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超星尔雅学习通大学英语口语章节测试答案Unit 1 Pronunciation1.根据发音规则,找出以下单词中划线部分发音不同的 1个单词。AA sofaB、sitC kickD lipA、ratB、bedC faceD sport3 .根据发音规则,找出下列每组词中不发?音的1个单词。DA teacherB、doctorC driverD hair4 .根据发音规则,找出下列每组词中发a :音的1个单词。BA、aloudB、armC cloudD gateA、mouthB、bookC lookD pull6 .根据发音规则,找出下列每组词中发?:的1个单词。DA birdB、breadC poorD tall7 .根据发音规则,找出以下单词中划线部分发音不同的1个单词。AA timeB、tapeC trainD waveA、noseB、goatC henD poem9.根据发音规则,找出下列每组词中发? ?音的1个单词。BA bearB、beerC fairD tower10.根据发音规则,圈出下列每组词中发 性?音的1个单词。BA、noodlesB、pairC climbD comeUnit 1 Pronunciation (小节测试)A catB、wellC legD pen2.根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词DA cupB、butC duckD car3.根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词AA mouthB、bookC lookD pullA、doctorB、clothesC boxD dog5 .根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词CA poorB、tourC beerD sure6 .根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词BA、shipB、phoneC sleepA fatherB、threeC mathsD thirsty8 .根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词CA photoB、laughC rangeD leaf9 .根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词BA、bedB、clothesC handD seedA、violinB、moveC voteD widow2章Unit 2 Greeting (教师出镜部分小节测试)Thailand, people greet each other by putting their palmstogether. 正确Holland, the normal way of greeting on formal occasions isan Eskimo kiss. 错误s unnecessary to use formal expressions and you can say “hi” or “hello ” to greet each other in a business meeting.错误each other by his or her title is necessary because titlesrepresent people s social status and achievements. 答案:正确people from different cultures may have very different customs and beliefs, you don t have to respect these differences when welcoming a business partner.答案: 错误Unit 2 Greeting of the following describes the way children greeted elders in ancient China AA Kowtowing to their grandparents.B、 Putting their palms together.C Shaking hands.D Waving of the following belongs to the ancient greeting way in ChinaBA Bowing to others.B、Doing fist and palm salute.C Kissing cheeks.D Kissing of the following is not a modern way of greetingDA、Eskimo kiss.B、Shaking hands.C Putting palms together.D Kowtowing to is not advised when greeting each other in a business meeting BA Using formal expressions.B、Addressing each other by his or her nickname.C Proper body language.D Dressing of the following sentences is not a formal expression DA、How do you do!B、Nice to meet you.C It is a great pleasure to meet you.D What s up ?A、Social status.B、Hobby.C Main idea.D may not leave a good impression on your interviewer DA Dressing appropriately.B、Using proper body language.C Addressing the interviewer by his or her title.D Speaking of the following is not advised when welcomingA、Using proper body language.B、Being polite.C Behaving rudely.D Dressing your business partner is a woman, what should not be done AA Asking her age.B、Preparing a bunch of flowers.C Being polite.D Using proper body is the most common way of greeting inChina now BA、Smiling.B、Shaking hands.C Kissing cheeks.D无题目2 章 Extended Reading ( 小节测试)Britain, they usually kiss on the cheek between men and women when they first meet. 答案: 错误Spanish greeting is hola ” and the Zulu saysawubonawhen greeting friends. 答案: 正确common greeting for men and women is to bow to each other in both Philippines and Japan. 答案: 错误Russia, a typical greeting is a very firm handshake without direct eye contact. 答案: 错误Armenia, a woman needs to wait for the man to offer his hand for the handshake. 答案:正确3章Food(教师出镜部分小节测试)Manners are very important in China. 答案: 正确in China are usually round, and the seat facing the door is normally for the host. 答案: 正确China, people usually help others to get food with their own chopsticks. 答案:错误the west, round tables are the standard.答案: 错误the west, you need to use your fork with your right handand the knife with your left hand.答案: 错误Unit 3 Food of the following is the traditional food during Chinese NewYear AA Jiaozi.B、Fried Rice.C Hot Pot.D Peking Roast of the following specialties belongs to Japan BA、Curry Crab.B、Sushi.C Pizza.D of the following tableware are not often used by ChineseA、Bowls.B Chopsticks.C Spoons.D of the following food belongs to America BA Jiaozi.B、Hamburger.C Sushi.D do people usually use for eating in India DA、Using Chopsticks.B、Using spoons.C Using bowls.D Using their right of the follwing food is healthy food AA Fruit.B、Hamburger.C Ice cream.D of the follwing food is junk food DA、Vegetable.B、Fruit.C Fish.D of the following questions is not asked by the waiter CA May I help you ?B、How many people in your partyC May I have the mushroom pizza, pleaseD What time would you like the reservation for of the following sentences is not said by the customer AA What would you like to drink ?B、Can I make a reservation at your restaurant in advanceC There will be two, my wife and I.D I would like to come at sixwestern countires, where do the hosts often sit when they serve guests a meal CA On the right side of the table.B、On the left side of the table.G At the end of the table.D Facing the 无题目Extended Reading ( 小节测试)people take great pride in their nation s culinaryreputation. 答案:正确French tend to buy fresh meat from the supermarket, wherethey can inspect the piece before purchasing it.答案: 错误答案:France, vegetables do play a starring role in a meal.错误is always served after dessert.答案:错误an ordinary night, the French are most likely to eat fruitfor dessert. 答案: 正确Unit 4 Shopping(教师出镜部分小节测试)a bazzar, there are many big supermarkets and shopping malls.答案:错误shopping mall usually contains stores, movies theatres, restaurants, and even clinics. 答案: 正确buy food or daily necessities, large grocery stores or supermarkets are good choices. 答案: 正确of the great advantages of going in-store shopping is we can try the clothes on. 答案: 正确are many things we should consider when buying a mobile phone, such as its function, brand, price and phone chains.答案:错误Unit 4 Shopping may contains stores, movie theaters, restaurants or even clinics. CA、grocery storeB、supermarketG shopping mallD bazaardo people prefer to buy food or daily necessities in grocery stores or supermarkets ?AA Because things there are in great variety.B、Because the prices there are higher.orC Because of the after-sale service.D Because they are often we want to buy furniture electric appliances, which one is the reasonable choice CA、A grocery storeB、A supermarketC A department storeD A boutiquethe original price of a sweater is $200 and today it is soldwith a sign “60% off” , how much should the buyer pay CA、$140B、$ 120C $805. “No refund no exchangemeans:BA存货不卖B、不退不换C不开发票one is not one of the advantages of shopping online CA、Convenient.B、A lower price.C Quality guarantee.D we go shopping in stores, shop assistants often want to help us and askA What do you need ?B、How do you do ?C Have you had your meal ?D How much money do you have ?days, lots of people can do their shopping in the comfort of their own home with the help ofA、nearby grocery storesB、 InternetC Wal-MartD sellers of the great advantages of going in-store shoppingA we can try the clothes onB、all colors of clothes are availableG all sizes of clothes are availableD things are often less we want to go shopping at Taobao, what is the first step we should do AA Create a Taobao account.B、Get a bank card.C Bargain with the customer service.D Pay with pay treasureyear, as usual, many people are leaving their homes to browse around the shops. 答案: 错误days lots of people can do their shopping in their own homesthanks to the Internet. 正确and female are more likely to buy their Christmas gifts online now. 答案:正确more and more people begin to do shopping online, a majorityof Internet users still do have security worries.答案: 错误compete with online shopping, many companies and shops have more special offers and begin the sales earlier than before.答案:正确sports is the only way to lose your weight.答案:错误fat want to be the thin and the thin are satisfied withtheir figure. 答案:错误sports is beneficial to both the health and the studies.案:正确people choose to relax by travelling.答案:正确can open our mind to new culture.答案:正确Unit 5 Sportswere Beijing Olympic Games held AA 2008B、2004C 2000D 2012of the following sports is the favourite one in China BA、swimmingB、table tennisC gymnasticsD volleyballsport is Harbin famous for BA、tennisB、skiing and skatingC divingD basketballsport are the American people crazy about AA、baseballB、volleyballC hikingD divingone is not the most popular team sports CA baseballB、hockeyD basketballculture is the special one in China AA WushuB、footballC swimmingD table tennissport is the most popular in the world DA、hikingB、baseballC basketballD footballone is played by all ages in America and CubaAA baseballB、hockeyC hikingD swimingof the following is the individual sport DA、basketballB、ice hockeyC footballD Golfof the following is the recreational sport DA、baseballB、ice hockeyC snowboardingD walking无题目opening ceremony showcased the unique Chinese cultural heritage. 答案:正确Beijing Olympics is the geographically farthest OlympicGames to Mongolia.答案:错误Beijing conveyed the message of harmony, isolation and peace.答案:错误splendid opening and closing ceremonies of the BeijingOlympics showed China s profound culture and wisdom of its people. 答案: 正确excellent performance of the Chinese athletes would go down in the world s sports history. 答案: 正确gives us the opportunity to enjoy new and exotic foods and beautiful scenery. 答案: 正确you travel, the place you live is not an important factor.答案:错误should make a reasonable timetable to make sure what youshould do one by one. 答案: 正确should learn some information about cultures and customs inthe target country and notice cultural differences between答案:正确China and the target country.答案:错误don t need to make a reservation in advance.Unit 6 Travelbenefit can travel bring to youAA It can widen your knowledge.B、It can save your time.G It may give you boredom and gloom.D It gives you more time to finish your is about exploring the world exceptA、 connection with different peopleB、discovery about the new placesC your findings of the worldD living habitsis a good opportunity for you toA、finish your workB、contact with your customersC have a relaxationD living habits offers you a chance to practiceA your working abilityC a foreign languageD your cooking do you need to do to make your trip an easy one according to the video AA book a room in advanceB、pack everythingC prepare some food to eat on the planeD buy a lot of clothesmaking the hotel reservation, you need to make clearA、how many nights you would like to stayB、the priceC if breakfast is includedD the size of the roomyou are not satisfied with the room the receptionist recommended, you may say DA It s too expensive and it s not reasonable.B、No, I think I may go to another hotel.C I don t like it.D Could you show me something less expensive ?to the video, there is more information you need to knowEXCEPT CA、 If you need your passport when booking the room.B、Is breakfast included in the room rate.C If it is a sea-view room.D if you need to bring your passport with you when comingto the need to when traveling abroad.DA、Make a reasonable timetable.B、Learn the cultures and customs about the country, and notice the culture differences.C Make reservation in advance.D All of the is important when traveling in your own country DA Take some medicine with you.B、Safety should be put into the first place.C You should take care of your possessions.D All of the 无题目Statue of Liberty was given to the U. S. by the French in 1886 as a token of friendship. 答案: 正确Liberty s thorny crown has five points representing thefive seas. 答案: 错误Liberty s thorny crown has five points representing thefive seas. 答案: 错误1886, the Statue of Liberty has received a new torch,答案:错误because the old torch was broken.one of the most symbolic gestures of all time, the Statueof Liberty represents freedom, liberty, justice and also thefriendship of foreign nations who also believe in freedom and fair and equal treatment for all.答案: 正确exercise is one of the most important factors that contribute to good health. 答案: 正确答案:正确答案:living habits are beneficial for keeping fit.fast food can help create a healthy state of mind.错误close to nature and lay aside your work to enjoy yourself答案:正确temporarily are useful relaxations.being injured, you need to wash the area of cut with sterilewater in case of infection. 答案: 正确Unit 7 health kind of health do people care about DA、Physical health.B、Mental health.main threats to health inC Psychological health.D Physical and mental are thethe modern society DA、Smoking, drinking alcohol and an unbalanced diet.B、Air pollution and traffic accidents.C Human s emotional instability.D All of the are the main factors that contribute to good health DA、Do regular exercise and develop good living habits.B、Balance the diet and have a proper meal plan.C Have a positive attitude.D All of the to keep healthy physically BA Do not smoke and drink alcohol.B、Do regular exercise and have a balanced diet.C Do more walking, running and swimming.D Eat less fat, oil, sweets and more nutritious to keep healthy mentally CA Listen to the music and go to the pub regularly.B、Play with friends happily and go outing reluctantly.C Listen to the music and play with friends happily.D Go to the pub regularly and go outing is the first thing to do if you want to see a doctor in western countries AA Make an appointment.B、Call the secretary of the doctor.inC Make sure the hospital is available.D Describe the symptoms to the one is NOT important dealing with the stress BA Do exercise and have a good diet.B、Have a good sleep.C Talk to someone.D Make time for one is NOT the healthy habit DA、Cook meals at home and drink more water.B、Go outside.C Less sitting and more standing.D Have meals whenever you want is NOT the advantage of drinking more water DA Nourish skin.B、Prevent kidney stones.C Keep poops regularly.D Refresh is the harm of excessive sitting CA、People will get sleepy.B、People will be exhausted.C It can take years off of life.D It can hurt the vertebral is of little help to do some brain exercises to improve yourmemory.答案: 错误and alcohol abuse can be the cause of significant memoryloss. 答案:正确lost while driving or walking in a familiar place is a signof memory loss. 答案: 正确a puzzle is an excellent way to use your brain s power ofrecall and association. 答案: 正确links between good brain health and strong personalrelationships haven t been found so far. 答案: 错误答案:will get acquainted with cyber friends on your trip.错误most important person to you is your intimate friends.答案:错误a traditional British wedding, a silver sixpence will be placed in the bride s right shoe. 答案: 错误first thing to keep a long friendship is to contactwithyour friends not too often. 答案: 错误generation gap is quite common in almost every family.答案:正确Unit 8 Friendship, Love and MarriageA、Best friendsB Casual friendsC Snobbish friendsD Partners will get acquainted with you on your trip DA Cyber palsB、Partnerscyber pals ” BD Tour palsof the following is not the feature ofA、They don t know mutual real identity.B、They know each other in the real world.C They know each other through the Internet.D They contact with each other does the bride wear a piece of family jewelry while getting married DA It is the bride s favorite.B、It is the unique one.C It is very precious.D It is a link with the bride s family and her old of the following method does not mention to enable your friends cherish the friendship more AA You are busy with your own matters.B、You want to help them to solve their problems.C You want to know more about them.D You are interested in their will you do when your friends ask for suggestions from you CA、Know about their entire life.B、Leave them alone.C Respect their privacy.D Just listen to him/her if your friends made mistakes AA Forgive them.B、Blame them.C Laugh at them.D、Isolate can “generationgap”bring about in afamily CA、LonelinessB、WorriesC ConflictsD Happinessof the following is not the effect of discussing openly atfamily gatherings DA Create a close relationship.B、Build up understanding.C Enhance the harmony among families.D Arise arguments for each can the family members avoid being too proud BA、Consider that each person has his or her own weaknesses.B、Teenagers would realize that their parents have to support them financially.C Always talk about how intelligent they are.D Parents would realize that their children s new style does harm to their often lie on the Internet, so meetingthe meeting, you d betternot contact with your onlinefriends. 答案:错误somewhere privatewith the person you firstmeet is notsuggested. 答案: 正确impression is produced by rational judgments not by emotional ones. 答案: 错误families should not involve in offering opinions about yourcyber friends. 答案: 错误,also called Easter Day or Easter Sunday, commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his Crucifixion.答案:正确the Third Sunday in May, that is Mothers Day. Of coursethis is a special day honoring mothers.答案: 错误Day falls on May 30th. It is a day in remembrance of wardead.答案:正确the fourth of June is Independence Day. 答案: 错误the first Monday in September is Labor Day. Obviously it isa day of recognition of workers. 答案: 正确Unit 9 Festivalsfamily when they are having dinner togetheron the Spring Festival Eve AA、give each other the best wishesB、buy each other presentsC sing, danceD play cardsis St. Patrick s Day celebrated BA In Japan.B、 In America.C In India.Festival AA To commemorate the death of Qu Yuan.B、To welcome the coming year.C To celebrate the harvest.D To mark the end of the old April Fool s Day, people usuallyA send presents to othersB、ask friends to have dinnerC play jokes on othersD have a day off are all the lanterns hung up AA On the evening of the Lantern Festival.B、On 15 January.C On New Year s Day.D At the Spring do people do at the Lantern Festival DA、Play “trick or treat .B、Eat dumplings.C Make pumpkin lanterns.D Guess the riddles on the first to celebrate Thanksgiving wereA people in CanadaB、Governor BradfordC some people from EnglandD the American IndiansMother s Day, peopleA、 send some flowers to their mothers.B、wear a pink or red rose or carnation.C wear a white flower.D send gifts of love to their is it said that Halloween is the children s New Year s Eve DA Because Halloween comes the day before All Saints DayB、Because only on that day children can go around the neighborhoodC、Because children can get money from their parents onHalloweenD Because children dress up with costumes, eat a lot, and stay up celebratings


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