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Unit 7,The shelter,The structer,Part 1 Comprehension of the text Part 2 The new words Part 3 Phrases & Expressions,Warm-Up Questions 1.If you are in the shelter, what will you do? to go to outside or just stay inside? 2. Will you choose to help others when you are in danger?,Let us make the answer of the questions,Stockton refuses to share his bomb shelter with his neighbors because_. A. he thinks they shoud use their own bomb shelters B. he has just had a quarrel with them C. it can house three people only, that is, his own family D. he has always been on bad terms with them for the past twenty years,The fact that both Weiss and Harlowe join the men in smashing the shelter door implies that _. A. even those who were against the use of drastic means can turn horrible beasts when sn impending danger because too much for them B. at last both come to see that they are duty-bound to take sides with the other neighbors against the Stocktons in the crisis C. at the last minute they both come to realize that they are under the obligation to help their neighbors force open the shelter door D. they are force by their greedy and aggressive neighbors to join them in the terrible act,From the words “the realization that something has taken hold of all of them now .something deadening in its effect and disquieting beyond words ”, we may infer that Stocktons neighbors have come to realize that _ A. its misunderstanding that threw them into such a panic B. they have got into trouble with the law by forcing open their neighbors shelter door C. they have revealed their ture nature in the crisis, thereby landing themselves in an extremely awkward situation D. the absoulute dead silence results from their state of shock,Most probably the author intends the play as a discussion on_ A. human nature B. mans fate in a modern war C. mans behavioral habits D. none of the above,Text notes,1. synopsis of act one 内容提要 2. among those present are his neighbors :the Hendersons ,the weisss an the Harlowes (L2-3) 来宾中有他的邻居:亨得森一家,韦斯一家,还有哈罗一家。 、【注释】本句是一个倒装句(因为句子的主语过长,为了保持句子结构平 衡,所以采用了倒装语序)其正常语序为: His neighbors :the Hendersons ,the Weisss and the Harlows are among those present. 、useful expression :among those present 在来宾中,在客人中,Text notes,3. In the midst of it comes unexpectedly over the radio the announcement of the present of the United sates declaring a state of emergency for suspected enemy missilas approaching .(L3-5) 宴会正在进行中,收音机里出人意料地传来了美国总统的公告,因怀疑敌方导弹飞近,宣布全国处于紧急状态。 、【注释】倒装句,正常语序为:The announcement comes unexpectedly over the radio in the midst of it “it” 指代的是 a birthday celebration 、 in the midst of 正在进行中 the announcement of the president of the US 美国总统公告,Text notes,4. one after another (L7) 一个个, 一个又一个 5. for the reason that (L8) 是因为,原因就是 6. grabs hold of sb (L17) 一把抓住某人 7. report to ones post (L25) 上班报到 8. pool all our stuff (L36) 把一切能用的物件统统凑拢起来,Text notes,9. All of us couldnt fit in there (L50)那儿怎么挤得进这么多人呢 注释 这句话表示部分否定,相当于“not all of us couldnt fit in there ”英语中,一些用来表示“全体”或“完全”意义的总括词,如all,every (及every body,every thing等 )both ,always , quite,wholly,entirely,altogether,completely等,与not 搭配使用时,可表示部分否定意为“并非都是,不是每个都是” 例如: - Every man cant be a writer 并非每一个人都可成为作家 - All is not gold that glitters 发光的并非都是黄金,Text notes,10. draw lots (L53) 抽签 11. for no reason (L63) 毫无意义 12. come up (L66) 传来 13. plead with sb (L70) 求求某人 14. whirls around to sb (L75) 蓦地向某人转过身去 15. shut your mouth (L83) 闭上你的嘴 16. the bottom of (L89) 在的底部,Text notes,17. it wouldnt do any good (L101) 无济于事 18. head for (L109) 通向 19. stands close to the door (L116) 紧靠着门 20. a banch of your neighbors (L124) 一群你的邻居 21. figure out (L125) 合计 ,计算出 22. mean business (L135) 是当真的 23. pile up (L176) 堆起 24.get ones hands on (L179) 25. in the way of (L189) 在方面,Text notes,26. As the long smashes into the shelter door ,the siren goess up .louder and more piercing andd it is at this moment that we see both WEISS and HARLOWE join the men on the heavy log to lend their support to it (L195-L197) - 正当木头猛撞防空洞的大门时,警报拉得更响了,更加尖利刺耳了,就在此时韦斯和哈罗都加入到这伙人中握住木头助上一臂之力,Text notes,这是全剧的高潮部分,也是全剧最具讽刺意味最令人感慨之处。从前文我们得知,Harlowe 先生一直是“理性的化身”在Herdonson提出“我们到地下室去,把防空洞的门撞开”时,Harlow 先生断然拒绝,并指出:“这样做简直是愚蠢”,“即使我们把门砸开,防空洞也容不下我们这么多人,这只会把我们统统害死”在Herdonson与Weiss发生口角时,他也一直充当着主持公正的调停人和训导者,似乎Harlowe先生是位“谦谦君子”“理性睿智”的人,然后在此刻,在个体生命受到威胁的时候,作为Stockton 最好朋友的 Harlowe也加入到撞门的疯狂行为中,完全不顾道义廉耻,暴漏人性中自私、残忍的劣根性,通过这一人物的塑造,深化了本剧的主题。,Text notes,27. go off (L210) 暂停,停止 28. coll off (L220) 停止 取消 29. blow ones top (L231) 大发脾气 30. hold against (L237) 因某事而嫉妒某人 31. talk up (L239) 开始 32. born of (L249) 由于 33. spare sb sth (L273) 使免受,The end,


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