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1,Traffic Rights & Slots Allocation Policies and Rules of China中国航权与时刻分配政策与规则 ,FOR 34TH APEC TPT-WG MEETING Presented By CAAC BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA JUNE 14, 2011,CAAC,2,CAAC,内容(Contents),Part I:Traffic Rights Allocation 第一部分:中国民航航权分配方法 Part II: Slots Allocation 第二部分:中国民航时刻分配方法,3,CAAC,Part I Some brief data,By the end of 2010, there are 43 airlines in China, 21 of which are qualified for international operation. 中国共有43家航空公司,其中具有国际航线经营许可的航空公司 21家。 Each day, there are 6800 domestic flights and 1600 international flights. Half of the international flights are operated by foreign airlines. 每天,国内航班约6800班,中国航空公司经营的国际航班约800班,外国航空公司经营的至中国的国际航班约800班。,4,CAAC,Part I,There are 175 civil airports in China, among which 21 primary and secondary airports are saturated or close to saturation (from 5 to 2am): Beijing, Shanghai Pudong, Shanghai Hongqiao, Tianjin, Dalian, Hangzhou, Xiamen, Nanjing, Qingdao, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Haikou, Changsha, Sanya, Chengdu, Kunming, Chongqing, Xian, Urumchi. 中国现有175个民用机场,其中21个主要航空市场产生地的机场容量(从06:00至02:00)已经饱和或接近饱和: 北京、上海浦东、上海虹桥、天津、大连、杭州、厦门、南京、青岛、福州、广州、深圳、武汉、海口、长沙、三亚、成都、昆明、重庆、西安、乌鲁木齐。,5,Part I,Traffic rights allocation CAAC allocates traffic rights according to airlines performance which is evaluated by five weighted rates. 采用航空公司“五率” 加权积分考核的办法,哪家航空公司“五率”最高,哪家航空公司最优先获得航权。,CAAC,6,Part I,Five Rates(五率) 1. Rate of incidents per ten thousand flights hours 公司原因事故征候万时率 2. Rate of abnormal flights due to airlines own reasons 公司原因航班不正常率 3. Rate of consumer complaints per ten thousand persons 旅客投诉万人率 4. Rate of scheduled flights operated 正班执行率 5. Rate of on time contribution to Civil Aviation Construction and Development Fund 基金缴纳率,CAAC,7,Part II:Traffic Rights Allocation From Jan-Jun 2010,Top Five Airlines Evaluated by Five Rates,CAAC,8,Part II: Slots Allocation,CAAC,CAAC is responsible for developing principles and policies of slots allocation. 民航局负责制定航班时刻分配政策和原则。 Regional administrations are responsible for slots coordination and allocation. 地区管理局负责具体时刻的协调和分配工作。,9,Part II Principles (I),1. Open, fair and equal 公开公正公平 2. Principle of grandfather right 历史时刻优先,上一航季时刻顺延优先 3. Contributing to hub operation and development 有利于促进重要门户枢纽机场网络建设 4. Balance between trunk routes services and regional routes services 有利于干线支线航空协调发展,CAAC,10,Part II Principles (II),5. Conducive to safe and orderly flight operation 有利于促进飞行的正常有序 6. Good faith 诚信优先原则 7. Specific slots proportion between domestic flights and international flights in certain airports 特定机场国内航班时刻和国际航班时刻的比例,11,Part II Regional Administrations are responsible for slots coordination and allocation.,1. Chinese and foreign airlines shall file slots application with Slots Coordination Offices in the CAAC Regional Administrations. 各管理局设有航班时刻协调办公室,由国内外公司向机场所在辖区的地区管理局提出申请; 2. Regional Administrations shall set up slots pool and make it public in an appropriate way. 建立时刻池,通过适当方式对外公布; 3. Regional Administrations shall reserve certain slots in the pool for IATA International Schedules Conference and the coordination of the slots for foreign airlines shall follow the principle of reciprocity. 在时刻池中预留相应数量时刻,用于国际航空运输协会的的航班时刻协调会。同时遵循对等原则协调用于外航。,CAAC,12,Part IISlots Allocation for Foreign Airlines,In compliance with Working Procedures for Handling Foreign Air Carriers Application for Slots, CAAC Regional Administrations arrange foreign airlines to coordinate the seasonal slots according to IATA International Slots Coordination Schedule. 根据外航航班时刻申办工作程序,民航地区管理局根据IATA时刻协调的日程表组织外航换季航班时刻的协调。,CAAC,13,Thank You! 谢谢大家!,CAAC,BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA JUNE 14, 2011,


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