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2. Sermon,BR_MAIN,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,3. Learning Plateau,1. English Song Through the Rain,4. Warm-up Questions,Before Reading_1.1,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,English Song Through the Rain,1. Listen to the Song,Before Reading_1.2,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,When you get caught in the rain With nowhere to run When youre distraught and Without anyone And you That you just cant find your way home You can get there alone Its okay, what you say is I can I can,Through the Rain,in pain,_,feel so far away,_,make it through the rain,_,stand up once again on my own,_,2. Fill in the Blanks,Before Reading_1.3,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,And I know that And every time I feel afraid I And I live one more day And I make it through the rain And if you keep falling down Dont you dare You will arise So keep And youll find What you say is I can I can,Im strong enough to mend,_,hold tighter to my faith,_,give in,_,safe and sound,_,pressing on steadfastly,_,what you need to prevail,_,make it through the rain,_,stand up once again on my own,_,Before Reading_1.4,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,And I know that And every time I feel afraid I And I live one more day And I make it through the rain And when the rain blows As shadows grow close dont be afraid And should they tell you Dont hesitate I can I can,Im strong enough to mend,_,hold tighter to my faith,_,Theres nothing you cant face,_,Youll never pull through,_,Stand tall and say,_,make it through the rain,_,stand up once again on my own,_,Before Reading_1.5,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,And I know that And every time I feel afraid I And I live one more day And I make it through the rain I can make it through the rain And stand up once again And I live one more day I can make it through the rain Oh yes you can You will make it through the rain,Im strong enough to mend,_,hold tighter to my faith,_,Before Reading_1.6,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,1. Who is the singer?,Mariah Carey, an American pop and R then the rate of improvement slows right down to almost nothing.,This phenomenon is commonly observed in English learning. The student is highly motivated at the early stages of learning. He imitates, memorizes and practices all the input from the teacher and the textbook. As all the input of the English language is new to the learner, it is stimulating and easy to remember. Most students can have a good start in learning no matter what teaching approaches are used. However, as the learning process goes on, the learner finds it harder and harder to take in new language data. The teacher also finds that his input, no matter how much he tries to make it interesting, is no longer as easily as it used to be taken in by the learners. The students become more and more discouraged. They find that they know a lot about the English language, but they can hardly say they know English.,a lot of the learning process involves consolidation and,extension of existing knowledge and it is harder to see what has to be achieved and to recognize when the achievement has been successful,To help the students stuck on the plateau, the speaker suggests that the teacher and that the students He thinks it important that students,Before Reading_3.4,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Learning Plateau,Listen to the talk and complete the following sentences according to what you have heard.,Directions:,Intermediate students often feel stuck on a learning plateau partly because by this stage,help the students understand the phenomenon and gain confidence,_;,set clear targets to help them measure what they have,achieved,understand how learning takes,place and how they can take charge of it,Language learning seldom moves ahead at an even pace. Learners face spurts and slow-downs in their perceived progress. Intermediate students often feel they are stuck and are not making significant progress. This is partly because, in the early stages of learning, they can see a clear course ahead. However, by the intermediate stage, a lot of the learning process involves consolidation (巩固) and extension of existing knowledge. So it is harder to see what has to be achieved and to recognize when the achievement has been successful. What can we do to help students who feel stuck on a learning plateau?,Before Reading_3.5,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Before Reading_3.6,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,I suggest that at the start of the program, teachers should explain the typical learning curve for language acquisition. At first it is steep but then levels out. Help the students to understand that in the intermediate phase, they are deepening their knowledge and gaining confidence. As part of this process, they are also becoming much more autonomous as language users: more capable of using the language in individual ways. It is also helpful for students to set individual targets to help them measure what they have achieved. There are many ways of doing this. A pre-programme test might show them the gaps and weaknesses in their knowledge, or the teacher might have a list of learning targets that each student could select from. This is all part of learner training in which students are helped to understand how learning takes place and how they can take charge of it.,1. Do you think you are on the plateau of learning English? Why or why not? 2. What do you think of the English course offered in your university? 3. What are the main difficulties you have encountered in learning English at your level? 4. Some people say that students today spend too much time on English. What is your opinion?,Before Reading_4.1,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Warm-up Questions,Globe Reading_main,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,1. Part Division of the Text,For Parts 13,For Part 4,Multiple Choice,True or False,Questions and Answers,3. Further Understanding,2. Identifying Paragraph Topics,Globe Reading_1,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Part Division of the Text,Main Ideas,Parts,1,2,Paragraphs,1,2-3,Both the teachers and the students frustration by the problem.,An introduction of the problem: the seemingly greater difficulty in learning English as students move to more advanced levels.,3,4,The authors opinion about the problem.,4,5-6,The authors advice to students and teachers.,Global Reading_2.1,Directions: Choose the phrase you think is the best choice for the topic of each paragraph of the text.,Identifying Paragraph Topics,Paragraph 1,A) The Seemingly Greater Difficulty in Learning English as Students Move to More Advanced Levels B) The Reasons Why Learning English Becomes Increasingly Difficult C) A Process Which Ought to Become Simpler,Paragraph 2,A) The Importance of Putting Everything One Is Taught into Practice B) A Bewildering Variety of Idioms, Clichs and Accepted Phrases C) The Teachers Frustration at Finding His Students Making Slower Progress,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Global Reading_2.2,Paragraph 3,A) The Relationship Between the Teacher and the Students B) The Reactions of Both Students and Teachers in Such Circumstances C) The Quoting of Proverbs as a Means of Explaining the Inexplicable,Paragraph 4,A) The Difficulty of Selecting the Right Teaching Material B) The New Experience of Both Students and Teachers C) The Authors Opinion About the Problem,Paragraph 5,A) Wide Reading the Best Alternative Course of Action B) The Authors Advice to Students C) The Importance of Both Reading and Listening,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Global Reading_2.3,Paragraph 6,A) The Teachers Duty to Choose the Best Path B) The Teacher as the Paid Guide and Expert C) The Authors Advice to Teachers,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,2. Beginners can make obvious progress because they are learning the basic structures and patterns of the language which they can put into practice more easily.,F,Globe Reading_3.1,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,True or False,1. The problem for advanced students is that the more they learn, the less they know.,Students may feel that the more they learn, the less they know, which according to the author, is not true. The problem for advanced students lies in the seemingly much slower progress they are making at this level.,( ),T,( ),4. Students feel frustrated when they discover that the process of learning English does not appear to become simpler.,F,Globe Reading_3.2,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,3. The teacher feels frustrated because he can do nothing when he sees his students struggling with the bewildering variety of idioms and phrases and more complex structures and patterns.,Because he finds his efforts appear to produce less obvious results.,( ),T,( ),F,5. According to the text, some students give up learning English because they are disgusted at the teachers frustration.,Because they are now confronted with a vast untouched area of English vocabulary and usage which falls outside the scope of basic textbooks and it is difficult for them to make and see any progress.,( ),7. At the advanced level, selecting what should be taught has become more challenging for teachers.,Globe Reading_3.3,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,T,( ),F,6. The author thinks that a good command of the more complex language structures and patterns is indispensable for students to make themselves well understood in the communication.,According to the author, the more complex structures and patterns one encounters in a language are not as vital to making oneself understood and so have a less immediate field of application.,( ),Globe Reading_4,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Questions and Answers,1. Does the author think the suggestion practicable that students should spend a few years in an English-speaking country? Why or why not?,No, he doesnt, because few students can afford the time and money to do so.,2. What does the author think of wide reading?,He thinks it is helpful and that it is necessary to make some kind of selection.,3. What is the authors advice to teachers of English?,Teachers should choose the right teaching material and use the right method so that students can become fluent both in speaking and in writing.,A) graded readers (读物) for college English band 2 B) graded readers for English majors band 8 C) graded readers for college English band 4,Globe Reading_5.1,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Multiple Choice,Directions: Which of the following do you think the author would most likely recommend to advanced students of English at your level? Give your reasons.,C,A) are too easy. You may understand them at a glance. B) can be a bit difficult for you. You may come across a lot of new words which you can hardly understand without referring to a dictionary from time to time. C) are produced for students at your level. You may not understand them at a glance, but you dont have to frequently turn to a dictionary for help.,( ),2. A) Hamlet by Shakespeare B) David Copperfield by Charles Dickens C) For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway D) the latest issue of Readers Digest,Globe Reading_5.2,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,D,Hamlet was written over 300 years ago and the language can be too difficult for you. Both David Copperfield and For Whom the Bell Tolls are novels which you can not finish within a week or so. Readers Digest contains a wide variety of reading materials which are neither too long nor too difficult and you can surely find something to your taste.,( ),3. A) listening extensively B) listening to the material and trying to remember every difficult word that puzzled you C) listening to the material and trying to remember the way it was composed,Globe Reading_5.3,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,A, C,According to the author, students should read as much as they can and try to remember the way it was written rather than individual words that puzzled them. And this is applicable to listening as well.,( ),Article,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,The author is not a preacher, and yet he does deliver a kind of sermon here. Who is his audience? Interestingly, his audience is your teachers of Advanced English as a foreign language. The author seeks to help them in their difficult task of teaching advanced students, their task of leading their students to a higher level of ability and fluency. Does it encourage you to know that you are not the only one who is struggling at this level of language acquisition?,Article1,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,It is probably easier for teachers than for students to appreciate the reasons why learning English seems to become increasingly difficult once the basic structures and patterns of the language have been understood. Students are naturally surprised and disappointed to discover that a process which ought to become simpler does not appear to do so.,A Kind of Sermon W. S. Fowler,Article2,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,It may not seem much consolation to point out that the teacher, too, becomes frustrated when his efforts appear to produce less obvious results. He finds that students who were easy to teach, because they succeeded in putting everything they had been taught into practice, hesitate when confronted with the vast untouched area of English vocabulary and usage which falls outside the scope of basic textbooks. He sees them struggling because the language they thought they knew now appears to consist of a bewildering variety of idioms, clichs and accepted phrases with different meanings in different contexts. It is hard to convince them that they are still making progress toward fluency and that their English is certain to improve, given time and dedication. In such circumstances it is hardly surprising that some give up in disgust, while others still wait hopefully for the teacher to give them the same confident guidance he was able to offer them at first. reduced to trying to explain the inexplicable, may take refuge in quoting proverbs to his colleagues such as: “You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink,” or, more respectfully if less grammatically: “It aint what you say. Its the way that you say it.”,The teacher, for his part, frequently,Article3,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,His students might feel inclined to counter these with: “The more I learn, the less I know.” Of course this is not true. What both students and teachers are experiencing is the recognition that the more complex structures one encounters in a language are not as vital to making oneself understood and so,have a less immediate field of application. For the same reason, from the teachers point of view, selecting what should be taught becomes a more difficult task. It is much easier to get food of any kind than to choose the dish you would most like to eat on a given day from a vast menu.,Article4,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Defining the problem is easier than providing the solution. One can suggest that students should spend two or three years in an English-speaking country, which amounts to washing ones hands of them. Few students have the time or the money to do that. It is often said that wide reading is the best alternative course of action but even here it is necessary to make some kind of selection. It is no use telling students to go to the library and pick up the first book they come across. My own advice to them would be: “read what you can understand without having to look up words in a dictionary (but not what you can understand at a glance); read what,interests you; read what you have time for (magazines and newspapers rather than novels unless you can read the whole novel in a week or so); read the English written today, not 200 years ago; read as much as you can and try to remember the way it was written rather than individual words that puzzled you.” And instead of “read,” I could just as well say “listen to.”,Article5,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,My advice to teachers would be similar in a way. I would say “Its no good thinking that anything will do, or that all language is useful. Its no good relying on students to express themselves without the right tools for expression. Its still your duty to choose the best path to follow near the top of the mountain just as it was to propose a practicable short-cut away from the beaten track in the foothills. And if the path you choose is too overgrown to make further progress, the whole party will have to go back and you will have to choose another route. You are still the paid guide and expert and there is a way to the top somewhere.”,Article _S_ It,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,1. What does “appreciate” mean here?,It means “understand, esp. with sympathy” (理解,体恤,体谅). For example: I appreciate your problem, but I dont think I can help you. 我理解你的困难,但却爱莫能助。,2. Translate the sentence into Chinese.,一旦了解了英语的基本结构和句型,再往下学似乎就越来越难了;这其中的原因,也许教师比学生更容易理解。,It is probably easier for teachers than for students to appreciate the reasons why learning English seems to become increasingly difficult once the basic structures and patterns of the language have been understood.,Article _S_ It,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Paraphrase this sentence.,The teacher also feels discouraged and disappointed because his efforts appear to be less fruitful than expected. Students, however, may not get much comfort even when they know this.,It may not seem much consolation to point out that the teacher, too, becomes frustrated when his efforts appear to produce less obvious results.,Article_S_He1,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,He finds that students who were easy to teach, because they succeeded in putting everything they had been taught into practice, hesitate when confronted with the vast untouched area of English vocabulary and usage which falls outside the scope of basic textbooks.,1. Analyze the structure of the sentence.,The main clause is “He finds that students hesitate”. “that students hesitate ” is the object of “finds”. “who were into practice” is an attributive clause modifying “students”. “because they succeeded into practice” is an adverbial clause of reason. “when confronted with textbooks” is an adverbial clause of condition. “which falls outside textbooks” is an attributive clause modifying “English vocabulary and usage”.,Article_S_He2,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,2. What can be inferred from this sentence?,The teacher finds that advanced students are difficult to teach because advanced students are faced with the vast untouched area of English vocabulary and usage which they may never come across in the basic textbooks and they may never have an opportunity to put into practice.,Article _S_ g


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