unit7 Can I take your orderppt课件

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,Unit 7,Can I take your order?,1,1. Where are they? 2. What are they doing?,Look at the picture and discuss:,Youll be able to:,1. order or take orders in a restaurant; 2. talk about food and drinks.,Warming up,听录音,将下列词语与图片匹配。,Listen and match.,Key sentences:,roast duck,French fries,sandwich,pizza,hamburger,dumplings,Warming up,dumplings,饺子,Warming up,sandwich,三明治,Warming up,pizza,比萨饼,Warming up,French fries,炸薯条,Warming up,roast duck,烤鸭,Warming up,hamburger,汉堡,1. Most Chinese people like dumplings.,2. Pizza is an Italian food.,比萨是意大利食品。,大多数中国人都喜欢吃水饺。,Look and match.,看图,将下列词语与图片匹配。,Warming up,Japanese restaurant,fast food restaurant,Chinese restaurant,Western restaurant,Warming up,Chinese restaurant,中式餐厅,Warming up,fast food restaurant,快餐厅,Warming up,Japanese restaurant,日式餐厅,Warming up,Western restaurant,西式餐厅,Listening and Speaking,听录音,学习下列词语。,Listen and learn.,dinner,order,vegetable soup,start with,main course,n.晚餐,正餐,n.点菜的单子,订单,蔬菜汤,以开始,主菜,roast beef,牛排,Listen and practice.,听录音,练习选择饭店。,Mike: Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? May: Sure. Where shall we go? Mike: How about the Italian restaurant down the street? May: Good idea! I like their pizza very much. Mike: OK. Lets go.,参考译文,Listening and Speaking,迈克:你今晚愿意和我外出就餐吗? 梅:行啊。去哪儿呢? 迈克:街边的那家意大利饭店怎么样? 梅:好主意!我非常喜欢那儿的比萨。 迈克:好的,我们去吧。,Listen again and act.,再听录音,根据提示表演对话。,S1: Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? S2: Sure. Where shall we go? S1: How about the Japanese restaurant down the street? S2: Good idea! I like their sushi very much. S1: OK. Lets go.,Listening and Speaking,Japanese restaurant/sushi,Listening and Speaking,Listen again and act.,再听录音,根据提示表演对话。,S1: Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? S2: Sure. Where shall we go? S1: How about the Western restaurant down the street? S2: Good idea! I like their roast beef very much. S1: OK. Lets go.,Western restaurant/roast beef,Listen and practice.,听录音,练习点餐。,Waiter: Good evening. Can I take your order now? May: Yes, Id like the vegetable soup to start with. Waiter: What would you like for the main course? May: Roast beef and a salad, please. Waiter: Would you like anything to drink? May: Just a glass of orange juice.,Listening and Speaking,参考译文,take ones order:为某人点餐,主语为服务员。,服务员:晚上好。我可以为您点餐了吗? 梅:好的,我想先来一份蔬菜汤。 服务员:您想点什么主菜? 梅:烤牛肉和沙拉。 服务员:您想喝点儿什么吗? 梅:就来杯橙汁吧。,Listen again and act.,再听录音,根据提示练习点餐。,Listening and Speaking,S1: Good evening. Can I take your order now? S2: Yes, Id like the mushroom soup to start with. S1: What would you like for the main course? S2: Fried fish and pizza, please. S1: Would you like anything to drink? S2: Just a cup of coffee.,Starters,Main courses,Drinks,tomato soup chicken soup mushroom soup,fried fish sandwich pizza,a cup of tea a cup of coffee a glass of apple juice,Reading and Writing,Read and choose.,读下面的菜单,为自己点一份餐。,Your choice,Western Menu,Starters,Price,Chicken Soup.¥18.00 Salad.¥12.00,Main Courses,Sausage.¥15.00 Roast Beef.¥30.00 Sandwich.¥15.00,Drinks,Coffee.¥10.00 Juice (apple, orange).¥8.00 Tea.¥10.00,Desserts,Pies (apple, cherry).¥8.00 Ice cream. .¥10.00,Your choice,Starter:,Main Course:,Drink:,Dessert:,Total:,Read and act.,根据示例,用下面的菜单练习点餐。,Reading and Writing,Chinese Menu,Cold Dishes,Price,Fried Peanuts.¥10.00 Cucumber in Sauce. ¥ 8.00,Hot Dishes,Kung Pao Chicken.¥18.00 Scrambled Egg with Tomato.¥12.00,Main Courses,Dumplings.¥20.00 Rice.¥2.00,Drinks,Tea.¥5.00 Juice.¥5.00,Waiter: What would you like for.?,Customer: Id like., please.,Read and learn.,读下文,了解其中三家饭店的特色。,Reading and Writing,If you like Chinese food, you should visit Johns Shanghai House. It is famous for its pork dumplings. For seafood lovers, the Brownstone House would give them a great treat. If you love Italian food, try Encore for the best pizza in the city.,参考译文,treat:款待。此外,该词还有“请客”之意,如Its my treat.(我来请客。),如果你喜欢吃中餐,那你可以到约翰的上海饭店试试,那里的猪肉饺子非常有名。对于海鲜爱好者来说,棕石饭店会让他们大饱口福的。如果你喜欢意大利菜,试试城里的安可饭店,那里有城里最好吃的比萨。,Read again and choose.,再读上文,为下列人员,Reading and Writing,Zhang Mei may visit Johns Shanghai House, because she likes Chinese food.,选择饭店。,Zhang Mei/Chinese food,Read again and choose.,再读上文,为下列人员,Reading and Writing,Daisy may visit Encore, because she likes Italian food.,选择饭店。,Daisy/Italian food,Reading and Writing,waitress,manager,chef,barman,Look and match.,看图,将饭店岗位名称与图片匹配。,Reading and Writing,chef,厨师,Reading and Writing,waitress,女服务员,Reading and Writing,barman,酒吧男招待员,Reading and Writing,manager,经理,Read and fill.,读下列介绍,填写相应的岗位名称。,I know a lot about beer and wine. I make sure the waitresses get the right drinks for their guests.,酒吧服务员:我对啤酒和红酒了如指掌。我要确保女服务员为顾客上的 饮品准确无误。,Reading and Writing,barman,:,Read and fill.,读下列介绍,填写相应的岗位名称。,I make sure everyone does their job properly. When theres a problem, I deal with it.,经理:我要确保每个员工都能恪尽职守。出现问题时,我负责处理。,Reading and Writing,manager,:,Read and fill.,读下列介绍,填写相应的岗位名称。,Our guests want their food and drinks quickly. We like higher tips, so we make sure all our guests are happy.,服务员:顾客希望能够尽快享用到他们的饮食。我们喜欢更多的小费, 所以我们要确保所有的顾客都能心满意足。,Reading and Writing,waiter,:,tip:小费。在一些国家,服务员在为顾客提供满意的服务后,顾客一般会付小费。,Read and fill.,读下列介绍,填写相应的岗位名称。,I cook meals from 5:30 pm to 11 pm.,厨师:我的烹饪时间从下午5:30一直到晚上11点。,Reading and Writing,chef,:,Read and practice.,读对话,练习如何处理顾客的要求。,More Activities,参考译文,Customer: Waitress! Waitress: Yes, sir? Customer: This soup is too salty. Waitress: Im sorry, sir. Ill get you another one. Customer: That would be nice.,顾客:服务员! 服务员:有事儿吗,先生? 顾客:这汤太咸了。 服务员:很抱歉,先生。我为您换一份儿。 顾客:那就好。,More Activities,Read again and act.,再读上文,根据提示表演对话。,coffee/too strong,S1: Waitress! S2: Yes, sir? S1: This coffee is too strong. S2: Im sorry, sir. Ill get you another one. S1: That would be nice.,More Activities,Read again and act.,再读上文,根据提示表演对话。,meat/too raw,S1: Waitress! S2: Yes, sir? S1: This meat is too raw. S2: Im sorry, sir. Ill get you another one. S1: That would be nice.,Around the World,参考译文,Hotpot is the most famous and favourite dish in Chongqing, China. Chongqing people consider hotpot a local speciality. Chongqing hotpot was first eaten by poor boatmen on the Yangtze River in the Chongqing area. Now it is a very popular local speciality and can be found in every corner of the city and almost every city of China.,火锅是重庆最有名,也是最受欢迎的一种美食。重庆人认为火锅是当地的特色。最早食用火锅的人是重庆地区长江上贫穷的船夫。现在,火锅已经成为广受欢迎的地方特色食品。在重庆甚至整个中国,火锅店随处可见。,Bento is common in Japan. Traditional bento consists of fish or meat, rice and vegetables served in a box-shaped container. Bento is very popular in Japan. You can find it in places such as convenience stores and train stations, but many people still make it at home.,参考译文,Around the World,盒饭在日本非常普遍。传统盒饭放在一个盒型容器里,里面有鱼或肉,还有米饭和蔬菜。盒饭在日本很受欢迎,在便利店和车站都可以买到,但是很多人仍然在家自己做盒饭。,One thing that comes to mind when talking about Germany is wurst. There are more than 1,500 types of wurst in the country. Each German consumes about 67 pounds of meat and sausage products per year on average.,参考译文,Around the World,提到德国,人们很容易联想到香肠。在德国,有1,500多种香肠。每个德国人年均消费大约67磅肉类和香肠制品。,Fun Time,Tongue Twisters,cake,/e/,Kate ate eight cakes Grace baked.,light,/a/,Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night.,Fun Time,A Joke,Tom: Mom, can I have two pieces of cake, please? Mom: Certainly! Take this piece and cut it into two!,参考译文,笑话,汤姆:妈妈,我能吃两块蛋糕吗? 妈妈:当然啦,把这块蛋糕切成两块就行了。,My Progress Check,Can I take your order now? What would you like for the main course? Id like the vegetable soup to start with.,I can order or take orders with:,dinner order salad drink starter dessert menu treat manager chef barman cook vegetable soup main course roast beef,Great! I want to learn more!,58,


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