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,定语从句,定语从句,概念:在复合句中修饰名词或代词 的句子.,(Attributive clause),Mary is a beautiful girl.,Mary is a girl who is beautiful.,形容词作定语,句子作定语,修饰girl, 叫做定语从句,Mary is a girl.,Mary has long hair.,合并为一个句子,Mary is a girl who has long hair.,The book is about films.,The book is on the table.,合并为一个句子,The book which is on the table is about films. The book which is about films is on the table.,1.The man is a farmer.,2.The man is speaking at the meeting.,合并句子:,The man who is speaking at the meeting is a farmer.,先行词,关系词,定语从句,Mary is a girl who has long hair.,关系代词,which, who, that,定语从句的用法:,当先行词是物时, 用which 或that引导.,These are the trees which were planted last year.,当先行词是人时, 用who, whom, that引导.,who, whom, whose, that用法区别.,who 作定语从句的主语或宾语.,The man who is speaking at the meeting is a worker.,The man is a worker.,The man is speaking at the meeting.,分解,作主语,Whom 作定语从句的宾语,The woman whom they wanted to visit is a teacher.,The woman is a teacher.,They wanted to visit the woman.,分解,作宾语,that 可以作定语从句的主语和宾语.,注意: 关系代词作动词宾语时可 省略.,The woman (whom/ that) they wanted to visit is a teacher.,Have a try,指出关系代词(副词)在定语从句中的成份: 1.The man who came to our school is Mr. Wang. ( ) 2.The girl (whom) I met is Lucy. ( ) 3.I like the book (which) you bought yesterday. ( ),主语,宾语,宾语,一、定语从句中主谓一致的问题:,当关系词在定语从句中作主语是,从句的谓语必须与先行词保持 一致。,1.Tom is one of the boys who (be) from the USA. 2.Tom is the only boy that (be)from the USA .,下列情况只能用that,1.当序数词或形容词最高级修饰先行词时。,eg. Tom is the cleverest boy that I have ever known.,2. 当先行词是不定代词时的 little,few,much,any,all,anything,something,nothing,none,the one, everything, 等不定代词时。,5.当先行词同时包括人或物时。 eg. We often talk about the people and the things that we are interested in. 我们常常谈论我们感兴趣的人或事。 6.当主句是who或which时。 eg. Who is the girl that has black long hair? eg .Which is the pen that you bought?,7.当先行词作主句的表语时。 eg .China is not the country that used to. 中国不再是过去那样的国家。 eg .Its a sunny day that we are longing for. 这就是我们所渴望的晴天。 8.当先行词被the only, the very, the same, the last等修饰时。,eg. This is the very beautiful girl that Im looking for. 这正是我一直在寻找的漂亮女孩. eg. Thats the only thing that I can do now. eg. You are the last person that I meet here. 你是我在这儿遇见的最后一个人。,Exercise,1. I have a friend _ likes listening to classical music.,who/that,which/that,whose,3. The man _ leg broke in a match used to be a football player.,2. Yesterday Emily was wearing the new dress _ I gave her.,4. My parents live in a house_ is more than 100 years old.,5. The boy with _ John spoke is my brother.,which/that,whom,6. Kevin is reading a book _ is too difficult for him.,which/that,7. Is there anything _ you want to buy in the town.,8.All _ we can do is to study hard.,9. The first one _ stands up is a little boy.,that,that,that,句子翻译,1.这就是救了那个孩子命的医生.,This is the doctor who saved the boys life.,2.正在跑步的那个人是我的叔叔.,The man who is running is my uncle.,3. 我喜欢可以随之而唱的音乐.,I like the music that I can sing along with.,4. 住在隔壁的那个女的是一名教师.,The woman who lives next door is a teacher.,Consolidation exercises. Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronouns. 1. This is the only book _ I got last year. 2. Is this the book _ you are interested in? 3. This is the largest animal _ Tom saw in the zoo. 4. Rose still remembers the trees and teachers_ exist (存在)in the mother school. 5. All the desks _ are bought look really wonderful. 6. Do you have any money _is used to build the factory? 7. Tom has a toy_ was given by his father. 8. This is the second watch _ my father bought for me.,1. -Do you know the man _is talking with your father? -Yes, hes our headmaster. A. he B. who C. which D. whom 3. This is the best hotel in the city _I know. A. where B. which C. that D. it 4. Can you lend me the dictionary _the other day? A. that you bought B. you bought it C. that you bought it D. which you bought it 5. Anyone _with what I said may put up you hands. A. which agrees B. who agree C. who agrees D. which agree 6. My watch is not the only thing _ is missing. A. that B. it C. which who,1. The girl _ is reading under the tree _my sister. A. which; is B. whom; was C. who; is D. who; was 2. 、用适当的关系代词that, which, who, 填空。 1. The first thing _you must do is to have a meal. 2. April 1st is the day _is called April Fools Day in the west. 3. The family _had lost everything in a big fire got much help from their friends. 4. The house _we live in is very old. 5. Didnt you see the man _I talked with just now?,Thank you!,Bye-bye,


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