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第二部分 专题训练 专题二 单项填空 题型分析 解题技巧 真题分析,题型分析 单项填空一般从下面几个方面进行考查: 1.英语基础知识:主要集中在名词、冠词、 代词、数词、连词、介词、反意疑问句、状语从句、宾语从句、定语从句以及动词用法的考查。 2.句意理解:将语法的考查置于语境的理解与分析之中。 3.英语情景:主要考查考生掌握和运用日常交际用语的能力以及对中西方文化差异的了解程度。,解题技巧 1. 直接判定法 在直接利用相关语法知识,全面了解和明白命题意图的前提下,直接从所给选项中选出正确答案。这对于考查句型、固定搭配、习惯用法的单项填空题特别有效。如: May I listen to music? Sorry, you had better like that. A. not to do B. not do C. dont do D. not do to 解题方法:由 “had better (not) do sth.” 这一固定搭配及题干中的 “sorry”,就可以锁定B为答案。,解题技巧 2. 关键词法 许多题目都有一些关键词。找到句中的关键词,也就找到了解题的突破口。如: He has something wrong with his . He cant see clearly. A. leg B. eye C. hand D. arm 解题方法:根据题干中的关键词 “cant see”,马上可锁定B为答案。,解题技巧 3. 比较排除法 在难以确定四个选项的情况下,可根据题目提供的信息,先把与题干内容和要求明显不相符的干扰项排除,然后细心思考和判断余下的选项,把没有被排除的答案定为正确答案。如: She goes to work on foot. . A. So do I B. I do so C. I so do D. So am I 解题方法:从题干可知本题考查副词so的用法,表示前面情况也适用于另一个人或物时,应用把so放句首的倒装句,即可排除选项B、C,而题干的谓语动词为 “goes”,所以也可排除选项D,从而得出A为答案。,解题技巧 4. 逻辑推理法 有些题目的选项,从语法上判断,四个选项都正确,这时就可以通过逻辑推理的方法得出正确答案。如: His hobby is taking photos collecting stamps. Its growing flowers. A. either;or B. both;and C. not only;but also D. neither;nor 解题方法:从题干来看,题意为 “他的爱好是摄影和集邮” 或 “他的爱好既不是摄影也不是集邮”,也可以是 “他的爱好是摄影或集邮”,这样就难以做出选择,但从 “Its growing flowers” 便可推理出 “他的爱好是种花”,从而得出D为答案。,解题技巧 5. 综合分析法 有些题目不仅仅是考查一个知识点,而是两个或三个,这时就需要考生综合分析。如: The flowers well if they . A. wont grow;dont take good care of B. dont grow;are taken good care of C. dont grow;dont take good care of D. wont grow;are not taken good care of 解题方法:从题干中的if可知,条件状语从句是本题考查内容之一,条件状语从句主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,此时选项只剩下选项A、D。而从句中的 “they” 指的是花,而选项中的动词词组为take good care of,可知被动语态也是本题的考查内容,从而得出D为答案。,解题技巧 总的来说,单项填空题所给的非正确选项干扰较大,考查的知识内容多种多样,解题方法也不是一成不变的,有时解一道题需要多种方法综合运用,所以考生要在把握好语言知识的前提下,通过大量实践,不断总结,才能获得良好的成绩。,真题分析,2016广东省 26. Brazil, country in South America, will hold 31st Olympic Games in August, 2016. A. a;a B. a;the C. the;a D. the;the 【解析】 考查冠词的用法。句意:巴西,一个南美国家, 将于2016年8月举办第31届奥运会。第一个空表 示泛指,表 “一” 的概念,故用a;第二个空是序 数词,序数词前用定冠词the,故本题选B。,真题分析,27. The broken may cut into your hand if you touch it. You should be careful. A. glass B. glasses C. candle D. candles 【解析】 考查名词单复数。glass “玻璃”,glasses意为 “眼镜;玻璃杯”,candle意为 “蜡烛”,从下文中的cut可知C、D不符合题意,而下文中的if you touch it可知前面的名词应为单数,故选A。,真题分析,28. Please turn to page and take a look at the picture on it. A. the eightieth B. eightieth C. eighties D. eighty 【解析】 考查数词用法。句意:请翻开80页,看看上面的图画。数词表示页码时,有两种表示方式:“page+基数词” 或 “the+序数词+page”,故选D。,真题分析,29. I am a little hungry, Daddy. See the cupcakes on the plate? But you can only take . Dinner is ready soon. A. it B. one C. this D. that 【解析】 考查代词辨析。句意:爸爸,我饿了。看见碟子上的蛋糕吗?但你只能吃一个,晚餐很快就准备好了。it,one,that均可用作代词,指代前面提到的名词。一般说来,it指代同名同物;one与that则指代同名异物,one为泛指,相当于 “a/an+名词”;that为特指,相当于“the+名词”。故选B。,真题分析,30. With the development of science and technology, robot cooks in our families in the future. A. appear B. appeared C. will appear D. were appearing 【解析】 考查动词的时态。从下文中的in the future可知,表示将来发生的事情,故用一般将来时,所以选C。,31. The traffic policeman took away Jims drivers license he broke the traffic rules of drunk driving. A. though B. because C. till D. and 【解析】 考查连词辨析。句意:交警收缴了Jim的驾照, 因为他违反了酒后驾车的交通规则。because意 为 “因为;由于”,表示原因,故选B。,真题分析,真题分析,32. Among the four seas off the coast of China, East China Sea is the second . A. deep B. deeper C. deepest D. the deepest 【解析】 考查形容词的比较级别。“序数词+最高级”,从 下文中的the second可知,应选C。,33. Tommy, play basketball in the street next time. You may get hit by a car. A. do B. dont C. must D. mustnt 【解析】 考查祈使句,祈使句的否定句在句首加dont,故选B。,真题分析,真题分析,34. Mom, I visit the Modern Art Museum next Monday? Im afraid you cant. All the museums in this city are closed on Monday. A. would B. need C. should D. may 【解析】 考查情态动词辨析。句意:妈妈,下周一我可以参观现代艺术博物馆吗? 恐怕不行。所有博物馆周一都闭馆的。would表示询问时多与like连用,构成would like to do;need意为 “需要”,should意为 “应该”;may意为 “可以”,根据句意可知应选D。,35. Many young people put mobile gaming anything else, thinking little of their normal lives. A. along with B. behind C. before D. in front of 【解析】 考查介词辨析。句意:很多年青人把手机游戏放在首位,很少考虑他们的正常生活。along with意为 “连同一起;与一道”;behind 意为“在后面”;before意为 “在前面”;in front of 意为 “在前方”。故选C。,真题分析,36. Leonardo DiCaprio, a famous American actor, was always expecting an Oscar and finally he made it. A. to win B. winning C. not to win D. not winning 【解析】 考查非谓语动词用法。be expected to do 意为 “被期盼做某事”,故选A。,真题分析,37. Martin and Susan for Shanghai to attend an international meeting yesterday. A. put off B. fell off C. set off D. kept off 【解析】 考查固定搭配。put off 意为 “推迟”;fell off 意为 “从掉下来”;set off 意为 “出发;引起;动身”,kept off 意为 “让开;不接近”,根据句意:“Martin和Susan出发去上海参加一个国际性会议”,故选C。,真题分析,38. According to a recent survey, three fifths of working mothers in China dont want to have a second child. A. mostly B. especially C. partly D. nearly 【解析】 考查副词辨析。句意:根据调查报告,中国将近 3/5的在职妈妈不想生二胎。mostly意为 “主要地”,especially意为 “特别;尤其”,partly 意为 “部分地;在一定程度上”,nearly意为 “差不 多;几乎”,故选D。,真题分析,39. School violence (暴力) much attention of the whole society and people are calling on the government to make laws against it as early as possible. A. drew B. will drew C. has drawn D. was drawing 【解析】 考查动词的时态。句意:校园暴力已引起全社会的关注,人们呼吁政府尽早制定法律防止校园暴力。根据语境,发生的事情对现在造成影响,所以用现在完成时,故选C。,真题分析,40. Unless the weather , we will have to cancel the picnic. A. improve B. improves C. improved D. will improve 【解析】 考查条件状语从句。主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表达一般将来时,故选B。,真题分析,41. It is reported that cancer can be controlled at a temperature lower than 110 below zero. Really? nice surprise! A. How B. What C. What a D. What an 【解析】 考查感叹句。surprise为抽象名词,表示抽象概念时,其前面不用不定冠词,如in surprise等;但当表示具体的概念时,其前面应用不定冠词,也可以用其复数形式。故选C。,真题分析,42. He Jiang to give a speech at the graduation ceremony at Harvard University last month. A. invites B. invited C. is invited D. was invited 【解析】 考查被动语态的用法。从句末的last month可知此处应用一般过去时,可排除A及C,根据句意:何江上个月被邀请在哈佛大学毕业典礼上发表演讲。可知应选D。,真题分析,43. Great changes have taken place in our city in the past ten years. Everything comes into sight is so new to me. A. that B. which C. who D. whom 【解析】 考查定语从句。先行词为everything,所以关系代词应用that,故选A。,真题分析,44. ! Something is falling down from the tall building. Dear me! Its too dangerous. A. Look out B. Help yourself C. What a pity D. Shut up 【解析】 考查交际用语。句意:小心! 有东西从高楼落 下。look out意为 “注意;当心”,help yourself 意为 “自便”,what a pity意为 “真可惜”,shut up意为 “住口”,故选A。,真题分析,45. I wonder . It will fall on a Saturday. A. how will National Day fall on this year B. how National Day will fall on this year C. what day will National Day fall on this year D. what day National Day will fall on this year 【解析】 考查宾语从句。从答句中的Saturday可知疑问词应用what day,故排除A及B,而宾语从句语序为陈述句语序,故选D。,真题分析,祝福筑梦路上的所有考生,加油!,感谢使用,


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