安徽马鞍山市第十一中学八年级英语上册 8A Unit 6 Natural disasters(第七课时)Main task学案(无答案) 牛津版

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安徽马鞍山市第十一中学八年级英语上册 8A Unit 6 Natural disasters(第七课时)Main task学案(无答案) 牛津版_第1页
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安徽马鞍山市第十一中学八年级英语上册 8A Unit 6 Natural disasters(第七课时)Main task学案(无答案) 牛津版_第2页
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课题:8A Unit6 Natural disasters 第七课时 Main task班级: 姓名: 使用时间: 年 月 日一、学习目标二、自学.在课本上划出下列单词词组,认真朗读它们并给出中文意思:词汇 nearly sandstorm warning remove signal roll词组 sharewith. look out of the window forget to bring my keys continue to fall around us come from behind fall over weather report snowstorm warning the noise of traffic remove the snow typhoon signal number 2.认真预习课本P105,试一试填出所缺单词并翻译成中文:We _ our umbrella in the wind. _ I was at school and Mr.Wu _ us to go home._I could hear the. _I _ an umbrella with Millie._I heard the _ of traffic in the morning. _I _ out of the window at Millies home after I heard the noise. It was _, 28th January. _Snowstorm _ Beijing. _The snowstorm was _. _Snow continued to _. _There are many people at the bus _. _People were _ the snow. _I could only walk _ in the snow. _ 3.通过预习,你有什么问题:_三. 课堂活动1.预习情况交流2.解释语境,学生独立或分组合作阅读第105页A部分笔记,了解Sandy经历暴风雪的细节3.学生看B部分的流程图,分析流程图的结构并用流程图的问题进行回答4.学生完成课本练习,并集体订正,核对答案四、随堂检测A.词组互译1.和Millie合用一把雨伞 _ 2.往窗外看 _3.扫除积雪 _ 4.暴风雪警报 _5.请某人干某事 _ 6.在风中 _7.继续干某事_ 8.天气预报 _9.卷起裤脚 _ 10.慢慢地走 _B.阅读下列文章,分析每个段落分别属于流程图中的哪一部分1、There was a landslide on Saturday, 14th December. After two days of heavy rain, the landslide happened in the morning.2、I was at home with Mum that day. Dad came home in the afternoon and told us to leave the flat immediately. Since there was heavy rain, he advised us to bring umbrellas and raincoats. We got out of the flat quickly. Dad told Mum not to forget to lock the door. Our neighbours were also outside their flat. Dad warned them not to use the lift. He told us to walk down the stairs. Some children screamed as they were very frightened.3、Suddenly, the building started shaking. People were frightened and ran down the stairs. Luckily, my parents and I ran out of the building. The weather was really terrible. We could do nothing but keep running in the rain. Then I heard a loud noise like thunder. Since I did not know what happened, I was very fightened. At last, we got into a taxi. Dad asked the driver to go to the centre of the city.4、We stayed at a hotel that night. The next morning, we went home. There were pieces of glass and bricks everywhere. I felt very sad. The landslide brought a lot of unhappiness to my family and my neighbours.Para. 1: _ Para 2: _Para. 3: _ Para 4:_C. 语法填空1.When Simon arrived, Amy _ (read) a book.2.We _ (clap) our hands while the performers _ (march) across the park.3.Why didnt go to the party yesterday? I _ (wait) for an important call from Shanghai.4.When he _ (draw) a picture, the telephone rang.D. 根据句意用括号内所给词的正确形式填空五.学后记 English JokesTOMS EXCUSE Teacher:: Tom, why are you late for school every day? Tom: Every time I come to the corner, a sign says, School-Go Slow.2


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