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信用证常用语中中英文翻译【世贸人才网:国际贸易人人才门户 更更新时间: 2009-03-100 】【来源源:外贸论坛坛】 信用证 类别Kinnds off L/C1.revvocablle L/CC/irreevocabble L/C 可撤销销 信用证 /不不可撤销 信信用证 2.connfirmeedL/CC/uncoonfirmmedL/C保兑信信用证/不保保兑信用证3.ssight L/C/uusancee L/C 即期信用证证/远期信用用证4.traansferrable/untraansferrable L/C 可可转让信用证证/不可转让让信用证5.divvisiblle L/CC/undiivisibble L/C 可分割割信用证/不不可分割信用用证6.revvolvinng L/CC 循环信用用证7.L/CC withh T/T reimbbursemment cclausee 带电汇条条款信用证8.witthout recouurse LL/C/wiith reecoursse L/CC 无追索权权信用证/有有追索权信用用证9.doccumenttary LL/C/cllean LL/C 跟单单信用证/光光票信用证10.deeferreed payyment L/C/aanticiipatorry L/CC 延付信用用证/预支信信用证11.baack too backk L/Crreciprrocal L/C 对对背信用证/对开信用证证12.sttandbyy L/C 备用信用证证有 关 当当 事 人NNames of Paartiess Conccernedd1.opeener 开开证人(1)appplicaant 开证证人(申请开开证人)(2)prrincippal 开证证人(委托开开证人)(3)acccounttee 开证证人(4)acccrediitor 开开证人(委托托开证人)(5)oppener 开证人(6)foor acccount of . 付(某某人)帐(7)att the requeest off . 应(某人)请求(8)onn behaalf off . 代表某人(9)byy ordeer of . 奉奉(某人)之之命(10)bby ordder off and for aaccounnt of . 奉奉(某人)之之命并付其帐帐户(11)aat thee requuest oof andd for accouunt off . 应(某人)得要求并付付其帐户(12)iin acccordannce wiith innstrucction receiived ffrom aaccredditorss 根据已收收到的 委托托开证人得指指示2.benneficiiary 受受益人(1)beeneficciary 受益人(2)inn favoour off以(某某人)为受益益人(3)inn ones favvour 以以为受益益人(4)faavouriing yooursellves 以以你本人为受受益人3.draawee 付付款人(或称称受票人,指指汇票)(1)too drawwn on (or :upon) 以(某人人)为付款人人(2)too valuue on 以(某人)为付款人(3)too issuued onn 以(某人人)为付款人人4.draawer 出出票人5.advvisingg bankk 通知行(1)addvisinng bannk 通知行行(2)thhe nottifyinng bannk 通知行行(3)addvisedd throoughbbank 通通过银行行通知6.opeening bank 开证行(1)oppeningg bankk 开证行(2)isssuingg bankk 开证行(3)esstabliishingg bankk 开证行7.neggotiatting bbank 议议付行8.payying bbank 付付款行9.reiimburssing bbank 偿偿付行10.coonfirmming bbank 保保兑行信用证金额额Amounnt of the LL/C1.amoount RRMB¥ 金额:人民民币2.up to ann aggrregatee amouunt off Honggkong Dollaars 累累计金额最高高为港币3.forr a suum (orr :summs) noot excceedinng a ttotal of GBBP 总金金额不得超过过英镑4.to the eextentt of HHKD 总总金额为港币币5.forr the amounnt of USD 金额为美元元6.forr an aamountt not exceeeding totall of JJPY 金金额的总数不不得超过日元的限度度跟 单 文文 句Thee Stippulatiions ffor thhe shiippingg Docuumentssavaillable againnst suurrendder off the folloowing documments beariing ouur creedit nnumberr 凭提交下下列注明本证证号码的单据据付款1. drrafts to bee accoompaniied byy the documments markeed()bbelow 汇票须随附附下列注有()的单据据2. acccompaanied againnst too docuumentss hereeinaftter 随附附下列单据NexttPage汇 票Drraft(BBill oof Excchangee)1.thee kindds of draftts 汇票种种类(1)avvailabble byy draffts att sighht 凭即期期汇票付款(2)drraft(ss) to be drrawn aat 30 days sightt 开立300天的期票(3)siight ddrafs 即期汇票(4)teenor ddraftss 远期汇票票2.draawn cllausess 出票条款款(注:即出出具汇票的法法律依据)(1)alll darrfts ddrawn underr thiss creddit muust coontainn the clausse “Drrafts drawnn Undeer Bannk ofcrediit No.dateed” 本本证项下开具具的汇票须注注明“本汇票票系凭银银行年月日日第号信用用证下开具”的的条款(2)drrafts are tto be drawnn in ddupliccate tto ourr ordeer beaaring the cclausee “Draawn unnder UUnitedd Malaayan BBankinng Corrp.Bhdd.Irreevocabble Leetter of Crredit No.ddated July 12, 11978” 汇票一式两两份,以我行行为抬头,并并注明“根据据马来西亚联联合银行19978年7月月12日第号不可撤撤销信用证项项下开立”(3)drraft(ss) draawn unnder tthis ccreditt to bbe marrked:“DDrawn underrBankk L/C No.Datedd (isssuing date of crredit)” 根据本本证开出得汇汇票须注明“凭凭银行年月月日(按按开证日期)第号不不可撤销信用用证项下开立立”(4)drrafts in duuplicaate att sighht beaaring the cclausees“Draawn unnderLL/C Noo.datted” 即期汇票一一式两份,注注明“根据银行信用用证号,日日期开具具”(5)drraft(ss) so drawnn mustt be iin scrribed with the nnumberr and date of thhis L/C 开具的的汇票须注上上本证的号码码和日期(6)drraft(ss) beaaring the cclausee:“Draawn unnder ddocumeentaryy creddit Noo.(shhown aabove) ofBBank” 汇票注明“根根据银行行跟单信用证证号(如如上所示)项项下开立”发 票Innvoicee1.siggned ccommerrcial invoiice 已签签署的商业发发票in duuplicaate 一式式两份in trripliccate 一一式三份in quuadrupplicatte 一式四四份in quuintupplicatte 一式五五份in *tupllicatee 一式六份份in seeptupllicatee 一式七份份in occtupliicate 一式八份in noonupliicate 一式九份in deecupliicate 一式十份2.benneficiiaryss origginal signeed commmerciial innvoicees at leastt in 88 copiies isssued in thhe namme of the bbuyer indiccatingg (shoowing/evideencingg/speccifyinng/decclarattion oof) thhe merrchanddise, counttry off origgin annd anyy otheer rellevantt infoormatiion. 以以买方的名义义开具、注明明商品名称、原原产国及其他他有关资料,并并经签署的受受益人的商业业发票正本至至少一式八份份3.Siggned aattestted innvoicee combbined with certiificatte of origiin andd valuue in 6 coppies aas reuuired for iimportts intto Niggeria. 以签署的的,连同产地地证明和货物物价值的,输输入尼日利亚亚的联合发票票一式六份4.benneficiiary mmust ccertiffy on the iinvoiccehavve beeen sennt to the aaccounntee 受受益人须在发发票上证明,已已将寄交交开证人5.4% discoount sshouldd be ddeductted frrom tootal aamountt of tthe coommerccial iinvoicce 商业发发票的总金额额须扣除4%折扣6.invvoice must be shhowed: undeer A/PP No. datee of eexpiryy 19thh Jan. 19811 发票须表表明:根据第第号购买买证,到期日日为19811年1月199日7.doccumentts in combiined fform aare noot accceptabble 不接接受联合单据据mbinedd invooice iis nott acceeptablle 不接受受联合发票提 单Biill off Loadding1.fulll sett shippping (comppanyss) cleean onn boarrd billl(s) of laading markeed “Frreightt Preppaid“ to orrder oof shiipper endorrsed tto BBank, notiffying buyerrs 全套装装船(公司的的)洁净已装装船提单应注注明“运费付付讫”,作为为以装船人指指示为抬头、背背书给银银行,通知买买方2.billls off ladiing maade ouut in negottiablee formm 作成可议议付形式的提提单3.cleean shhippedd on bboard oceann billls of ladinng to orderr and endorrsed iin blaank maarked “Freiight PPrepaiid“ nootify: impoorter(openeers,acccounttee) 洁洁净已装船的的提单空白抬抬头并空白背背书,注明“运运费付讫”,通通知进口人(开证人)4.fulll sett of cclean “on bboard“ billss of lladingg/carggo recceipt made out tto ourr ordeer/to orderr and endorrsed iin blaank nootify buyerrs M/SS Coo. callling for sshipmeent frrom Chhina tto Hammburg markeed “Frreightt preppaid“ / “Frreightt Payaable aat Desstinattion“ 全套洁净“已已装船”提单单/货运收据据作成以我(行)为抬头头/空白抬头头,空白背书书,通知买方方公司,要要求货物字中中国运往汉堡堡,注明“运运费付讫”/“运费在目目的港付”5.billls off ladiing isssued in thhe namme of 提单以为抬头6.billls off ladiing muust bee dateed nott befoore thhe datte of this crediit andd not laterr thann Aug. 15, 1977 提单日期不不得早于本证证的日期,也也不得迟于11977年88月15日7.billl of ladinng marrked nnotifyy: buyyer,“FFreighht Preepaid”“LLiner termss”“recceivedd for shipmment” B/L nnot accceptaable 提提单注明通知知买方,“运运费预付”按按“班轮条件件”,“备运运提单”不接接受8.nonn-negootiablle coppy of billss of lladingg 不可议付付的提单副本本 (作者:Dearjjacky)NexttPage保险(二)the sstipullationns forr insuurancee 保险条款款(1)maarine insurrance policcy 海运保保险单(2)sppecifiic pollicy 单单独保险单(3)vooyage policcy 航程保保险单(4)tiime poolicy 期限保险单单(5)flloatinng pollicy (or oppen poolicy) 流动保险险单(6)occean mmarinee carggo claauses 海洋运输货货物保险条款款(7)occean mmarinee insuurancee clauuses (frozeen prooductss) 海洋运运输冷藏货物物保险条款(8)occean mmarinee carggo warr clauuses 海海洋运输货物物战争险条款款(9)occean mmarinee insuurancee clauuses (woodooil inn bulkk) 海洋运运输散装桐油油保险条款(10)ooverlaand trranspoortatiion innsurannce cllausess (traain, ttruckss) 陆上运运输货物保险险条款(火车车、汽车)(11)ooverlaand trranspoortatiion innsurannce cllausess (froozen pproduccts) 陆陆上运输冷藏藏货物保险条条款(12)aair trranspoortatiion caargo iinsuraance cclausees 航空运运输货物保险险条款(13)aair trranspoortatiion caargo wwar riisk cllausess 航空运输输货物战争险险条款(14)pparcell postt insuurancee clauuses 邮邮包保险条款款(15)pparcell postt war risk insurrance clausses 邮包包战争保险条条款(16)llivesttock & poulltry iinsuraance cclausees (byy sea, landd or aair) 活活牲畜、家禽禽的海上、陆陆上、航空保保险条款(17)riskss clauuses oof thee P.I.C.C. subjeect too C.I.C. 根据据中国人民保保险公司的保保险条款投保保险(18)mmarinee insuurancee poliicies or ceertifiicatess in nnegotiiable form, for 110% full CIF innvoicee coveering the rrisks of Waar & WW.A. aas perr the Peoplles IInsuraance CCo. off Chinna datted 1/1/19776. wiith exxtendeed covver upp to KKuala Lumpuur witth claaims ppayablle in (at) Kualaa Lumppur inn the curreency oof draaft (iirresppectivve of perceentagee) 作为可可议付格式的的海运保险单单或凭证按照照到岸价的发发票金额1110%投保中中国人民保险险公司19776年1月11日的战争险险和基本险,负负责到吉隆坡坡为止。按照照汇票所使用用的货币在吉吉隆坡赔付(无免赔率)(19)iinsuraance ppolicyy or ccertifficatee setttling agentts naame iss to bbe inddicateed, anny addditionnal prremiumm to ccover uplifft bettween 10 annd 17% may be drrawn iin exccess oof thee creddit uaalue 保保险单或凭证证须表明理赔赔代理人的名名称,保险费费如增加100-17%可可在本证金额额以外支付(20)iinsuraance ppolicyy (cerrtificcate) Namme of Assurred too be sshowedd: A.BB.C.Coo. Ltdd. 保险单单或凭证作成成以A.B.C.有限公公司为被保险险人NexttPage(21)iinsuraance ppolicyy or ccertifficatee coveering W.A. (or FF.P.A.) andd war riskss as pper occean mmarinee carggo claause aand occean mmarinee carggo warr riskk clauuses oof thee Peopples Insurrance Compaany off Chinna datted 1/1/19881 保险单单或凭证根据据中国人民保保险公司19981年1月月1日的海洋洋运输货物保保险条款和海海洋运输货物物战争险条款款投保水渍险险(或平安险险)和战争险险(22)iinsuraance ppolicyy/certtificaate cooverinng alll war miness riskks 保险单单/凭证投保保一切险、战战争险、地雷雷险(注:mmines解解释为地雷,属属于战争险的的负责范围,可可以接受)(23)WW.A. tthis iinsuraance mmust bbe vallid foor perriod oof 60 days afterr the dischharge of gooods 水水渍险在货物物卸船后600天有效(24)iin triiplicaate cooverinng alll riskks andd war riskss inclludingg W.A. and breakkage iin exccess oof fivve perr centt on tthe whhole cconsiggnmentt and incluuding W/W uup to buyerrs goodown in Peenang 投保一切险险和战争险包包括水渍险,破破碎损失有55%绝对免赔赔率,按全部部货物计算,包包括仓至仓条条款,负责到到买方在槟城城的仓库为止止(的保险单单)一式三份份保险(三)(25)iinsuraance ppolicyy issuued off endoorsed to orrder for the fface vvalue of innvoicee pluss 10% coverring iincludding wwar wiith 155 dayss afteer arrrival of gooods aat desstinattion, only againnst FPPA andd T.P.N.D. 按发票面值值加10%投投保战争险,货货物到达目的的地后15天天有效,仅负负责平安险和和盗窃提货不不着险的保险险单开给或背背书给(26)iinsuraance ppolicyy or ccertifficatee issuued byy an iinsuraance CCo. wiith W.P.A. clausse covveringg the merchhandisse forr abouut 10% abovve thee fulll invooice vvalue incluuding unlimmited transshipmeent wiith cllaims payabble att Singgaporee 由保险公公司签发的保保险单或凭证证按发票总金金额另加100%投保水渍渍险,包括非非限定转船的的损失,在新新加坡赔付(27)ccoveriing alll eveentuall riskks 投保一一切以外风险险(28)ccoveriing alll marrine rrisks 投保一切海海运风险(29)mmarinee insuurancee poliicy inncludiing “bboth oot blaame“ ccollission cclausees andd fullly covveringg the shipmment 海海运保险单包包括负责船舶舶互撞条款和和全部货载(30)iinsuraance inclludingg deviiationn clauuses 保保险包括绕道道条款(31)ccoveriing ovverlannd traansporrtatioon alll riskks as per ooverlaand trranspoortatiion caargo iinsuraance cclausees (trrain, truckks) off the Peoplles IInsuraance CCompanny of Chinaa dateed 按照照中国人民保保险公司年年月日陆陆上运输货物物保险条款(火车、汽车车)投保陆上上运输一切险险(32)ccoveriing aiir traansporrtatioon alll riskk as pper aiir traansporrtatioon carrgo innsurannce cllausess of PP.I.C.C. 按照照中国人民保保险公司年年月日航航空运输货物物保险条款投投保航空运输输一切险(33)iinsuraance ppolicyy or ccertifficatee coveering parceel posst alll riskks inccludinng warr riskks as per pparcell postt insuurancee clauuses aand paarcel post war rrisk iinsuraacne cclausees of the PPeoplees Innsurannce Coompanyy of CChina datedd 保险单单或凭证按照照中国人民保保险公司年年月日邮邮包保险条款款和邮包战争争险条款投保保邮包一切险险和邮包战争争险(34)ccoveriing alll rissks inncludiing waar rissks ass per oceann mariine caargo cclausees andd air transsportaation cargoo insuurancee clauuses aand occean mmarinee carggo warr riskk clauuses aand aiir traansporrtatioon carrgo waar rissk claauses of thhe Peoopless Insuurancee Comppany oof Chiina daated 按照中国人人民保险公司司年月日海洋运输输货物保险条条款和航空运运输货物保险险条款以及海海洋运输货物物战争险条款款和航空运输输货物战争险险条款投保海海空联运一切切险和战争险险(35)ccoveriing alll rissks ass per oceann mariine caargo cclausees andd overrland transsportaation cargoo insuurancee clauuse (ttrain, trucck) off P.I.C.C. datedd 按照中中国人民保险险公司年月日海洋洋运输货物保保险条款和陆陆上运输货物物保险条款(火车、汽车车)投保海陆陆联运一切险险(36)ccoveriing alll rissks inncludiing waar rissks ass per overlland ttranspportattion ccargo insurrance clausses (ttrain,truckk) andd air transsportaation cargoo insuurancee clauuses aand aiir traansporrtatioon carrgo waar rissk claause aand waar claauses (for cargoo trannsporttationn by rrail) of thhe Peoopless Insuurancee Comppany oof Chiina daated 按照中国人人民保险公司司年月日陆运货物物保险条款(火车、汽车车)和空运货货物保险条款款以及空运货货物战争险条条款和铁路货货运战争条款款投保陆空陆陆联运一切险险和战争险(37)iincludding sshortaage inn weigght inn exceess off 0.5%(withh 0.5% frannchisee) on the wwhole consiignmennt 包括短短量损失有00.5%绝对对免赔率(00.5%相对对免赔率),按按全部货物计计算保险(四)(38)iincludding rrisk oof breeakagee and clashhing 包包括破裂或凹凹瘪险(39)iincludding rrisk oof chiippingg & deentingg 包括碎裂裂或凹弯险(40)iincludding rrisk oof badd odouur 包括恶恶味险(41)iincludding ddamagee by hhooks, oilss, mudds andd conttact wwith oother cargoo(insuured vvalue) 包括钩损损、油污、泥泥污以及和他他物接触所致致的损失(以以保险价值为为限)(42)iincludding ddamagee caussed byy rainn fressh andd/or wwater, inteernal combuustionn(totaal or partiial looss) 包包括淡水雨淋淋,自燃所致致的损失(包包括全部或部部分损失)(43)iincludding lloss aand/orr damaage caaused by seea watter, ffresh-waterr, aciid,greease 包包括海水、淡淡水、酸蚀、油油脂所致的损损失(44)iincludding TT.P.N.D. looss annd/or damagge cauused bby heaat, shhips sweatt and odourr, hooop-russt, brreakagge of packiing 包括括偷窃提货不不着,受热船船舱发汗,串串味,铁箍锈锈损,包装破破裂所致的损损失(45)iincludding ddamagee caussed byy infeestatiion moould 包包括虫蛀霉烂烂的损失(46)iincludding ddamagee due to roough hhandliing duuring transsit suubjectt to CC.T.C. 按照中国国保险条款包包括运输途中中操作不当所所致的损失(47)iincludding lloss aand/orr damaage frrom anny extternall causse as per CCIC 按照照中国保险条条款包括外来来原因所致的的损失(48)iincludding ddamagee by sslingss, staains, greasse, accids 包包括吊具、斑斑污、油脂、酸酸蚀造成的损损失(49)eexcludding rrisk oof breeakagee 不包括破破碎险(50)iincludding tthe brreakagge doees nott coveer thee goodds remmarkedd in tth invvoice as orriginaally ddamagee 包括破碎碎险,但不负负责发票所示示之货物的原原残损失(51)eexcludding nnaturaal losss in weighht 不包括括途耗短量的的损失(52)iincludding 660 dayys aftter diischarrge off the goodss at pport oof desstinattion (or att stattion oof desstinattion) subjeect too C.T.C. 按照照中国保险条条款货物在目目的港卸船(或在目的地地车站卸车)后60天为为止(53)iincludding WW.A. & riskk of ffire ffor 600 dayss in ccustomms warrehousse aftter diischarrge off the goodss at pport oof desstinattion ssubjecct to CIC 按按照中国保险险条款投保水水渍险和火险险,在目的港港卸货后存入入 海关 仓库660天为止(54)tthis iinsuraance mmust bbe vallid foor a pperiodd of 660 dayys aftter arrrivall of mmerchaandisee at iinlandd desttinatiion 本保保险扩展到货货物到达内地地的目的地后后60天有效效(55)iinsuraance ppolicyy or ccertifficatee coveering F.P.AA. inccludinng thee riskk of wwar annd rissks off S.R.C.C. as peer I.CC.C. ddatedand iinstittute wwar cllausess dateedandd insttitutee S.R.C.C. clausses daated 按照年月日伦敦敦保险学会条条款和年月日学会会战争险条款款以及年月日学会会罢工、暴动动、民变险条条款投保平安安险、战争险险和罢工、暴暴动、民变险险(56)tthe Peeoples Inssurancce Commpany of Chhina iinvesttment insurrance (poliiticall riskks) cllausess 中国人民民保险公司投投资保险(政政治风险)条条款(57)pproperrty innsurannce cllausess 财产保险险条款(58)tthe Peeoples Inssurancce Commpany of Chhina EErectiion alll rissks cllausess 中国人民民保险公司安安装工程一切切险条款(59)tthe Peeoples Inssurancce Commpany of Chhina ccontraactorss all riskss clauuses 中中国人民保险险公司建筑工工程一切险条条款产地证Ceertifiicate of Orrigin1.cerrtificcate oof oriigin oof Chiina shhowingg 中国产地地证明书statiing 证明明evideencingg 列明speciifyingg 说明indiccatingg 表明declaaratioon of 声明2.cerrtificcate oof Chiinese origiin 中国产产地证明书3.Cerrtificcate oof oriigin sshipmeent off goodds of oriigin pprohibbited 产地证,不不允许装运的产品4.decclarattion oof oriigin 产产地证明书(产地声明)5.cerrtificcate oof oriigin sseparaated 单单独出具的产产地证6.cerrtificcate oof oriigin “fform AA“ “FOORM A”产产地证明书7.gennetaliised ssystemm of ppreferrence certiificatte of origiin forrm “A“ 普惠制“FFORM AA”产地证明明书装箱单与重重量单Paccking List and WWeightt Listt1.paccking list detaiiling the ccompleete innner ppackinng speecificcationn and conteents oof eacch pacckage载明每件货货物之内部包包装的规格和和内容的装箱箱单2.paccking list detaiiling 详注的装箱单3.paccking list showiing inn detaail 注注明细节节的装箱单4.weiight llist 重重量单5.weiight nnotes 磅码单(重重量单)6.dettailedd weigght liist 明细细重量单7.weiight aand meeasureement list 重量和尺码码单检 验 证证 书Insspectiion Ceertifiicate1.cerrtificcate oof weiight 重重量证明书2.cerrtificcate oof insspectiion ceertifyying qqualitty & qquantiity inn tripplicatte isssued bby. 由.出出具的品质和和数量检验证证明书一式三三份3.phyytosannitaryy certtificaate 植物物检疫证明书书4.plaant quuaranttine ccertifficatee 植物检疫疫证明书5.fummigatiion ceertifiicate 熏蒸证明书书6.cerrtificcate sstatinng thaat thee goodds aree freee fromm livee weevvil 无活活虫证明书(熏蒸除虫证证明书)7.sannitaryy certtificaate 卫生生证书8.heaalth ccertifficatee 卫生(健健康)证书9.anaalysiss certtificaate 分析析(化验)证证书10.taank innspecttion ccertifficatee 油仓检验验证明书11.reecord of ulllage and ooil teemperaature 空距及油温温记录单12.ceertifiicate of afflatoxxin neegativve 黄曲霉霉素检验证书书13.noon-afllatoxiin cerrtificcate 无无黄曲霉素证证明书14.suurvey reporrt on weighht isssued bby. 由.签签发之重量检检验证明书15.innspecttion ccertifficatee 检验证书书16.innspecttion aand teestingg certtificaate isssued by . 由.签发之检检验证明书其 他 单单 据Othher Doocumennts1.fulll tett of fforwarrding agentts caargo rreceippt 全套运运输行所出具具之货物承运运收据2.airr way bill for ggoods condiigned toquuotingg our crediit nummber 以以为收货货人,注明本本证号码的空空运货单3.parrcel ppost rreceippt 邮包收收据4.Parrcel ppost rreceippt shoowing parceels adddresssed tooa/c accouuntee 邮包收据注注明收件人:通过转转交开证人5.parrcel ppost rreceippt eviidenciing gooods ccondiggned ttoandd quotting oour crredit numbeer 以为收货人并并注明本证号号码的邮包收收据6.cerrtificcate ccustomms invvoice on foorm 599A commbinedd certtificaate off valuue andd origgin foor devvelopiing coountriies 适用用于发展中国国家的包括价价值和产地证证明书的格式式59A 海海关 发票证证明书7.purre fooods ceertifiicate 纯食品证书书mbinedd certtificaate off valuue andd Chinnese ooriginn 价值和中中国产地联合合证明书装 运 条条 款Thee Stippulatiion foor Shiippingg Termmsloadiing poort annd desstinalltion装装运港与目的的港(1)deespatcch/shiipmentt fromm Chinnese pport tto 从中中国 港口 发送/装运往(2)evvidenccing sshipmeent frrom Chhina tto CFFR by steammer inn trannsit SSaudi Arabiia nott lateer thaan 15tth Jully, 19987 off the goodss speccifiedd beloow 列明下下面的货物按按成本加运费费价格用轮船船不得迟于11987年77月15日从从中国通过沙沙特阿拉伯装装运到2.datte of shipmment 装装船期(1)biills oof ladding mmust bbe datted noot latter thhan Auugust 15, 11987 提提单日期不得得迟于19887年8月115日(2)shhipmennt musst be effeccted nnot laater tthan(oor on)July 30,19987 货物物不得迟于(或于)19987年7月月30日装运运(3)shhipmennt lattest ddate 最迟装运日日期:(4)evvidenccing sshipmeent/deespatcch on or beefore 列明货物物在年月月日或在该该日以前装运运/发送(5)frrom Chhina pport tto nnot laater tthan 331st AAugustt, 19887 不迟于于1987年年8月31日日从中国 港港口 至3.parrtial shipmments and ttranshhipmennt 分运与与转运(1)paartiall shippmentss are (not) permmittedd (不)允允许分运(2)paartiall shippmentss (aree) alllowed (prohhibiteed) 准许许(不准)分分运(3)wiithoutt trannshipmment 不不允许转运(4)trranshiipmentt at HHongkoong alllowedd 允许在香香港转船(5)paartiall shippmentss are permiissiblle, trranshiipmentt is aalloweed exccept aat 允许许分运,除在在外允许许转运(6)paartiall/prorrate sshipmeents aare peerimttted 允许许分运/按比比例装运(7)trranshiipmentt are permiitted at anny porrt agaainst, throough BB/ladiing 凭联联运提单允许许在任何 港港口 转运有效日期与与地点Datte & PPlace of Exxpiry1.vallid innfor negottiatioon unttil 在在议付至至止2.draaft(s) mustt be ppresennted tto thee negootiatiing(orr drawwee)baank noot latter thhan 汇汇票不得迟于于交议付付行(受票行行)3.exppiry ddate ffor prresenttion oof doccumentts 交单单到期日4.draaft(s) mustt be nnegotiiated not llater than 汇票要不不迟于议议付5.thiis L/CC is vvalid for nnegotiiationn in CC


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