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月考解题策略与补练,一、单选 高考单选题覆盖面广,突出语境,强化语义,注重运用,其中词法句法平分秋色; 动词地位不可动摇; 非谓语, 三大从句必不可少, 习惯搭配务必记牢。常将语法、词汇、习惯用语等语言项目的测试融入真实的情景之中,体现语言的交际功能。,1.Chinese Vice-Premier called on Thursday for _ all out effort to ensure _ food and drug safety.,A. an, a B.an,/ C.the, the D./, the,第一空表泛指,用不定冠词; 第二空的粮食和药品安全为抽象名词,不加冠词。,典型例题链接,1.Nowadays, _mobile phone is _ means communication, A. a, the B. the, the C.the, a D.a, /,2.Ive found that many people are still in _ habit of writing silly things in _ public places. A. the, the B./,/ C. the, / D. /, the,3.It is _ world of wonders, _ world where anything can happen. A. a, the B.a, a C.the, a D. /,/,4.Love is_ way of life, but not _ aim of it. A. the, the B. the, an C. a , an D.a, the,With a bowl of noodles going for 30 yuan. go: be sold 卖,售,常和for搭配 The new dictionary is going well. 这部新字典销路很好。 These socks are going at $1 a pair. 这些短袜每双卖1美元。 We shant let our house go for less than $50,000. 我们的房子少于50000美元不卖。,go 的其他用法: 1.(of time )pass; 时间过去,消逝 With time _ _, we are making great progress in English.(随着时间的过去) 2.become, pass into the specified condition 进入某状态;变为 go mad /blind /pale/wrong 变疯、变瞎、变苍白、变质 3.There is an old saying that goes ”Failure is the mother of success.”,going on,With的复合结构 With + n /pron +宾补( adj/ adv/to v / prep phrase/ pp/Ving) He went out _ _ _ _.(门开着) He went out _ _ _ _(门锁着) He went out _ _ _ _ _ _(手里拿着一本书) He went out _ _ _ _ (无事可干) He fell asleep _ _ _ _(灯亮着) The little boy ran out _ _ _(什么也没穿),with the door open,with the door locked,with a book in his hand,with nothing to do,with the light burning,with nothing on,2.Childrens IQ is what determines their future life. =Childrens IQ is the thing _ determines their future life. _ _ childrens IQ _ determines their future life.(强调句) _ determines childrens future life _ their IQ.(主语从句),Which / that,It is,that,what,is,Being married to Michelle and having two beautiful girls in my house never allows me to look down upon women. 动名词短语作主语 A: What made her so upset ? _(丢了新的自行车),Losing her new bicycle,完成下列句子 1. _ (我一上午都在修改我的演讲稿). 2-Do you often go on holiday? -_(不,我已经有五年没有度假了). 3When I prepare for the college entrance examination, _ (我姐姐将在海边度假).,I have been checkinging my speech all the morning,No. It has been five years since I went on holiday.,my sister will be taking her vacation at the seaside,4The public urge that _(采取措施解决交通堵塞的问题). 5Were I in your place, _ (我会毫不犹豫地抓住机会). 6. Developing varieties is the key to _(使我们的产品进入国际市场).,measures (should) be taken to solve the problem of traffic jams.,I would seize the opportunity without hesitation,making our goods dive into the international market,7. _(暴露在) strong sunlight for a long time will do harm to our skin. 8. After washing hands, some students forgot to turn off the tap, _ (让大量的水白白浪费),Being exposed to,with a lot of water going to waste,单选 1. When he _ the door, he found his keys were nowhere. A. would open B. opened C. had opened D. was to open 2. Would you please keep silent? The weather report _ and I want to listen. A. is broadcast B. is being broadcast C. has been broadcast D. had been broadcast 3. -The food here is nice enough. -My friend _ me a right place. A. introduces B. introduced C. had introduced D. was introducing,4._in a famous university is what most stdents wish for. A. To educate B. Educated C. Being educated D. Educating 5. What worried the child most was _ to visit his brother in hospital. A. his not being allowed B. his not allowing B. his being not allowed D. having not been allowed 6. Mr.Johnson left China for Canada in 1998,_ I have heard nothing from him. A. when B. during which C. since then D. since when,7. L iving in the central Australian desert has its problems, _ getting water is not the least. A. as B. for what C. of which D. whose 8. This is an unpleasant subject _ we might argue for a long while. A. in which B. with them C. about which D.with it 9. The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, _are beyond our control. A. most of them B. most of which C. most of what D. most of that,注意跨文化交际差异及应用 1.-Waiter! -_ -I cant eat this. It is salty. A. Yes, sir? B. What? C. All right? D. Pardon? 2.-Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? -_. A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, you could C. Yes, help yourself D. Yes, go on,1.What for: 为什么,为何目的 - Im going to the park. - What for? 2. what if? 要是怎么办?假使将会怎么样? What if he doesnt come? 3. Whats like? .怎么样? 1. -Whats the new teacher like? - Hes got a red beard./ He is honest, loyal and kind-hearted . 2. - Whats the weather like today? - Its sunny/ rainy/cold/cloudy/ 4.So what? 那又怎么样 呢?,Let go! 放手! No way! 不行! Come on 来吧(赶快) So long 再见 Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?) My treat 我请客 After you 您先 Whats up? 有什么事吗? Thats all! 就这样! I dont mean it. 我不是故意的。 Hows it going? 怎么样?,二、完形填空 做题分三个步骤:第一 通读全文,把握一个主线。 第二 根据贯穿全文的线索作出选择。完形填空所考的内容,集中在实词,如名词、动词、形容词、副词。同学们做题的时候,不能单纯考虑这些词的区别,一定要结合语境,在文章中体会这些词的意义。即做题的时候,应该入境。 第三 复读全文、审核答案。,1.prepare themselves for their fate认命 resign themselves to the fate 2. unwilling to accept this terrible fate 不愿意认命 3. as good as dead=almost dead 我的作业几乎做完了。 My homework is as good as finished. asas 和一样,表示同级的比较。其基本结构为:as+ adj./ adv. +as,as good as 和.一样好 This film is as good as that one. 【拓展】as well as as long as as soon as as far as 4. save their energy 节省力气 energy: 精力,活力 精力充沛:full of energy 5. follow the calls of his fellows 听从了同伴的呼唤,follow the steps of ones father 追随某人父亲的脚步 6. look on 旁观,在旁边看 Passers-by simply looked on when the two men were fighting. 【拓展】 look on sb./sth. as把看作;把视为 treat /consider sb/ sth. as,学生把老师视为他们最好的朋友。 The students looked on theirs as their best friends. 7. was completely worn out 精疲力竭 be worn out : (of a person 人)looking or feeling very tired,especially as a result of hard work or physical exercise 疲惫不堪;精疲力竭,(of a thing 物品) badly damaged and/or no longer useful because it has been used a lot 破烂不堪的;废旧的 翻译: 你走了很长的路, 看上去风尘仆仆. 这些车子破旧了,必须更新。 You look worn out after your long journey. These cars are worn-out and must be replaced.,8.spring from : to appear suddenly and unexpectedly from a particular place 突如其来地从(某处)出现 翻译:你是打哪儿冒出来的? Where on earth did you spring from? 【拓展】spring up 迅速出现,突然兴起 9. read ones lips: look at the movements of sbs lips to learn what they are saying 读唇语,【拓展】read ones thoughts/mind 猜测某人的想法 read ones face/expression 观察某人的脸色 10.cheer on 为.加油 cheer up 使振奋起来,高兴起来 11. lift up =cheer up :to become or make sb. more cheerful 高兴起来,使更高兴 12. contain a power lesson teach/give sb. a lesson 给某人一个教训,三、阅读理解 是重头戏。阅读理解不光要求大家对篇章结构进行分析与准确理解,更要有较强的逻辑推理能力。通过不同体裁、不同题材的短文,从文章主旨大义, 查找具体细节,根据上下文猜测词义,理解作者的意图和态度,把握文章的基本结构,从文章字面和深层理解的角度等方面全面考查大家判断推理、分析归纳、逻辑思维与概括总结的能力。,black out,1.become unconscious = faint, pass out,For a few seconds, he thought he was going to black out.,2.to put a dark mark over something so that it cannot be seen,Youd better black out the unpleasant event from your mind.,run,1.跑,奔,He had to run to catch the bus.,2(参加)赛跑,Are you running in the 100 meters?,3竞选(+for),Will you run for chairman of the students union?,4运转,进行,The machine runs smoothly,run,5.流,淌,The childs nose is running.,6.贯穿,相传,Talent runs in the family.,Useful phrases: run out (of) run into in the long run,努力做某事 put a lot of effort into doing sth put ones heart into doing sth put body and soul into doing sth. make efforts to do sth 我将尽一切努力准时到达。 I will make every effort to arrive on time. Ill put a lot of effort into arriving on time.,physical(1)物质的。 physical world 物质世界 physical product 物质产品 (2)身体的;肉体的 physical exercise体育活动 physical strength 体力 physical presence 亲临 physical experience (亲身)体验,.Relax.,.Enjoy the fields., refresh., Have a beer,Good luck!,


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