山东省广饶县丁庄镇中心初级中学九年级英语全册 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Self Check学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版

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山东省广饶县丁庄镇中心初级中学九年级英语全册 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Self Check学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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山东省广饶县丁庄镇中心初级中学九年级英语全册 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Self Check学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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Unit11教师寄语Pain past is pleasure.(无论多么艰难一定要咬牙冲过去,将来回忆起来,一定甜蜜无比)学习目标1.知识目标:能掌握Section A 的单词2.能力目标:be supposed to do 的用法3 情感目标:各国各地的风俗习惯。 学生自主活动材料单项选择:1.The cake looks good, but when I eat it, it _ very terrible. A. smells B. sounds C. looks D. tastes 2. Id rather _ to the McDonalds Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music. A. to go B. going C. go D. went 3. The roof of the house is broken. It cannot_ the rain. A. keep away B. keep from C. keep off D. keep out4. We _ cry after we saw the sad movie. A. are made B. make C. were made D. were made to5. The bad boss made the children _ long and _ heavily work. A. to work; to do B. working; doing C. work; do D. worked; did 6. Your answer made me _. A. angry B. angrily C. to angry D. was angry 7. The rainy day _ me sad and angry. A. make B. makes C. making D. to make8. The movie made _ feel energetic. A. he B. his C. they D. them9. Loud music always makes us _. A. want dance B. to want dance C. want to dance D. to want to dance10. Excuse me, could you help me? I dont know _ exchange money. A. how to B. how C. how can D. how can I 11. _ his new sunglasses _ Tony look mysterious. A. Wearsmake B. Wears makes C. Wearingmake D. Wearingmakes12. As students, we are supposed to spend more time _. A. study B. studied C. studying D. to study13. Loud music may make people _ fast. A. to eat B. eat C. ate D. eats14. I want _ whether hes all right. A. to know B. know C. knowing D. Knows15. The children were made _ homework first. A. do B. to do C. did D. Doing16. Dont worry about her, Madam. Your daughter is _ danger now. A. in B. out C. out of D. at17. Loud music makes me _. So I feel very happy. A. energetic B. stressed out C. energy D. stress out18. I cant wait _ the present box. A. open B. to open C. opening D. opened19. My teacher gave me much _on how to study English well when I had some trouble. A. advice B.question C.suggestion D.problem.20. -Youd better not eat too much salt. Its bad for your health. -_. A. Not at all. B. Youre welcome. C. Im thirsty now. D. Thanks for your advice.21. What a good _ youve given me! Thanks a lot. My pleasure. A. information B. news C. suggestion D. advice22. If you love what you are doing and work hard, you will _ anything difficult and succeed. A. get to B. get over C. get on D. get up 23. Steven, we should _ the bus at the next stop. A. get upB. get offC. get toD. get in 24.-Im going to the supermarket. Let me get you some fruit -OK. Thanks for your _. A offer B information C message D order25. The theme park is about _ ride from the museum. You should start out right now. A two hour B two hours C two hours D two hours26. -Have you ever corrected these compositions? - Of course. They are based on true stories. Most of them are from personal_. A experiences B experience C experienced D experiencing27.-How many _teachers are there in your school? -_them _ over two hundred. A woman; The number of ;is B women; The number of; is C woman; A number of ;is D women; A number of; are动词应用:1.Roy went to see his doctor. “I am always tired when I wake up in the morning,” he said. “Do you sleep well?” the doctor asked. “Well, not really. I dream so much. I _(be) like this for a long time.” Roy answered. “Well, sometimes _(dream) is good for us, ”said the doctor.“Maybe,” Roy said. “But my trouble _(be)that I always dream about hard work!Last night, as soon as I _(fall)asleep, I dreamt that I went to the garden_(plant) trees all night long! Then several nights ago, I dreamt that I was on an old ship in a terrible storm at sea. We had to work for hours to stop the ship from_(sink).Its always like that, in my dreams I always have very difficult jobs _(do).” “What about the sleeping pills that _(give) you several days ago? Dont they work?” the doctor asked.“Yes, but not well. But if I dont take one, I _(be) awake all night.”“Then _(try) to relax before you go to sleep, for example, listen to light music” the doctor said.2.Once a boy came to ask a fisherman how_(become) cleverer because his mother always called him “foolish boy”. “That is easy, ” answered the fisherman. “I know one way to make you_(be ) a clever boy.”“Really?”“Of course. A fish head is good for brains. If you eat one a day, you _(become) much cleverer._(pay) only three pounds for one fish head.” The boy paid him three pounds and the fisherman _(cut) off a fish head and gave it to him.A raw(生的)fish head is no good- not even for a hungry boy _(eat)-but the boy ate it up in two gulps.“Do you feel anything?” asked the fisherman after the boy ate the fish head.“Not in my head,” said the boy.The boy sat on the ground and _(think), “One whole fish _(cost) only two pounds, but I _(pay) him three pounds for the fish already. Why couldnt I have the whole fish for soup, a head for brain and one pound left over?” He jumped up and shouted at the fisherman, “The fish head _(work) now, you see?”课后反思:2


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