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1tool Basic Course,Trainees:,Trainer: Paolo Zama,1tool basic training course,Welcome!,To give the basic knowledge on: Development tool (1tool) Programming languages Project management through a series of exercises. += At the end of the training you will have made a simple application for a simple air conditioning unit. No details regarding: hardware, wiring, commercial.,Course targets 1/2,1tool keypoints (movie) Setup Licence management (SW/HW) How to create, edit, test, upload a project into a pCOOverview of 1tool components Special functionsOverview of special functions: virtual keys, alarms, define the key function, etc. How to exchange variables with other pCO controllerspLAN network How to exchange variables with a generic BMS systemSupervisory system network How to test/configure the appl. online via Commissioning tool How to migrate an EasyTools project How to get supporte-mail, web site,Course targets 2/2,If the explanation is not clear or if you have questions or curiosity feel free to ask If the exercise is unclear, ask immediately to repeat Dont use objects or concepts that were not explained (you will be told what to use) Dont read the manual unless you are asked to do so Dont make more than you are asked to do,Rules,?,?,HE LP,? ?,?,pCO3,pCO1,pCOC,pCOXS,PGD0Semi-Graphic,PGD3Graphic/TouchScreen,Ambiente di programmazione per tutti i controllori/terminali programmabili della linea pCO sistema,1tool,pCO2,Supernode,PGD1Semi-Graphic,Schedule:09:00 12:30 (coffee break at mid-morning)12:30 13:30 Lunch buffet in CAREL13:30 18:00 (coffee break at mid-afternoon)Dinner: see list of restaurants What is departure time? (last day) Taxi booking needed? Wi-Fi zone (b/g). Ask at Reception.Passaporto / Identity card required.(no VPN),Miscellaneous information,How to create a new Solution/Project (SolutionExplorer)Overview of editors How to define the control strategy (StrategyEditor) How to define the user interface (MaskEditor) How to compile How to simulate (Simulator) How to upload the application into the controller (pCOLOAD),Topics 1/6,Topics 2/6,How to create a parameter (e.g. Setpoint)Permanent memory (T), default values, DEV file How to create a new mask How to define the function of a key (KeyFunctionEditor) How to create a Loop of masks How to enable a mask (EnableOn property) Levels: Field, Mask, Global.Text association (ResourceUsedOnBool/Int)Objects properties “move” field: allows to show the previous/next mask,Some macroblocks: GE, GT, LE, LT, GradCmp, Limit, Limit_Low, Limit_High How to manage the Unit Status (if statement) System variables (KEY_COUNTER) Virtual key How to create a new StrategyPage Standard management of alarmsMacroblocks Hyst_Dir_Set2Diff, Hyst_Rev_Set2Diff, Hyst_Dir_OnOff, Hyst_Rev_OnOff. Alarm mask: Alarm Status / Alarm memory System variables: BUZZER, GLOBAL_ALARM, RESET_BUZZER, RESET_ALARM,Topics 3/6,How to backup a Solution: just copy the Solution folder How to specialize a mask (without the “move” field) How to show a special character (Example “”) Time management: system variables CURRENT_HOUR, NEW_HOUR, SET_HOURField code, macroblock Schedule_Daily BlockExecutionOrder (Reference):Main cycle, events (Do_Task atom/statement) Unconnected pin (autoconnection of Const/Var),Topics 4/6,How to create a macroblock How to create a module Module mask insertion mode: Linked, Imported, StrategyOnly pLAN (pCO LAN) Each controller can show its masks into up to 3 terminals (SHared, PRivate) Send variables among controllers (max 2048 links) How to configure the pLAN (addresses, terminal config.) BMS: how to send/receive variables Commissioning tool How to migrate an EasyTools project (Migration Wizard),Topics 5/6,File system (Binary files folder) Content of FLASH memory:BOOT, BIOS, IUP, BLB/BIN, DEV Next steps Starter kit 1tool support service: ,Topics 6/6,Start Windows (Supported: XPpro, Vista)Login as “Administrator” Insert the 1tool DVD-ROMOpen D:INDEX.HTM Click English, Setup 1tool, First installation Click 1tool_prerequisites_setup.exeSelect “Run”. Accept all proposal. Click 1tool_setup.exeSelect “Run”. Accept all proposal. Start 1tool: Start/Programs/Carel/1tool/1tool,Setup,Solution Explorer New projects, start editors, add languages, Strategy EditorControl strategy Mask EditorUser interface (content of masks, keys function) Network EditorpLAN projects (selection of units/projects, definition of links among units) SimulatorSimulation on the PC pCO Manager (pCO Load + Commissioning tool)Upload of application files into the controller, definition of Logs, commissioning/test functions Migration WizardConversion of EasyTools projects to 1tool project.,1tool components/editors,Create a new solution/project,Project life cycle,Edit Control strategy (Strategy Editor),Edit User interface (Mask Editor),Compile,Debug/Simulate (Simulator),Upload (pCOLOAD),Backup,Edit Network (Network Editor),Upload,2.Compile the project successfully, then click the button (pCO Manager),4. Select the folder where application files are saved,5. Select files to be uploaded to the device,3. Set the pCO address and PortNumber of your converter, and click button “Connect” in the toolbar.,6. Upload and Checking progress,1.Connect PC to device using the USB/RS485 converter,Analog pin Integer pin,Data Type (main types),emory Type (main types),Variables,NOTE: all atoms write in “X-Ram” memory, except RA_IN_T / RI_IN_T / RD_IN_T, Move_BT_En, Move_IT_En. “T-Permanent” memory has a limited number of write-cycles (10.000.000),Decimal/Real/Float datatype/values are not supported.Analog is an Integer but values are shown with “.” (21.5 = 215)Analog and Integer are compatible.,Unconnected pin,If the pin was unconnected: Input pins will take the default value as the pin was connected to a constant Output pins will take a temporary variable automatically.,Not all pins can be left unconnected. Example: the atoms Jump_Start and Jump_End, Array_Read, etc. You can select the behavior in case of unconnected pin:Compile/Compiling options,They are equivalent,Loop of masks,A loop of masks is a group of masks. If the cursor is in the top-left corner (in the “move” field), the UP/DOWN keysshow the PREVIOUS/NEXT (enabled) maskof the loop. UP/DOWN keys change mask thanks to the “move” field The “move” field is automatically added to the new masks.If not needed just delete it.To restore it, just copy it from another mask. Loop object is optional Goto_loop(); statementCorresponds to Goto_mask(first mask of the loop);,Level: Field, Mask, Global,The level is shown in the Key Function Editor The level is the same forthe Key Function Editor and Property,Field code (highest priority) Mask code Global code (lowest priority),(Field),(Mask),(Global),How to create a virtual key: Create a variables that assumes the value 1 when the virtual key has to be pressed Create a new key and link it with the variable(Unused Keycode: 137-179, 200-254) Defines the function of the new virtual key,Virtual keys,Exercise: Show the main mask after 60s of inactivity of the keyboard,Normally a KEY statement is executedwhen a physical key (switch) is pressed . Sometimes is necessary to execute a key according tothe value of a variables: its necessary a virtual key. The virtual key is pressed when the variables changes from 0 to 1.,Alarm management (1/2),Built-in standard management of alarms provides: to switch the buzzer ON as soon as an alarm starts (Alarm status 01) to manage the alarm memory variable (Alarm memory) a set of system variables:,1tool provides a set of system variables for turning the buzzer ON/OFF (MAN_BUZZER_EN, MAN_BUZZER_ON, MAN_BUZZER_OFF),This feature is performed through: Alarm masks Properties,Mask enable: ALARM mask: variable AlarmMemory (mAL) NORMAL mask:variabile EnableOn,Alarm management (2/2) .,When the ALARM key is pressed:,if(SysVarList.GLOBAL_ALARM=0) Goto_mask(No_Alarms); if(SysVarList.GLOBAL_ALARM=1) ,Block Execution Order,Note : You cant place two blocks with the same number in the same page. You can use Jump_Start and Jump_End blocks to skipsome blocks during the execution.,The page order is depend on its position in the Solution Explorer. They are executed from the top to the bottom.,You can change Block Execution Order by double-click the block or by right-click the page background,Define the Block Execution Order of the current page. Blocks are executed according to the numerical value in turn.,You can change the page order by right-click the page, then select the “Change page order”,How to create a macroblock: Create a New project, Module/Macroblock type Delete Terminal node (macroblocks dont contain mask) Define Strategy Create the pins (select Block pin property) Define the shape using the Shape editor Save the block into library using the context menu “Save to library As”,Macroblocks,How to open a macroblock/module: Context menu Open block,Help: Select block, Context menu “?”,Type of blocks: Block “Atom” Block “Macroblock” (only strategy) Block “Module” (strategy+masks),Modules (1/2),Types of blocks: Block “Atom” Block “Macroblock” (only strategy) Block “Module” (strategy+masks) Mask insertion mode: Linked:- The masks mantain the link with the instance of the block.- If the block is deleted its masks are deleted too- It is possible only to add TEXT/IMAGES/ANIM/LINE/RECT, move masks Imported: - The masks are imported and become project masks- It is possible to do any kind of modification Strategy only:- The mask are not inserted Modules have a LABEL (example EVD400_CIRC1) Variables, SpecialFields, TouchSchemas, etc are renamed (Example: Fan_1 Set) The application has the access to module variables: LABEL.VarNameOnly for pin not “Visible in shape”,Modules (2/2),The module can be designed for several types of displays and languages,The masks are inserted in the original loop according to the property “MaskDefaultPosition”:Default, First mask, Last mask Autoconnection NOTE A module cant contain modules (with masks) but only atoms/macroblocks. The masks are ignored. A module cant contain GlobalCode/Events,Project,Module,Important! BMS and the pLAN network are independent networks The purpose of the BMS network is to exchange variables with a supervisory system/BMS (PlantVisor, pCOWeb, WebGate, Gateway, Modem, Lon, Trend, DLL etc.) How to send/receive variables (common for all types of architectures) Address in the network (system variable BMS_ADDRESS (I,T) ) Communication speed (system variable COM_BAUDRATE_BMS (I,X) ) Communication protocol (system variable COM_PROTOCOL_BMS (I,X) ) Select variables. 2 alternatives: Variable properties, BMS property (BIOS =4.29 required) Remote atoms RD_In_T, RI_In_T, RA_In_T (variables in “T” memory) RD_In_X, RI_In_X, RA_In_X (variables in”X” memory) RD_Out, RI_Out, RA_Out (variables in “T” and “X” memory) RD_Multiser, RI_Multiser, RA_Multiser CAREL protocol: Max 207 variables for each type (A, I ,D).MODBUS protocol: max 10000 registers / 2048 coils Communication test programs:CAREL protocol, SLAVE side: DTEST (CAREL)MODBUS protocol, SLAVE side: MODSCAN,Supervisory system network (BMS),Connectivity (pCO3),Point-to-Point (stand-alone) (obsolete) Only 1 controller (with or without built-in terminal)Address must be 0 Only 1 optional external terminal (always Private)Address must be 0,Controllers architectures,pLAN (pCO LAN) Up to 31 controllers (with or without built-in terminal)Address must NOT be 0 (1-31) Up to 31 optional external terminals (Private o Shared) Address must NOT be 0 (1-32),PGD display works in Text display compatibility mode:1 fixed font (CAREL_TERM), 4rows/20columns, only single-height rows, no images,PGD display fully working:3 fonts, 4x20(PGD0) or 8x22 (PGD1) rows/columns, double-height rows, images,pLAN units,Max 32 units (only terminals can have address=32) Any combination is allowed,pCO3/2,pCO1,pCOXS,pCOC,LCD4x20,PGD0/1,PGD2/3,ARIA/PAD,FCM,EVD Electronic Expansion Valve Driver,Supernode,The BMS and the pLAN network are independent networks Features of the pLAN network: Each controller can show its masks into up to 3 terminals(Private or Shared)+builtin Send variables among controllers (max.2048 outgoing links for each controller) pLAN devices Any type of pCO, TXT/PGD terminals, Aria/pAD, EVD, FCM Any combination is allowed Max 32 units (only terminals can have address=32) NetworkEditor Insert in one or more NetworkPage the controllers, terminals, parametric pLAN Define address and project define links using pLAN Table The variables used in a link must have the “pLAN” flag checked Setup pLAN,pLAN network (1/2),Compile and Upload application files into pCO Set pLAN address to pLAN devices Connect pLAN devices (Wiring) Configure terminal,Terminal configuration System mask (press UP+DOWN+ENTER for 5sec) System variables PLAN_TERM_CONF* NetworkEditor (Terminal property, Setup button) (Default configuration) The value of the variable is sent everytime it changes and as soon as the communication startsNOTE: variable form X to T are not sent at startup pLAN alarms management pLAN system variables (most important) PLAN_ADDRESS: pCO address PLAN_INFO: bit15=pCO is communicating, bit14: request of SH terminal PLAN_STATUS_01_16, _17_32: each bit specifies the status of a pLAN device PLAN_TERM_CONF*: terminal configuration Simulation: only 1 project at a timeYou need to set pLAN SystemVariables Binary file folder: solutionbintargetplanNunitN,pLAN network (2/2),PressUP+DOWN+ENTERcontemporaryfor 5 seconds,pLAN-Terminal configuration,Repeat for all controllers,PressUP+DOWN+ENTERcontemporaryfor 5+5 seconds,pCO*,pCO*,Terminal SH(1,2),Address: 2,Address: 1,Address: 3,Room_Temp,Room_Temp,pLAN - Exercise,PointToPoint(Stand alone) .SolutionNameBinTargetApplicationName,Compilation / Binary files,pLAN .SolutionNameBinTargetPLANnaddress UNIT1-2 contain same files suitable for CHILLER units UNIT3-4 contain same files suitable for AHU units,Content of FLASH memory,Buy the Starter Kit (see next slide) Study Language Reference:atoms, macroblocks, SystemVariables, K.F.E. statements. Make practice:Create a simple project or modify a standard project Need help? User Manual Slide/QuickReference Support ( ),Next steps,Starter kit,Ask your sales office for other product (simulator for other pCO, other serial cards, etc),E-mail: (only issues regarding 1tool program),1tool support,WEB: KSA area Last release of 1tool Last release of BIOS/BOOT News (Forum) Ask immediatly for your username/password!,Thank you for your attention, if you have any question please feel free to ask,The end,1tool basic course,


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