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新标准大学英语综合教程4Unit 1-Unit 5 unit test 答案1. establish2. Mr. Philips is running for a position in the local government in the elections. Your answer Correct answer upcoming upcoming 3. What can we do to all the accomplishments our company has had? Your answer Correct answer highlight highlight 4. In my opinion, the asking price for that painting far its real value. Your answer Correct answer exceeds exceeds 5. Sharon was with indecision over where to go to college. Your answer Correct answer fraught fraught 6. Her book is a brief, history of World War I. Your answer Correct answer concise concise 7. Too many people accuse students of ignorance about or toward international issues. Your answer Correct answer apathy apathy 8. The politician wrote a tell-all book in which she her experience during the campaign. Your answer Correct answer recounted recounted 9. Risking my entire life savings on a single horse race is not a(n) Im willing to take. Your answer Correct answer gamble gamble 10. My mother was a very woman, but she only wanted the best for my sister and me. Your answer Correct answer demanding demanding 11. If you lend me money today, I can you after I get paid on Friday. Your answer Correct answer repay repay 12. Every time the plane hit turbulence, he the armrests tightly. Your answer Correct answer clutched clutched 13. The purpose of the canal was to the river and provide water to more farmland. Your answer Correct answer redirect redirect 14. Thankfully, Maria was a tremendous help as I made the into my new position. Your answer Correct answer transition transition 15. Twenty years ago, this was a wealthy, community. Your answer Correct answer thriving thriving 16. Please remember that we need to taxes from your paycheck. Your answer Correct answer deduct deduct 17. The virus disabled the software, so we needed to to an earlier version. Your answer Correct answer revert revert 18. I know youre excited about the possibilities, but please try not to it. Your answer Correct answer overdo overdo 19. Many lost a lot of money when the stock market fell last month. Your answer Correct answer investors investors 20. My employer offers a(n) benefits package that is difficult to give up. Your answer Correct answer comprehensive comprehensive Section B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21. All right, its time to pack our things and move to the new office upstairs. Your answer Correct answer up up 22. The counselor suggested that Felipe talk his problems with his brother. Your answer Correct answer through through 23. Thomas has always been, nothing else, a diligent and responsible student. Your answer Correct answer if if 24. I find it inconceivable that anyone could turn a free trip to the Caribbean. Your answer Correct answer down down 25. Jordan bought three cases of bottled water fear that the storm would cause serious damage. Your answer Correct answer for for 26. all means, please make yourself at home. Your answer Correct answer By By 27. Stephen looked in horror as the fire consumed his apartment building. Your answer Correct answer on on 28. After such a long day of work, I want to go home and treat myself a big piece of chocolate cake. Your answer Correct answer to to 29. Were all the same boat; so lets try to be nice to one another. Your answer Correct answer in in 30. His question came of the blue and caught me by surprise. Your answer Correct answer out out Your answer Correct answer (31) slump slump (32) aimless aimless (33) landlord landlord (34) client client (35) hassle hassle (36) loan loan (37) honesty honesty (38) sympathize sympathize (39) financially financially (40) Fortunately Fortunately C a b d dUnit21. Forego 2. The actress spoke in such a heavy northern that I could barely understand her. Your answer Correct answer dialect dialect 3. Theres nothing left to do now but the results. Your answer Correct answer await await 4. I love going on vacation, but I always in a sea of work when I return. Your answer Correct answer drown drown 5. After three huge successes, George became one of the most people in Hollywood. Your answer Correct answer influential influential 6. There have been far too many disappearances in this town for my taste. Your answer Correct answer mysterious mysterious 7. It drives me crazy that Steve can sit around and be when theres so much work to do! Your answer Correct answer idel idle 8. His shifty eyes and smarmy personality do little to a trustworthy character. Your answer Correct answer foster foster 9. She brings her lunch to work, but today she decided to eat out. Your answer Correct answer normally normally 10. The of alcohol as an illegal drug will only make the problem worse. Your answer Correct answer classification classification 11. Dont your little brother! Take him with you. Your answer Correct answer exclude exclude 12. Its difficult for someone of his to go out in public unrecognized. Your answer Correct answer stature stature 13. My interview with a panel of professors is the only left before I earn my degree. Your answer Correct answer obstacle obstacle 14. After years of , the old house on the corner was finally torn down. Your answer Correct answer neglect neglect 15. If you want to write a book about traveling in Europe, its to have actually been there before. Your answer Correct answer advantageous advantageous 16. Im going to invest my money in Microsoft, and I strongly suggest you do . Your answer Correct answer likewise likewise 17. It is critical to your sources when you make an argument. Your answer Correct answer cite cite 18. This months bestselling novel has a(n) that is rarely seen in literature. Your answer Correct answer originality originality 19. Its difficult to with people if you dont speak the same language. Your answer Correct answer interact interact 20. Its common for politicians to use almost anything as against their opponents. Your answer Correct answer ammunition ammunition Section B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21. The toughest thing about moving away was when I had to part my book collection. Your answer Correct answer with with 22. The spring season, it were, doesnt really exist here since we go straight from winter into summer. Your answer Correct answer as as 23. Please leave me alone; Im simply looking some peace and quiet. Your answer Correct answer for for 24. After looking at his old pictures, James longed go back to China. Your answer Correct answer to to 25. Just tell me the truth and dont toy my emotions! Your answer Correct answer with with 26. Mona decided to seek her biological parents after she found out she was adopted. Your answer Correct answer out out 27. the most part, I think the kids enjoyed our vacation this year. Your answer Correct answer For For 28. She picks up some extra money by being a tour guide the side. Your answer Correct answer on on 29. I think the reason were such good friends is because we have so much common. Your answer Correct answer in in 30. If you learn to look this class as an opportunity, you might not be so miserable. Your answer Correct answer upon upon Your answer Correct answer (31) recommendation recommendation (32) adventurer adventurer (33) stereotypical stereotypical (34) gratuitous gratuitous (35) confront confront (36) enlightenment enlightenment (37) sacrifice sacrifice (38) undoing undoing (39) desperately desperately (40) tackle tackle B d b c aUnit31. Throughout history, many people have attempted to find the _ secret to success, but relatively few have actually done it. a. elusive b. evasive c. illusory d. eloquent 2. It was hard for Cynthia to remain uninvolved with the controversy since she is such a _ part of the company. a. visibility b. risible c. visible d. visibly 3. Officer Clarke, in the best interest of the case, please consider absolutely everything to be at your _. a. dispose b. disposal c. disposing d. disposed 4. The mountain climbers demonstrated a(n) _ feat of selflessness when they turned around to help an injured stranger. a. advantageous b. gorgeous c. outrageous d. courageous 5. Many movie stars are notorious for wearing excessive amounts of expensive _. a. jewellery b. jewels c. jewelers d. jewelling 6. Her novel successfully _ an entire generation of young women to believe they could be whatever they wanted. a. emboldened b. embittered c. empowered d. embroidered 7. Im not really a _ of pop culture trends, so can you explain that reference to me? a. flower b. follower c. fellow d. fallowing 8. We just moved into town so were still a little _. a. unsettling b. settlers c. settled d. unsettled 9. The movie is fantastic, but youll need to _ your disbelief toward the end. a. upend b. suspend c. depend d. misspend 10. Dont _ Jacks determination to do whatever it takes to win. a. underestimate b. overestimate c. estimate d. misestimate 11. As judge, I _ over this courtroom and have the final say on all matters. a. preside b. reside c. presume d. resume 12. Please stay back! This is a _ area! a. constricted b. districted c. restricted d. unrestricted 13. The moon shone down and cast a _ glow over the entire field. a. luminosity b. luminous c. luminal d. luminously 14. The state dinner is a _ affair, so please dress appropriately. a. distinctive b. respectable c. dramatic d. formal 15. Stock prices rose _ after the company publically announced its new product. a. dramatically b. magically c. loosely d. exclusively 16. The colonists began to form a _ in response to the unfair taxes. a. rebel b. rebellion c. rebellious d. rebelling 17. After striking the iceberg, the ship quickly sank into the _ depths. a. skinny b. preppy c. murky d. baggy 18. Im not a good typist, so I find it easier to _ all of my emails. a. dictate b. elucidate c. explicate d. exacerbate 19. To accommodate increased traffic, city planners are going to expand the _of the highway. a. length b. height c. depth d. width 20. Lets be proactive and do something instead of just watching the situation _. a. ameliorate b. collaborate c. deteriorate d. elaborate 21. Things didnt quite turn the way I expected, but Im still happy with the result. Your answer Correct answer out out 22. You cant fool me; Im wise the way things work around here. Your answer Correct answer to to 23. My question sparked much discussion in the group about right versus wrong. Your answer Correct answer off off 24. They didnt know it, but they were playing right our hands the whole time. Your answer Correct answer into into 25. Leslie broke her argument into three main points. Your answer Correct answer down down 26. It was pure luck that we chanced the fossilized remains of the dinosaur. Your answer Correct answer upon upon 27. Our town was named the explorer who first discovered the nearby waterfall. Your answer Correct answer after after 28. After the ship sank, wreckage washed on shore for weeks. Your answer Correct answer up up 29. Some of the oldest headstones in the graveyard were completely worn so we couldnt tell whom they belonged to. Your answer Correct answer away away 30. The novel revolves a protagonist who is searching for a lost city of gold. Your answer Correct answer around around Your answer Correct answer (31) glamorous glamorous (32) individuality individuality (33) credentials credentials (34) stunning stunning (35) daring daring (36) superficial superficial (37) lavish lavish (38) exclusively exclusively (39) inescapable inescapable (40) lure lure D a c c dUnit41. Weve been living in bliss ever since our wedding. Your answer Correct answer marital marital 2. Sandra is going to study in Asia next semester. Your answer Correct answer overseas overseas 3. Its critical that tests with material students are learning in the classroom. Your answer Correct answer align align 4. The lawyer spent all week trying to evidence against the suspect. Your answer Correct answer compile compile 5. We cant afford to lose Thomashes our most employee. Your answer Correct answer indispensable indispensable 6. Even though it was only a(n) wound, the cut was incredibly painful. Your answer Correct answer superficial superficial 7. Lori is an expert at using lies and flattery to the people around her and get what she wants. Your answer Correct answer deceive deceive 8. My puppy is notorious for the looks he gives when hes hungry. Your answer Correct answer pathetic pathetic 9. Please the police if you see anything suspicious. Your answer Correct answer notify notify 10. Unfortunately, the new regulations arent with the law, so theyll need to change. Your answer Correct answer compatible compatible Section B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.11. Dont trust my brother, hes _ to do or say anything. a. libel b. unreliable c. reliable d. liable 12. If you become a member, youll have access to _ deals and offers. a. inclusive b. exclusive c. reclusive d. elusive 13. I can teach any type of math, but I _ in geometry. a. special b. specialty c. especially d. specialize 14. Winning the lottery is possible, but its certainly not _. a. probably b. probable c. probability d. probabilistic 15. Weve been with the same bank for years, and Ive never had a _ about their service. a. complaint b. publicity c. restraint d. vanity 16. I want to wait until the stock market begins to _ before I invest; its just too volatile right now. a. decline b. stabilize c. increase d. neutralize 17. That actress is best known for her _ laughits like no other. a. familiar b. ordinary c. distinctive d. renowned 18. Schoolchildren are usually taught the importance of their national _ very early. a. weather b. downturn c. savings d. heritage 19. It simply makes good _ sense to save money for retirement. a. economical b. economics c. economist d. economy 20. After discussing the situation, Carlos and I came to a(n) _ agreement with which we were both satisfied. a. communal b. independent c. mutual d. dual Section C: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21. Please put the gun, and we can talk about this calmly. Your answer Correct answer down down 22. She laid the paperwork on the table so she could finally get organized. Your answer Correct answer out out 23. Unfortunately, the new owner simply helped the situation go bad to worse. Your answer Correct answer from from 24. Nicholas managed to carve a unique niche, and he got lots of customers because of what he could offer. Your answer Correct answer out out 25. After my husband lost his job, we were forced to cut back many things we didnt really need. Your answer Correct answer on on 26. Rent must be paid full by the 1st of the month. Your answer Correct answer in in 27. In the end, it all boils to who you know, not what you know. Your answer Correct answer down down 28. The sad truth is that far too many people simply scrape and live from day to day. Your answer Correct answer by by 29. After many profitable years, the economic downturn ultimately forced the company the red. Your answer Correct answer into into 30. I want everyone to pair with a classmate and act out this scene of the play. Your answer Correct answer up up Your answer Correct answer (31) wicked wicked (32) desirable desirable (33) devastating devastating (34) abject abject (35) greed greed (36) jealous jealous (37) prone prone (38) naturally naturally (39) yearn yearn (40) unrealistic unrealistic C d a b dUnit51. The poet gave an incredibly speech and brought many people to tears. Your answer Corr


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