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中考英语 综合复习指导,Part 1:ListeningPart 2:Vocabulary rise, raise; other, others, another; take part in, join, join in; say, speak, tell, talk等,盲目审题,对有些句子,有的考生题目没看完就开始选择,造成不必要的错误。如: (1) He was waiting _ the bus stop. A. for B. in C. at D. (2) I want to know _ mother has put the little presents round the Christmas tree. A. that B. where C. when D. whether,易 错 题,1To plant this big tree needs to dig a _ hole. A. five feet deep B. five-feet-deep C. five-foot-deep D. five foot deep,c,The hole is five feet deep.,2. 365 is read as _. A. three-hundred and sixty five B. three hundred and sixty-five C. three hundreds and sixty-five D. three hundred sixty and five,B,3. About _ of the books in our school library are written in Chinese. A. four-fifth B. four-fifths C. fourth-fifths D. fourths-fifth,B,nineninth twelvetwelfth forty-fortieth,4There are fewer _ in our hospital than in theirs. A. woman doctor B. woman doctors C. women doctors D. women doctor,C,5We are _. They are _. A. Chinese .Germen B. Chinese.Germans C. ChineseGermany D. Chinese Germans,D,6. Edison is one of the greatest _ in the world. A. inventions B. inventers C. inventor D. inventors,D,7. Mr Li often gives us _ by e-mail.(2000) A. some good information B. some good informations C. good informations D. a good information,A,8. Linda, Ive bought many _. Now lets make the birthday cake.(2003) A. fresh eggs B. chocolate milk C. frozen food D. rice dumplings.,A,9.The small village is too far away. _ people have been there. A. A few B. A little C. Few D. Little,C,如果句子空格前用副词only, still, just, quite等修饰,那么用a few或 a little,如果用副词very, too, so等修饰,应该用few或little。,10. - Do you like English or maths? -I dont like _. A. either B. all C. neither D. any,A,11. Some people spend their holidays at home, _ go traveling during their holidays. A. others B. the other C. the others D. another,A,12. Im sorry Im late. There is _ with my bike. A. anything wrong B. something wrong C. wrong anything D. wrong something,B,13.Look _ at the photo. Do you know the man? A. careful B. carefully C. more careful D. most carefully,B,He looked _.(sad, sadly),14. Sending e-mails is much _ than sending ordinary letters. A. fast and convenient B. faster and more convenient C. fast and more convenient D. faster and convenient,B,15. It is spring now. The days are getting _. A. longer and longer B. long and long C. the longer and the longer D. the longest and the longest,A,16. _all the stars, the sun is the largest. A. In B. With C. To D. Of,D,17.When was Tom born? - _ July 5, 1999. A. At B. In C. On D. Of,C,固定词组的搭配。 如: be different from, be famous for等。,特别提醒:,(1)用了though就不能用but。,(2)用了because就不能用 so;反之亦然。,(3)Since有两个意思。一个是“自从”,如I have lived here since I came to Shanghai.另一个意思是“既然,由于”,与now that可以互换。,(4)固定搭配:not onlybut also; neithernor; either.or,(5)if 引导状语从句和宾语从句时的用法不一样: If it rains tomorrow, we will not have a barbecue. I dont know if it is going to rain tomorrow.,18. _ it is to talk with friends on the Internet! A. What great fun B. How fun C. What a great fun D. How funny,A,19. -Must I finish all the work today? -No, you _.,must必须, mustnt 禁止做某事, neednt不必。,neednt,20. Look, Sue is walking slowly. She _ be very tired. A. ought to B. can C. must D. may not,C,21. You _ worry about your lessons. We will help you when you are well again. A. cant B. mustnt C. dont need D. neednt,D,22. I have many difficult problems _. A. to work them out B. to be worked out C. to work D. to answer,C,1. 动词不定式与疑问词what, which, who, whom, when, where, how等连用,做宾语。,2.在let, make, see, hear, watch 等动词后,作宾语补足语的动词不定式不带to。,3.不定式做表语也是常考的题目。如: My fathers job is to make sick people better. My hope is to be a writer.,特别提醒:,23. Judy likes Chinese paintings and she _ the hobby group at school. A. has taken part in B. has joined C. has attended D. has come into,B,24. They wanted to know _. A. what the matter is B. what is the matter C. what the matter was D. what was the matter,D,Please tell me what is wrong with her. Please tell me which is the way to the station.,类似结构,25. Do you know _ tomorrow? A. if it rains B. whether it will rain C. if it doesnt rain D. that it rains,I dont know if it is going to rain tomorrow. If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home. 在条件状语从句和时间状语从句中,用一般现在时代替将来时。,B,26. The students were reading the text _ the teacher came into the classroom. A. while B. where C. which D. when,D,(二)词性转换,解题特征和技巧,1、当所选择的词处于主语、宾语、表语位置时,需将所给的词转换成相应的名词填入: 如:The group _ was very good. (sing) An honest child should always tell the _. (true) The computer is a great _ in this century. (invent),singing,truth,invention,2当所选的词处于定语、表语、宾语补足语时,需将所给的词转换成相应的形容词填入: 如:They wont go fishing on such a _(rain)day. He got _ at the bad news. (angrily) When I got there, I found the river _. ( freeze),rainy,angry,frozen,3.所选的词在句中修饰动词、形容词、副词、分词时,需将所选的词转换成相应的副词填入: 如: Wet clothes dont become dry _ in winter. (easy) You are _ wrong, arent you ? (real) The girl found a thief coming _ out of the shop with a bag. (slow) The workers went on strike because they were _ paid. (bad),easily,really,slowly,badly,4.所选的动词用做谓语时,将所给的词转换成动词的适当形式。 如: The doctors is _ on the heart of the boy now. (operation) We must study hard so that we can _ the people well in the future. (service),operating,serve,(二)改写句子,第一,掌握英语的基本句子形式,如陈述句,各种形式的否定句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,反意疑问句,感叹句,主动语态和被动语态等 。,examples,1.He has lunch at school.(改为否定句) He _ _ lunch at school.,doesnt have,2.The T-shirt cost five dollars.(改为一般疑问句) _ the T-shirt _ five dollars?,Did cost,3. The photo near the door is the best.(对划线部分提问) _ _ is the best?,Which photo,4. We have studied in this school for four years.(改为特殊疑问句) _ _ have you studied in this school?,How long,5. Lets go to the exhibition this afternoon.(改为反意疑问句) Lets go to the exhibition this afternoon, _ _ ?,shall we,6. He could hardly see the words on the blackboard. (改为反意疑问句) He could hardly see the words on the blackboard, _ _ ?,could he,第二,要熟悉“保持句意”的改写。如简单句和复合句的转换,两句并一句,形容词、副词比较级句型的转换,词语的不同搭配等。,1. It was eleven oclock when he finished his homework last night. He _ finish his homework _ _ it was eleven oclock last night.,didnt,2. He is the tallest in his class. No one _ in his class is as _ as he.,else,until,tall,3. He didnt make as many mistakes in his homework as you. He _ _ mistakes in his homework _ you.,made fewer,4. These stamps belong to my elder brother. These stamps are my elder _ .,brothers,than,5. The box is so heavy that I cant carry it. The box isnt _ _ for me to carry.,light enough,6. The question is very difficult. No one can answer it. The question is _ difficult _ _ _ answer.,too,for anyone to,The question is so difficult that no one can answer it.,句型转换归类,一.改成反意疑问句 1 Mary bought some shampoo in the supermarket, _ _ ? 2. He never returns books to the library on time, _ _ ?,didnt she,does he,二. 改成一般疑问句 1. I enjoy team sports. _ you enjoy team sports? 2.We do eye exercises every day. _ you _ eye exercises every day? 3.Every Monday morning he has a meeting. _ he _ a meeting every Monday morning? 4.He set the alarm clock for seven. _ he _ the alarm clock for seven?,Do,Do do,Does have,Did set,三.改成否定句 1.The captain worked at the South Pole last year. The captain _ _ at the South Pole last year. 2.Alice attends the lecture once a week. Alice _ _ the lecture once a week. 3.Peter collected some old coins two years ago. Peter _collect _old coins two years ago. 4.Youd better go to see him off at the railway station. Youd better _ _ to see him off at the railway station.,didnt work,doesnt attend,didnt any,not go,四.改成感叹句 1.Its a very easy maths problem _ _ easy maths problem it is! 2.She played the piano wonderfully. _ _ she played the piano!,What an,How wonderfully,五.对划线部分提问,1.I was born in 1980. _ _ you born?,When were,2.The teacher had a meeting yesterday. _ _ the teacher have a meeting?,When did,3.The postage is three yuan and six jiao. _ _ is the postage?,How much,4.We had learned six pop songs by the end of last week. _ _ pop songs had you learned by the end of last week?,How many,5.He went to hospital to have a checkup on eyesight. _ _ he go to hospital?,Why did,6.We have a class meeting once a week. _ _ do you have a class meeting?,How often,7.At the age of five, Martin weighted 25 kilos. _ _ did Martin weigh at the age of five?,How much,8.He lost the key to his bike on his way to the lecture. _ did he _ on his way to the lecture?,What lose,六.改为被动语态 1.They took the wounded soldier to the field hospital. The wounded soldier _ _ to the field hospital. 2.Where did they grow vegetables? Where _ vegetables _ ? 3.They must keep the classroom clean. The classroom must _ _ clean.,was taken,were grown,be kept,七.改成简单句 1.I dont know when we shall leave for Nanjing. I dont know when _ _ for Nanjing. 2.The water was so dirty that we couldnt drink it. The water was _ dirty for us _ drink.,to leave,八.改为复合句 1.The words on the notice board are very small. I cant see them clearly. The words on the notice board are _ small _ I cant see them clearly.,so that,九.合并为一句 1.Tim doesnt collect coins. Jack doesnt collect coins ,either. Neither Tim _ Jack _ coins. 2.She is tall and thin. She has long hair. She is _ tall and thin girl _ long hair.,nor collects,a with,十.保持原句意思,1.The boy was too frightened to say a word. The boy was _ frightened _ he couldnt say a word.,so that,2.He prefers milk to tea. He likes milk _ _ tea.,better than,3.The motorcycle is Mr. Clarks. The motorcycle _ _ Mr. Clark.,belongs to,4.How is the weather today? _ the weather _ today?,Whats like,5.Our foreign teacher will go back home tomorrow. Well say goodbye to him at the airport. Our foreign teacher will go back home tomorrow. Well _ him _ at the airport.,see,6.Mrs. White told Tom that he mustnt throw paper on the ground. Mrs. White told Tom _ _ throw paper on the ground.,not to,off,7.Mary works very hard at school. Her teacher often praises her. Mary is often praised _ her hard _ .,for,8.The dictionary cost me 20 yuan. I _ 20 yuan _ the dictionary.,spent,work,on,I _ 20 yuan _ the dictionary.,paid,for,9.The recitation was kind of boring and I liked the cross talk better. The recitation was _ _ boring and I preferred the cross talk.,a bit,10.Sams grandfather died 10 years ago. Sams grandfather has been _ _ 10 years.,dead,for,buy - have hadborrow-have keptbegin- have been onleave- have been awayjoin - have been in,11.Jacks mother asked him, “Have you packed your things?” Jacks mother asked him _ he _ packed his things.,if,12.After a quick breakfast, Mary left in a hurry. After a quick breakfast, Mary _ _ .,hurried off,had,Part 3 Reading Comprehension (阅读理解),READING COMPREHENSION 阅读理解,MAY, 2005,一、中考阅读理解的题材,题材广泛,贴近学生生活,内容包括生活故事、名人轶事、生活常识、科普史地、广告、电话留言、节选的小说原著等。,二、中考阅读理解的题型: 判断正误题、选择题、根据短文内容书面回答问题,三、阅读理解的注意点:,、至少通读全文两遍,注意把握整体意思。,、要抓住短文的中心,特别要注意短文的开头与结尾。,、养成以下良好习惯:通读短文,初定答案复读短文,确定答案;或者浏览正误题、选择题带着问题阅读确定答案。,、阅读后回答问题时,必须理解全文的中文意思,并注意文中的who,what, when,where, how,why等。书面回答时,注意文字的书写,意思表达的简明,单词的大小写、名词的单复数、主谓的一致、动词的时态、语态等。,四、中考阅读理解答题解析,答题关键:为题目寻找对应句或段进行比较,找出答案。通常,题目的表达方式与原文不会完全一致,因此必须具有句型转换和同义表达的能力,试题() ( )Maria and Philip both agree that zoos are good for people.,原文:In Marias letter,she says that zoos are good for animals and people. I am afraid that zoos are not good for animals, they are only good for people.,T,试题() In Panama, visitors have to _ before they enter the forest park of the Kuna people. A) buy Brazil nuts B) plant trees C) pay for the ticketsD) pay for the gold,原文:In Panama, the Kuna people saved their forest. They made a forest park which tourists pay to visit.,试题() According to the passage, the writer thinks that _ . A) people should not drive in the snow B) drivers should think more about problems in winter driving C) people drive too fast in winter D) winter drivers should stop their cars less,B,原文:Winter is dangerous because its so difficult to know what is going to happen and accidents take place so easily Rule Number One for driving on icy roads is to drive smoothly Rule Number Two is to pay attention to what might happen.,试题(4) What is a van also called ? _ .,原文:Americans call vans motor homes.,A motor home,原文:A motor home is always used for holidays. When a family are travelling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or weeks.All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are travelling together.,试题(5) What do Americans always use motor homes to do ? _ .,To travel (with all the family members for holidays),试题(6) Why did John say that the meeting with the little girl was very exciting ? Because he saw his money was well used and this made him _ .,原文:When I met her , I felt very happy ; It brought me closer to the child ,happy / closer to the child,试题(7) How do you like John Brown? He is _ .,此题是开放型试题,答案可多种。从全文看,主人公为人善良,有社会责任感。只要符合这主流倾向,都是合适的答案。,kind , / a good man , .,二.边读边酌 初选试填,三.回顾全文 校核答案,一.阅读全文 了解大意,完型填空的注意点:,02年中考题 Often, doctors tell some people to go on diets. The doctors hope the diets will make the people feel b_. They hope the diets will make the people healthy. Alana was on a diet, but she didnt like it at all. She was not a_ to eat her favourite food by the doctor. While her brother Frank ate chocolates, she had to eat an apple. Alana was on the diet for two months. Her doctor was pleased with her.,etter,llowed,“You have been very good,”he said. “You can eat some of the foods you like best. But only a little. Dont eat too many sweets. Dont eat too much ice cream. If you do, you will get a lot of weight a_.”Then the doctor put Frank on a diet. It was a different kind of diet. “You c_ eat chicken or eggs, Frank,” said the doctor. “These foods will make you in trouble.”,gain,ant,“How long will I have to be on the diet?”asked Frank.“A long time, “ said the doctor, “Maybe for the r_ of your life.” “But I really like chicken,” said Frank. “You said it is one of the best meats to eat.”“It is a very good food for most people,”said the doctor. “But when you eat it, it makes you sick. It is not a good food for you.”“You are right,” said Frank, “Well, Ill eat more cake i_.”,est,nstead,多阅读英文报刊杂志. 多了解欧美国家的文化背景知识 要有扎实的语言基本功底:较大的词汇,语法知识,固定词组,习惯用语. 多背诵好的英语文章以培养语感 听英文广播,看原版英文电影,Improving your reading comprehension,Dialogue Completion 完成对话,MAY , 2005,完成对话的解题要点:,、在理解的基础上,掌握、记忆常用的语言话题的交际方式。,、把握语段的中心思想。,、注意英语中应答句的用语习惯、文化背景、口语中的省略形式等,排除汉语的干扰。,B)拒绝别人帮助或邀请时,也要用Thank you all the same. / Thank you anyway.或是 Id love to , but / Im afraid .等方式。,A)常以感谢来应答别人的称赞: A: You speak English so fluently. B: Thank you.,C)表示祝愿时,要根据不同情景进行不同的应答: (1) A: Have a great day today ! B: Thank you. The same to you. (2) A: Congratulations ! B: Thanks. (3) A: Happy birthday to you ! B: Thank you. ( 不能用The same to you. / You too. ),D)请求重复时,用Pardon? / I beg your pardon. / Please say it again. / Would you repeat that? / .,E)打电话时 A: Whos that ( calling / speaking )?(而不用Who are you ?) B: This is XXX. (而不用I am XXX. ),A) Excuse me 是客套用语,常用于与陌生人讲话、打扰别人、问路、插话等场合。 Im sorry. 则是常用于表示对己犯下的某种过错后的道歉。,、注意某些用语在用法上的区别。,C) Would you mind doing ?表示请求对方做某事。 Would you mind my doing ?表示请求别人的允许,让自己去做某事。,B) Thats right.表示对别人某一观点、做法的肯定。 All right.表示同意。 Thats all right.表示对别人的道歉不介意;又可用于对别人感谢时的一种应答。,、考生应努力从上下文结构中,去捕捉相关的提示信息。一旦填完所有选项,必须通读一遍对话,看看上下文是否通顺。只要有一个空格有疑问,就必须再仔细的选择一遍。,Part 4 Writing (写话),写话要求: 内容要切题,意思要连贯,不少于六十个词。,写话文体: 看图写话、写日记、写信、根据情景写话和命题写话等等。,写话注意以下几点:,一、要学会审题,仔细地看清题目要求,认真阅读题目的指令性语言,2002年中考题目是: “My Favorite things”.要求根据英文提示,以“我的心爱之物”为题写话,不少于50个词。内容必须包括英文提示中的三项要求,标点符号不占格。,Make sure you: Introduce what the things are Say when and or where, and how you got it Explain why you like it and why it is special to you,2你是在哪里,什么地方,以及怎样得到的。,3你可以说一说为什么它是你的心爱之物。,4短文的立意高,还需要写它对你有什么特殊的影响。,1这是一样什么东西,为了让人有一个清晰的印象。你可以做一些简单的描写。如,这样东西的形状,颜色,大小,以及他的性质。,I have got a watch. It is my favorite thing. It is black and looks very beautiful My father bought it while he was in America. When he came back, he gave me the watch as a birthday present. He said to me, “Dont waste any time, my girl. Make full use of your time.” I like the watch very much because it keeps good time and it shows my fathers love to me. Whenever I look at my match, I will think of what my father has said. Then I will work harder.,1要学会正确的遣词造句 如:My father is tall. My father is high. Who will speak at the meeting? Who will say at the meeting?,二、要学会正确的遣词造句和英语的句法,2学习掌握英语的一些句型 如;I very much like my mother. I like my mother very much. Learn English is very important. Its important to learn English.,仿照句型多造一些句子。 比如:I think it is going to rain. I think Mum is going to cook a meal I think we are going to have a picnic,三、学会使用正确的时态,2001年中考要求写一页日记,记下你在今年五月一日的活动。 题目是:My Daily日记上标出的是: Date: Tuesday May1,2001 Time: 9:30 p.m Weather: Fine,1描写一个人,你就应该先说说这个人是谁,他的年龄、外貌、性格、爱好、职业,他对工作的态度,以及你对他的看法。,题目“2010 and I”写话 掌握初中阶段英语的八种时态。还要熟悉他们的用法,以及不同时态的区别。,四、要有清晰的思路,初中阶段写话的内容不外乎是写人、记事、状物、写景和议论等等。,2描写一件物,你就应该先说说这是件什么东西、他的形状、大小、颜色、以及特征。如果是心爱之物,就要说说你为何珍爱它。,3描写一件事,就要按事情发生顺序,交待时间、地点、人物、事情发生的经过,结果。当然如果能加一些你自己的看法,就更能显锦上添花。,五要有一定的文采 1句子要有变化 适当的使用一些并列句、状语从句和宾语从句,语言就显得生动活泼。,4描写一个景点,你可以交代一下这是什么地方,然后先大后小,先近后远。还有那里人们的活动,以及你自己的看法等等。,请比较下面两篇例文 (A) My father is a doctor. He is over forty. He is not tall. He is strong. He often helps me with my lessons. He likes reading very much. He works hard in his hospital. He is a good doctor. He is a good father, too.,(B) My father, who is over forty, is a doctor. He is not tall, but he is strong. He is a good doctor because he works hard in his hospital. He puts all his heart in his work and he is welcomed by all his patients. He likes reading very much and knows a lot. When I meet any difficulty, he will help me. I think he is not only a good doctor, but also a good father.,2学会用串联词 适当的用一些串联词。例如,however, first, next, finally, on the whole, on one hand, on the other hand, whats more, 等等,Jack went to a shoe shop yesterday. He was looking for a pair of new sports shoes. He looked through all the sports shoes and picked out a few pairs that he liked. First, he picked out a pair of nice blue shoes. But when he tries them on, they were too small. Next, he picked out a pair of attractive red shoes. But when he tries them on, they were too big.,Finally, he chose a pair of while sports shoes. This time when he tried them on, they seemed to fit perfectly. He decided to buy the pair of white shoes. Whats more, the white pair was the cheapest of the three. They only cost $60. So he paid the money and went home happily.,


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