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,大学生毕业就业调查,2011年我国宏观经济形势将企稳回升,绝大多数经济指标将明显好于今年。”这是中科院预测科学中心对我国明年经济走势的基本判断。 今年底到明年的大学生就业面临着一个比以前更加趋紧的形势。第一,毕业生多。今年是611万,明年是659万。第二,就业空间相对紧。特别是企业需求这块,如果下滑比较厉害的话,大学生的就业岗位、就业机会相对就比过去有所减少,。第三,相关的政策措施和服务体系还亟待完善。第四,我们的大学教育与市场脱节的问题,大学生的就业观念与实际就业市场不适应的问题还存在,而且成为大学生就业的一种障碍。面对社会竞争的巨大压力,大四毕业生们应该怎么样让自己占得先机,成了时下最热门的话题。,视屏俞敏洪谈大学生就业(上)俞敏洪谈大学生就业(下),Making a Successful Transition from College to Career:Time for a Reality Check,transition: n(-fromto/-between A and B) changing from one state or condition to another 过度,转变 eg: Making the transition from youth to adulthood can be very painful . 从青年向成年过度是痛苦的。 Transitional: adj.过度的 ( transitional period 过度时期 ),Para1 Difficult Sentences,You are trying to complete your college career while dealing with the demands of job-hunting, interviews, and facing the reality of the end of schooling (at least for the foreseeable future ),You are trying to finish your college life . In the meantime ,you are coping with tasks such as finding a job ,having an interview ,and facing the truth that your schooling is coming to an end .,译文,一边要设法完成学业,一边要忙于找工作,参加面试,还要正视即将结束学生生涯(至少在可见的将来是不会继续了)这一现实。,para1重点短语,Lead up to sth 临近,导致 E.g. Many students preferred to study in the library in the weeks leading up to the exams. 临近考试的几个星期,学生们都愿意在图书馆学习。 扩展 :lead to 导致,产生 E.g. Smoking can lead to lung cancer. 抽烟可能导致癌症。 Lead n. 线索 The police have not got a single lead yet.,Para1 翻译,对于很多大四学生来说,即将大学毕业,开始第一份工作前的这段时间通常既混乱又倍感压力。一边要设法完成学业,一边要忙于找工作,参加面试,还要正视即将结束的学生生涯(至少在可见的将来是不会继续了)这一现实。,para2 Difficult Sentences,Some matters appear repeatedly ,which are essential to transforming successfully from college students into efficient employees. 有些问题经常出现,对学生成功转型到高效职员非常关键。,Para2 , 3翻译,在于大四学生和刚迈出大学校门的毕业生讨论时我们发现,有些问题经常出现,对学生成功转型到高效职员非常关键。 你准备好审视现实了吗?在不久的将来,您将面对以下关键问题。,关键问题,Professionalism in the Workplace Finding Employment Probably Won t Be Easy Dont be so full of yourself College Grads Get Entry-Level Jobs,Para 4 Difficult Sentences,A graduate will never have all the answers, and rightly so,Para 4 Difficult Sentences,It is normal that a graduate will not know to solve all the problem. 一个新人自然不可能全知全会。 Rightly adv. 合理地,正当地 justly, properly, correctly,Para 4 翻译,Professionalism in the Workplace (职场职业精神) 职业精神意味着做事可靠、主动,有些事情值得自己去领悟,去感悟。这就是所谓的个人责任。一个商学院毕业的生这样告诉我们:“一个新人自然不可能全知全会,你应该满怀激情的而去学习新知识,从错误中吸取教训,以培养你的专长和个性。,Para 5 Difficult Sentences,Perhaps its because most of todays college students grew to adulthood in a period of unsurpassed prosperity(无与伦比的,富足,兴旺) and growth, it seems to be a harsh reality to many college seniors and recent grads that obtaining a job offer is very time-consuming (费时的)and a lot of work and its even harder to obtain the ideal scenario of having multiple job offers.,Para 5 Difficult Sentences,Maybe the reason is that most of the college students have been brought up in a time of such an unprecedentedly prosperous and thriving economic environment that its hard for them to face and accept the cruel situation of job-seeking in which they have to spend much time and energy getting a job offer, and its even harder for them to get a handful of job opportunities.,注意复合形容词的构成,n. + v. peace-loving 热爱和平 adj. + v. long-suffering 长期遭受痛苦的 adv. + v. never-ending 永久的,Para 5翻译,Probably Finding Employment Won t Be Easy(找工作可能不容易) 或许是因为,今天的大学生大多在前所未有的环境中长大,所以对很多大四和刚毕业的学生来说,获得一份就业机会要消耗的大量的时间和精力,这似乎是个残酷的现实-而得到多个工作机会的理想更是难以实现。,Para 6 Difficult Sentences,As most experienced job-seekers already know 正如大多数有经验的求职者所了解的那样。 as 表示“正如,就像”,引导一个关系从句。 eg. : As you know, many Chinese are in the habit of taking a nap(小睡) at noon.,Para 6 Difficult Sentences,Generally speaking, the more quality work you put into job-search ,the batter your results In general, if you do better quality work in your job-search, you will have better result.,翻译,一般说来,求职过程中你的搜寻工作质量越高,结果越好。 generally speaking:一般说来 the more the more 越越 The harder you work, the more you gain.,Para 6翻译,正如大多数有经验的求职者所了解的那样,你每天都得花时间寻找就业机会。动用一切可利用的资源,查询所有求职线索,进而追踪这些线索和面试机会。一般来说,求职过程中你的搜寻工作质量越高,结果就会越好。,Para 7 Difficult Sentences,Instead (adv.代替,反而), most of your efforts should still be using the traditional methods of networking On the contrary, most of your energy should be concentrated on the more conventional ways of using your social network.,翻译,相反,主要精力应 该花在传统方法上 ,利用人际关系,Para 7 翻译,大学生求职时另一常见误区是过分依赖互联网和过于被动。互联网搜索应只占去求职时间的一小部分。相反,主要精力应该花在传统方法上,利用人际关系,你的亲朋好友,其他学生,(特别是刚毕业的),教授,以前的同事和老板来寻找工作机会。,Para 8 Difficult Sentences,Its best to convince yourself now that most employers will not be as impressed with your grades or your education as you are with them.,youd better get yourself ready because most employers will not be impressed with your grades or your education in the way that you are impressed with them.,翻译,你最好现在就要做好准备,因为大多数雇主不会像你一样对你所取得的成绩和所爱的教育程度有这么深刻的印象。 now that :既然,由于 eg. I am going to relax now that the school year is over.,Para 8翻译,Dont be so full of yourself(不要过分自我)拥有一份大学学位并不能给你一份工作。你最好现在就做好准备,因为大多数雇主不会像你一样对你所取得的成绩和所受的教育有这么深刻的印象。,。“作为一名优秀毕业生,我想我一出门就该得到一份很好的工作。”一位2000届市场营销毕业生告诉我们,“然而毕业两年了,在三个城市换了五份工作,我想我才找到了毕业时所期待的工作。”毕业于名牌大学或平均绩点极高的的却会给你加分不少,但不能仅仅依靠这些来找到工作。,Para 9 翻译,尽管不要抱有老板会因对你的文凭印象深刻继而雇佣你的想法,更多地关注该如何利用你的才智和首创精神为老板谋利,一定要告诉老板你会为他们创造成绩。,Para 10 翻译,College Grads Get Entry-Level Jobs(大学毕业生获得初级职位) 很多刚毕业的学生所面临的一个严酷的现实是:他们得到大量的就业机会其实都是些低起的工作,特别是在就业市场不景气的时候,这些职员通常工作时间长,薪水低,劳动强度大。,Para 11翻译,很多刚毕业的学生看不上那些工作机会,觉得有失身份,没准儿还得整理货架或经常出差什么的.,Para 12 Difficult Sentences,So, just do your research about employers before jumping to conclusion about the value of certain types of jobs,So, you need to collect some information about employers and get to know the value of the jobs before you make a hasty decision.,翻译,因此,在对某些职业是否有价值仓促下结论前,最好对雇主的情况做些调查。,Para 12 翻译,这样的建立并不意味着你应该接受你所得到的第一份工作-或任意一份工作-只是你的期望值要切合实际。大多数雇主希望职员从基层做起,以更好的了解这个行业-让大学毕业生在职业道路上发展更快。因此,在对某些职业是否有价值仓促下结论前,最好对雇主的情况作些调查。,Para 13 翻译,当然,你要有抱负去做更高层次的工作,但不要因此而有损目前的工作。正如另外一名商学院毕业生所说,“我以前的同事老想着要找到一份更好的工作,以至忘了他们目前职位应负的责任。”,Para 13 Difficult Sentences,Take to heart the advice from all the recent college grads that have come before you and been in your shoes.,Remember the advice from all the recent college grads because they have experienced the same situation.,短语:,Take sth. to heart 认真考虑 Eg. Anne took his criticisms (批判,批评)very much to heart.,Para 14 翻译,Final Thoughts (结论) 力争从最好的雇主那工作里得到最好的就业机会,但不管是找还是谋取工作机会,记住要用现实的目光来审视你所做的一切,调查期望值,牢记那些早你一步毕业,曾经和你经历相似的毕业生给你的忠告,这样你的求职准备会更充分,结果也会令你更加满意。,thank you very much! 谢谢!,


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