牛津英语译林版七年级下册 英语期末检测模拟试卷

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期末检测试卷 (满分:100 分)一、单项选择(15 分)()1. I know _ film Peter Rabbit. It is _ story about a rabbit.A. a; the B. /; the C. the; a D. the; /)2. Which of the following cities is NOT a capital of a country?A. Beijing. B. New York. C. Tokyo. D. Paris.)3. Can you join us this afternoon? Sorry, I cant. I _ take care of my brother because my mother is out.A. can B. may C. would D. have to)4. Hi, Selina. Is this_Chinese book? No._is on the desk.A. your; Mine B. your; My C. yours; Mine D. yours; My)5. Are you watching the football matches of the World Cup these days? Sometimes, and Ill watch the match_ Japan and Poland tonight.A. against B. about C. through D. between()6. We_a party for the new teacher. It may be a surprise.A. were having B. had C. will have D. have had)7. The CCTV programme “ Readers” interests_ people.A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of)8. I think you should stop_him in English. I see. He cant understand English at all. Let me try in French. A. talking to B. to talk to C. talk to D. to talking to()9. Did you find _ funny in the book? Yes. It tells us how to be a good kid.(A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything)10. Jim, with his parents, _ going back to Tokyo next week.A. is B. are C. will be D. be)11. Can you help me_ the pen? Its under your chair.A ask for B. look for C. pick up D. put up)12. David is a tennis player. He_ to play tennis when he was six years old. A. begins B. will begin C. began D. has begun()13. Bobby, dont forget_ home before 10:00 p. m. A. return B. returning C. returned D. to return OK, I wont.()14. Listen! Someone is playing_violin. Wow! _ beautiful music! I like it very much. A. the; What B. an; How C. a; What D. / ; How()15. Dont fish here. Look at the sign on your right! _ .A. Yes, I dont B. Id like to C. Im right D. Sorry, I wont do it again二、完形填空(10 分)There was a tiger in the forest. All the other animals there were afraid of him They _1_ away as quickly as possible when they saw him. So he had no friends and he always felt _2_ . Once he caught a wolf and a fox, but he was _3_ that day and didn t want to eat them. So he decided to make friends with them. The two animals were happy and agreed with him at once.1 / 7It was a _4_ day. The forest was covered with thick snow. It was _5_ for the three animals to find food. They were all hungry. When the _6_ went down in the west, they went to a village and carried a sheep, a dog and a duck away.“How shall we divide the animals among us, Mr Wolf?” asked the tiger.“The sheep is the _7_ and heaviest of the three,” said the wolf. “Of course, itll belong to you. Mr Fox is the _8_ of us, so he can eat the duck and Ill eat the dog.” It made the tiger angry and he killed the wolf at once. Then he went on asking, “How shall we divide them _9_ us, Mr Fox?”“Thats easy, Mr Tiger,” answered the fox. “Youll eat the duck for breakfast, eat the dog for lunch and eat the sheep for supper.”“How _10_ you are! Who taught it to you?”Looking at the dead wolf, the fox said sadly, “You, Mr Tiger!”()1. A. flew B. walked C. ran D. jumped()2. A. lonely B. excited )3. A. pleased B. sorry )4. A. spring B. summerC. strangeC. hungryC. autumnD. happyD. fullD. winter()5. A. lucky)6. A. Sun)7. A. fatterB. easyB. EarthB. fattestC. difficultC. MoonC. thinnerD. possibleD. starD. thinnest()8. A. bigger B. biggest )9. A. during B. in )10. A. able B. badC. smallerC. betweenC. kindD. smallestD. aboutD. clever三、阅读理解(20 分)ABefore you go to another country, it is of great help if you know the language and some of the customs (风俗)of the country.When people meet each other for the first time in the UK, they say“How do you do? ” and shake hands( 握手). Usually,they do not shake hands when they just meet or say goodbye. But they shake hands when they haven t met for a long time or when they will be away from each other for a long time.Last year, a group of German students went to the UK for a holiday. Their teacher told them that the British people hardly ever shake hands. So when they met their British friends at the station, they kept their hands behind their backs. The British students had learned that the Germans shake hands as often as possible, so they put their hands in front and got ready to shake hands with them. It made both of them laugh.()1. It is_if you know the language and some of the customs of a country before you pay a visit to that country. A. not useful B. not helpful C. very helpful D. very bad)2. British people usually shake hands when they_A. meet every time B. meet for the first time C. say goodbye to each other D. say hello to each other )3. Usually, British people dont shake hands when they _.A. will be away for a long time C. just meet or say goodbyeB. say “How do you do?” for the first time D. havent met for a long time()4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?2 / 7(A. German people shake hands as often as possible.B. British people like shaking hands very much.C. German people hardly ever shake hands.D. Both British people and Germans dont like shaking hands. )5. This passage is about _.A. shaking hands B. helped and listened to C. customsBD. frightened thievesIf you are in a town in a Western country, you,11 often see people walk with their dogs. It is still true that a dog is one of the most useful animals in the world, but the reason why one keeps a dog has changed. Long long ago, a man met a dog and wanted it to help him fight other animals, and he found that the dog listened to him and did what he told it to do. Later people used dogs to hunt other animals, and the dogs didn t eat what they got until their masters ( 主人) agreed. Some dogs were also used for driving sheep and guarding chickens.But now people in towns and cities do not need dogs to fight other animals. They keep them to frighten thieves, but the most important reason is that people feel lonely in cities. For a child, a dog is the best friend when he or she has no friends to play with. For a young wife, a dog is her child when she doesn t have her own. For old people, a dog is also a child when their real children have grown up and left. Now people do not have to use a dog, but they keep it as a friend, just like a member of the family.()6. In Western countries, some people still think_are more useful than a dog.A. many animals B. a few animals C. some animals D. no other animals )7. In the past, people kept dogs because dogs_.A. didnt eat other animals C. met themB. helped and listened to them D. frightened thieves()8. Now people in cities keep dogs because dogs_.A. fight other animalsB. are like their friends C. are lonely D. are afraid of thieves()9. A dog can be_.A. a childs only friend B. a young womans only sonC. old peoples real child D. everybodys friend()10. So a dog will_in a family.A. be sent away B. not be useful C. still fight D. be a good friend四、任务型阅读(20 分)For me, living in Canada for 25 years, China is a new world that I have longed to explore. This spring, I chose Yangzhou to be my first stop on a 16-month trip around China. It was like love at first sight. At 15, I bought a book of collection of poems about the Tang dynasty. Through it, I heard of Yangzhou for the first time. I was deeply attracted by a poem written by Li Bai “Sailing to Yangzhou in March”.Yangzhou, sitting 2,500 years at the crossing of the Yangtze River and the 2,400-yearold Grand Canal( 大运河), is one of the first 24 historic and cultural cities in China In the old town, there are many ancient streets and houses. Its best to visit the city in spring. Spring paints the city in bright colours.Yangzhou has always been famous for its gardens. Among them, the Slender West Lake, one of the biggest attractions in the city, was my first stop. The park with its fantastic landscape and lots of history has enough to keep a tourist busy for the whole day. What a shame I simply could afford half a day!3 / 7My next stop was He Garden, one of the best protected gardens in Yangzhou. It was once owned by the family of He Zhidao in the Qing dynasty. He Zhidao successfully brought Chinese and Western architectural 建( 筑的) features together.Yangzhou is also the starting point of the Grand Canal tour. Taking a boat along the part of the canal in Yangzhou, I was amazed at the liveliness of this ancient waterway and the citys history and culture.Luckily,my two-day trip to Yangzhou was filled with pleasure and wonder. It made me hungry for more China.根据短文内容完成下面的表格。(每空词)Exploring _1_ in Yangzhou_2_ for choosingYangzhouBrief _3_ toYangzhouWhat attracted me to this city was a famous poem by Li Bai.It is a historic and cultural city with a long history and many _4_ streets and houses. Spring is the _5_ time to visit Yangzhou.Experiences inYangzhouSlender WestLakeHe GardenGrand CanalI first visited the Slender West Lake._6_ may spend a day in the park because of its fantastic landscape and history. I visited He Garden next.He Zhidao _7_ to mix Chinese and Western architectural styles together.I took a boat trip along the canal in Yangzhou and was _8_ at the lively ancient waterway.The Grand Canal enjoys a history for over two _9_ years.FeelingAfter the trip to Yangzhou, I want to _10_ more about China.BSome animals live in the same park. They like to get together and talk about their great dreams.A small bird says, “ I have a good voice. I can make beautiful sounds. I want to be a great singer like Tan Jing. People will love my songs.”A young horse says, “ I am good at running. I can run faster than Su Bingtian. I want to be the best runner some day. I will win a gold medal(金牌).”A smart tiger says, “I m the king of the forest. Em very strong. I want to become an engineer like Xu Hu. I can work for people.”A lovely monkey says, “Tm going to be a manager like Bill Gates. I want to have a big fruit company of my own. Welcome to my company!”An old giraffe shouts, “Be quiet! Listen to me, everyone. It s good for you to have your own dreams. But you always talk about them I think you should work hard If so, your dreams can come true.”回答下面 5 个问题,每题答案不超过 5 个单词。1. Where do the animals live?2. Who can make beautiful sounds?3. What does the smart tiger want to be?4. How many animals are mentioned in the passage?5. What does the giraffe think all the animals should do?五、词汇(10 分)4 / 7A)根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。1. I didnt _ (注意)him when I went into the meeting room.2. The box is_ (锁着的),so we dont know whats in it.3. Yesterday I read an _ (文章) on crime crackdown(扫黑除恶).4. There is too much_(来往车辆)in this street during rush hour.5. Mike is playing near a river. _(突然), his ball falls into the water.B)根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. On his_(twenty) birthday, he got an iPad from his friend.2. “Are you OK?” I asked. He_(nod) and smiled.3. Stop_(talk) , children. Here comes Mr Lee.4. I dont know all the_(visit) names.5. Why_(not open) the window? Its very hot inside.六、根据短文内容及首字母提示, 填写所缺单词, 使短文意思完整。(10 分)Some time ago, a fire broke out( 爆发)in a building late at night. Nearly all the families were s_1_ inside the house. After the firemen came, they rushed into the burning building and saved the people to the safe p_2_.The crowds thought a_3_ the people were safe. But it was not so. Two little orphan (孤儿) girls were still asleep alone at the very top of the building, in a small room. N_4_ thought of them. Luckily, they lived with a dog. The dog tried to wake them up but f_5_. He ran to the window and barked loudly for help. B_6_ no one noticed him. Then he climbed down the ladder ( 梯子) and tried to pull a fireman to the ladder. The fireman kicked him away, thinking he was mad. Then the dog ran to a_7_ fireman, jumped on him, ran to the ladder, barking all the time and looking back as if he was asking the fireman to follow him.This fireman realized there must be someone in the little room, as the dog was acting so strangely. So he followed the dog u_8_ the ladder, and there he saw the two girls and saved them.Where was the d_9_? A brave fireman rushed into the room to look for him and found him lying near the window, choked (窒息) with smoke. He brought him down with care, but he was already d_10_. He had given his life to his friends. What a faithful friend!六、书面表达(15 分)下面 6 幅图片描述的是今天早晨发生的件事。假设你是图中的小男孩,请用英语写篇日记,记述事件发生的经过。注意:1.词数 70 左右;(开头已给出,但不计入总词数) 2. 短文内容条理清楚,行文连贯;5 / 73. 记述过程中要适当使用对话,使描述更加生动、形象 4. 短文中不得出现真实的校名、地名和人名。 Monday, June 13SunnyThis mornings Mum didnt go to work and_ _ _ _ _ _ 期末检测试卷 参考答案一、15 CBDAD 610 CDACA 1115 CCDAD二、15 CADDC 610 ABDCD三、15 CBCAC 610 DBBDD四、A1. China 2. Reason 3. introduction(s) 4. ancient/old 5. best 6. Tourists /Visitors/People/Travellers 7. managed 8. amazed9. thousand 10. learn/explore/know/ find/ seeB1. In the same park.2. A small bird. /A bird.3. An engineer. / An engineer like Xu Hu. /To be an engineer.4. Five. /5.5. They should work hard.五、A) 1. notice 2. locked 3. article 4. traffic 5. Suddenly6 / 7B) 1. twentieth六、2. nodded 3. talking 4. visitors 5. not open1. sleeping6. But2. place(s)7. another3. all8. up4. Nobody9. dog5. failed10. dead七、One possible version: Monday, June 13SunnyThis morning, Mum didnt go to work and she wanted to do some washing at home.First, she put some dirty clothes into the washing machine, and then she went back to the bedroom to look for other dirty clothes with the door of the washing machine open. At that moment, my pet cat ran out of the bedroom happily and rushed into the washing machine. When Mum returned, she didnt notice the cat, and she closed the door of the washing machine. Just then, I found a dirty T-shirt. “Mum, could you please help me wash my T-shirt?” “Of course, my dear.” Mum opened the door. Suddenly, my pet cat rushed out of the washing machine. Mum and I were both shocked. My god! What would happen if I didnt give Mum the T-shirt?7 / 7


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