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1.空闲的, 2.空闲, 3.星期日 4.在上方 5.去,走 6.西山 7.野餐 8.爱 9.打电话, 10.忘记 11.拿来,带来 12.吉他 13.明天 14.去购物 15.唱歌 16.歌曲,17.can的否定 18.不得不 19.有趣的事; 20.放,飞行; 21.风筝 22.放风筝 23.担心的; 24.时间 25.搬运 26.和说话 27.询问,请求 28.往后 29.给回电话 30.野餐,free be free Sunday up go West Hill picnic love call forget bring guitar tomorrow go shopping sing song,cant have to fun fly kite fly a kite afraid time carry speak to ask back callback have a picnic,单词测试,共120分,1.Would you like to sing songs with me? Im sorry I cant. I have to cook. 2.Steve, how about flying a kite with me? Id like that, but Im afraid I have no time. 3.May I Speak to Maria? Sorry, she isnt in now. 4.Could you ask her to call me back this evening? Sure. 5.Whos this, please? This is Sally.,课本默写大赛又来了,你可以做到吗?(20分 5=100分) Mr Li教您:一背二写三对照。大声地背出来,自己动手试写,与课本对照!,你想要和我一起唱歌吗? 对不起我不能。我得做饭。,Steve,和我一起放风筝怎么样? 我愿意。可是恐怕我没有时间。,请找Maria接电话好吗? 很抱歉,她现在不家。,你能让她今晚给我回个电话吗? 当然可以。,请问你是谁?(电话用语) 我是Sally。,M:你好! S:你好!请找Maria接电话好吗? M: 请问你是谁? S:我是Sally. M: 噢,你好,Sally. Maria现在不在家。 S:你能让她今晚给我回个电话吗? M:当然可以。 S:谢谢你。再见。 M:再见。,Talk Show:让我们一起脱口而出!,1.动物园 2.熊猫 3.猴子 4.狮子 5.老虎 6.大象 7.点钟 8.经过,超过 9.一刻钟,15分钟 10.一半,半小时 11.演出,展示 12.上午 13.下午 13.聪明的 14.动物 15.小时 16.下一个的 17.道路,方式,18.错误的,有问题的 19.肉,zoo panda monkey lion tiger elephant oclock past quarter half show a.m. p.m. clever animal hour next way,wrong meat,20.回家 21.下次 22.起床 23.吃早饭 24.是的时间 25.在某人回家的路上,go home next time get up,have breakfast,on ones way home,Its time to,弱弱地说一下:背完你就解脱了!,一、打电话用语 1.我是.This is This is Tom.- 我是Tom. 2.Whos this/that? 你是谁?你是哪位? 3.May I speak to sb.? 我能和.通电话吗? May I speak to Maria? 我能和Maria 说话吗? 二、 表建议 would like to do sth. Would you like _(go) for a picnic? 2. why not+ 动词原形 Why not _(try) on that pair? Why not _(fly) a kite? 3. What/How about + 名词 What about some bread? How about that pair? What /How about +doing(动词ing) What about _(try) on that pair? What about _(fly) a kite? How about _(have) some juice? 4. Let 后跟动词原形。 Lets _(fly) a kite. 三. forget 用法 forget to do sth. 忘记做某事。 1.Dont forget _(bring) your guitar. 2. I forget _(have) dinner. 3. She forgets _(go) home.,to go,try,fly,trying,flying,having,fly,to bring,to have,to go,四:tell用法 1.tell sb. sth= tell sth to sb. 告诉某人某事 tell me your name= tell your name to me tell him your QQ number= tell your QQ number to him 2. tell sb. about sth 告诉某人关于某事 tell me about it tell me something about your family 五:ask 的用法。 1. ask sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事= let sb do sth He asks me _ a song = He lets me _ a song,to sing,sing,I ask her _(call) me back this evening. =I let her _(call) me back this evening.,to call,call,六、call的 用法 1. call sb. 给某人打电话 My father often calls me. 2. call sb. back 给某人回电话 call me back 给我回电话 call him back 给他回电话 七、have to 必须; 后加动词原形。 I have to _ (cook). She has to _(go) home. He _ (have) to _ (carry) some water. 八、bring 带来 take 带走,cook,go,has,carry,九、重点短语 1. be free = have time 空闲,有时间。 I am free. = I have time He is free. = He has time. We are free.=We have time Are you free?= Do you have time? 2. sing a song= sing songs 唱歌 I sing an English song. He sings some songs. 3.fly a kite= fly kites 放风筝 fly的单三为 flies I fly a kite. He flies a kite. 4. carry some water 提水 carry的单三 为carries I carry some water. He carries some water.,十.重点句型。 1.Whats up? 什么事?有事吗? 2. Are you free this Sunday?= Do you have time this Sunday? 这星期天你有空吗? 3.-Would you like to go for a picnic?-Yes, Id love to. -你愿意去野餐吗?-是的, 我愿意。 4.Dont forget to bring your guitar. 不要忘记带着你的吉他。 5.All right. =OK 好的 6.See you then= See you later. 稍后见。 7.Im sorry I cant. 对不起, 我不能。 8.Its fun. 很有意思,有趣。 9. Id like that, but Im afraid I have no time. 我想这样,但是我恐怕我没有时间。 10.He isnt in now. 他现在不在家。 11.That would be very nice. 那就太好了。 12.My favorite food is fish. 我最喜欢的食物是鱼。,专题练习-动词用法,动词是英语的核心组成部分, 掌握好动词就等于掌握了英语的命脉。,( )1. Dont forget _a coat with you. All right. A. to take B. take C. taking D: takes( )2._having a picnic with us this Sunday? Good idea. A. Would you like B. Why not C. How about( )3.How about _the guitar? All right. A. to play B. plays C. playing D: play( )4.My mother often asks me_ her cook. A. helps B. help C. to help D: helping ( )5.Could you please_ her to call me back? OK. A. to ask B. asks C. ask D: asking( )6. Why not _ a kite? A: flies B: fly C: to fly D: flying,A,C,C,C,C,B,( )7. How about _ a kite? A: flies B: fly C: to fly D: flying ( )8. Would you like _ a kite? A: flies B: fly C: to fly D: flying ( )9. I want _ a kite. A: flies B: fly C: to fly D: flying ( )10. He asks me _ a kite with him. A: flies B: fly C: to fly D: flying ( )11.Dont forget _ a kite. A: flies B: fly C: to fly D: flying ( )12.Could you ask her_ me back this evening? Sure. A. to call B. call C. calls D: calling,( )13. Hello, Mike! _ Wang Wei. Mike? There is no Mike here. A. Im B. Thats C. This is D. Its,D,C,C,C,C,A,C,( )14. Do you often go shopping with your mother_ Sunday ? A. in B. on C. at D: / ( )15. Why not have a picnic _ this Sunday? A. in B. forC. atD. / ( )16. _you free this evening? No, Im not. A. Do B. Be C. Are D:Does,( )17. He_ help his mother do some shopping . A. has B. has to C. have to D: have ( )18. Lucy has to _ food for the picnic. A. cookB. cooks C. cooking D. cooked ( )19. Dont forget _your kite here. A. to take B. to carry C. to bring D: bring( )20. Would you like to go _ a picnic? A. for B. to C. atD. out,B,D,C,B,A,C,A,小测验 争取受到表扬。,1.He often _(fly) a kite. 2.Tom _(carry) some water for us.,( )3. How about _ a kite? A: flies B: fly C: to fly D: flying ( )4. Would you like _ a kite? A: to fly B: fly C: flies D: flying ( )5. I want _ a kite. A: flies B: fly C: to fly D: flying ( )6. He asks me _ a kite with him. A: flies B: fly C: flying D: to fly ( )7.Dont forget _ a kite. A: flies B: to fly C: fly D: flying ( )8.Could you ask her_ me back this evening? Sure. A. to call B. call C. calls D: calling,9.Bring your guitar to school.(变否定句) _ _ your guitar to school. 10.He is free this Sunday. (同义句) He _ _ this Sunday.,flies,carries,D,A,C,D,B,A,Dont forget,has time,


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