now?A.12 miles.B.More than 12 miles.C.Less than 12 miles.D.25 miles.2.What do people in the town about 25 miles north of the nuclear facility fear?A.Shortages of food and water.B.Shortages of money.C.Aftershocks.D.A significant release of radiation.Unit 2 Part I Section III Task 2Task3.Which of the following statement is NOT true about the governments orders?A.The government ordered everyone to leave.B.The government came door to door to give the orders.C.The government informed the local residents of the severity of the radiation levels.D.The government told the local residents to leave within a month.Unit 2 Part I Section III Task 24.What did the government finally acknowledge?A.The nuclear leak is of minor importance.B.The government can control the situation.C.The governments counter-measures proved to be effective.D.The government failed to control this serious situation.5.All the following information about dairy farmer Kenichi Hasegawa(長谷川健一長谷川健一)is true EXCEPT_.A.he lost his livelihood B.he cannot sell his milk C.he loves his hometown D.he has been poisoned by the radiationUnit 2 Part I Section III Task 2【Script】ScriptUnit 2 Part I Section III Script In the wake of Japans earthquake disaster,the country wrestles to keep its damaged nuclear powerplants under control.Officials around the world are carefully monitoring radiation levels,using whatscalled the“International Nuclear Event Scale”.Introduced in 1990 as a way to consistently engagenuclear events and communicate that threat to the public,the scale is made up of seven levels.The firstthree are called“incident levels”,and range from anomaly to serious incident.Starting at level four,theevents are termed accidents.Level four is an accident with local consequences,meaning a minor release Understanding Lectures:Recognizing the Main Idea and Main PurposeUnderstanding Lectures:Recognizing the Main Idea andMain Purpose When a lecture starts,the first thing to do is to identify the topic,scope,and purpose of the lecture as soon as possible,in other words,to distinguish the overall ideas and general concepts from specific points.This will help one retain and remember details,making note-taking easier.To differentiate the information,learners need to follow the lecturers stream of ideas by activating the schemata(the knowledge of the subject matter and world),and looking for clues and discourse markers,in the lecturers words.Unit 2 Part IIThis approach will alert learners to the importance of key information,e.g.“Today,I want to talk about”,“Now,lets move on to”,“One of the special features is that.”,“One reason is that Another problem is Other factors that could be contributing to include”Sometimes,it is necessary to determine purposes and attitudes which are usually embedded in statements of intention,e.g.“What I intend to show today”,“Today I am going to take up the subject of”,“The topic Id like to introduce”,“Now let me look at this from a different point of view”,“Now let us consider”and“We may here review the factors that”Unit 2 Part II Aside from listening attentively,actively,and alertly,learners can also make full use of audio-visual aids to understand the main ideas and points of the lecture(see slide 1),and take notes accordingly.Unit 2 Part IILectures-Contents1.Introduction to radiation detection2.Sources of radiation3.Radiation interactions4.Pulse processing electronics-I.(basics and signal shaping energy)5.Pulse processing electronics-II.(timing,Coincidences,position,particle identification)6.Uncertainty/error analysis,data reporting7.Counting statistics/dead time8.Gas-filled detectors:Introduction&ion chambers9.Proportional counters,GM counters.10.Position sentitive gas detectors:Drift detectors and time projection chamberUnit 2 Part II11.Semiconductor detectors,p-n junction diodes12.Ge and Si detectors13.Alternative solid-state detectors14.Miscellaneous detector types15.Gamma-ray spectroscopy and applications16.Scintillation detectors17.Slow neutron detection18.Fast neutron detection19.Neutron dosimetry20.Subcritical assembly21.Invited lectureSpring 2009 Radiation detection&Measurements 10(slide 1:about nuclear radiation)Unit 2 Part IITypical questions What is the main idea/main point/subject/topic of this lecture?What does the lecture mainly concern?Why does the professor mention?What does the speaker say about?Unit 2 Part IIirrational/rnl/adj.不合逻辑的;不合理的不合逻辑的;不合理的rationality/rnlti/n.合理性合理性illusion/lu:n/n.错觉错觉metaphor/metf/n.隐喻隐喻vertical/v:tkl/adj.垂直的垂直的horizontal/hrzntl/adj.水平的水平的animate/nmet/vt.使栩栩如生地动作使栩栩如生地动作shrink/rk/v.缩短;收缩缩短;收缩deceive/dsi:v/v.欺骗欺骗intuition/ntjuin/n.直觉直觉intuit/ntju(:)it/v.由直觉知道由直觉知道Word BankUnit 2 Part II Word Bankevolutionarily/i:vlu:nrli/adv.进化地;演变地进化地;演变地cognitive/kntv/adj.认知的认知的donation/dnen/n.捐赠捐赠reside/rzad/vi.(性质)存在(于)(性质)存在(于)end up(doing)非正非正(以(以)结束;最终)结束;最终成为成为变得变得DMV(美国)车辆管理局(美国)车辆管理局(the Department of Motor Vehicles 的缩写的缩写)encounter/nkant/vt.遇到遇到when it comes to.当提到当提到graphic/rfk/adj.绘画的,生动的绘画的,生动的Unit 2 Part II Word Bankrespective/rspektv/adj.各自的;各个的各自的;各个的implication/mplken/n.含义含义,暗示暗示go bar hopping逛酒吧(一夜转战很多个逛酒吧(一夜转战很多个酒吧)酒吧)perspective/pspektv/n.观点,想法观点,想法silver lining(不幸或失望中的)一线希望(不幸或失望中的)一线希望Unit 2 Part II Word BankNotesUnit 2 Part II Notes1.DMV In the US,the Department of Motor Vehicles,most commonly known as DMV,is a state-level governmentagency in charge of anything that has to do with vehicles,from registration of a car to the issuing of a drivers license to safety and emission inspection.2.Superman Superman is a fi ctional character,a comic book superhero created by American writer Jerry Siegel and Task Complete the following sentences while watching the video clip.Try to follow the flow of the lecturers ideas.Task1.Ill tell you a little bit about .2.And I want to start by giving you .3.Because in visual illusions we can easily demonstrate the mistakes.In cognitive illusion its much,much harder to demonstrate to people the mistakes.So I want to .4.Now think about what this means.irrational behavior_ some examples of visual illusion as a metaphor for rationality _ show you some cognitive illusions,or decision making illusions,in the same way _ We wake up in the morning and we feel we make decisions _Unit 2 Part II Task5.Now,you might say,“”.6.And its so complex that .And because we have no idea what to do,we just .7.Ill give you a couple of more examples .8.What is?9.I think that if we understood our cognitive limitations in the same way that we understand our physical limitations,even though they dont stare us in the face in the same way,.These are decisions we dont care about _we dont know what to do_ pick whatever it was that was chosen for us _ on irrational decision making _the general point_we could design a better world_Unit 2 Part II Task【Script】ScriptUnit 2 Part II Script Ill tell you a little bit about irrational behavior.Not yours,of course.Other peoples.(Laughter)And I want to start by giving you some examples of visual illusion as a metaphor for rationality.So think about these two tables.And you must have seen this illusion.If I asked you whats longer,the vertical line on the table on the left,or the horizontal line on the table on the right?Which one seems longer?Can anybody see anything but the left one being longer?No,right?Its impossible.But the nice thing about visual illusion is we can easily demonstrate mistakes.So I can put some Extensive Listening I News Reports II Interview III Televised Speech IV Conversations V Passage Listening VI Compound DictationWord BankUnit 2 Part III I News Reports Itsunami/tsunmi/n.海啸海啸displace/dsples/v.迫使(人)离开迫使(人)离开Naoto Kan 日本首相菅直人(第日本首相菅直人(第94任)任)Fukushima Dai-ichinuclear plant福岛第一核电站福岛第一核电站fuel rod燃料棒燃料棒plutonium/plutnim/n.钚(一种化学元素)钚(一种化学元素)aftermath/ftm/n.创伤,后果创伤,后果Listen to the report and then do the following exercise.1.How many people were killed in the earthquake and tsunami?A.Three thousand.C.Two thousand.2.What did Prime Minister Naoto Kan NOT mention in his speech?A.His sympathy to the people who live in the shelter.B.A promise to give them material compensation.C.His attempt to comfort the local people.D.The on-going rescue efforts.B.Nine thousand.D.Six thousand.Unit 2 Part III I News Reports I3.Which reactor was seriously damaged?A.No 1.C.No 3.4.The military is“working around the clock”probably means _.A.working in time B.working on time C.working with clocks in hand D.working day and nightB.No 2.D.No 4.Unit 2 Part III I News Reports I【Script】ScriptUnit 2 Part III I News Reports I A huge earthquake and tsunami destroyed a large part of northeastern Japan last week.Survivors and rescue workers stopped for one minute on Friday to remember the hour when the earthquake struck.The quake and tsunami killed at least six thousand people.More than nine thousand others are missing.About three hundred eighty thousand people have left their homes after they were heavily damaged or destroyed.Those displaced are now living in more than two thousand shelters.Pentagon/pentn/n.五角大楼(美国国防部)五角大楼(美国国防部)aircraft carrier航空母舰航空母舰particulate/ptkjult/adj.微粒的微粒的hysteria/hstri/n.歇斯底里,大肆鼓吹歇斯底里,大肆鼓吹Word BankUnit 2 Part III I News Reports II1.Which best explains why people are concerned about the Ronald Reagan?A.It was the name of a pr


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