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2021/7/241Lesson 53An interesting climate有趣的气候2021/7/242New words 生词生词mild adj.温和的温和的 season n.季节季节always adv.总是总是 best adv.最最north n.北方北方 night n.夜晚夜晚east n.东方东方 rise v.升起升起-set v.落下落下 west n.西方西方 early adv.早早-late adv.晚晚 south n.南方南方 interesting adj.有趣的有趣的 wet adj.潮湿的潮湿的 subject n.话题话题 conversation n.谈话谈话2021/7/243 mild adj.温和的,温暖的温和的,温暖的 eg:The climate in England is mild.英国的天气很温和。2021/7/244always 总是(频率副词)总是(频率副词)always 一直一直 often 经常经常 usually 通常通常 sometimes 有时有时 seldom 很少很少 never 从不从不2021/7/245方位的表达方位的表达 in the east 在东方在东方 in the south在南方在南方 in the west在西方在西方 in the north在北方在北方east Esouth Snorth Nwest W2021/7/246wet adj.潮湿的潮湿的 dry adj.干燥的干燥的 The climate in the south is wet,but it is dry in the north.南方天气潮湿而北方天气干燥。南方天气潮湿而北方天气干燥。2021/7/247season n.季节季节 eg:There are four seasons all over the year.一年有四季。一年有四季。spring 春季春季 summer 夏季夏季 autumn/fall 秋季秋季 winter 冬季冬季2021/7/248best adv.最,最好最,最好 good/well 好(原级)好(原级)better 较好(比较级)较好(比较级)best 最好(最高级)最好(最高级)eg:She is a good student in our class,but he is a better one.她是我们班的一个好学生,但他是更好的。她是我们班的一个好学生,但他是更好的。Tom is my best friend.Tom是我最好的朋友。是我最好的朋友。Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪一个季节?你最喜欢哪一个季节?2021/7/249night 夜晚夜晚 at night 在晚上在晚上 good night 晚安晚安2021/7/2410rise 升起升起 set 落下落下 sunrise 日出日出 sunset 日落日落 eg:The sun rises in east and sets in west.太阳东边升西边落。太阳东边升西边落。2021/7/2411early 早早late 晚晚 eg:He gets up early every morning but goes to bed late every evening.他每天早上起得很早,但每天晚上睡得他每天早上起得很早,但每天晚上睡得很晚。很晚。2021/7/2412 interesting 有趣的有趣的 eg:This is an interesting book.这是一本有趣的书。这是一本有趣的书。注意,注意,interesting以元音因素开头,之以元音因素开头,之前的冠词要用前的冠词要用an2021/7/2413subject n.话题,主题话题,主题 eg:This is a book on the subject of animal.这是一本以动物为主题的书。这是一本以动物为主题的书。2021/7/2414conversation n.谈话谈话 have a conversation with sb.与某人谈话与某人谈话 eg:My mother has a conversation with me about my study.我妈妈与我谈论了我的学习问题。我妈妈与我谈论了我的学习问题。2021/7/24152021/7/24162021/7/24172021/7/24182021/7/24192021/7/24202021/7/24212021/7/24222021/7/24232021/7/24242021/7/24252021/7/24262021/7/2427HANS:Where do you come from?汉斯:你是哪国人?汉斯:你是哪国人?JIM:I come from England.吉姆:我是英国人。吉姆:我是英国人。HANS:Whats the climate like in your country?汉斯:你们国家的气候怎么样?汉斯:你们国家的气候怎么样?JIM:Its mild,but its not always pleasant.吉姆:气候温和,但也不总是宜人的。吉姆:气候温和,但也不总是宜人的。(两个同义句两个同义句)Where are you from?What nationality are you?2021/7/2428Grammar:like(v.)与like(prep.)like v.喜欢,想要 like doing sth.=like to do sth.like prep.像一样Whats-like?2021/7/2429JIM:The weathers often cold in the North 吉姆:北部的天气常常寒冷,and windy in the East.东部则常常刮风。Its often wet in the West 西部常潮湿,and sometimes warm in the South.南部有时则很暖和。2021/7/2430HANS:Which seasons do you like best?汉斯:你最喜欢哪些季节?JIM:I like spring and summer.吉姆:我最喜欢春季和夏季。The days are long and the nights are short.因为此时白天长而夜晚短,The sun rises early and sets late.太阳升得早而落得晚。找出反义词找出反义词2021/7/2431JIM:I dont like autumn and winter.我不喜欢秋季和冬季。The days are short and the nights are long.因为此时白天短而夜晚长,The sun rises late and sets early.太阳升的迟而落得早2021/7/2432 Our climate is not very good,虽然我们国家的气候并不很好,but its certainly interesting.但又确实很有意思。Its our favourite subject of conversation.天气是我们最喜欢谈论的话题。2021/7/2433课堂练习课堂练习按要求完成下列句子按要求完成下列句子2021/7/2434What nationality are you?(同义句)_do you_from?_seasons do you like_?(根据答语写出问题)I like spring best.I come from France.(对划线部分提问)_ _you come fron?The sun rises early.(变为一般疑问句)He comes from Canada.(变为否定句)Does your father go to work by car.(改为肯定句)Where come Which best Where do Does the sun rise early?He doesnt come from Canada.My father goes to work by car.2021/7/2435I come from Japan.(对划线部分提问)I like spring and summer best.(对划线部分提问)Its mild in my country.(对划线部分提问)He is American.(对划线部分提问)Where do you come from?Which seasons do you like best?Whats the climate like in your country?What nationality is he?2021/7/2436谢谢观看!谢谢观看!


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