2022年高中英语 Unit 4 Behind beliefs教案10 牛津译林版选修9

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2022年高中英语 Unit 4 Behind beliefs教案10 牛津译林版选修9科目: 英语 主备人: 备课日期: 课 题Behind beliefs第10课时计划上课日期教学目标Practice the students listening, speaking, reading and writing.Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点religious words that are used in our daily life教学流程内容板书关键点拨加工润色Step1 Greetings Step2 Revisions Step3 Lead-in Step4 Teaching procedures Language points Word power2. Do you know any religious words that are used in our daily life now? - Religions are important in our daily life. Different cultures are closely related to religions. Now we will learn some expressions related to it. Step II Vocabulary learning1. Read the article in Part A on page 54, and answer the following questions. 1). What religions are mentioned in this article?- Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.2). When did the religions begin?- Hinduism began over 4,500 years ago.Buddhism began about 2,500 years ago.Judaism began over 3,000 years ago.Christianity is about 2.000 years old.Islam was started about 1,400 years ago.3). Is the Jewish Sabbath on Saturday? Where do Jews worship? - Yes. They worship in a synagogue.4). What religion do Muslims believe in?-They believe in Islam.2. Read the article again and complete the chart. People who believe in itWho/What they believe inThe religious book they readPlace they worshipHinduismBuddhismJudaismChristianityIslamStep I Lead-in1. Show some pictures of different religions to students and motivate them to learn more knowledge about it.Answers: Hindus, Several different gods, Vedas,temple Buddhist, The teachings of Buddha,Buddhist scriptures,temple Judaist, God,Torah,synagogue Christian,God and Jesus,Bible,church Muslim,Allah,Koran,mosque作业布置教学心得


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