2012——2013学年度第一学期英语学科教研活动 - 教师随笔

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2012——2013学年度第一学期英语学科教研活动 - 教师随笔_第1页
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2012——2013学年度第一学期英语学科教研活动 - 教师随笔_第2页
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20212021学年度第一学期英语学科教研活动 - 教师随笔 20212021学年度第一学期英语学科教研活动1. Warming-up(1) Greeting(2) Do and act. The whole class stand up,the teacher saya, students do:i. Turn to the north ii. Turn to the southiii. Turn to the east vi. Turn to the westIf anyone do it wrong. He/She must sit down,at last the most standing students in which group, the group is the winner.(3) The teacher ask: “ Do you remenberChinatownfrom unit 1 ? Where is it ? What is it like ?引导学生做出相应的答复。2 任务呈现与课文导入(1) Play the tape of SB unit2 activity3. Students follow and repeat, pay attention to the stress.(2) The teacher explains to the students: Simon 向 Daming 介绍了 New Yorks Chinatown, 那么,Daming 也向Simon 介绍了很多关于中国的情况:When he go to America ,he gives Simon lots of postcards, like these: 老师出示活动一中的六副图片,问:What can you see in the picture ?引导学生答复可用中文,老师用英语重复,并让学生跟读。T : What can you see in the picture ?Ss : 河流或长江。T : Yes , theChangjiangRiver. Theres a famous river in China 把写有该句的纸条贴在黑板上。T: 出示下一张图片。“What can you see in the picture ?Ss:自行车。T:Good. Bicycles. There are lots of bicycles inChina. (把写有该句的纸条贴在黑板上。)以此方法,展示余下四张图片(3) 把这六张图片贴在黑板上,让学生用“There is/There are 就图片造句。板书:There is+可数名词单数/ 不可数名词+某地。 There are+可数名词复数+某地。 让学生就这两个句型造句。如:老师指哪幅图,叫某同学就这幅图造句。3课文教学播放录音机,请学生认真听,然后给这六幅图排序。1首先,让学生整体听,尽可能从中获取信息,然后排序。2 Play again ,check the anwer sentence by sentence .4. Listen and say, then sing.Play the tape. Ss learn the song “ Theres a Great Wall in China 让学生放松一下,又得稳固句型 There is .5. Memory game 记忆大赛老师展示课文SB unit2 activity5的图片。让学生仔细看,并记住所看到的东西,然后用“There is/There are 来描述所看到的东西,并提示,只有一个用There is,有两个或两个以上用There are此活动先让全体学生看仔细,然后写下自己的句子,之后举手答复,每说对一句,就奖励一张贴画。e.g. There are noodle shops/buses/trees.There is a railway station/hospital/library.6. 让学生就自己所有的物品,用“There is/There are 描述现有什么东西,以开火车的方式进行。


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