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How many senses do we haveHow many senses do we have?What are theyWhat are they?Our SensesThe five senses are sight,smell,taste,touch and hearing.Name the pictures.sighthearing tastesmelltouchWhat do you know about.What do you know about.A.There is a picture.Is it beautiful or not?B:let me have a it.2.A.The song is nice.Isnt it?B.yes,I it.3.A.The food is delicious.B.yes,I can it.4.A.Is the apple sweet?B.Let me it.5.A.the cup is hot or cold?B.Its hot.Dont it.smelltastelook atheartouchhearingsmellsighttastetouchWhat is called What is called the window of the brain the window of the brain?eyesWhat item contains a What item contains a?earsWhich sense uses your?Which sense uses your?The sense of taste.sweetbittersaltyspicysourWhich sense sometimes stops Which sense sometimes stops working when you have a coldworking when you have a cold?The sense of smell.Which sense is spread over Which sense is spread over your whole body?your whole body?The sense of touch.Can you always believe what your senses tell you?Look at the following.Which lines are longer,ab or cd,and ef of gh?With the sense of,we canthe sense of hearingthe fire alarmthe sense of sightthe sense of smellthe sense of touchheatfiresmokeFIREDogs are our best friendsDogs for funDogs for huntingDogs for guarding housesPolice dogs for searchingguide dogs/seeing-eye dogsDogs for leading the blindsThey help blind people.They show the blind person where he can walk safely.They stop at crossings,and show the blind person when it is safe to cross the dogs Blind man and eyes in fire dramaguide dogs The name of the blind man is probably Charlie is probably a The eyes in the title probably belong to The story is probably about a at a hotel.Blind man and eyes in fire dramaThinThinkkJohn F Dancer.Whats the name of the blind man?Whats the name of the blind man?Who is his eyes?Who is his eyes?Charlie.Where did the story take place?Where did the story take place?In the Dragons Head Hotel.Charlie was not allowed in the hotel.What was Johns first trouble?What was Johns first trouble?What was Johns trouble later?What was Johns trouble later?He and Charlie were caught in the fire.When did the fire break out?When did the fire break out?When John was sleeping.What was Johns first trouble?What was Johns first trouble?What was Johns trouble later?What was Johns trouble later?A.John was woken by Charlies barking.He smelt the smoke and knew that the hotel was on fire.He tried to stop the smoke from getting into the room and waited.D.John called the manager,who allowed Charlie stay.Then he showed John his room and where the fire exit was.B.John Dancer tried to check in at a hotel with his dog,Charlie.The clerk didnt allow Charlie in the hotel,though John explained he was blind and that Charlie was his eye.C.The fireman refused to rescue the dog at first,but John was able to convince them to take Charlie.Finally they were taken to the safety.John and Charlies experience has been changed John and Charlies experience has been changed into four parts.Try to put the parts in right order.into four parts.Try to put the parts in right order.B.John Dancer tried to check in at a hotel with his dog,Charlie.The clerk didnt allow Charlie in the hotel,though John explained he was blind and that Charlie was his eye.D.John called the manager,who allowed Charlie stay.Then he showed John his room and where the fire exit was.C.The fireman refused to rescue the dog at first,but John was able to convince them to take Charlie.Finally they were taken to the safety.A.John was woken by Charlies barking.He smelt the smoke and knew that the hotel was on fire.He tried to stop the smoke from getting into the room and waited.the help from othershis own effortHow can John,a blind man,manage to How can John,a blind man,manage to survive in such a dangerous fire drama?survive in such a dangerous fire drama?blanketa thick,woolen piece of cloth to cover someone in bed.s 盖毯(盖毯(n.)exciting thing that happens drama fire drama火灾火灾戏剧性事件(戏剧性事件(n.)sensible wise;clever a sensible choice;a sensible person 明智的(明智的(a.)exclaimsay something or cry out suddenly and loudly because of surprise,anger,pain,etc.呼喊呼喊,惊叫(惊叫(v.)location be located in位于位于 place where something is“Jinmao Building is located in Pudong New area.”位置(位置(n.)locate(v.)receptionreceptionist 接待员接待员receiving and welcoming接待,接待处(接待,接待处(n.)initialsfirst letter(s)of someones name My names Harry Potter.My initials are H P.人名每一部分的第一个字母(人名每一部分的第一个字母(n.)personally by oneself.personal呼喊呼喊,惊叫(惊叫(ad.)person(a.)(n.)dramareceptionblanketsexclaimH PHarry Potterinitialssensiblepersonallylocation alarm6.surface7.wetreceiving and welcominga bell that warns peopleabout firemade wetan exciting eventoutside part of somethingby oneselfthe first letters of namesRead the sentences and choose the proper words to fill into the blanks surface reception location blankets exclaimedYour house is just next to the underground station.Its in a wonderful _.On cold nights,I cannot sleep without two _.The girl at the _ desk gave John his room key.Rat!she _,and jumped onto the chair.locationblanketsreceptionexclaimedIf you If you were blindwere blind,and you and you were caught in a firewere caught in a fire,What would happen to you?What would happen to you?Imagine ImagineWhat can we do to help the disabled around us in our daily life?ln our neighborhood ln our school ln our city ln the world2.Finish supplementary exercises.1.Read new words and expressions3.Make a project on how to help the disabled around you in your neighbourhood?HomeworkAs soon as he walked into the hotel.When did Jonns trouble begin?When did Jonns trouble begin?What is Johns first trouble?What is Johns first trouble?Charlie is not allowed.Is charlie johns pet?Is charlie johns pet?No,it isnt.Before the fire:John entering the hotel (P1-5)Trouble beganAs soon asWalk into Went to the reception deskBook a roomAllow petsMy eyesTake me everywhereBark and sound like yesBefore the fire:John entering his room (P6-10)The manager came and agreedLed personallyThe location of the fire exitThe fifth door along fromSafety firstBe sensibleDescribe to46 结束语结束语


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