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U校园答案-新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说4答案Unit 1Sharing3.Answers: b-e-f-d-c-a4. 2 45. anti-social aware ofappreciateattitudetolerant come to an endwalk awayimpressListening2.22.3peacefulbeautifullovely partpartywith apassionlast secondwalkingtheir dogswith abounceawaythe bestpart of the daythinkingstraightat mysharpestwe hadchildrenin themorningsin theeveningsView it2.2 2 4Role-playing 1.2 Answers:g-a-f-h-b-d-c-eConversations1.DABCC2.CBDAPassages1.ACDC2.distressingdesperate urgeacquirearetotally unaware ofareisolated fromaffirminteractwithimpulseare convinced ofUnit test 1.DDBCD2.CAAAD3.CBDDC4.atsectionconnectsat the bottomofshiningAscrossrunning awayfromrunning awayfromdestroyed Unit 2Sharing 2.excitedon the banksbeachpartiesfind outlookingforward to3. Answers: f-a-d-c-e-b4.1 2 3 8 105.1 2 4Listening2.1A:2 3 4 5B:1 62.2Thursday,20/5/20041620by the riverrainingfanciedhave theguts to tell himgood-looking,romantic and intelligentthreechildrenIm happyfeel goodabout who I wasGood luckfor the futurebe happywith who you areViewing2.1 3 62.2thelongest-living communities900go abouttheir businessfruit andvegetableingredientscell damagehighquantitieshealthprotective120020 percentlessgetting morefor their moneyhealthsworthRole-playing 1.21 3 4 5 7 8 10Conversations1.ADCBD2.CBADPassages1.BCDA2.Proportion3.estimated4.haveprofound impacts on5.potential6.economically7.pensions8/originatefrom9.residential10.poses achallenge to11.betransformed intoUnit test1.BDCBC2.DCCBA3.BCAAD4.launched5.corner6.bankruptcy7.virtually8.directing9.dischargedfrom10.secured11.substantial12.Notsurprisingly13.fashion accessoriesunit 3Sharing Task 1(1) free time(2) how they spend their free time,how they would spend their freetime differently if they had more time or money or opportUNITy,and what are the benefits to society if people are given more freetime or holidaysTask 2(1) enjoy (2) free(3) music (4)internationally(5)festivals your free time Task 3 d-e-g-h-b-a-c-fTask 4 2 3 5 6Task 5 2 4 5 8 1 2. Listening Task 2 Activity 1a-d-g-e-b-f-cActivity 21 3 6 8Activity 3 (1)She feels it seems very shallow, (2)She has now grown up and matured. (3)She is very happy with where she is now./She doesnt think lifehas to be the perfect image she pictured. ViewingTask 2 Activity 1 (1)husky sledding(2)38(3)wing-walking(4)3(5)driving on Route66 /driving on Route Sixty-six (6) 19(7)queue-jumping(8) 17(9)swimming with dolphins(10) 1Task 2 Activity 22 4 7 8 9 Role-Playing Task 1Activity : (1)Four /4 (2)a swimming pool(3)covered by another “wall(4)the same position as the shape in the hole(5)what shape the holewill be until the last moment(6) Not to get knocked into the pool (7)gets through the most shapesTask 1Activity 2 1 3 4 7PresentingGet ideas 1 partly disagree with the writers view that today most people spendtheir free time doing things that do not contribute to their development and are essentially unproductive.In my opinion,manypeople today actually use the additional free time that technology hascreated for working more,rather than for interacting with net friendsor for other leisure activities.For instance,many people have formed the habit of checking company emails frequently even during theiroff-work hours; they are disturbed by cell phone calls concerningwork wherever they are even on weekends; they are obliged to bringtheir computers with them even when going on a vacation.They neverseem to have real freedom after work owing to the advancement of technology and the popularization of modern communications devices.However,although they live in such constant chaos,the truth is,thiskind of life allows them no chance to spend time wastefully,and it often contributes to their career development and makes them moreproductive.Organize ideas Meaningful leisure activities Reasons for being meaningful1Outdoor activities such as going to parks,mountains and beaches build health prevent and reduce stress improve social life2 Surfing the Internet keep people well-informed communicate with people all over the world easily get entertainment through watching TV series or movies online3 Reading books make people think more deeply improve concentration4 Playing chess make people smarter relieve stress and bring funMore practice in listeningShort conversationD D C B ALong conversationDDBC Passages: Passage 1BCAC Passages: Passage 2 1.resorts 2.sprung up 3.dramatically 4.having an adverse effect on5.combat 6.wilderness7.unspoiled8.streams of9.guidelines10.auction offUNIT test PART IABBBCPart IICCDDBPart IIIDABCDPart IV23.audience24.teenage25.celebrate26.Popular27.conquers28.columns29.is central to30.a private arrangement31.to choose32.apart fromUNIT4SharingTask 1(1) money and happiness(2) whether they think money makes them happy, what things are moreimportant than money, and whether wealthy people should be taxed more tosupport the poorTask 2(1)She is a producer for the BBC.(2) She likes living in London, but it can be quite expensive.(3) Money andhappiness.Task 3d-f-a-e-b-g-c Task 4(1) brightenyour mood (2) a nurturing environment (3) a stable family (4) health (5) Feelcontentment/Feel contentment (6) makes the difference (7) feeling satisfiedwith Task 5略ListeningTask 2Activity 1 Activity 2 (1) hotels or even cities(2) make money(3) has doubled(4) wherever he goes(S)what kind of food she eats(6) junk mail or adverts(7) robbed(8) more crimes(9) have no need to worry(10) be more careful (11) sent to the newspapers(12) posted online ViewingTask 2Activity 1D B A C DTask 2 Activity 2(1) rethinkeverything(2) Give itup(3) transform(4) standardof living(5)diminished(6)commutefurther(7) theopposite(8) slowdown(9)takemoreleisure(10)economicgrowth(11)consumergoods(12)materialpossessions Role-PlayingTask1Activity1(1) Cosmetic surgery(2) Against(3) dangerous(4) frozensolid(5) For(6) health(7) Downloading music for free(8) Against(9) theft(10) stealingfromthem(11) withoutpaying(12) makeanymoney(13) For(14)CDsales(15) filesharing(l6) concerts(17)Banningcarsfromcitycenter(l8)Against(l9) pollutingthancars(20)areductioninshopsales(21)perfectlyfine(22) For(23)the environment(24)electric buses(25)polluted Task1 Activity21 3 4 6 7 9 10PresentingGet ideas1(1) The topics and their order: car,friendship, good food, money, and free time.(2)Friendshipand money.(3)Four.(4) MorefreetimeGet ideas 2e-b-c-d-aOrganizeideas 1Survey questionsInterviewee 1Interviewee 2Interviewee 3Interviewee 41. How would you definehappiness? feel energetic & focuseddo whatever I like to dodo well what I need to donot worried about anything2. Which two of the following six things would you find the most difficult to live without: friendship, health, sport or exercise, money, good food, or free time?sport & friendshiphealth & free timehealth & friendshipgood food & money3. How happy would you say you are, on a scale of one to five, five being very happy?fourthree four three4. What would you say is missing from your life?moneymoney money money5. Are you more happy or less happy than you were five years ago?lesslesslesslessOrganize ideas 21.Introductionto the survey (purpose, method, etc.):1) Purpose: To find outwhat college students think of happiness and how they evaluate their own senseof happiness.2) Method: By interviewing four of myclassmates with five questions.2. Findingsand analysis:1) Most of them definedhappiness as something related to ones state of mind.2) Regarding the two things most difficult tolive without, most of them chose health, friendship, free time, or sport, butone chose good food and money.3) All of them rated their level of happinessas three or four.4) Their answers to the last two questionswere surprisingly the same. All of them said that they lacked money and thatthey felt less happy than they were five years ago, probably because of thepressure associated with study and career choice.3.Conclusions from the survey:1) Students have a properunderstanding of happiness.2) They value health, friendship and free timemore than material things.3) They are fairly satisfied with theircurrent situation.4) They want to have more money.5) They feel less happy nowadays. More practiceinlisteningShort conversationCABCDLong conversationBABD Passages:Passage1ADDCPassages:Passage21.prevalent2. scary3. beclassifiedas4.epidemic5. ratio6. diagnosed7. keepingtrackof8. wasstillassociatedwith9. affirm10. intermsofNews report1.A D2.A CUNIT testPARTIDBACDPartIICDACBPartIIIABABDPartIV1.over2.companionship3.lover4.definition5.scarce6.diary7.Thesightof8.defeated9.madeup10.philosophersandscientist UNIT5SharingTaskl(1) thearts(2) what areas of the arts they enjoy, what exhibition or performance they vent to recently, and whether they think the arts are importantTask2(1) Photographyanddance.(2)Thesmall,intimateexhibitions.(3)Thearts. Task3d-h-a-f-b-e-c-gTask420.146 Task5(1)enrich(2)expandourhorizons (3) Terribly(4)intellect (5) specific(6)learn throughart(7)allaspects(8) a live(9) performance(10)intenseemotions ListeningTask2 ActivitylSarah(Woman)A.BotanicalgardenTimB.CinemaNigelC.Theaterworkshopspace Activity2(1) gets yourvote (2)infavorof (3)usefulandbeneficial (4)bringjobs(5) entertainment and activities (6) concernme(7)expensive (8)I personally would prefer(9) with disabilities(10) excellent(11) enjoy gardens(l2) mentioned youth(13) involved(l4) not so sure(15)costs(l6) myvotewouldgoto(17)1eaveout(l8)hanging around(l9)routine(20) bringingalong(2l) theoldergeneration ViewingTask2Activity1134Task2Activity2(l)A(2)makesamss(3) public buildings(4) wrong(5)V(6) definitely(7)A(8) quiteexciting(9)Y(10) A(11) pleasingtotheeye(l2) positive(l3) environment(l4) A(15) nicepicture(l6) offensive Role-PlayingTask1 Activity1c-a-b-d Task1 Activity2(l)extendsoutv.1est(2) northabove(3) goup(4) aroundthecorner(5) overthere(6) aroundtheneighborhood(7) ontheleft(8)hangoutandhead(9) headoverto(10)circleback(11) walkingby(l2)acenterof(13) attracted(14)folkmusic(l5)lookslike(l6)modeledon(l7) thehundredthanniversary Presenting Get ideas 1(1) Setting of themovie(2)Actor(s)/Actress(es)(3)Plotsumn1ary(4) Recommendation(5) Director(6) Reviewersopinionofdifferentelements Getideas 2(1)skillfully(2) gripping(3) shocking(4) hilarious(5) sensational(6)electrifying(7) poignantly(8) moving(9) breathless(10) hard-hitting(11) emotionally-draining(12)thoroughly OrganizeideasMovie AMovie BTitleFindingNemoThePursuitofHappinessGenre(体裁)AnimationBiographySettingOceanSanFrancisco,USMaincharacters Marlin(aclownfish,anoverprotectivefather) Nemo(sonofMarlin) Dory (agood-heartedbluefish.withshort-termmemoryloss) ChrisGardner(asales1nanandlaterastockbroker,afather) Linda(Chriswife) Christopher(sonofChris) JayThistle(an1anagerforDeanWitter)Actors/Actresses AlbertBrooks(asMarlin) AlexanderGould(asNemo) EllenDeGeneres(asDory) WillSmith(asChrisGardner) ThandieNewton(asLinda) JadenSmith(asChristopher) BrianHowe(asJayTwistle)Director(s) AndrewStantonGabrieleMuccino Plotsummary (12) atmysharpest(13)wehadchildren(14) inthe1nornings(15) intheevenings ViewingTask2 Activity1(I)Becausehewasfascinatedwiththeirbodylanguage.(2)Aman watcher.(3)0ver60countries.(4) Thedifferentwaysofshakinghands,andthedifferentwaysofsaying“You are crazy”Task2Activity2Role-PlayingTask2Activity1(l)Becausehewantstoaskhertopaybackthemoneyshehasborrowedfromhim.(2) Sheexplainsthatsheisterriblewithmoneyand that shejustforgetsaboutit.(3) Shesaysshewill paybackthemoneythefollowing weekwhenshegetspaid.(4) Hefeelsannoyedaboutthesituation.(5)Hesuggeststhatthewomanpaybackalittlean1ountofthemoneyeachweek.Task2Activity2g-a-f-h-b-d-c-e PresentingGet ideas1(1) Thestory is about a couple who were ordered to return a large a1nount of lottery prizemoney.The movie tells the story of a fathers courage and love. Nemo runs awayfrom school, ventures into the open sea, captured onto a boat, and sent to a dentistsoffice. Marlin and Dory go to search for him and bring him hon1e. They go all theway to Sidney 1-larbor. Along the way, Marlin learns to take risks and finally allowsNemo to take care of himself.The story is about a salesman, Chris. who strives to build a future for himselfand his five-year-old son. Although he works hard. he n1akes little n1oney. He raiseshis son on his own after his wife walks out. However, he never gives up. With diligenceand the love for his son, he becon1es a successful stockbroker.Opinions Abri11iantly animated masterpiece Fullofhumor Stunningvisualeffects Perfectlycastvoice Hilarious Asimplebut enchanting story Richdetailsandlavishcolors Channingcharacters Favoritescenes:underwaterworld-theocean,thefish,andthe coral reef Areal,heavy,andinspirationalstory ActingofWillSmithisshockinglygood Actingofthesonisperfect Touchingandpowerful scenes Unconventionalapproachestotellaninspirationalstory Favoritescene:interviewfor internship A remarkable movie RecommendationYes,stronglyrecom1nend.Yes,defi1itelyamust-see. More practiceinlisteningShortconversationCDBCDLongconversationBDCAPassages:Passage1CADBPassages:Passage245.anticipation46.glamorous47.beconferredupon48. collective49.nominatefor50. exceptionsto51. accomplished52. absolute53.recipients54.isentitledto55UNIT testPart ICCBBDPart IIABDCAPart IIIDBACCPartIV43.tremendous44.strategic45.applied46. honored/honored47.escape48.defeated49. reflecting50. aseriesof51. strongrelationship52. awiderangeof UNIT 6Sharing Task 1 (1) the media and news (2) how they usually get their news,what kind of news storiesinterest hem the most,how modern technology and new mediahas changed their relationship with the news,and whether themedia uses its power responsiblyTask 2(1)quite late (2) go on(3) important(4)going on(5)the media andthe newsTask 3 (1)Interne (2)Television(3) Internet (4) Radio(5)NewspapersTelevision(6) Newspapers InternetTask 4 e -c-b a-f-dTask 5 (1)laptop(2) latest headlines(3)real time(4)sources(5)media(6)have to pay(7)discriminate(8)outlets(9)speed(10) riskTask 61 2 3 2 8.ListeningTask 2 Activity 1f-e-d-g-c-a-bActivity 2(1)hear this story(2)about this guy(3)what happenedwas(4)remember all the details


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