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新视野大学英语第二册词汇测试Unit 11. The government has devoted a larger slice of its financial _to agriculture than most othercountries.A) conditionsB) potential C) budget D) economy2. The long drought caused a(n) _shortage of water in this region.A) urgent B) acute C) dense D) rigid3. Many in the credit industry expect that credit cards will eventually _paper money foralmost every purchase.A) trade B) replace C) exchange D) reduce4. The history of life on earth has been a history of_ between living things and theirsurroundings.A) introduction B) interview C) interference D) interaction5. Don t have him for a friend. He s _ a criminal.A) anything but B) but for C) rather thanD) nothing but6. I ve seen Donna in lots of movies, but I ve never seen her .A) in personB) in reality C) in practiceD) in theory7. The Democratic and Republican parties hold _ every four years to choose candidates for President.A) concessions B) conservations C) conversationsD) conventions8. The annual income of one school teacher in this place was _at $900 on average.A) budgetedB) predicted C) assessedD) accounted9. Reading is a pleasant way to spend one s .A) leisure B) relaxation C) relief D) recreation10. If you want to learn English well, you must first find a_ teacher.A) ableB) favorable C) significantD) competent11. Jane was the only one who _all the conditions: she was of the required age, height anddegree.A) recovered B) fulfilled C) completedD) contended12. In the United Nations, many countries_ the proposal to send more troops to the MiddleEast.A) turned down B) turned upC) turned offD) turned over13. There are several characteristics of the book _ special attention.A) worthy B) worthy of C) worth of D) worthless14. The consumption market in the western provinces will grow rapidly, _ the market in the affluent ( 富饶的 ) eastern area is likely to grow at a moderate pace.A) neverthelessB) therefore C) whereas D) consequently15. What one wears does not always _what one does but gives clues to one s taste for life.A) go on B) go with C) go byD) go after16. It is _ and encouraging to observe the development of this immense process.A) distressing B) incredible C) amused D) fascinating17. It is reported that the two armies _near the borderline again before dawn.A) clashedB) crushed C) crashed D) flashed18. The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her_ attitude towardcustomers.A) serious B) mild C) hostileD) plain19. I am very much _ to hear that Mr. Smith is so seriously ill.A) frightened B) frustrated C) disappointed D) distressed20. Louis Herman, at the University of Hawaii, has_ a series of new experiments todetermine the intelligence in some animals.A) installedB) formatted C) devised D) equipped21. There is supposed to be a_ which serves to give full play to workers initiative.A) mechanicsB) machine C) mechanic D) mechanism22. We should make a clear_ between the two scientific terms for the purpose of ourdiscussion.A) separation B) selection C) distinction D) division23. My camera can be _ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.A) treated B) adjusted C) adopted D) remedied24. It is highly desirable that every effort to reduce pollution in Beijing.A) was made B) be made C) will be made D) would be made25. After a thorough search, the police _ most of the missing jewels.A) restored B) refreshed C) returned D) recovered26. The shy girl always left by the back door to_ her neighbors.A) ignore B) neglect C) rid D) avoid27. I would appreciate _it a secret.A) your keepingB) you to keep C) that you keep D) that you will keepof sounds.28. No matter what language they are learning children all seem to follow the same order in theA) inheritanceB) acquisition C) accumulationD) possession29. He came to the meeting_ her serious illness.A) in case ofB) in spite of C) instead ofD) on account of30. After she d overcome her shyness, she became very comfortable and friendly.A) preliminary B) previous C) crucialD) initial参考答案Unit 11-5 CBBDD 6-10 ADCAD 11-15 BABCB 16-20 DACDC 21-25 DCBBD 26-30 DABBD1. The new laboratories will be constructed this year, and local firms have been asked to_the work.A) assign B) confront C) provide D) undertake2. Charles is shy and does not take the _ in making acquaintances.A) presentation B) initiative C) strategy D) introductionland of3. Because of its incredibly _ natural resources, the United States appeared to be a plenty ”.A) optional B) maximum C) abundant D) leading4. The scientist has found a new _of butterflies in the mountainous areas of that country.A) species B) catalog C) segment D) identity5. My sister is quite _ and plans to get an M. A. degree within one year.A) aggressiveB) considerate C) enthusiasticD) ambitious6. It s quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have a good manner and knowledge.A) intensiveB) expansive C) extensiveD) expensive7. These international events seem likely to_ , or at least weaken, the trends that emerged inthe 1990s.A) revolt B) reform C) reverse D) replace8. If the world is to remain peaceful the utmost effort must be made by nations to limit local _ .A) collisions B) combats C) contradictions D) conflicts9. The baseball match is being _ by a cigarette company.A) contributedB) sponsored C) grantedD) attributed10. We don t accept cheques; you have to pay in _ .A) cashB) coin C) moneyD) dollar11. Do you mean that this plant _electricity for the entire city?A) chargesB) manufactures C) yields D) generates12. Competition, they believe, _ the national character rather than corrupt it.A) enforces B) confirms C) accords D) strengthens13. The older generation have always _on some of the ideas of the young.A) frowned B) criticized C) disapproved D) objected14. My sole object was to get shelter _ the snow, to get myself covered and warm.A) for B) off C) from D) over15. Natural gas can be used to power cars by_ their engines.A) condensing B) converting C) transferring D) transmitting16. With the increasing of environmental awareness, many green belts _all over the country.A) spring off B) spring up C) spring inD) spring out17. Teenage mothers often have no_ but to live with their parents.A) option B) chance C) selection D) scope18. We cannot af ford to long ignore Taiwan businessmen s strong desire to share _economic benefits with the mainland.A) abnormal B) enormous C) amateur D) vacant19. This kind of tent is easily _ or folded away.A) made B) founded C) erected D) extended20. They hoped that the law would ensure the_ of these rare animals which had been killedin large numbers in this area.A) convention B) conservation C) preventionD) precaution21. An interest in people s deepesint gfese_l _ all her writings.A) portrays B) represents C) characterizes D) demonstrates22. Sport and _ have always been part of university life.A) refreshment B) recession C) reservation D) recreation23. It was such a wonderful day that they decided to make a to the mountain.A) voyageB) excursion C) inspectionD) picnic24. Of course the farmer s house is not with yours. His is just a small cottage whereasyours is like a palace.A) competentB) competitive C) comparative D) comparable25. There is a beautiful view from the of the hill.A) summit B) ceiling C) landscape D) maximum26. The news began to _ through to the outside world.A) pour B) filter C) broadcast D) drip27. In Shanghai, city planners have made many places for green belts and garden.A) placesB) lots C) spaces D) strips28. She walked slowly along the path, her skirt _ in the mud.A) touchingB) trailing C) tracking D) tracing29. He thought he could talk Mr. Robinson _ buying some expensive equipment.A) toB) about C) into D) on30. This boy is able to repeat from memory _ 200 short poems.A) up to B) up till C) asD) as farKey1-5 DBCAD 6-10 CCDBA 11-15 DDACB 16-20 BABCB 21-25 CDBDA 26-30 BBBCA1. Inquiries _ the condition of the patients may be made personally or by telephone.A) revealingB) concerning C) affecting D) following2. The kitchen was small and _ so that the disabled could reach everything without difficulty.A) conventionalB) compatible C) compactD) concise3. The tomato juice left a brown _on the front of my jacket.A) trackB) trace C) spotD) point4. A parent may _ his child to do his lessons by threatening to suspend his allowance.A) compel B) promote C) exert D) impose5. _ of all the staff, I would like to wish you a happy retirement.A) In honorB) In place C) On behalfD) On account6. We found a(n) _ to the mystery.A) track B) possibility C) indicator D) clue7. Try to be _ when you refuse her invitation, so as not to cause bad feeling.A) generousB) diplomatic C) realistic D) fascinating8. I think her ideas are right, but_ I m not completely sure.A) somehowB) somewhat C) somewhere D) sometime9. Many patients insist on having watches with them in hospital,_ they have no schedules tokeep.A) even though B) as if C) for D) since10. The child s cold, hungry, and tired, so of course he s feeling .A) embarrassedB) miserable C) disappointed D) awkward11. Although he is rich and famous, he lives in a_ house in the village.A) limited B) modest C) slight D) reserved12. Some fish have a greater _ for acid water than others.A) persistenceB) dependence C) resistance D) tolerance13. The factory strike was settled when the union and management reached a _ on the question of wages.A) bargainB) harmony C) compromise D)comprehension14. There is a _ difference in meaning between the words surroundings and environment.A) gentle B) subtle C) weak D) humble15. We must look beyond _ and assumptions and try to discover what is missing.A) justifications B) illusions C) manifestations D) specifications16. A family has _ affection when each person likes the others and is liked by them.A) respective B) joint C) corresponding D) mutual17. This new printer is_ with all leading software.A) compatible B) competitive C) cooperative D) comparable18. The best rooms in the hotel _ the bay.A) view B) regard C) overlook D) examine19. When he tried to make a_ , he found that the hotel he wanted was completely filledbecause of a convention.A) complaintB) claim C) reservationD) decision20.There is no _ that the new agricultural policy has been in any way disasters.A) indicationB) information C) exhibitionD) demonstration21.His sheltered childhood life had left him unprepared for the_ realities of adult life.A) strictB) harsh C) seriousD) controversial22.Don t _to contact me if you need any more information.A) pauseB) postpone C) hesitateD) frighten23. The football match had to be _ owing to the bad weather.A. cancelled B. advanced C. arranged D. held24. She _ from the report to support her point.A) derived B) repeated C) sought D) quoted25. He made a _ to build a successful business on his own in this district.A) disposal B) hint C) perspective D) resolve26. The economic crises in that country have threatened the _ of the government.A) stability B) capability C) persistence D) permanence27. It took him several months to _ the wild horse.A) tendB) cultivate C) breed D) tame28. The manager lost his _just because his secretary was ten minutes late.A) moodB) temper C) mind D) passion29. When I caught him _ I stopped buying things there and started dealing with another shop.A) cheatingB) cheat C) to cheatD) to be cheating30. You see the lightning _it happens, but you hear the thunder later.A) the instantB) for an instant C) on the instantD) in an instantKey1-5 BCCAC 6-10 DBAAB 11-15 BDCBB 16-20 DACCA 21-25 BCADD 26-30 ADBAA1. and old people do not like having their daily A) habit B) routine C) practice D) customMr. Edward was not in, so his brother acted as _ at the party. A) actor B) guest C) host D) ghostHe was surprised that her English was soA) flexible B) fluid C) formalHe is a leading authorityA) on B) about C) for D) ofThis diploma ( 毕业文凭A) identifiesSince your manager has_ upset.as she had never been to England.D) fluent_ plant diseases.6.be there on time.) _ that you have completed college education. B) justifies C) certifies D) notifies_ the time for a talk with you, you must make sure that you willA) identified B) specified C) qualified D) classified7. _ students often find it difficult to live in America at first.A) Chinese B) Abroad C) Overseas D) Domestic8. After a quick _ at the patient the doctor rang for an ambulance.A) glance B) glimpse C) gazeD) stare9. He will surely finish the job on time _ he s left to do it in his own way. A) in that B) as long as C) in caseD) as far as10. It is up to the Government to tackle the air pollution problem and _ measures in line with the council s suggestions.A) set aboutB) fill up C) work out D) bring over11. In the _ of the project not being a success, the investors stand to lose up to $30 millions. A) faceB) time C) event D) course12. Frequently single-parent children_ some of the functions that the absent adult in thehouse would have served.A) take offB) take after C) take inD) take on13. Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full_ .A) capacityB) strength C) lengthD) possibility14. This steam is used to drive a turbine which,_ , rotates the generator that produces theelectricity.A) in effectB) in returnC) in order D) in turn15. She was showing a marked _of interest in her school work.A) limit B) vacuum C) shortD) lack16. He has decided to pursue his studies_ .A) exteriorlyB) externally C) abroadD) aboard17. You simply can t a phone if you re in business.A) do away withB) do without C) give awayD) give out18. The address of an e-mail message includes the source and _ of the message.A) destination B) target C) objective D) reception19. The speed of light is indeed enormous, but it is not_ .A) indefiniteB) endless C) infinite D) utmost20. As so many overseas and domestic business people have come to invest and build new businesses, the place looks much more than it did a few years ago.A) appropriate B) prosperous C) tedious D) unremarkable21. While some office jobs would seem _to many people, there are quite a few jobs that arestimulating, exciting and satisfying.D) tediousA) hostile B) fantastic C) courageous22. Moving pictures present _ scenes like battles, storms or races.A) spectacularB) imaginary C) offensive D) bloody23. Markets are _ and a company must learn to adapt.A) temporary B) static C) concrete D) dynamic24. An application to join this scheme places you under no obligation_ .A) indeed B) eventually C) whatsoever D) apart25. In their full uniforms, the soldiers looked_ .A) magnificent B) prominent C) significant D) respective26. Switzerland is well-known for its impressive mountainous _ .D) scenerycould beA) views B) scenes C) sights27. Not having seen each other for a long time, the two sisters_ warmly.A) embraced B) enclosed C) engaged D) exchanged28. The West is traditionally the land of the pioneers and the cowboys, where easily made in cattle or land.A) property B) fortunes C) opportunities D) treasure29. The _ of blood always makes him feel sick.A) sight B) view C) look D) form30. The rain was heavy and _ the land was flooded.A) continuously B) constantly C) consequently D) consistentlyKey1-5 BCDAC 6-10 BCABC 11-15 CDADD 16-20 CBACB 21-25 DADCA 26-30 DABAC1. Their profits have grown rapidly in recent years, and this upward_ is expected to continue.A) action B) increase C) tendency D) movement2. There have been some small_ in the past year, but by and large prices have remainedA) limitations B) demonstrations C) deductionsD) fluctuations3. It s strange that many countries permit cigarette companies to advertise their products inmagazines and newspapers, and yet they_ cigarette commercials on TV.A) prevent B) forbid C) banD) keep4. You should be very _ to your teachers for their generous help.A) satisfactory B) thanking C) considerate D) grateful5. It is evident that children need more praise than criticism, which many experts say will their confidence and self-respect.A) undercut B) undertake C) undercharge D) undermine6. The new floor wax being in trial manufacture in our plant is supposed to passing to and fcron. tinualA) stand up toB) stand out C) stand forD) stand up for7. I dare to say, without any fear of _, that they are all pretty pleased about your decision.A) contraction B) contradiction C) conservation D) contribution8. Against such a well- trained professional team, I m afraid our chances of winning the game arepretty _ .A) noticeable B) weak C) slim D) helpless9. After making observations for a week in the plant, the researcher made many very _ suggestions in an oral report to the manager.A) sensitive B) constructive C) definiteD) generousD) return10. We ll _ you for any damage done to your house while we are in it.A) compensate B) remedy C) supplement 11. In hot weather fresh milk quickly turnsD) sourD) spiltD) harmedD) doubtlessA) bitterB) acid C) sore12. She _ and fell from the top of the stairs to the bottom.A) slipped B) skated C) split13. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become A) hurt B) damaged C) spoiled14. Children are _ to have some accidents as they grow up. A) obvious B) indispensable C) boundstable.15. He made such a _ contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new building after him.A) generous B) minimum C) modest D) genuine16. The new tourist hotel will have _ for more than one thousand people.A) conveniences B) accommodations C) capabilities D) capacities17. I don t think you can anything from the limited evidence you have.A) impact B) imply C) infer D) refer18. The forecast predicted _ weather with snow, sunshine, wind and thunder and that is just what we have had.A) variable B) various C) differing D) distinct19. They finally agreed to _ their argument _ an impartial arbitrator.A) submit ? to B) subject ? to C) substitute?for D) subscribe? to20. We did not send you an invitation, as we took it for_ that you would be coming.A) obligedB) granted C) awardedD) consented21. In your days at school you ll be given a test to help the teacher to you to a class atyourlevel.A) locateB) assignC) deliver D) place22. This country is _ desert.A) greatly B) largely C) exclusively D) exceedingly23. Mr. Smith had an unusual_ : he was first an office clerk, then a sailor, and ended up as aschool teacher.A) profession B) occupation C) career D) position24. The mayor is a woman with great _ and therefore deserves our political and financial support.A) intention B) instinct C) integrity D) intensityto the traffic jam of the25. We were p leased to note that the early morning delivery didn t busy city.A) aidB) amountC) add D) attribute26. The system was redesigned to embrace the network and eventually _ it in a profitable direction.A) adaptB) controlC) install D) steer27. When I _ my senses, I found myself wrapped up in bed in my little room, with Grandma bending over me.A) woke upB) took toC) picked up D) came to


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