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状语从句的翻译,状语从句是医学英语文献中出现频率比较多的句型之一, 常见的英语状语从句包括表示时间、地点、原因、条件、让步、假设、目的、结果、比较、方式等各种从句,常见的译法如下。,OUTLINE:,11.1 表示时间的状语从句的译法 11.2 表示地点的状语从句译法 11.3 表示原因的状语从句的译法 11.4 表示条件、假设的状语从句的译法 11.5 表示让步的状语从句的译法 11.6 表示目的的状语从句的译法 11.7表示比较的状语从句的译法 11.8表示方式的状语从句的译法,11.1 表示时间的状语从句的译法,表示时间的常用的连词有: as(在时,随着),as soon as, no soonerthan (刚就),while(正在时),the moment(在时间),before(在以前),till,until (直到),after (在以后),since (自从),as long as(在时间内,只要),when(当,在的时候),whenever(无论何时),hardlywhen, scarcelywhen(刚就),常见的译法如下:,11.1.1 直译文中出现的表示时间概念的状语 例1He got scarlet fever when he was yet a child. 例2 While the tissue requires more oxygen, we breathe more deeply and more quickly to supply it. 例3 As clinical improvement becomes obvious, the dose of penicillin may be reduced regularly. 例4 The old mother feels very sorrowful, whenever she thinks of her lost daughter.,当他还是孩童的时间,他就得了一次猩红热。 当组织需要更多氧气的时间,我们就更深地和更快地呼吸去补充它。 随着(病人)临床情况明显的改善,青霉素的用量可以逐步减少。 无论何时,只要这位老妈妈想起她丢失的女儿,她就会感到十分悲伤。,11.1.2 译为“刚(一)就”的句式,例1 All kinds of food, all kinds of vegetables and fruits begin to digest as soon as they enter the stomach. 例2Hardly had the attenuation of rheumatic pains occurs when the doctor instructed the patient to stop medication.,各种食物、蔬菜和水果一进入胃部就开始消化。,风湿痛刚刚减轻,医生就嘱咐病人停止用药。,11.1.3 译为并列的两个分句,例1 On hearing the results of examination, that female patient cried as he walked. 例2 When the patient walked along, he kept wondering what the doctor really meant.,当听到检查的结果,那位女病人一边走,一边哭。,病人一边走,一边琢磨着医生说的那番话的意思。,11.2 表示地点的状语从句译法,常用的连词有:where (那里,在的地方), wherever(无论何处,无论什么地方)。地点状语从句在医学英文文献中使用频率较低,以下仅举两例说明:,例1 In order to call the registration number clearly, the nurse stood where every patient could see her. 为了方便叫号,护士站在所有病人能看见她的地方。 例2 Pus formation may occur wherever there is intense local tissue death. 凡是在任何局部组织大量死亡的地方,都会有脓液的形成.,11.3 表示原因的状语从句的译法,表示“原因”的常用连词有: as, because (因为) , since, now that, in that, (既然,因为),seeing (that) (鉴于,由于),considering that(考虑到,由于),inasmuch as (因为,由于) ,on the ground that (基于,根据),not that but that (不是由于而是由于),for the reason that(由于,由于的理由)等等。 举例如下:,例1 As the patient is terribly ill, the doctor has gone to see him at his home. 例2 Since some side-effects such as nausea, skin rashes and vertigo are frequently encountered, the drug should be discontinued at the first sign of them.,因为病人病得非常厉害,医生只好到他家里去看他了。,因为常遇到一些诸如恶心、皮疹和眩晕等药物的副作用,所以一旦(病人)出现类似的征兆就应立即停药。,医学英文文献中有些类型的原因状语从句在汉译是可译为不用关联词而表示因果逻辑关系的并列分句,常见于口语。例如: “We took you in the hospital as you are seriously ill” the nurse said. “您病得很厉害,我们才让您住院治疗”护士说。,11.4 表示条件、假设的状语从句的译法,常用连词如下: if, provided, provided that, providing, providing that (如果,只要), in case, in case that (如果,在情况下), supposing, supposing that (假设, 比方说),on condition that (条件是,以为条件,如果), only (只是,条件是), once (一旦), unless (除非),so (as) long as (只要),given that (如果,以为条件),admitting that (假如,如果承认),presuming that (假定),in the event that (如果),save that (除非)等等。,11.4.1 译成表示“条件”的分句(前置),例1 If penicillin is administrated, the patients past history in regard to penicillin therapy must be required. 例2 “In case that she is sick and unable to get up, you had better take her place as the head nurse” the chief director said to me.,如果使用过青霉素,那就必须询问病人有关他的青霉素 治疗的既往史。,主任对我说:“如果她有病不能起床,你最好能代替她作护士长。”,11.4.2 译成表示“假设”的分句(前置),例1 Supposing that head injury is the cause of coma, there is usually a history of the injury. 例2 The physical teacher told to his students:“If you want to try, you can feel the fleshy belly of the biceps of your arm when you bend your elbow”。,假设昏迷的原因是头部外伤,那么(病人)通常都有受伤的既 往史。,生理老师告诉学生们:“如果你愿意尝试,你可以通过屈臂来感受 你上臂肱二头肌肌腹。”,汉语中表示“假设”的分句一般前置,但是表示补充说明情况的分句则后置,请看下面例句。,11.4.3 译成补充说明情况的分句(后置),例1 Some people often try to avoid the allergen,such as seafood, if they possibly can. 例2 A doctor is liable to misclassify phenomena and make inaccurate diagnoses, if he is without such knowledge.,一些人总是竭力避免过敏原,比如海鲜,如果可能的话。,一个医生可能将临床现象错误的分类,并由此做出错误的诊断,如果没有这方面的知识的话。,11.5 表示让步的状语从句的译法,常用的连词包括: though, although (虽然), however(无论怎样),no matter how (不论怎样), no matter what (不论什么),whatever(不管什么),whichever (不管哪个),even if , even though (即使),granted that(即使,就算是), notwithstanding that(尽管,虽然),while(尽管仍然),例1Although the importance of sanitation is established, yet some people still neglect cleanliness of their bodies and dwellings. 例2 The rise of body temperature is not invariable in appendicitis, while a slight rise is usual. 例3 Whether the pain is severe or not, the reaction to pain is extremely variable.,不管疼痛严重与否,(人体)对疼痛的反应是极其多样化的。,虽然大家都知道讲卫生的重要性,但仍然有些人疏忽个人和住宅卫生的清洁问题。,患阑尾炎时,体温并非一定总要升高,虽然轻微的升高时常见的。,11.6 表示目的的状语从句的译法,常用的连词有: that, so that, in order that(为了,以便,才能,因此), lest (唯恐,免得), for fear that(唯恐),but that (如此以至不能)等等。 根据不同连词引导的目的状语从句以及汉语语言的使用习惯,有两种相应的汉译方法即前置法和后置法。,11.6.1 译成表示“目的”的前置分句,例1 The nurse opens the door gently for fear that she should awake the patient. 例2 You should quit smoking so that you might get well sooner.,为了不惊醒病人,护士轻轻推开房门。,为了早日康复,你应该戒烟。,11.6.2 译成表示“目的”的后置分句,例1 The newly recovered patient walked with a cane lest (for fear that) he should fall.,刚刚康复的病人扶着拐杖走路,唯恐跌倒。(注意当从句在主句之后,从句表示目的和愿望,但不一定为事实,从句的动词多用虚拟语气,如本句中使用了should.),例2 This is the reason for the selective nature of immunity, so that the immunity to one disease does not necessarily cause a person to be immune to another.,这就是免疫选择的道理,因此对某一种疾病的免疫并不一定使一个人对另一种疾病也产生免疫。,例3 The doctor must translate all thought processes into effective interactions with the patient and must work to develop a partnership with the patient so that medically indicated diagnostic tests and treatments that are acceptable to the patient are identified and used.,医生必须将他自己所想到的转化为与病人的有效互动,并致力促成医生和患者之间的相互合作,以便使病人接受的医疗诊断和治疗得以确认和实施。,11.7表示比较的状语从句的译法,常用的连词有: As as (和一样) ,not so (as) as (和不一样,不像那样) ,as, just as, as so (正如那样),than(比),the the (越越)等等。,例1 Adequate sleep is as vital in patients with myocardial infarction as it is with those suffering from cardiac failure. 充足的睡眠对于心肌梗死病人来说,和对心力衰竭病人一样,具有同等的重要性。 例2 The patient is not as miserable as he was several days ago. 病人不像几天前那样难受了。,11.8表示方式的状语从句的译法,例1 The patient should be confined to bed as the doctor advised. 例2 Storage of water for several days will ensure the death of cercariae as will the boiling of drinking water. 例3 Each of the body system is regulated in some way by some part of the endocrine system, just as each is controlled in some way by the nervous system.,病人应该按照医生建议那样,卧床休息。 将水储存数天,可使尾蚴死亡,如同煮沸饮用水起到的效果那样。 人体的每一个系统在某种程度上部分受内分泌系统的调节,正如人体的每一个系统在某种程度上受神经系统调节一样。,11.9小结,本章就医学英文文献中常见的八种状语从句的翻译方法以及各种类型状语从句常用的连词做了详细的介绍说明,希望对大家的医学翻译有所帮助。状语从句作为医学英文文献中使用频率较高的一种从句类型,它的翻译重、难点在于判断状语从句中连词所代表逻辑关系,因此需要大家熟记每一小章前面列举的各种常见连词及其准确意义。在此前提下,大家还要注意汉译的句子要符合汉语的语言习惯,比如前面提到的前置法和后置法的例子等等。,EXERCISES,Exercise 1: Translate the following sentences into Chinese 1. When toxemia does occur in the multipara, it is usually associated with some predisposing factors, especially hypertensive vascular disease. 2.The patient has been sleeping very well since he took the sedative this morning. 3.This is particular important since both infection and diabetes are difficult to control when occur together.,4. If direct sensitivity tests are performed on the plated material, definitive antibiotic sensitivity results can be obtained within 24 hours in most instances when this information can be critical to the management of the patient. 5.Treatment is by cessation of oral administration of the offending drug so that the normal balance of intestinal flora can be reestablished. 6.The doctor asked the nurse several questions as he examined the patient.,7. Difficult as the task was, they fulfilled it all the same. 8. During sleeping the functioning of the automatic nervous system is normal, although it is less intense. 9. The pain is usually relieved by administration of opiate, although repeated doses may be required. 10. The liver helps in the destruction of worn-out red blood cells; stores the iron from this process and liberates it to the red bone marrow as needed, for the conversion of a normoblast into a non-neucleated red blood cell.,参考译文: 1.当经产妇确实发生毒血症时,通常与某种诱发因素有关,特别是与高血压血管疾病有关。 2.病人自从今早服用镇定剂后,一直睡的很好。 3.这点特别重要,因为感染和糖尿病若同时发生,就难以控制。 4.如果对涂片上的物质进行直接敏感性试验,则大都可于24小时内获得抗菌素敏感度确切的结果。此时,这种资料就成为处理病人选择药物的关键。 5.治疗的办法是停止口服起不利作用的药物,以便肠道内菌群的正常平衡得以恢复。,6.医生检查病人时问了护士几个问题。 7.任务虽然很难,他们还是把它完成了。 8.在睡眠时,自主神经系统的功能活动是正常的,但强度要差些。 9.通常是用鸦片制剂来缓解疼痛,但可能需要重复使用。 10.肝脏帮助破坏衰老的红细胞,从这个过程中将铁贮存起来,在需要时把铁释放到红骨髓里,以便将正成红细胞转化为无核红细胞。,Exercise 2: Translate the following passages into Chinese 1. It is important to realize that hypertension and left cardiac hypertrophy are not necessarily, though usually, associated. The heart may be of normal size with a systolic blood pressure well over 150mm. , and on the other hand the left ventricle may be hypertrophied in the absence both of valvular lesions and of hypertension. The probable explanation of the first anomaly is that the increase of pressure has been so gradual that it has thrown no sudden strain on the muscle fibres,whilst in the second case it is possible that the hypertrophy is due to a previous hypertension which was no longer evident at time of the final illness. Cases are on record where the heart has weighed as much as 800g without evident hypertension or valvular disease.,2. If the amount of blood in the vessel is sufficient to distend it as is usual in the circulation, the distended walls of the elastic vessels exert a pressure on the contained fluid. If the additional fluid is forced into the vessels, as happen in cardiac systole, the blood could either be forced out of the vessel, or, if the resistance to its forward passage were greater than the pressure required on distended the vessels, the latter would be further distended. This happens in the normal circulation.,参考译文: 1. 虽然高血压和左心室肥大通常有联系,但是有时未必如此,认识到这一点是很重要的。收缩期血压大大超过一百五十毫米时,心脏的大小仍可能是正常的。反之,在既没有心脏瓣膜损伤,又没有高血压的情况下,左心室也可能肥大。第一种异常情况可能因为血压的增加时渐进的,没有把重负突然施加于肌肉纤维。而第二种情况,肥大可能是由于原先有高血压,而后来高血压已经不再明显了。有案可查,有些病例心脏重量可达八百克却没有明显的高血压和瓣膜疾病。 2. 正如在平时的循环中那样,如果血管内血量足以使血管扩张,那么扩张了的富有弹性的血管壁对管内液体施加压力。如果附加的液体被迫进入血管,如在心脏收缩期发生的那样,那么血液可被排出。如果前进通路的阻力大于血管扩张所需要的压力,血管将变形扩张。此种情况出现于正常的血液循环中。,


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