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Unit 2 Lets talk teensSectionCExtendedreading,Project,Assessment&Furtherstudy课后篇巩固提升必备知识基础练.用所给词的适当形式填空1.Everyone in the class seemed eager (learn).答案to learn2.I am determined (give) my youth to the motherland.答案to give3.I took down a box and (lay) it carefully in front of Mama.答案laid4.When were at home,she keeps (press) me (study) all the time.答案pressing;to study5.Everyone says that (young) is a time for adventure,but my parents disagree.答案youth6.I tell them that Im (stress) about schoolwork,but neither of them show any concern.答案stressed.完成句子1.我想偶尔休息一下。I want to .答案take a break once in a while2.他们总是对我指手画脚。Theyre always something.答案on my back about3.似乎我的成绩是她生命中最重要的东西。my grades are the most important thing in her life.答案It seems as if4.我们都感觉很好,因为我们不必去市中心从妈妈的银行账户里取钱。We all felt very good because we did not have to go downtown and Mamas Bank Account.答案draw money out of5.每个星期六晚上,妈妈都会坐在厨房的桌子旁数爸爸带回家的钱。Every Saturday night mama would sit down by the kitchen table and papa had brought home.答案count out the money关键能力提升练.阅读理解AmazingKids!WildJungleWritingContestAmazingKidsMagazine is proud to announce that we will be hosting a Wild Jungle Writing Contest this fall!Send us your best jungle-themed stories using this starter,“I had no idea why they were standing there.”This contest is open to grades K-12,with three groups of K-3,4-8,and 9-12.Three winners from each age group will be chosen to win Amazing Kids prizes,along with an official certificate verifying(证实)their winning entry.All participants will receive a certificate of participation in the contest.Submit all entries by September 30 to be considered!Email editoramazing-kids.org for more questions about rules and specifications.Frequently Asked QuestionsQ:How should I format my entry?A:Stories should be written in English,with submissions of less than 1,200 words.Please submit your entry as a Microsoft Word document.Q:How do I submit my entry?A:E-mail your submission to editoramazing-kids.org.Each e-mail submission will receive a return message verifying that the essay is received.Q:Is there just one prize?A:No.Nine separate prizes will be given out,with a cash value of $20 for the first place,$15 for the second place,and $10 for the third place in each age group.Certificates of participation will also be awarded to each participant in the contest.【语篇解读】这是一篇应用文。文章是一项写作比赛“WildJungleWritingContest”的征文启事,主要说明了比赛规则以及奖项设置等信息。1.Which of the following stories suits the contest most?A.A couple lost their way in the jungle.B.A teenager caught a thief in a cave.C.A pupil met a bear while searching the forest.D.A soldier saved a drowning boy.答案C解析推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Sendusyourbestjungle-themedstories.”和分析选项可知一个小学生在森林里搜寻时遇到了一只熊的故事最适合这个比赛。故选C项。2.A champion will receive.A.a cash value of $15B.a thank-you letterC.only a certificateD.a prize and a certificate答案D解析细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Nineseparateprizeswillbegivenout,withacashvalueof$20forthefirstplace,$15forthesecondplace,and$10forthethirdplaceineachagegroup.Certificatesofparticipationwillalsobeawardedtoeachparticipantinthecontest.”可知冠军将获得奖品和证书。故选D项。3.What type of writing is the passage?A.News.B.Summary.C.Announcement.D.Guide.答案C解析推理判断题。根据文章主要内容可知这是一项写作比赛“WildJungleWritingContest”的征文启事,主要说明了比赛规则以及奖项设置等信息,可知这是一篇公告。故选C项。.语法填空I never thought that a little help would turn out to be the most satisfying thing in my life.I once 1. (meet) a young man who seemed tired and in pain on my way home.With a smile,he asked 2. I could lend him some money.He was paralyzed (瘫痪的) in both legs and was raising money for a(n) 3.(operate).Actually,I was full 4. doubts as every day many people play such tricks (诡计) 5.(get) money.I even asked him to show me his legs.Then I gave him some money and left.After a few days,he again arrived at my doorstep asking for more money.This time I was 6.(entire) convinced he was cheating me.I still gave him some money and said it was all I had.Years later,one day I got 7. call from an unknown number.The man told me his name but I didnt recognize him.He said,“It is because of your help that Im now able to stand on my 8.(leg) and have a good job.” What he said next made me 9.(surprise).He said he wanted to return my money so I wouldnt feel 10.(cheat) and would continue to help people in need in the future.答案与解析【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。讲述了作者经历过的事:自己对一位年轻人一点小小的帮助,成了作者生命中最满足的事情。1.met考查时态。句意:我曾经在回家的路上遇到一位看上去很累很痛苦的年轻人。由空白处前once可知时态应用一般过去时态。故填met。2.whether/if考查宾语从句的连接词。句意:他微笑着问我能否借给他一些钱。由语境可知,ask后接宾语从句,缺少表示“是否”的连接词。故填whether/if。3.operation考查名词。由空白处前的a(n)可知,设空处应填名词operation(手术)作for的宾语。故填operation。4.of考查介词。固定搭配:befullof意为“充满”。故填of。5.toget考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知,许多人玩诡计的目的是为了得到钱,所以要用不定式表目的。故填toget。6.entirely考查副词。由设空处后的单词convinced可知,空白处起修饰作用,因此用副词修饰动词,所以要用entirely,意为“完全地”。故填副词entirely。7.a考查冠词。call作“打电话;通话”讲时,是可数名词,且在此表泛指,call首字母的发音为辅音音素。故填a。8.legs考查名词复数。leg为可数名词,结合句意,此处指能够自己双腿站立,所以要用名词leg的复数形式表示双腿。故填legs。9.surprised考查过去分词作宾补。本句设空处作宾语me的补足语,说明me的状态;根据makesbadj.的结构可知,要填形容词surprised(感到惊讶的)。故填surprised。10.cheated考查过去分词作表语。由句意可知,他还钱的目的是让作者感到没有被欺骗,feeldone表示“感到被”,所以用cheat的过去分词形式cheated。故填cheated。.书面表达假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Peter计划来中国旅行,希望你为他推荐一座城市。请给他写一封邮件,内容包括:1.推荐这座城市的理由(至少包含两点);2.注意事项。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使内容连贯。参考范文Dear Peter,I am so glad to hear from you.Learning that you are going to visit China,I strongly recommend you have a trip to Beijing.As the capital of China,Beijing is famous for its beautiful scene and cultural inheritance such as the Great Wall,and the Summer Palace.The Summer Palace is a wonderful place all the time,which has its special characteristics in every season.You should keep in mind when traveling in Beijing:firstly,buy a map,and get familiar with the city and streets;secondly,call the police in emergency.Wish you a nice trip!Yours sincerely,Li Hua.读后续写阅读下面材料,根据其内容和段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。There was something in the elderly womans grace that caught my eye.Although slow and unsure of her steps,the woman moved with deliberation(从容),and there was no hesitation in her gestures.It was a few years ago,and I had taken a part-time holiday-season job in a video store at the local shopping mall.From inside the store,I could see the people outside rushing by.The elderly woman entered the store,along with her daughter,who was displaying a serious case of impatience,rolling her eyes,sighing and checking her watch every few seconds.I guessed if she had possessed a rope,she would have fastened it to her mother to drag her along to keep step with the rush of other shoppers.The elderly woman separated from her daughter and began to seek through the DVDs on the nearest shelf.After the slightest hesitation,I walked over and asked if I could help her find something.The woman smiled up at me and showed me a title written on an old piece of paper.Rather than rush off to locate the DVD for the woman,I asked her to walk with me so I could show her where she could find it.Looking back,I thought I wanted to enjoy her company for a moment.Something about her deliberate movements reminded me of my own mother,whod passed away the previous Christmas.I missed my mom and still felt regretful about the moments when Id used my impatience to make her life unhappy.As we walked along the back of the store,I introduced its floor plan:old television shows,action movies,cartoons,science fiction.The woman seemed glad of the unrushed company and casual conversation.We found the DVD and she thanked me,saying that it was the one shed enjoyed when she was her daughters age.Unwillingly,I accompanied her to the cash register,realizing I had to return the elderly woman to her daughter,who was still tapping her foot at the front of the store.注意:续写词数应为150左右。As the elderly woman was waiting in the queue at the cash register,I walked over to her daughter.Together they made their way toward the stores exit.参考范文Astheelderlywomanwaswaitinginthequeueatthecashregister,Iwalkedovertoherdaughter.“Mind some advice?” I asked.She rolled her eyes and said,“Of course not.” But clearly there was annoyance in her reply.I smiled to show her I wasnt criticizing.“Cherish her and cherish every single moment you can stay with her,” I said,to her surprise.And then I answered her curious expression by saying,“When shes gone,its these little moments that will come back to you.Moments like this.” Having finished saying this,I noticed the elderly woman moving with her deliberation back to her daughter.Togethertheymadetheirwaytowardthestoresexit.They stood there for a moment,side by side,watching the rush of the holiday current and then looking at each other.Slowly,the daughter placed her arm with apparently unaccustomed affection around her mothers shoulders and gently guided her back into the crowd.Tears filled my eyes when I watched them disappearing in the crowd.高分写作如何写好有关亲子关系的建议信针对青少年成长中的困惑和问题,你校校报开展征文活动。假定你是李华,请你写一篇短文投稿。要点如下:1.给父母的建议;2.给孩子的建议。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。一、审题定调1.确定体裁:本单元的写作任务是写有关亲子关系的建议信。所以写作的关键是用合适的句式表达中肯、有效的建议。2.确定人称:本文的主要人称为第三人称。3.确定时态:由于本文是建议信,记述的是现在或将来的事情,所以时态以一般现在时和一般将来时为主。二、谋篇布局为使文章连贯通顺,写作内容应包括以下四个方面:1.和谐亲子关系的关键;2.给父母的建议;3.给孩子的建议;4.希望自己的建议有效。三、组织语言1.核心词汇parent-children relationship亲子关系understanding and respect理解和尊重treat their children as independent individual把孩子当作独立的个体listen to childrens ideas倾听孩子的想法disagreement 意见不一致exchange ideas with parents和父母交换意见the gap between parents and children父母和孩子之间的差距2.高级句式A good parent-children relationship should be set up on understanding and respect.要在理解和尊重的基础上建立良好的亲子关系。Parents cannot put their ideas on their children.父母不能把自己的想法强加给孩子。They should treat their children as an independent individual.他们应该把孩子当作独立的个体来对待。It is advisable for the parents to learn to listen to childrens ideas and encourage them to think on their own rather than decide everything for the children.父母应该学会倾听孩子的想法,鼓励他们独立思考,而不是为孩子作每一个决定。On the other hand,children should listen to their parents advice.另一方面,孩子应该听从父母的建议。Try to be understanding when there is disagreement with parents.当与父母意见不一致时,试着去理解。Always keep one thing in mindwhatever they do comes from their love for us.永远记住一件事无论他们做什么,都来自他们对我们的爱。It is necessary for children to exchange ideas with parents from time to time so that the gap between parents and children will be narrowed.为了缩小父母和孩子之间的间隙,孩子们需要不时地和父母交换意见。四、连句成文参考范文A good parent-children relationship should be set up on understanding and respect.Parents cannot put their ideas on their children.They should treat their children as an independent individual.It is advisable for the parents to learn to listen to childrens ideas and encourage them to think on their own rather than decide everything for the children.On the other hand,children should listen to their parents advice.Try to be understanding when there is disagreement with parents.Always keep one thing in mindwhatever they do comes from their love for us.It is necessary for children to exchange ideas with parents from time to time so that the gap between parents and children will be narrowed.文化意识There are some differences in parent-child relationships between China and America.In China,parents usually focus on the development of intelligence in the growth of children,and that is to say,Chinese parents put great importance on childrens study.By comparison,parents in the US generally will not put too much pressure on the childrens study and the parent-child relationship is more open and equal.Of course,different ways of education will produce different results.Both types of family education have certain advantages and disadvantages.And finally,the reasons for these differences mainly include historical and cultural background,thinking styles and values.


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