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小学英语(重大版)Unit 3 Seasons of a Year教学设计江津区实验小学程秀娟课型综合语用课教材小学英语(重大版)教学内容Seasons of a year年级五年级下教学目标1、知识目标(1) 能听、说、读、写单词season, spring, summer, autumn, winter.(2) 掌握并能运用句型“Which season do you like best?”“I like best. Its a good time to”并操练于日常情景对话中。2、能力目标(1) 能够就天气情况进行问答,如“How s the weather in spring?”“Its warm.”(2) 能够就所喜欢的季节及原因,如“Which season do you like best?”“I like spring best. Its a good time to plant trees.”在情景中进行熟练地交际,并在此基础上将其应用于日常生活中。3、情感目标(3) 激发学生学习兴趣,引导学生自主、合作、探究学习,培养沟通和交流的能力。(4) 通过装扮大树,让学生懂得“一分耕耘一分收获”的道理。(5) 通过感受四季的美,倡导学生珍爱生活。教学重点1、巩固、掌握单词season, spring, summer, autumn, winter;2、能够灵活使用句型“Which season do you like best?”“I like best. Its a good time to”来进行问答。教学难点学生运用所学知识描述不同季节的特征,饮食及活动。教学策略1、整合和巧用多媒体课件,让学生欣赏音乐视频和四季美景,从视觉听觉上刺激学生注意力。2、及时关注学生反馈情况,调控课堂节奏。3、通过猜谜语,转转盘等游戏,让学生在玩中学,学中玩。4、将评价方式融入教学环节,让学生在参与装扮橘子树的过程中,体会到团结协作的重要性和明白了付出就才有收获的道理。教学活动过程教学活动过程教师活动学生活动教学目的Step 1:Warm up& Lead-in (情景引源)Warm up(课件呈现一颗光秃秃的树干)T: Hows the weather?T: Its winter now. Look, there is a tree . It has no leaves or fruits. Maybe its so cold, too. Lets help it.T: If you do a good job, you can get leaves or oranges to decorate the three. Lets make it become more warm.Lead-in 1.Greeting. 2 Free talkT: Boys and girls, do you often listen to the music?T: Ok. Lets enjoy it,(播放TFboys歌曲)TFBOYS: Hello, we are TFBOYS. Were in Jiangjing. Do you want go with us?TFBOYS: Its cold in winter. Are you cold?TFBOYS: Lets do sports.Step2:Presentation.(自主寻源)TFboys: Wonderful! Next, lets play a game.T: Do you want to know TFboys favorite season?T: Listen carefully. You can get answers.TFboys: There are four seasons in a year. There are different views in different seasons. Wang Junkai: Boys and girls ,can you find their differences? Step 3: Practice(合作探源)T: Spring is beautiful, autumn is colorful. What about Wang Junkais favorite season? Lets ask together.Wang Junkai: Its a secret. Boys and girls can you guess?T: Check the answer. Wang Junkai: I like summer best. I can wear sunglasses .Its a good time to go swimming. What about you?Wang Junkai: Which seasons do you like best?Pair work:T: Great. You are a litter reporter. Please Interview your friends favorite seasonTFboys: Next, lets relax.TFboys: Do you have fun?TFboys: We have lots of fun in seasons. Next, choose your groups favorite season and write down.Step 4: Assessment(展评示源)TFboys: How wonderful, you all do a good job. Look, Our tree becomes more beautiful.T: Look , (before and now) Which one do you like best?TFboys: What does it tell us?TFboys: “No pains, no gains!”Step5:Affective education(拓展开源)TFboys: What beautiful seasons! Lets enjoy then.Step6:Homework1. Paint and captioned your favorite season。2. Then sent it to your friends or parents.TFboys: Boys and girls, we have fun today. Thank you, Youre so great. Bye-bye.板书设计Ss: Its cold.Ss: Yes.Ss:YesSs:.Yes.Ss: Yes.Listen, say and doChoose, read and guessSs: Yes;Ss: Its warm.Listen and sayFind differencesSs: Which season do you like best?S1: You like spring best. Its a good time to plant trees.S2: You like summer best. Its a good time to have ice-cream.S3: S1: I like winter best. Its a good time to go skating.Pair workInterview (one bye one)Play a game: Roll and say Ss: Yes.Group workEnjoy the seasons.Ss: Bye-bye介绍奖评方法以音乐视频引出线索人物,激发学生学习兴趣,并为本节课教学创设情境。用chant来复习动词短语,为后面作铺垫游戏猜迷语,巩固四季单词。整体感知四季的特征及活动。为展开谈话作铺垫。听力练习学生通过描述不同季节的特征和活动,巩固所学句型。学生引导,自主学习转转盘.巩固目标句型,并将知识融于日常生活通过小组讨论,选出并写出小组最喜欢的季节,培养学生合作意识和正确规范的书写能力。通过观察两棵树前后变化,体现收获劳动成果的快乐。让孩子们自己懂得“一分耕耘一分收获”的道理。通过欣赏视频,感知大自然四季之美,培养学生审美情趣,倡导孩子们珍爱生活。采用思维导图,突出重点。激发学习兴趣,培养学生开放性思维。


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