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1 Revision Note版本记录22 Over View22.1 Operating Voltage22.2 Operating Temperature Range工作温度32.3 Quiescent Current 静态电流33 System description33.1 Function list of system33.2 Frame Diagram of System 系统框图33.3 Pin Definition33.4 Appearance of BCM34 Function Specification功能规范44.1 系统休眠/唤醒44.2 前起动控制44.3 后起动控制54.4 电源总开关 & 点火锁54.5 发电机控制64.6 雨刮系统控制64.7 排气制动控制74.8气电喇叭控制74.9 缓速器控制74.10 车门控制84.11 ABS系统关联84.12 小灯控制94.13 大灯控制(近光灯、远光灯)94.14 前雾灯控制104.15 后雾灯控制114.16 转向灯控制 危险警报控制 Rear side-marker lamps124.17 刹车灯(制动灯)控制134.18 倒车控制144.19 牌照灯控制REAR REGISTRATION PLATE LAMP144.20 驻车灯 Parking lamp144.21 车内灯154.22 巡航功能154.23 熄火控制151 Revision Note版本记录Version History历史版本Description of Changes更改内容Reason of Changes更改原因Staff编写Date日期1.0Draft version2 Over View2.1 Operating VoltageSupply voltage for 12V system devicesSupply Voltage (V)Notes for applicationUminUmax616for functions that shall retain their performance during starting916for functions that shall retain their performance with the engine cut off10.516for functions that shall retain theirperformance during engine operation过欠压/Over voltage and under voltage1、当控制器电源电压8.59.0V达到10秒或16.016.5V达到1秒时,进入本状态时,禁止所有功能(CAN通讯例外)2、When the power supply voltage of the controller is 8.59.0V for over 10 second or 16.016.5V for over 1 second, the system shall enter this state. All functions will be disabled (CAN function excluded).当控制器电源电压7.07.5V或17.018.0V达到1秒时,进入本状态时,禁止所有功能When the power supply voltage of the controller is 7.07.5V or 17.018.0V for over 1 second, the system shall enter this state. All functions will be disabled 3、当电压恢复为9.016.0V达到0.3秒时退出本状态When the voltage recovers to 9.016.0V and lasts over 0.3 seconds, the controller shall exit this state.故障诊断: 电瓶电压过高/过低2.2 Operating Temperature Range工作温度BCM: Normal Operational Temperature: -40 to +85. Storage temperature: - 40 C to 90 C2.3 Quiescent Current 静态电流After door lock successfully locked, BCM should enter into sleep mode in 5 seconds. In sleep mode BCM total current should not exceeds 3mA.门锁成功(满足系统休眠条件)5S后,系统进入睡眠模式,该模式下BCM静态电流小于3mA3 System description3.1 Function list of system3.2 Frame Diagram of System 系统框图3.2.1 Vehicle CAN Structure( CAN speed: )终端电阻:3.2.2 BCM Diagram3.3 Pin Definition Interface Circuit3.4 Appearance of BCM 4 Function Specification功能规范4.1 系统休眠/唤醒系统休眠条件:1、 门锁开/关断开(门锁锁止);2、 电源总开关断开断开;3、 危险警报开关断开;当以上1、2、3三个条件同时满足后,系统5S后自动进入休眠状态。系统唤醒条件:1、 门锁开/关通过接入中央控制单元具有一级唤醒功能;2、 电源总开关通过接入仪表单元具有一级唤醒功能;3、 仪表警报通过接入仪表单元具有一级唤醒功能。4.2 起动保护控制4.2.1 原理图:4.2.2 控制逻辑4.2.2.1 本功能只起保护作用,一般条件下继电器常地接点对外。当检测起动信号长有效(超过10S)时,则控制内置继电器吸合,以断开起动继电器地线。当检测起动信号消失后即恢复对地输出。检测到1min中内,起动信号连续超过(包含)3次出现长有效(超过10S),则继电器切断对地输出,1min内禁止对地输出。 模块不接或出现故障时,可以按下“失效开关”,满足起动要求。故障诊断:1)、提示“1min内禁止起动提示”; 2)、模块未接或故障时,可能无法起动,提示“请按下失效开关”。以上1)、2)故障信息要能保留,且需在仪表上进行显示提出。 逻辑图4.3 电源总开关 & 点火锁Power ONKEY OFFKEY ACCKEY ONKEY STThere are only two kinds of power in this vehicle, one is front battery directly, another is control by Power ON switch. Key SW doesnt control any key power as in passenger vehicle.整车电源控制电路:4.4 发电机控制-删除4.5 雨刮系统控制4.5.1 原理图:4.5.2 控制逻辑点火开关打到ON档,雨刮系统才能工作,起动时暂停4.5.2.1前雨刮,前洗涤; 雨刮高速/低速:雨刮间歇: 工作在低速档,间歇时间6S雨刮复位:雨刮在下停止点时复位开关接地,在其他位置时,雨刮复位开关悬空或接电源。雨刮洗涤:雨刮刮水后,雨刮自动刮刷三个周期(上升沿触发,下降沿开始计周期)。高速雨刮与低速雨刮输出不能同时有效,开关每次指令,雨刮至少动作一个循环(每次动作结束必须回到停止点)。 后雨刮,后洗涤;雨刮低速:开关每次指令,雨刮至少动作一个循环(每次动作结束必须回到停止点)。雨刮复位:雨刮在下停止点时复位开关接地,在其他位置时,雨刮复位开关悬空或接电源。雨刮洗涤:雨刮刮水后,雨刮自动刮刷三个周期(上升沿触发,下降沿开始计周期)雨刮洗涤:.3 故障诊断:前雨刮功能故障(),请检修后雨刮功能故障(),请检修前洗涤功能故障(),请检修后洗涤功能故障(),请检修4.5.2.4 逻辑图4.7喇叭控制 气喇叭电喇叭切换开关,故障诊断:喇叭故障(),请检修4.9 缓速器控制缓速器转换开关:三档,手控档手动脚控双控档,中间档(缓速器不工作);缓速器开关输入:四个低电平信号;NOTE:为避免缓速器长时间工作,单次使用缓速器的时间最长时间不超过15min;在使用超过12min后,则蜂鸣器开始报警,报警3min后依次切断缓速器继电器线圈电源,保证缓速器不受损坏;车速在5Km/h时,缓速器才能工作;ABS工作时,缓速器不能工作;缓速器工作时,制动灯同仪表上的缓速器工作指示灯点亮。4.10 车门开/关指示4.10.1 原理图4.10.2 控制逻辑当车门关闭时,门控制模块不导通,车门开/关指示灯不亮;当车门打开时,莫控制模块导通,车门开/关指示灯点亮;CNC根据以上逻辑,判断门开/关状态,将门开/关状态发送到仪表进行显示。4.10.3 故障诊断不做诊断4.10.4 逻辑图4.11 ABS系统关联钥匙ON或ST档时,ABS电源接通;ABS工作时,信号发送到网络上,可以用来控制缓速器不工作;ABS系统故障时,ABS、ASR指示灯点亮。 输出电流:0V,最大灌电流10mA;12V,无驱动能力;控制逻辑:ABS输出12V,指示灯亮;输出0V指示灯不亮;4.12 小灯控制4.12.1 原理图4.12.2 控制逻辑Front /Rear Position Lamp REAR REGISTRATION PLATE LAMP END-OUTLINE MARKER LAMPElectrical Connections:The electrical connections must be such that the front and rear position lamps, the end-outline marker lamps, if they exist, the side-marker lamps, if they exist, and the rear registration plate lamp can only be switched on and off simultaneously. This condition does not apply when using front and rear position lamps, as well as side-marker lamps when combined or reciprocally incorporated with said lamps, as parking lamps and when side-marker lamps are permitted to flash4.13.3 故障诊断故障诊断:XX小灯故障(),请检修4.13.4 逻辑图4.13 大灯控制(近光灯、远光灯)4.13.1 原理图4.13.2 控制逻辑近光灯:When any of the following conditions is met, the low beam status should be activated:1. Ignition state is at ON or CRANK position and Position Light status is activated and Low beam switch is activated.2. Parking light status is activated and Follow me home request is activated.When any of following condition is met, the low beam status should be deactivated:1. Ignition switch is at OFF or ACC position, and FMH is FALSE;2. Ignition switch is at RUN position, low beam switch is deactivated and ALC request is FALSENOTE: When Low beam output is activated, once the following conditions are met simultaneously, Low beam output shall be deactivated and Low beam status shall still be activated:1. Front fog output is activated;2. High beam output is activated.During the CRANK position, if the function is active, Low Beam lights are turned off temporarily.Front Fog LightHigh Beam FunctionLow Beam OutONONOFFOFFONOFFONElectrical connections:The control for changing over to the dipped-beam must switch off all main-beam headlamps simultaneously.The dipped-beams may remain switched on at the same time as the main beams.Dipped-beam headlamps may be switched ON or OFF automatically. However, it shall be always possible to switch these dipped-beam headlamps ON and OFF manually.远光灯:Electrical connections: The main-beam headlamps may be switched on either simultaneously or in pairs. For changing over from the dipped to the main beam all main-beam headlamps shall be switched off simultaneously.1. Ignition switch is at ON or CRANK position;2. Low beam status is activated;3. High beam switch is activated.Or1. Ignition state is at ON or CRANK2. The flasher switch is activated.When any of following condition is met, High beam status should be deactivated:1. Ignition switch is at OFF or ACC position;2. Low beam status is deactivated and Flasher switch is deactivated;3. High beam switch is deactivated and Flasher switch is deactivated.NOTE:During the CRANK position, if the high beam or the flasher is active, High Beam lights are switched OFF4.13.3 故障诊断故障诊断:XX近光灯故障(),请检修 XX远光灯故障(),请检修4.13.4 逻辑图4.14 前雾灯控制4.14.1 原理图4.14.2 控制逻辑4.14.3 故障诊断4.14.4 逻辑图点亮条件:钥匙打到ON或CRANK档,小灯(位置灯)打开后,前雾灯开关闭合,点亮前雾灯;小灯未打开,前雾灯不亮。熄灭条件:钥匙打到ACC或OFF档;前雾灯开关取消(看开关类型);小灯关闭; 只要有一个条件满足,前雾灯将熄灭。Front fog light:Electrical connections:It must be possible to switch the front fog lamps on and off independently of the main-beam headlamps, the dipped-beam headlamps or any combination of mainand dipped-beam headlamps.When all of the following conditions are met simultaneously, the front fog lights status and front fog light indicator status should be activated, the front fog light backlight should be deactivated:1. Ignition switch is at ON or CRANK position;2. Position light status is activated;3. Front fog light switch is active.Note: During the CRANK position, the front fog light output is switched OFF temporarily. Whenignition switch goes back to ON position, the front light output should be ON again.After front fog light status has been activated, the front fog switch backlight status shall be deactivated immediately.When any of following condition is met, the front fog lights status and front fog light indicator status should be deactivated:1. Ignition switch is at OFF or ACC position;2. Position light status is deactivated;3. Front fog light switch is deactivated.After front fog light status has been deactivated, the front fog switch backlight status shall be activated immediately.故障诊断:XX前雾灯灯故障(),请检修4.15 后雾灯控制Electrical connectionsThe rear fog-lamp(s) cannot be switched on unless the main beams, dipped beams or front fog-lamps are lit;The rear fog-lamp(s) can be switched off independently of any other lamp;Either of the following applies:the rear fog lamp(s) may continue to operate until the position lamps are switched off, and the rear fog lamp(s) shall then remain off until deliberately switched on again;a warning, at least audible, additional to the mandatory tell- tale shall be given if the ignition is switched off or the ignition key is withdrawn and the drivers door is opened, whether the lamps are on or off, whilst the rear fog lamp switch is in the on position.Except above, the operation of the rear fog-lamp(s) shall not be affected by switching on or off any other lamps.钥匙打到ON或CRANK档,在前雾灯打开后,后雾灯开关才能控制打开后雾灯。熄灭条件:钥匙打到ACC或OFF档;后雾灯开关取消(看开关类型);前雾灯关闭;小灯关闭; 只要有一个条件满足,后雾灯将熄灭。When all of the following conditions are met simultaneously, the rear fog light status and rear fog light indicator status should be activated; the rear fog light backlight should be deactivated:1. Ignition switch is at ON or CRANK position;2. Front fog light status is activated;3. Rear fog light switch is activated.Note: During the CRANK position, the rear fog light output is switched OFF temporarily. When ignition switch goes back to ON position, the rear light output should be ON again.After rear fog light status has been activated, the rear fog switch backlight stats shall be deactivated immediately.When any of following condition is met, the rear fog lights status and rear fog light indicator status should be deactivated:1. Ignition switch is at OFF or ACC position;2. Position light status is deactivated;3. Front fog light status is deactivated;4. Rear fog light switch is deactivated.After rear fog light status has been deactivated, the rear fog switch backlight status shall be activated immediately.故障诊断:XX后雾灯灯故障(),请检修4.16 转向灯控制 危险警报控制 Rear side-marker lamps转向灯:点火钥匙档转向灯闪烁频率:1.5Hz 占空比50%,任一侧转向灯有故障时,该侧闪烁频率为2.5Hz 占空比50%Electrical Connections:Direction-indicator lamps shall switch on independently of the other lamps. All direction-indicator lamps on one side of a vehicle shall be switched on and off by means of one control and shall flash in phase.Tell-taleOperating tell-tale mandatory for front and rear direction- indicator lamps. It may be visual or auditory or both. If it is visual it shall be a flashing light which, at least in the event of the malfunction of any of the front or rear direction-indicator lamps, is either extinguished, or remains alight without flashing, or shows a marked change of frequency. If it is entirely auditory it shall be clearly audible and shall show a marked change of frequency, at least in the event of the malfunction of any of the front or rear direction-indicator lamps. If a motor vehicle is equipped to draw a trailer, it must be fitted with a special visual operational tell-tale for the direction-indicator lamps on the trailer unless the tell-tale of the drawing vehicle allows the failure of any one of the direction indicator lamps on the vehicle combination thus formed to be detected. For the optional pair of direction-indicator lamps on trailers, operating tell-tale shall not be mandatory.Other requirementsThe light shall be a flashing light flashing 90 30 times per minute. Operation of the light-signal control shall be followed within not more than one second by the emission of light and within not more than one and one-halfseconds by its first extinction. If a motor vehicle is equipped to draw a trailer, the control of the direction-indicator lamps on the drawing vehicle shall also operate the indicator lamps of the trailer. In the event of failure, other than short-circuit, of one direction indicator lamp, the others must continue to flash, but the frequency in this condition may be different from that prescribed.HAZARD WARNING SIGNALThe signal shall be operated by means of a separate control enabling all the direction-indicator lamps to flash in phase.The hazard warning signal shall be able to function even if the device which starts or stops the engine is in a position which makes it impossible to start the engine.Rear side-marker lampsElectrical connectionsOn M1 and N1 category vehicles less than 6 m in length amber side-marker lamps may be wired to flash, provided that this flashing is in phase and at the same frequency with the direction indicator lamps at the same side of the vehicle. For all other categories of vehicles: no individual specification.The Turn Lights function and the Hazard Light Function shall control the left and right turn lamps outputs.If Ignition switch is at RUN or CRANK position the Turn Signal Function shall be activated by customer request.Hazard Lamps Function shall be possible at all ignition position.The Hazard Lights Function has higher priority than the Turn light function. Turn lightsIf the turn stalk is at neutral position, the both sides of turn lights shall be OFF. If the turn stalk is at left position, the turn lights of left side shall be ON and turn lights of the right side shall be OFF. If the turn stalk is at right position, the turn lights of right side shall be ON and turn lights of the left side shall be OFF.Turn lights shall be flashed with a frequency of 1.5Hz and duty cycle of 50%. Meanwhile, BCM shall send the turn lights ON/OFF status.If there is a bulb outage on any of the lamps, the same side Turn Lamps indicator flash rate shall be set to double rate and the turn lights still light normally. If lamp is replace or fault is cleared the turn lights shall return to normal rate.危险警报控制:常电,危险警告闪烁频率:1.5Hz 占空比50% ,任一侧有转向灯故障时,闪烁频率为2.5Hz 占空比50% ,Hazard lightsThe hazard functions controlled by BCM should drive the turn lights of both sides of the vehicle and the hazard switch indicator.All turn lights should flash with a frequency of 1.5Hz and duty cycle of 50% and they should be driven synchronously.If there is a bulb outage on any of the lamps, the both turn lights indicator flash rate shall be set to double rate and the turn lights still light normally.When Hazard lamp is activated, the hazard lamp indicator in the hazard switch will be lighted on.故障诊断:XX转向灯故障(),请检修4.17 刹车灯(制动灯)控制Electrical connections:Must light up when the service brake is applied. The stop lamps need not function if the device which starts and/or stops the engine is in a position which makes it impossible for the engine to operate.The stop lamps may be activated by the application of a retarder or a similar device.打开刹车开关,点火开关位于档,同时满足则刹车灯点亮;常电制动灯高位制动灯The BCM reads brake pedal input and controls the brake lights in all ignition position. As soon as the brake pedal is released, the stop lights should be switched off immediately.故障诊断:XX刹车灯故障(),请检修4.18 倒车控制Electrical connections:1 They shall be such that the lamp can light up only if the reverse gear is engaged and if the device which controls the starting and stopping of the engine is in such a position that operation of the engine is possible. It shall not light up or remain lit if either of the above conditions is not satisfied.2 Moreover, the electrical connections of the two optional devices mentioned in paragraph Two devices mandatory and two devices optional on all vehicles with a length exceeding 6,000 mm, except vehicles of category M1. shall be such that these devices cannot light up unless the lamps referred to in paragraph The electrical connections must be such that the front and rear position lamps, the end-outline marker lamps, if they exist, the side-marker lamps, if they exist, and the rear registration plate lamp can only be switched on and off simultaneously. This condition does not apply when using front and rear position lamps, as well as side-marker lamps when combined or reciprocally incorporated with said lamps, as parking lamps and when side-marker lamps are permitted to flash. are switched on.打到倒档位置,点火开关位于档,同时满足则倒车灯点亮;倒车灯倒车蜂鸣故障诊断:XX刹车灯故障(),请检修4.19 牌照灯控制REAR REGISTRATION PLATE LAMPElectrical Connections:The electrical connections must be such that the front and rear position lamps, the end-outline marker lamps, if they exist, the side-marker lamps, if they exist, and the rear registration plate lamp can only be switched on and off simultaneously. This condition does not apply when using front and rear position lamps, as well as side-marker lamps when combined or reciprocally incorporated with said lamps, as parking lamps and when side-marker lamps are permitted to flash.逻辑同整车小灯4.20 驻车灯 Parking lampElectrical connectionsThe connection must allow the parking lamp(s) on the same side of the vehicle to be lit independently of any other lamps.The parking lamp(s) must be able to function even if the device which starts and/or stops the engine is in a position which makes it impossible for the engine to operate.Other requirementsThe functioning of this lamp may also be performed by simultaneously switching on the front and rear position lamps on the same side of the vehicle.逻辑同整车小灯4.21 车内灯踏板灯、司机灯、厢灯、阅读灯、行李舱灯、发动机舱灯受相应开关控制。灯光控制有延时功能要求电源总开关关闭后,前后位置灯,侧标志灯、示廓灯、司机灯灯光能自动点亮40秒,然后关闭,给司机下车、锁门,察看周围路况提供照明。4. 22 熄火控制5 输入CAN输入模拟输入高有效输入低有效输入


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