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湖北省武汉市黄陂区部分学校2014-2015学年七年级英语3月联考试题听力部分第一节, 听问句,选答句,读一遍。1.A. Yes. I am. B. No. I she cant. C. No. I cant2. At half past seven. B. in the morning C. on July 6th.3. A. On foot B. I dont like it C. 5 years old.4. A. 18 kilometers B. one hour C. on Sunday5. A. 19 kilometers B. 5 buses C . 15 minutes.第二节, 听小对话,回答问题,读一遍。6. What club does Gina want to join?A. The art club B. The chess club C. The music club7. What does the boy want to do?A. do his homework B. do some cleaning C. take a walk8. What time is it now?A. 4:50 B. 4:15 C. 4:259.What does Sues brother often do?A. he draws pictures. B. he teaches English. C. he plays the piano.10. How does Linda usually go to school?A. by subway B. by bike C. by bus 11. What time will their father get home?A. at 7:20 B. at 7:25 C. at 7:3012.What does Dave have for dinner?A. Chicken B. Fruit C. He doesnt eat dinner第三节, 听大对话或独白,回答问题,读两遍。听下面一段材料, 回答第13-15小题。13. What does Jack often do on weekends? A. He watches TV B. He plays the piano C. He swims .14. What does Kate like best? A. Singing B. Dancing C. Drawing15. What club will Kate join? A. the art club B. the music club C. the chess club听下面一段材料, 回答第16-18小题。16. What does Lisas brother want to be?A. a student B. a musician C. a teacher17. How long does Lisas brother sing every day?A. 1 hour B. 2 hours C. 3 hours18. How many music lessons does Lisas brother have on Monday?A. one B. two C. three听下面一段材料, 回答第19-22小题。19. What time does Bill usually get up? A. at 5:30 B. at 6:00 C. at 6:3020. How far is it from Bills home to school ?A. about 10 kilometers B. about 20 kilometers C. about 30 meters21. How does Bill usually go to school? A. by bus B. by bike C. by train22. Where does Bill have lunch on school days? A. at home B. at school C. in the restaurant听独白,回答23-25题。23.Where does John work? A. in a bus station B. in a subway station C. in the CCTV station24. What does John do after breakfast ? A. Cleans his house B. does exercise C. reads books25. When does he go home? A. at 5:30 B. at 5:45 C. at 5:13笔试部分。二单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)26.-Can your brother play _chess? -Yes. he _. and he plays it well.A. the does B. / is C. / can D. a does27.-_do you exercise on school days? -For half an hour. A. When B. What time C. How long D. What28.-Would you like some ice-cream? It _really delicious. -Yes. please. A. looks B. eats C. tastes D. sounds29.My brother has two _. and he _ in a clothes shop on Friday evening. A. works work B. work work C. jobs .work D. jobs works30. My brother goes to work _ subway every day. A. on B. in C. by D. with31. It takes _ ten minutes _ his homework. A. his. do B. him. to do C. his. doing D. him. do32. -_ do you _ your trip to Hangzhou? -It is fun. A. What. like B. How. think of C. What. think of D. How. think about33. -Tom. I love your room. its always so _. -Yeah. because every day either I or my twin brother _ it.A. clean cleans B. cleans clean C. clean clean D. cleans cleans34.-Jim. _ do you live from your school? -About 5 kilometers.A. how often B. how long C. how far D. how35. He is _ boy. But he can cross the street by himself. A. a 8 years old B. a 8-year-old C. an 8-years-old D. an 8-year-old36. -Do you love our teacher. Miss White? -Yes. very much. She_ a mother _ me. And she _me. too. A. likes. for. is like B. is like. to. likes C. is like. for. is like D. likes. to. likes37.Our class teacher always _ us not to play soccer in the street. its dangerous.A. talks B. tells C. speaks D. says38.-Can you _ me your driving license? -Here you are. sir.A. tell B. make C. show D. teach39.-Exercising is good _ our health. -Youre right . I often play basketball and Im good _ it.A. for with B. with at C. at with D. for at40.-What time do you usually get up on school days. Tom? -_. A. on Monday B. In the afternoon C. At half past six D. For two hours 三完形填空。(15分)A篇My home is quite far away from school. It is about 15 kilometers. I have to get up very 41 every morning. First. I walk to the bus stop .It takes me about five minutes. Then I take the bus. Because I have 42 time to eat breakfast at home. I always eat it 43 the bus. Twenty minutes later. I get off (从下车) the bus. And then I take the 44 . It takes me 20 minutes by bus and 10 minutes by subway. I dont like to take the subway. 45 the subway station is far away from school. If it is rainy(下雨). I like to take a taxi.( )41. A. late B. early C. quick D. slowly( )42. A. not B. any C. no D. more( )43. A. on B. in C. of D. by( )44. A. bus B. train C. plane D. subway( )45. A. So B. Because C. But D. ThenB篇A train stops at a small station. Tom looks out of the window and 46a woman . and she 47 cakes. Tom wants to buy a cake. but the woman is quite far 48 him.Tom doesnt want to buy the cake himself. but he sees49 on the platform (月台) near the carriage (车厢) .S o he asks him. 50 is a cake?Three cents(美分). sir. 51 the boy.Tom gives him 52 cents and says to him. “ 53 me a cake and with the other three cents buy one for 54 .Five minutes later the boy comes back. He is_55 a cake. He gives the man three cents and says. The woman has only one cake left(剩下). sir.46. A. looks B. sees C. meetsD. likes47. A.sells B. makes C. takes D. has48.A. out B. from C. overD. away 49.A. a little boy B. a little girl C. an old woman D. an old man50.A. How many B. How muchC. Whose D. Where51.A. speaks B. talks C. answers D. thinks52.A. three B. fourC. fiveD. six53.A. TakeB. Give C. Buy D. Make54. A. your boyB. the woman C. me D. yourself55.A. buyingB. gettingC. looking atD. eating四阅读理解。(30分)A篇根据列车时刻表完成下列各题。Train No.FromToDeparture Time(出发时间)Arrival Time(到达时间)11BeijingShenyang6:3517:50186ChengduTaiyuan22:505:05185TaiyuanChengdu13:0917:30271TianjinBeijing10:2112:2156. The train from Beijing to Shenyang leaves at _. A.5:05 B.6:35 C.8:35 D.17:5057. It takes _ from Beijing to Shenyang by train. A.17 hours and 50 minutes B.24 hours and 25 minutes C.6 hours and 35 minutes D. 11 hours and 15 minutes58. The No.186 train gets to Taiyuan at _. A.10:50 a.m. B.10:50 p.m. C.5:05 p.m. D.5:05 a.m.59. It takes _ from Tianjin toBeijing by train. A. about two hours B. half an hour C. about three hours D. over (超过)two hours60. If you want to go to Chengdu from Taiyuan. you cantake the _ train. A. No. 11 B. No. 185 C. No. 186 D. No. 271B篇AnnaI work in a bank(银行) from Monday to Friday. My house is near(在旁边) a park and is about ten kilometers from the bank. I usually go to work by train. I usually get up at 6:30 a.m. and take the train at 7:00 a.m. It usually takes me about thirty minutes to get to the bank. The train is quick and cheap. I am never late for work.JoeI am a student. My house is near a beautiful lake(湖). My school is across from(在- - 对面) the lake. I can cross a bridge to school . It takes me about thirty minutes. But I often go to school by boat. because it is fun. It takes me about twenty minutes.NancyI am a waiter. I work in a restaurant(饭店) from Monday to Saturday. I often go to work by bus. It is about five kilometers from my house to the restaurant. It takes me about twenty-five minutes to go to work. Sometimes I am late for work because the traffic is very busy.( )61. Anna usually arrives at her bank at about _.A. 6:30 am B. 7:00 am C. 7:30 am D. 8:00 am( )62. Joe often _ to school. A. takes a bus B. takes a train C. walks D. takes a boat( )63. Nancy lives about _ kilometers from her restaurant. A. five B. ten C. fifteen D. twenty( )64. The underlined (划线) “traffic” means(意思) _ in Chinese A. 餐馆 B. 交通 C. 市场 D.车站( )65. Which of the following is true(正确的)? A. Anna is sometimes late for work. B. Joe lives near a lake. C. Nancy works five days a week. D. They are all students.C篇I like fishing. Every Sunday I get up early and go to a river by bike three kilometers away from my home. This morning . my wife wants to go with me . We go by car first and then walk to the river. We begin to fish. In two hours I catch zero fish.“Why dont you let me try?” my wife asks.“All right.”I answer. She catches six big fish in half an hour.“I want to go home first and cook them for lunch. You can take the bus home.”She says . I stay by the river but catch only an old shoe. I am a little angry with myself. Who is the fishman in the family? My wife or I ?In the evening I have to go back home . I dont catch fishes. but fishing is also good exercise. Luckily. when I walk across a bridge. I see a boy. and he sells fishes on the bridge. Why not buy some? When I have some fish in hand. I take a bus home. My wife looks at the fish and asks me to eat dinner. Now I am also a fishman in my wifes eyes.66. How do the man and his wife go fishing? A. They take a bus B. They drive their car C. They ride their bikes D. They take a taxi.67. How long does it take the wife to catch six fish? A. an hour B. two hours C. thirty minutes D. ten minutes68. What does the writer catch? A. some fish B. six fish C. nothing D. an old shoe69.We can know _from the passage(短文) A. the writer and his wife catch fish for all the day. B. the river is three meters away from their home. C. the boy is their son D. the man buy some fish home70.Which is the best title(标题) for the passage? A. Go fishing B. A happy dayC. Why not buy some? D. Who is the fishman ?五词与短语填空。仔细阅读下面五个句子,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构,意义和逻辑上正确。)afraid / needs /take a walk/ wanted/ how far / how long71.Come and join us. musicians _ for School Music Festival.72.My grandparents are really healthy. because they always _after dinner.73.Every morning my mother _ thirty minutes to make breakfast for us . so she usually gets up early.74.Mary wants to know _he lives from his school.75.Its not easy to cross the river on a ropeway. but the boy is not _.六阅读理解填词。(10分)I work in a small shop. Its near an English middle school. Every day students come to b 76 things.In the morning. I get up a 77 six. its early. so I can have a good b 78 . I go to the shop by bike. because I think riding a bike is g 79 for my health.I g 80 to the shop at about six fifty .and the shop opens at seven.Im n 81 late for my work. We sell t 82 like food and drink. We have school things,t 83 .So there are often m 84 people in our shop from morning to evening.I have a quickl 85 in the shop. At seven in the evening the shop is closed. All of us go home for supper.76.b_ 77.a_ 78.b_ _ 79.g_ 80.g_81.n_ 82.t_83.t_ 84.m_ 85.l_七书面表达。(15分)介绍你的好朋友马欢,内容如下:1. 年龄。2. 特长,擅长画画,加入了书画俱乐部。3. 6:30起床,吃一个简单的早餐,7:00骑自行上学这要花他10分钟的时 间,12:10在校吃午餐。4:30放学回家。 回家就做作业,5:30吃晚饭,6:15做锻炼。在上学的日子从不看电视玩电脑游戏。你认为你朋友的生活怎么样,发表一两句你的看法参考词汇:be good at / a quick breakfast/do exercise 。2015年3月月考七年级英语试题答题卡班级 考号姓名选择题123456789101112131415AAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD161718192021222324252627282930AAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD313233343536373839404142434445AAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD464748495051525354555657585960AAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD616263646566676869707172737475AAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCDD DDDDDDDDDDDDD非选择题五. 词与短语选择填空(本题共5分,每小题2分 提示:选项中有一个是多余的。)71._ 72._.73._.74._. 75._六.阅读理解填词(10分)76.b77.a78.b81n 82t 83t 84m85l七 书面表达。My best friend is Mu Huan,


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