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Format for Work Cited “References Bibliography -periodicals,Format for Work Cited(MLA),General order: Name of author(.)+ title of article(.)”+ name of periodical+ volume number(.)issue number +date of publication or work(.)+city of publication(:)+year of publication(.),1. Author: (1) One author: List the authors surname first, followed by a comma and then by the first name or initials. Kluger, Jeffrey. “The Nuke Pipeline.” Time 17 Dec. 2001:40-45.,(2)Two authors: invert the name of only the first and follow it with a comma. Hillenbrand, Barry, and Jeff Jacobson. “Heartland.” Modern Maturity Jan./Feb. 2002: 34-43.,add an and,(3)Three authors: place a comma after the second author. Kennedy, Craig H., Shuklas Smith, and Dale Fryxell. “Comparing the Effects of Educational Placement on the Social Relationships of Intermediate School Students with Severe Disabilities.” Exceptional Children 64 (Fall 1997): 31-47.,(4)More than three authors: list the first authors name, inverted, followed by a comma and et al Enright, Frank, et al. or: McCuen, Jo Ray, Anthony Winkler, Cathy Perris, and Becky Bailey.,2. Title. List the title in quotation marks, followed by a period inside the end quotation mark unless the title itself ends in a question mark or exclamation point.,ex. Hoffenaar, Peter, et al. “The Structure of Oppositionality: Response Dispositions and Situational Aspects.” Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 43.3 (2002): 375-85. Dowden, Craig. “What Are the Effective Treatments for Propositional and Defiant Behaviors in Preadolescents?” Journal of Family Practice 54.2 (2005): 162,164-65.,3. Publication information name of the periodical +a volume number +(The year of publication): +page numbers, If the periodical has the issue number( Number 3), a month, or a season(Fall). The issue number follows the volume number, separated by a period(4.3 means volume 4, issue 2),ex. Clark, C., et al. “The Relationship between Executive Functional Abilities, Adaptive Behavior, and Academic Achievement in Children with Externalizing Behavior Problems.” Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 43.6 (2002): 785-96.,1) there are some journals use a month or season designation in place of an issue number ex. McInnis, Douglas. “The Plight of the Bumble Bee.” Popular Science 251 (Nov. 1997): 75-80. Kennedy, Craig H., Shuklas Smith, and Dale Fryxell. “Comparing the Effects of Educational Placement on the Social Relationships of Intermediate School Students with Severe Disabilities.” Exceptional Children 64 (Fall 1997): 31-47.,3) Newspaper require the page number, which may include a section letter. If the section or part is numbered, add sec. or pt. before that number. ex. Rumberger, L. “Our Work, Not Education, Needs Restructuring.” Los Angeles Times, 24 May 1984, pt. 2:5.,2) Magazines that are published weekly or monthly require only the date, without a volume number: ex. Biema, David van. “Opus Dei.” Time 24 April 2006: 52-63.,4. Pages If the pages of the article are scattered throughout the issue (for example, pages 30, 36, 51, and 52), use one of the following formats:,30, 36, 51, 52 30 and passim 30ff. 30+,ex. Miller, Mark Crispin. “The New Wave in Rock.” Horizon Mar. 1978:76+. Dowden, Craig. “What Are the Effective Treatments for Propositional and Defiant Behaviors in Preadolescents?” Journal of Family Practice 54.2 (2005): 162,164-65.,should be used when only three or four pages are involved,Page 30 and here and there throughout the work,Page 30 and the following pages,Beginning on page 30,Dowden, Craig. “What Are the Effective Treatments for Propositional and Defiant Behaviors in Preadolescents?” Journal of Family Practice 54.2 (2005): 162,164-65.,Name of the author, inverted,The title of the article, in quotation mark,name of the article, underlined,The volume number,The issue number,year of publication in parentheses,page numbers,Format for References(APA),General order: Name(s)of author(s)+(year of publication)(. )+Title of article(.)+ Name of periodical(,)+Volume number(,)+ page numbers(.),1. The Author(s) 1) One auhor: in inverted order with only the initials of first and middle names. ex. Harvey, O. L. (1980). The measurement of handwriting considered as a form of expressive movement. Quarterly Review of Biology, 55, 231-249.,2) Up to six authors: use an preceded by a comma in front of the last author. ex. Rodney, J., Hollender, B., Campbell, M. (1983). Hypnotizability and phobic behavior. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 92, 386- 389.,3) more than six authors, use et al. ex. Johnson, T. H., Corbett, M., Benioff, M. F., Castuera, I. O, Nassiman, P., White, P. R., et al.,2. Year of publication,2) If it is a magazine article, and it is issued monthly. List the auhor(s), then the year and month of publication in parentheses, separated by a comma. ex. Kernan, M. (2001, October). Heads up: From a computer-generated model, sculptors cast a bronze triceratops that looks like the real thing. Smithsonian, 34-36.,1) In parentheses, followed by a period. ex. Harvey, O. L. (1980). The measurement of handwriting considered as a form of expressive movement. Quarterly Review of Biology, 55, 231-249.,3) It it is a magazine article and it is issued on a specific day. List the author(s), followed by the year, a comma, the month, and the day of the month in parentheses, with a period following the closing parenthesis. ex. Kalfayou, M. (1997, November 5). As a woman sees it: Honk for domestic violence. The American Observer, 3,APA style retains the article(The),3. Title With only the initial letter of the first word of the title and subtitle and proper nouns capitalized, followed by a period. ex. Feldman, S. (2001). Building blocks. National Journal, 36, 2708,4. Name of the journal or magazine In italic, with the first word and all other words of four letters or more capitalized, followed by a comma. ex. Kaptur, M. (2001). The link between housing and education. Journal of Housing and Community Development, 58(6), 6.,5. Volume number, in italics, followed by a comma If the journal begins each issue with page 1, supply the volume number in Arabic and italic, followed immediately (no space) by the issue number in Arabic and in parentheses. ex. Anderson, L. (2001). The overlooked factor in weight control. Journal of Longevity, 71(12), 6-8.,6.Inclusive page numbers followed by a period( no p. Or pp.) ex. Anthony, R. G., Smith, N. S. (1977). Ecological relationships between mule deer and white-tailed deer in southeastern Arizona. Ecological Monographs, 47, 255-277.,Reynolds, Maynard C. (1994). Child disabilities: Whos in, whos not. Journal of School Health, 64, 238-242.,Name of author inverted,Year of publication in parentheses,Title of the article,Name of the periodical in italic,Volume number in italic,page numbers,Format for Bibliography(CMS),General order: Name(s) of author(s)(,)+ Title of the article(,)+ the title of the periodical/the title of the periodical+ volume number+ (year of publication)(:) +page numbers(.),1. The author. 1) Single author. the authors name in the normal order. ex. Matt Rees, Showdown, Time, 17 December 2001, 46-50.,2) More than one author: ex. Clyde Ferguson and William R. Cotter, South Africa-What is to Be Done Foreign Affairs 56 (1978): 254.,3) Three authors Seperated the first and second names by a comma, and the second and third by a comma followed by the word and ex. Paul Jacobs, Saul Landen, and Eve Pell,4) More than three authors list the name of the first author followed by et al. with no comma in between.,2. Title of the article Placed within quotation marks. ex. Matt Rees, Showdown, Time, 17 December 2001, 46-50.,3. The title of the periodical The title of the periodical is italicized or underlined. ex. Clyde Ferguson and William R. Cotter, South Africa-What is to Be Done Foreign Affairs 56 (1978): 254.,4. Volume number and the year of publication volume number in Arabic and the year of publication in parentheses ex. Anne Paolucci, Comedy and Paradox in Pirandellos Plays, Modern Drama 20(1977):322.,5. Page numbers Use a colon before the page numbers of a journal, but a comma before page numbers of magazines or books. ex. Mark Singer, I Pledge Allegiance, New Yorker, 26 November 2001, 54-61.,Anne Paolucci, Comedy and Paradox in Pirandellos Plays, Modern Drama 20(1977):322.,Name of the author,The title in quotation mark,The title of the periodical,The volume number,The year of publication,page number,Conlusion,(1) Format for Work Cited(MLA): Name of author(.)+ title of article(.)”+ name of periodical+ volume number(.)issue number+date of publication or work(.)+city of publication(:)+year of publication(.) (2) Format for References(APA): Name(s)of author(s)+(year of publication)(. )+Title of article(.)+ Name of periodical(,)+Volume number(,)+ page numbers(.) (3) Format for Bibliography(CMS): Name(s) of author(s)(,)+ Title of the article(,)+ the title of the periodical/the title of the periodical+ volume number+ (year of publication)(:) +page numbers(.),Thank you,


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