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Unit 1SharingTask 3b-c-f-d-c-aTask 42 4Task 5l. (I )anti-social (2)aware of2. (1 )appreciate (2 )attitude3. (1)tolerant (2)come to an end(3)walk away4. impressListeningTask 2 Activity 2Lark: Spcaker,I- Spcaker 6Owl: Speker2 Speaker 3 Speaker4 Speaker5 Speaker 7Task 2 Activity 3I. peaceful2.beautiful3.lovely part4. party5. with a passion6. last second7. walking their dogs8. with a bounce9. away10. the best part of the dayll. thinking straight12. at my sharpest13. we had children14. in the mornings15. in the eveningsViewingTask 2 Activity 22 4Role-playingTask 1 Activity 2g-a-f-h-b-d-c-eMore practice in listeningShort conversations 1DABCC VLong conversationC BDAPassages: Passage 1ACDCPassages: Passage 21. distressing2.desperate3.urge4. acquire5. arc totally unaware of6. are isolated from7. affirm8. interact with9. impulse10. arc convinced ofNewsReport 1BCReport 2B ACUnit testPART Il. D2.D3. B4.C5.DPart Il1. C2. A3. A4. A5. DPart IlI1. C2.B3. D4.D5.CPart IV1. at2.section3.connects4. at the bottom of5. shining6.As7. cross8. running away from9. streaming down10. DestroyedUnit 2SharingTask 2l. excited2.on the banks3.beach parties4, find out5.looking forward toTask 3f-a-d-c-e-bTask 41 2 3 8 10Task 51 2 4ListeningTask 2 Activity 1A:2345 VB:1 6Task 2 Activity 21. Thursday, 20 5/20042. 163. 204. by the river5. raining6. fancied7. have the guts to tell him8. good-looking, romantic and intelligent9.3 children10. lm happy11. feel good about who I was12. Good luck for the future13, be happy with who you areViewingTask 2 Activity 13 6Task 2 Activity 21. the longest-living communities2.9003.go about their business4. fruit and vegetable5. ingredients6. cell damage7.high quantities8. health protective9.1.20010.20 percent less11. getting more for their money12. healths worthRole-playingTask 1 Activity 21 3 4 5 7 8 10More practice in listeningShort conversations 1ADCBDLong conversationsCBADPassages: Passage 1BCD APassages: Passage 2l. proportion2.estimated3.have profound impacts on4. potential4.potential5. economically6. pensions7. originate from8. residential9. poses a challenge to10. be transformed intoNewsReport 1BDReport 2BDCUnit testPART 11. B2.D3.C4. B5. CPart Il1.D2.C3.C4.B5.APart Illl. B2.C3.C4. A5. DPart IVI. launched2. corner3. bankruptcy4. virtually5. directing6. discharged from7. secured8. substantial9. Not surprisingly10,fashion accessoriesUnit 3SharingTask 21. enjoy2. free3. music4. internationally5. festivals6. spend your free timeTask 3d-e-g-h-b-a-c-fTask 42 3 5 6Task 52 4 5 8ListeningTask 2 Activity 1a-d-g-e-b-f-cTask 2 Activity 21 3 6 8ViewingTask 2 Activity 11. (1)husky sledding (2)382. (1)wing-walking (2)353.(1 )driving on Route 66 (2)194. (I)bungee jumping (2)175. (1 )swimming with dolphins (2)1Task 2 Activity 22 4 7 8 9Role-playingTask 1 Activity 21 3 4 7More practice in listening Short conversations 1DDCB ALong conversationDD BPassages: Passage1BACPassages: Passage 2I. resorts2. sprung up3, dramatically4.having an adverse effect on5. combat6.wilderness7.unspoiled8.streams of9. guidelines10. auction offNewsReport 1DBReport 2BCUnit testPART I1. A2. B3.B4.B5.CPart II1.C2.C3.D4. D5. BPart Ill1. D2.A3. B4.C5.DPart IVl. audience2.teenage3. celebrate4. Popular5. conquers6. columns7.is central to8. a private arrangement9. to choose10. apart fromUnit 4SharingTask 3d-f-a-c-b-g-cTask 4l. brighten your mood2. a nurturing environment3. a stable family4. health5. Feel contentment6. makes the difference7. feeling satisfied withTask 51 5ListeningTask 2 Activity1Speaker I: eSpeaker 2:Speaker 3:Speaker 4:Speaker 5: dTask 2 Activity 2l. hotels or even cities2. make money3.has doubled4. wherever he goes5. what kind of food she eats6. junk mail or adverts7.robbed8.more crimes9. have no need to worry 10. be more careful11. sent to the newspapers12. posted onlineViewingTask 2 Activity 1DBAC DTask 2 Activity 21. (I)rethink everything (2)Give it up (3 )transform2. (1)standard of living, (2 )diminished3. (1 )commute further (2 )the opposite4. (1)slow down, (2)take more leisure5. (l)economic growth (2 )consumer goods (3 )material possessions-Role-playingTask 1 Activity 11.Cosmetic surgery2.Against3.dangerous4. frozen solid5.For6. health7. Downloading music for free8. Against9. theft10. stealing from them11.without paying12. make any money13. For14. CD sales15. filc sharing16. concerts17. Banning cars from city cenler18. Against19, polluting than cars20. a reduction in shop sales21. perfectly fine22. For23. the environment24. electric buses25. pollutedTask 1 Activity 2Presenting: Task 1 Activity 2e-b-c-d-aMore practice in listeningShort conversations 1CABCDLong conversationBABDPassages: Passage 1A DDCPassages: Passage 21. prevalent2.scary3. be classified as4. epidemic5.ratio 6. diagnosed7.keeping track of8. was still associated with9. affirm10. in terms ofNewsReport 1ADReport 2ACUnit testPART I1. D2. B3. A4. C5. BPart II1. C2. D3. A4. C5. BPart III1. A2. B3. A4. B5. DPart IV1.over2.companionship3.lover4. definition5.scarce6.diary7.The sight of8.defcated9.made up10. philosophers and scientistsUnit5SharingTask 3d-h-a-f-b-e-c-g :Task 4146Task 51. (1)enrich (2)expand our horizons (3)Terribly2.intellect3.specific4. learn through art5. all aspects6. (1)alive(2)performance (3 )intense emotionsListeningTask 2 ActivitySarah (Woman): BTim:ANigel:CTask 2 Activity 2l. gets your vote2. (1)in favor of (2)useful and beneficial (3 )bring jobs (4 )entertainment and activities3. (1)concern me (2) expensive4. I personally would prefer5.(1 )with disabilities (2)excellent (3 )enjoy gardens6. (1)mentioned youth (2 )involved (3 )not so sure7. costs8. (1)my vote would go to (2)leave out (3 )hanging around (4 )routine (5)bringing along9. the older generationViewingTask 2 Activity 1134Task 2 Activity 21. A2. makes a mess3.public buildings4.wrong5.V6. definitely7.A8. quite exciting9.V10. A11. pleasing to the eye12. positive 13. environment14.A15. nice picture16. offensiveRole-playingTask 1 Activity 1c-a-b-dTask 1 Activity 21. (I)extends out west (2 )north above (3)go up2. (1 )around the corner (2 )over there3. around the neighborhood4. (1)on the left (2 )hang out and read5.(1)head over to (2)circle back6. (1)walking by (2)a center of (3)attracted (4 )folk music7. looks like8. (1)modeled on (2)the hundredth anniversaryPresenting: Task 1 Activity 11. Setting of the movie2.Actor(s)/ Actress(es)3.Plot summary4. Recommendation5. Director6. Reviewers opinion of different elementsPresenting: Task 1 Activity 21. skillfully2.(1 )gripping (2 )shocking (3 )hilarious3.sensationab4. electrifying5. (1)poignantly (2) moving6. (1)breathless (2)hard-hitting (3 )emotionally-draining (4 )thoroughlyMore practice in listeningShort conversations 1CDBCDLong conversationBDC APassages: Passage 1C ADBPassages: Passage 21.anticipation2.glamorous3.be conferred upon4. collective5. nominate for6. exceptions to7.accomplished8. absolute9. recipients10. is entitled toNewsReport 1CAReport 2ADBUnit testPART 11. C2. C3. B4. B5. DPart Il1. A2.B3.D4.C5.APart lII1. D2.B3.A4.A5.CPart IV1. tremendous2.strategic3.applied4. honored 5.escape6. defeated7. reflecting8. a series of9. strong relationship10. a wide range ofUnit 6SharingTask 21.quite late2.go on3.important4.going on5. the media and the newsTask 31. Internet2. Television3. Internet4. Radio5. Newspapers Television6. Newspapers InternetTask 4e-c-b-a-f-dTask 51. (I)laptop (2)latest headlines (3)real time2. (I )sources (2 )media3.(1)have to pay (2 )discriminate4. (I )outlets (2 )spread(3 )riskTask 6123ListeningTask 2 Activity 1f-e-d-g-c-a-bTask 2 Activity 21. (1 )hear this story(2 )about this guy2. what happened was3. (1 )remember all the details (2)recall (3)the first challenge4. (1)then from that (2)something to do5. (1 )the next thing (2 )according to the report (3)apart in his film6. (1 )my impression was that (2)ended up7. thats what happenedViewingTask 2 Activity 1DCCCTask 2 Activity 21. starts going wrong2. fill an awfuI lot of time3. deeply embarrassing for us4. (1 )champion of the Wrong Guest division (2)charming but inappropriate5. (I)living the celebrity lifestyle (2)love a good news blunderRole-playingTask 1 Activity 1b-a-d-cTask 1 Activity 2 APresenting: Task 1 Activity 1235More practice in listeningShort conversations 1B ABDCLong conversationCDACPassages: Passage 1DC DBPassages: Passage 21.differentiate themselves from2.frown upon3.concise4. combat5. severe6. is geared up for7. embraced- r8. compact9. is supplemented with10. sensationalNewsReport 1CAReport 2DC BUnit testPART I1.D2.B3.A4A.5. DPart II1. B2. D3. A4. C5. CPart Ill1. C2. B3. D4. A5. CPart IV1. contest2.queens3.outgoing4. cheers5. title6. tours7. performed8. to convince9. in protest10. draw world attentionUNIT 7SharingTask 1(1 )self describing(2)whether they would describe themselves as practical people, what kind of problems they are good 1 not so good at solving, and what super power they would love to have and why. if they could have oneTask 2(1)fixing problems with my bike(2)sort out their emotional problems,(3 )solving problems(4)a practical personTask3(1)A Yes 第12345个人(2)B With some things 第6个人(3)C Most of the time 第7个人Task 4BDACTask 5a-c-f-g-b-d-eListeningTask 2 Activity 2(1 )Round windows are less likely to break.(2)The answer is about 10,000.(3)The engines would shut down and stop working completely while flying over a volcano.(4)Because they all grew up, wanted to do things their own way. and they did.(5)Four big reasons: different ideologies, a sense of honor economic reasons, and fear.ViewingTask 2 Activity 1(1) rises for the first time in four months (2) power an enormous change (3) touched by the power of the sun (4) reaches its peak(5)won its battle with the iceRole-PlayingTask l Activity(1) Im not sure (2) Sure (3) Let me have a look(4) Yes, Ican (5) Yes, of course(6)Im afraid I cant do that(7)Yes, of course(8)Of course notPresentingGet ideas(1)The invention is called Robo-Chef.(2)It prepares and cooks meals automatically .More practice in listeningShort conversationCABDBLong conversationDABDPassages: Passage 1BAACPassages: Passage 21. was accompanied by 2. acceleration3. severe4. endeavor / endeavour5. practicable6. analogy7.speeding up8. attempts to9. foster10. second natureNewsReport 1BCReport 2C BUNIT testPART IBAACAPart IIDDCABPart IIIAAPart IVl. different2. thread3. nothing4. effects5.solve6. round7. worse8. try to solve9. part10. take the timeUNIT 8SharingTask 1(1 )changes and trends in communication(2)whether modern technology has helped them to communicate better and what kinds of problems modern communication causesTask 2(1)He uses a lot of social networking sites.(2)He wants to find out how people feel about modern communication.Task 3(1 )emails 12345(2)mobile phone / telephone 1234(3 )face-to- face contact(4)letters 123(5 )having dinner(6)postcards I(7)text messagesTask42456Task 5c-b-aListeningTask 2 Activity1456789Task 2 Activity 21. camera filming you2. stop barriers3. (1 )quickest (2)easiest (3 )straightforward4. ultimately5. (1)delivery (2)broadcastTask 2 Activity 31. in the near future2.in the future3.in the next ten years4.in years to come5. in the short term6.(1)in a month or two (2 )in the short term (3)in the long term7. in the short termViewingTask 2 Activity 1(1) wealth(2)challenge (3)spy(4)Web addicts(5 )knowledge Task 2 Activity 2f-d-a-b-c-cTask 2 Activity 3 1. A quarter -2. 35 million3. a billion4. Five million5. Eighteen millionRole-PlayingTask 1 Activity 1(1) Tom. (2)A clerk of Willys Burger Bar. (3) Over the phone. (4) The Sheldon Hotel. (5) Seven oclock.(6)Five oclock.(7)A car.(8)The fourth of July.Task 1 Activity 21. I didnt catch any of that2.lost me3. repeat the last name 4.say that again5. exactly do you mean6.Didnt you say7. what youre saying8. theres nothing at allPresentingGet ideas1. Face-to-face, but if you cant meet them then a phone call or email is fine.2. Face-to-face if you know the person, but if its difficult then use an email.3. Text or phone, as it s more convenient.4. Letter or card. People appreciate the effort and might keepMore practice in listeningShort conversationACDAAlong conversationDBCDPassages: Passage 1ACCDPassages: Passage 21.endangered2. falling apart :3.calculates4.tosses aside5.turn to6. unprecedentedly7. classified8.shut down9. approximately10. furyNewsReport 1C BReport 2C D BUNIT testPART IAABDCPart IIBDCCAPart IIIBCADCPart IV1. hand-written2. long-distance3. answering4. screen 5. option6. transformed7. mailing8. instantly


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