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,用词,大学英语写作,用词,词的类型,名词(Nouns)名词表示名称,用来命名人、地方、事物以及一般情况。有些表示特定名称的名词,通常被称为专有名词,需要大写。例如:The students who graduated from Beijing University are invited to a reception hosted by Professor Smith.北京大学的毕业生们被邀请参加由史密斯教授主持的欢迎会。名词最主要的作用是作句子的主语(施动者)或宾语(受动者)。例如:The drivers need to have very quick reactions. (主语) (宾语)司机需要具备非常迅速的反应能力。This months trading figures show some improvement. (主语) (宾语)本月的贸易统计数字表明情况有所改善。,用词,词的类型,代词(Pronouns)代词的作用是替代名词,以避免重复。代词主要有人称代词、物主代词以及不定代词三种。人称代词 物主代词 不定代词(部分举例)I, me my, mine anybody someoneYou your, yours anything anyhe, him hisanyone someshe, her her, hers everybody fewit its everything eachwe, us our, ours everyone manythey, them their, theirs somebody all something,用词,词的类型,下面的例句中使用了三种代词:If anybody wishes to volunteer his or her services as a teacher, will he or she please stand up.任何自告奋勇想当老师的人,请起立。Has anyone seen my textbook? I left it on somebodys desk.有人看到我的教科书了吗?我把它放在某个人的桌子上了。注意,有些不定代词变所有格时要借助于所有格()及字母s(即 s)。,用词,词的类型,除三种常用代词外,还有以下三种代词:(1)用于提问的疑问代词:who, which, whom, whose, what等。 例如:“What is the color of the reference book and to whom does it belong?”参考书是什么颜色的?是谁的?(2)在先行词后引导从句的关系代词:who, which, that, whom, whose等。例如:The student who left the new textbook on the desk that is located in our school is still looking for it.将新教科书遗忘在我们学校书桌上的学生还在寻找它。,用词,词的类型,(3)指代事物的指示代词:these, those, this, that等。例如:Where did you get those? Ive been looking for some shoes like that.你在哪儿买的那双鞋子?我一直在找那样的鞋子。注:当指示代词后紧跟名词时,它可以起形容词的作用。如:these cars, that house, this theory, those students。,用词,词的类型,动词(Verbs)动词是句子的中心,它使句子感人真切,富有生命力。事实上,没有动词就写不成句子,因为它在主语和宾语之间起着不可或缺的连接作用。例如:The company is promoting its new products.公司正在推销其新产品。He was promoted to the manager.他被提拔为经理。因为动词执行或接受某一行为动作,反映某一情况或事件,因此,动词是使一组词表达意思的关键。例如:,用词,词的类型,The table lamp was knocked over by our cat while he was playing with the cord.我们家的猫在玩儿细绳时将台灯打翻了。We should make major efforts to restore and protect forests and land, slow down population growth, relieve debts of the developing countries, raise energy efficiency and develop renewable energy sources, such as water power and solar energy.我们应该大力恢复保护森林和土地,减缓人口增长速度,减轻发展中国家的债务,提高能源效率,开发可再生能源,如水力、太阳能等。,用词,词的类型,形容词(Adjectives)形容词是用来修饰(描述、限制、连接)名词或代词的,回答由which, how many, how much和what kind等疑问词提出的问题。有些修饰语如冠词a, an, the等,回答“哪一个”这类问题。形容词通常位于名词、代词之前。例如:The weary traveler, lonely and forlorn, approached the outskirts of the deserted city.疲惫不堪、孤苦伶仃的旅行者向这座荒废的城市的边界走近。,用词,词的类型,And most of all, “Lord Williams” bought the run-down Gordon Arms Hotel and totally restored it, transforming it from a mess into a glorious first-class hotel with 30 handsomely furnished rooms, wood-paneled stairs, false bookshelves with fake leather books and an outstanding restaurant.而最主要的,是威廉姆斯勋爵将年久失修的戈登阿姆斯旅馆买下并完全改装,将这堆废墟变成了一座富丽堂皇的一流宾馆,内有30间装修华丽的房间、木质镶嵌的楼梯、摆满了人造皮革装订的书籍的书架,还有一间高级餐厅。,用词,词的类型,副词(Adverbs)副词比形容词更灵活,可以修饰动词、形容词和其他副词,可位于句中任何位置。通常回答在哪儿(where)、什么时候(when)、怎样(how)以及多少(how much / many)等问题。副词不仅确定形容词和其他副词的确切含义,还确定动词的意义。例如:extremely unhappy极其悲伤incredibly busy忙得焦头烂额Her long fingers curl easily around my hand and I nod my head slowly, smiling.她那细长的手指很轻易地就拢住了我的手,我微笑着慢慢点了点头。,用词,词的类型,副词可以根据它们的意思分为下面几类:(1)时间副词(2)地点副词(3)方式副词(4)程度副词(5)疑问副词(6)连接副词(7)关系副词(8)其他性质的副词在写作中,我们要着重掌握以下两种副词的用法。,用词,词的类型,连接副词(Conjunctive Adverbs)英语中的疑问副词有时可用来引导从句,这时称为连接副词。在句中可引导主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句等。例如:It was a mystery how she got well so soon.她如何痊愈得这样快是一个谜。Nobody can tell why he refused to come.没人知道他为什么拒绝来。That was how they overcame the difficulty.他们就是这样克服困难的。,用词,词的类型,关系副词(Relative Adverbs)关系副词主要有where, when, why等,它们都可引导定语从句。例如:We took the picture last year, when we were on holiday there.这张照片是我们去年在那里休假时照的。A library is a place where we can borrow books.图书馆是我们可以借书的地方。Is that the reason why you didnt take the exam?这就是你不参加考试的理由吗?,用词,词的类型,介词(Prepositions)介词在句中也很重要,可与名词和代词构成词组,修饰主语、谓语和宾语。下面是一些常见的介词:at, by, for, from, in, of, on, to, with, between, over, under, through, within等。例如:With dignity, on the bed in his house, he died in silence.躺在家里的床上,他带着尊严,安静地死去。The driver had gone straight through the traffic lights and hit an oncoming car.这名司机径直闯过交通灯,撞上了一辆迎面而来的汽车。,用词,词的类型,连词(Conjunctions)连词是必不可少的,它用来连接相似的句子成分,使句子保持平衡和连贯。常用连词有以下几种:并列连词,相关连词,从属连词等。,用词,词的类型,1并列连词(Coordinate Conjunctions)并列连词是最常用的一种连词,包括:and, but, or, nor, for, yet和so等。并列连词连接语法作用相同的句子成分,如:词、词组和句子。(1)词:Bill and Frank 比尔和弗兰克tea or coffee 茶或咖啡(2)词组:on the river and over the hill 山那边,小河旁(3)从句:No one knew who he was or what he did. 没有人知道他是谁或者他做过些什么。(4)主句:The director told me the actors name, but I have forgotten it.导演告诉过我这位演员的名字,但是我忘记了。,用词,词的类型,2相关连词(Correlative Conjunctions)相关连词通常成对出现,用以保持平衡和表示强调。比较重要的相关连词有四对:either.or, neither.nor, not only.but / but also, both.and。例如:She is not only a portrait painter but also a concert piano player.她不但是一位肖像画家,而且是一位音乐会钢琴演奏家。She is the kind of person you either love or hate.她是那种叫你不是爱就是恨的人。The equipment is neither accurate nor safe.这种设备既不精确也不安全。We were treated with both tolerance and compassion.他们对待我们既宽容又有同情心。,用词,词的类型,从属连词(Subordinate Conjunctions)从属连词连接主句和从句,用法视从属关系而定。常见的从属连词有:that, when, since, after, before, while, as, as soon as, till, until, because, if, though, although, 以及so.that等。例如:I entered the room while Li Ming was talking with her.我进屋时,李明正和她谈话。When he finished the speech, the audience burst into applause.他讲话结束的时候,听众掌声雷动。He has learned more than six thousand English words since he began learning English five years ago.自从五年前他开始学英语以来,他已经学了六千多个英语单词。If you dont leave now, Im calling the police.你现在若不离开,我就报警。,用词,词的类型,注意 常用的词,按文体可分为正式用语和非正式用语。英语词汇十分丰富,一些源于拉丁语、希腊语和法语的长词,多用于正式文体,如:学术性或理论性著作、政府文件、法律文书等,这就是我们平常所说的“大词”。而与之相对的一些源于古英语的词,一般比较短小,只有一两个音节,常用于非正式文体,如:日常写作、会话等,这就是所谓的“小词”。请看下面的例子:,用词,词的类型,例1. Nineteenth-century middle-class reformers perceived rural women as models of perfect health. Yet in the rural community, a dramatically different perspective emerged. Female agriculturalists and male reform allies clashed with male defenders of the status quo in analyzing females health and quality of life. Farm women cited gender conflict as a source of their gloomy lives. Farm daughters,用词,词的类型,wanted to quit the farm and experienced a rise in expectations. To improve farm womens physical and mental well-being and to stem the home-leaving tide, agricultural reformers promoted drastic changes in farm life. Based on womens private and published writings, farm journals, medical and agricultural society papers, and material culture, this study indicates that the rural-urban dichotomy in health advanced by cultural thinkers and historians jarred with farm womens own health.,用词,词的类型,例2.You have your tension. Sometimes you come close to having an accident, which upsets you. You just escape maybe by a hair or so. Sometimes maybe you get a disgruntled passenger on there, and starts a big argument. Traffic. You have someone who cuts you off or stops in front of the bus. Theres a lot of tension behind that. You got to watch all the time. Youre watchin the drivers, youre watchin other cars. Most of the time you have to drive for the other drivers, to avoid hitting them. So you take the tension home with you. Studs Terkel,用词,词的类型,Practice 1Directions: Distinguish the part of speech of each italic word in the following sentences, and write down the corresponding number on the line. Noun Pronoun Adjective Adverb Preposition Conjunction Verbe.g. Several blind mice ran under the stairwell. 1. The Christmas tree was decorated by two young boys who lived across the street from us. 2. Ted and Carol both won prizes for their paintings at the art show. 3. We will visit Vermont in the fall when the leaves change color.,用词,词的类型,4. Try to be on time tomorrow. 5. When shall we meet? 6. Toronto is the largest city in Ontario. 7. Michael plays hockey, but Brenden prefers soccer. 8. My fathers sailboat capsized yesterday. 9. Please remain in the classroom until the bell rings. 10. Which subject do you prefer? English or French?,用词,词的类型,Practice 2Directions: Change the colloquial expressions into more formal ones.1. look intoThe police are looking into the matter.2. thingShe had realized her own difficult things.3. use We must use the available natural resources.4. guy Guys in the south of Chinese speak in a different way from people in the north.,用词,词的类型,5. wantWe want to report them to the police.6. haveThe police asked me if I have a gun.7. end Toms unhappy married life ended in divorce.8. manyThey have found many spelling errors.9. buy The buying power of the dollar has declined.10. on timeShes never on time for appointments.,用词,词义,词义(The Meaning of Words) 词义包含两个方面:所指意义(Denotation)和隐含意义(Connotation)。所指意义是指词本来的意思,如词典中所注明的意思;隐含意义则是指词所暗含的感情或想法。 以country,nation,state和land为例。这四个词有着或多或少相同的意义,都相当于中文的“国家”,但它们的含义截然不同。country指疆土、其人口以及政府。nation侧重指主权国家,也指国民。state主要指政府以及国家的政治组织。land比country意思更加广泛,而且多见于文学作品中,并带有感情色彩。,英语中的同义词尤其丰富,因为英语在许多世纪的发展过程中,吸收了其他语言中的大量词汇。但我们要牢记,在英语中,很难找到在意思和用法上完全相同的两个词,它们在文体层次、强调程度、感情色彩、语气和搭配上总是会有些许差别。请看下面几组词语:,用词,词义,(1)big和large (2)small和little (3)modest和humble 注意:不要把一个英语词的中文译法当作它的确切意思,或者通过中文译法理解英语词汇。为了准确地了解一个英语词的意思,最好查阅有英语释义的词典。中文翻译并不总是可靠的,有时甚至还会导致误解。如:sendeconomic和economicalfamily和home,用词,词义,Practice3Directions: Choose the correct word from the parentheses to fill in the blank.1. Although the place is situated in the north, rice is the food of the local inhabitants. (principal, principle)2. The audience stood up when the hero appeared on the platform. (respectfully, respectively)3. In the late 19th century, tens of thousands of people from eastern Europe to the United States. (emigrated, immigrated)4. The defendant pleaded that he was . (ignorant, innocent),用词,词义,5. She is tall and and so has been chosen by the fashion company to be a model. (slender, skinny)6. We down on the grass and looked up at the sky. (lay, laid)7. From the lukewarm response of the audience, I can that they did not like the new play. (infer, imply)8. There is a rumor that the price of gasoline will again. (rise, raise)9. As soon as danger threatened, the guard his post. (abandoned, left)10. I dont think its wise of him to such a good suggestion.(refuse, reject),用词,词义,习语(Idiomatic Expressions) 英语中的习语非常丰富,但就其形式而言可归纳为以下八种常见的类型。1短语动词(Phrasal Verbs)break out爆发,突然出现;逃脱,逃走go into进入,参加;调查,研究look forward to盼望,期待put up with容忍,忍受,用词,习语,2名词介词名词(Noun + Preposition + Noun)a straw in the wind (预示事态发展的)迹象,苗头,征兆(like) a cat on hot bricks 局促不安,如坐针毡,像热锅上的蚂蚁(in) a world of ones own 沉浸在自己的世界中;生活在自己的小天地里(like) a fish out of water 不得其所的人;不适应陌生环境的人the apple of ones eyes 心肝宝贝;掌上明珠,用词,习语,3介词名词(Preposition + Noun)off ones food(因为生病或情绪低落等而)没有胃口at length详细地;最终,终于in kind以实物(偿付);以同样的方法on the air广播with flying colors 很成功地,出色地4动词名词(Verb + Noun)go to the dogs (组织)每况愈下,趋于衰败,一蹶不振kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟,一箭双雕,一举两得slip ones mind忘掉,不记得hold water (指理论等)经得起论证,站得住脚,用词,习语,5 as.asas tough as nails 身体强壮;非常坚强;不轻易流露感情,铁石心肠as large as life 千真万确(用于表示没有料到某人的出现)as different as chalk and cheese截然不同,天壤之别as easy as pie / ABC极其简单,极容易as poor as a church mouse (as a rat)非常贫穷,用词,习语,6配对组合词(Combined Words)high and dry 处境艰难,陷入困境,孤立无援in black and white白纸黑字safe and sound安全,平安无恙touch and go一触即发的,危险的,不稳定的,用词,习语,7动词与其相应的“动词名词介词”结构looktake a look at看一看stopput a stop to使停下talkhave a talk with与谈话8谚语(Proverbs),用词,习语,Practice 4Directions: Read the passage. Try to recognize and understand the idiomatic expressions. Sandra Gets on with People Sandra is a pleasant-natured girl. She is easy-going, tolerant and adaptable. When shes with other people, she listens to them talking instead of arguing with them or jumping down their throats by contradicting them. When shes with her friends, she accepts either their likes or dislikes. Love me, love my dog. She knows all that. And when she is with the elders, she comes hat in hand, seldom going against them.,用词,习语,However, this does not mean she has no ideas of her own. She is full of new and interesting ideas. And sometimes, she knows she is better informed than her peers. And she knows, too, she is quicker at picking up new things and more capable of solving problems. But, she never talks big or shows off. In fact, she remains modest and prudent. Because of this personality, she gets on with people of all personalities and is on good terms with people of all ages. Indeed, she enjoys more popularity than most other girls of her age.,用词,习语,词语选用 (The Choice and Use of Words) 从语义上来说,词大体可分为两类:抽象、笼统的词和具体、有个性的词。例如:tree与pine, oak, ash, maple相比,tree的意思更广泛,而pine, oak, ash, maple的意思更为具体。在写作中,抽象、笼统的词所包含的信息量大、表达力强;而具体、有个性的词有助于使文章更清楚明确、鲜明生动。试比较:,用词,词语选用,General:After a days hard work, I walked towards my apartment.Specific:After a days hard work, I dragged my legs towards my apartment.General:My Chinese teacher is very good.Specific:My Chinese teacher, Mrs. Liu, is learned, helpful and patient.General:The dinner is very good.Specific:The dinner is rich and tasty.General:He has a tool in his hand.Specific:He has a hammer in his hand.,用词,词语选用,在下面的例子中,我们把词语选用放在段落水平上,让我们来仔细对比揣摩一下吧.General: In the two-day weekend, we can have a good rest. Besides, we can make good use of the time and do a lot of things. But, as college students, we cannot forget our main task. So we should also work hard on our lessons during the weekend. In a word, we should make good use of the two-day weekend and spend it meaningfully.,用词,词语选用,Specific: In the two-day weekend, we have more free time to enjoy. We can sleep longer than usual and make our mind at more ease. We can follow our interests and hobbies. If we like, we can go outing with our friends and get nearer to nature. Besides, we can also enjoy reading novels or watching TV freely. At the same time, as college students, we should never forget to set aside some time to review what we have learned in the past week and prepare for lessons in the coming week. In a word, we should make good use of the two-day weekend and spend it meaningfully.,用词,词语选用,Practice 5Directions: Give out the specific words.1. see:_ _ _ _ _ 2. get:_ _ _ _ _ 3. trees:_ _ _ _ _ 4. flowers:_ _ _ _ _ 5. money:_ _ _ _ _ 6. exercise:_ _ _ _ _ 7. tell:_ _ _ _ _ 8. have:_ _ _ _ _ 9. go:_ _ _ _ _ 10. show:_ _ _ _ _,用词,词语选用,


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