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Unit 2 PoemsWorkbook 选修六选修六Listening on P481.Answer the questions.1)Who enjoys listening to poetry?Wu Zhe()Lily()Chelsea()2)Who enjoys writing poetry?Wu Zhe()Lily()Chelsea()Wu Zhe Poetry is like music.It is rubbish.Lily I like playing with words.The language in poetry is strange.Chelsea Poetry takes you to a different world.You dont have to follow grammar rules.2.Matching The students also discuss how they go about writing poetry.Give the answers.A.Who finds that the right words just come into his/her head when he/she feels inspired?LilyB.Who thinks he/she just writes down things that dont mean anything?Wu ZheC.Who has to think carefully about how to express a feeling in a poem?Chelsea3 Listen to the tape again.Match each student with the words they said.LilyWu ZheChelseaMy heart sinks!Poetry,Yuck!I love listening to it too.But Id rather be writing it.Sometimes I feel inspired and the right words just come spilling out.T:If I were to tell you that for the next couple of weeks we were going to do a unit on poetry,what would you think?Mr.Tanner,is talking to three students,Wu Zhe,Lily and Chelsea,about their feelings on poetry.Listening TextW:(groans)My heart sinks!Poetry,yuck!T:Youve never enjoyed it,Wu Zhe?W:What is there to enjoy!?All that strange meaningless language.Why cant people just say what they mean in clear simple English?They dont need to go on and on about things that nobody cares about.L:Thats not what I think!I love listening to poetry,even when I dont understand all of it.When someone reads it really well,its like listening to music.It takes you to another place in your mind,to a world thats different somehow.C:I love listening to it toobut Id much rather be writing(emphasize)it.T:So you enjoy writing poetry,Chelsea.What exactly do you enjoy?C:I like playing with words and sentences and lines.You just have to make it sound and feel right,and you dont have to follow all those grammar rules.T:So you like the freedom of being able to write just what comes into your head?C:Well,its not really freedom.You see,I think about the atmosphere orfeeling I want to create in my poem and then I look for the best way to do it.That doesnt feel free at all-Ive got to really think.It doesnt work when I just write down whatever comes into my head.L:It does sometimes for me.Sometimes I feel inspired and the right words just come spilling out.W:Lucky you,Lily!(said with a hint of resentment)That never happens with me.Even if I write something,its all rubbish.Poetry seems rubbish if you ask me.Reading task(P52)1.Listen to the tape and close your eyes,then tell us your impression on each poem.2.Discuss and then write about the characteristics of each poem.Poem A(Tang poem):This poem has beautiful imagery that conveys deep feelings.There are many things that this poem makes the reader think about:light heartedness and heavy heartedness,it contrasts morning and night,and creation and destruction.Poem B:Number of lines:Rhythm:Rhyme:Repetition:Part of speech:adverb poemtwo sets of four linesregular strong beatfour pairs of rhyming lineshungrily is repeated at the beginning of each line regularlythe adverb hungrily starts each line Poem C:song This is a love song Rhythm:regular strong beat Rhyme:two pairs of rhyming lines Repetition:first two lines are repeated at the end of the song Poem D:cinquain Number of lines:Topic:Poem E:haikuNumber of lines:Number of syllables:fivesunshinethree17Listening task on P531.The students have to give their poetry homework to the teacher today.2.Sam is going to try to write his poem on the weekend.FT1 Listen to the conversation and decide if the following sentences are true or false.3.Sam doesnt like the poetry homework.4.Sally doesnt want to do her poetry homework.5.Sam doesnt remember what a haiku is.TFT6.Ben is going to the park on Saturday.7.Sam is going to write a poem about himself.8.Sally,Ben and Sam are all present at the beginning of the conversation.FFTSamBenSallyWhat kind of poem is the student going to write?What topic is the student going to write about?cinquainhaikulist poemBennaturethe studentsin her class2 Listen again and fill in the blanks.Its Friday lunchtime.Three students,Ben,Sam and Sally,are talking about their poetry homework.Listen to their conversation.Listening textB:When are you going to do your poetry homework,Sam?S:I dont know,how long have we got?B:Well,its due next Monday.S:Oh,no!Id better have a go at it this weekend.What kind of poem are you planning to write?B:Well,I think Ill try writing a haiku.S:Whats that?B:Sam,dont you remember we learned about it in class.Its a Japanese poems made up of 17 syllables.S:Oh yeah.Sounds a bit difficult to me.What are you going to write about?B:Well,haiku are usually about nature,so Im going to go and sit in the park tomorrow and just observe life.Ill write about what I see and what images come into my mind.SL:Hi,Sam,hi Ben.What are you two talking about?S:That horrible poetry homework we have to do.S:Actually,Im looking forward to doing it.S:Well,I always knew you were crazy!B:Dont listen to him,Sally.What are you going to do yours on?SL:Im going to try one of those list poems and write a line about each person in the class.S:You can leave me out of it!SL:Oh Sam,its going to be funny.Im going to see if I can make the lines rhyme.Itll be fun.B:So Sam,are you feeling inspired now?Look,there are lots of different kinds of poems you could try a haiku,a list poem hey,what about a cinquain you know those five line poems.S:Oh yeah,Id forgotten about those.Yeah,thats what Ill do and guess what Im going to do it on?B:What?S:You!B:(laughs)Oh no!Brainstorming for poem types,topics and human feelings.WritingPoem typesmodernclassicalromanticfantasyrealismseriousfunny topicsthe seadrinking wineWorld War petsimaginationfriendshippower peace naturethe countrysidehuman feelingsangerhappinesshomesicklovedeathsadnesslonelinessbroken heartfeartrustWhen you have finished writing ortranslating your poem,practice reciting it aloud with correct rhythm and intonation.Now it is your turn to write or translate a poem.1.In the second section of the report many concrete problems are mentioned,and they must be solved at once.2.Hell prepared a special drink for you that is made up of fresh fruit juice,yoghurt and eggs.Translation(P50)3.Youll get better more quickly if you take it easy for a while.4.If Emily had not teased the cat,the beautiful vase would not have been knocked over.5.He loves poems,in particular Tang poems.6.I would like to try out that new Sichuan restaurant round the corner.7.There is bare minimum of furniture in that cottage.8.She is afraid of snakes.When she sees one,she always lets out a scream.9.Dont forget to put in a compass when you load the box for expedition.根据句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语根据句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示提示,写出各单词的正确形式。写出各单词的正确形式。1.Our English teacher asked each of us to write a p_(诗诗)after class.2.My p_(诗集诗集)was published last year.3.Parents always give their children names that r_:Donnie,Ronnie,Connie.oemoetryhyme4.Six weeks later we heard,to our great s_,that he had died.5.She wore a pair of _(钻石钻石)earrings at last nights party.diamondorrowII.根据句意根据句意,选择适当的单词或短语并选择适当的单词或短语并用其适当形式填空。用其适当形式填空。1.poet;poem;poetrya.As a piece of _,it seems to be a selection of Renaissance.b.He is both a soldier and a _.c.I decided to write a _ about what I felt.poetrypoetpoem2.run out;run out of a.By the time his patience had completely _.b.Unluckily,we have _ gas when we are still on the highway.run outrun out of3.be made up of;be made of;be made froma.The medicine team _ 5 doctors and 10 nurses.b.This kind of paper _ wood.c.The bridge _ stones over a century ago.4.translate into;translate froma.“Red Mansion Dream”has been _ several languages.b.This text is _ one of Shakespeares famous works.translated from is made up ofis made fromwas made oftranslated into III.每空填一词每空填一词,使该句与所给句子的使该句与所给句子的意思相同。意思相同。1.The doctor told me to relax when examined.The doctor told me to _ _ _ when examined.2.I have used up my money.Please lend me some.I _ _ _ _ my money.Please lend me some.take it easyhave run out of3.The football team consists of 11 players.The football team _ _ _ _ 11 players.4.I failed in the exam.Thats because I didnt study hard._ _ _ I failed in the exam was _ I didnt study hard.5.People write poems for various reasons.People write poems for _ _ _ reasons.a variety ofis made up of The reason whythatIV.根据括号内所给的提示将下列句子翻根据括号内所给的提示将下列句子翻译成英语。译成英语。1.他讲了一些笑话他讲了一些笑话,使观众很开心使观众很开心.(delight)2.医生叫我休息几周医生叫我休息几周。(take it easy)He delighted the audience by telling some jokes.The doctor told me to take it easy for a few weeks.3.这是一种很受说英语的人欢迎的日本诗这是一种很受说英语的人欢迎的日本诗。(be popular with)It is a Japanese form of poetry that is very popular with English speakers.4.我们的汽油昨天就用完了我们的汽油昨天就用完了。(run out of)We ran out of petrol yesterday.5.这个团体是由医生和教师组成的这个团体是由医生和教师组成的。(make up of)6.她的书已经被译成了她的书已经被译成了1010种语言种语言。(translate.into)Her book has been translated into 10 languages.The group is made up of doctors and teachers.Homework1.Finish your writing or translating of your poem.2.Prepare for the exam of the unit.


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