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句子润色:简单句的高级形式句子润色:简单句的高级形式1.同位语。I want to have a pen friend,_ _我想有一个笔友,希望是一个二十出头且兴趣相投的女孩子。(同位语中又有两个并列的介词短语修饰)2.形容词短语。_,Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor.出生于美国的托马斯爱迪生是一个伟大的科学家和发明家。hopefully a girl in her early twenties and withinterests similar to mine.Born in America3.不定式短语。_,we need to do sport.为了学习好,我们需要 做体育运动。4.现在分词短语。In this picture,a mother bird stays in her nest in a big tree,_ _在这幅图中,一只鸟妈妈呆在一棵大树的鸟巢里 ,观看她的鸟仔飞走。5.过去分词短语。,mobile phones and the Internet are faster and much more convenient.与信件和公共电话相比,手机和网络 更快也更方便。In order to study wellwatching herbabies flying awayCompared with letters and public phones 6.介词短语 _,he encourages us to think ourselves.他鼓励我们独立思考,而不是马上告诉我们答案。Instead of giving us answers immediately即时练习即时练习1.Amy Chua,美籍华人,耶鲁大学教授。(同位语)Amy Chua,_,works as a professor in Yale University.2.课外 活动不仅(除了)可以强健我们的身体和丰富我们的知识,而且还把我从 繁重的学习中解放出来。(besides 的介词短语)_,after-class activities also free us from heavy study burden.a Chinese AmericanBesides building up our bodies and enriching our knowledge3.因为完全忙于自己的学习,我很少注意到妈妈的感觉和需要。(用engage or occupy过去分词短语)_,I seldom pay attention to what my mother needs and feel.4.小车已成为受人欢迎的交通方式,(因为)给人们的生活带来了方便。(现在分词短语表原因)Cars have become a popular means of transport,_ _.5.我们学生应当通过努力学习而不是考试作弊来获得好成绩。(“通过做某事”和“而不是”的短语)We students should try to get good marks_ _.Totally engaged in my studybringing convenience to peoples life by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations6.合并句子:(1)She realizes her mom must be very tired after a days work.(2)The girl helps to remove the bag from her moms shoulder.(现在分词)_ her mom must be very tired after a days work,the girl helps to remove the bag from her moms shoulder.7.合并句子:(1)The book was entitled Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.(2)The book was written by Amy Chua.(3)The book came out in 2011.(过去分词)The book,_,came out in 2011.Realizing entitled Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and written by Amy Chua句子润色(二):用高级结构靓句1.使用强调句。用do,does,did 强调谓语动词;用it isthat强调谓语之外的句子成分。_ her father recognized her.直到她摘下眼镜她父亲才认出她。2.使用倒装句。_ learn English well.只有用这种方法我们才可以学英语。3.使用with复合结构。_,I couldnt go on studying.由于那噪音的持续,我无法继续学习。It was not until she took off her glasses thatOnly in this way can weWith the noise going on4.使用非谓语结构。_ at the southwest corner of our school,the botanical garden covers an area of 1000 square meters.坐落在校园西南角的植物园占地面积1000平方米。5.恰当使用被动句。Above all,something _ to stop pollution.最重要的是,必须采取措施来阻止污染。6.使用各类从句。Therere many kinds of tea in China,_ Longjing Tea is famous all over the world.中国的茶叶有很多种,其中龙井茶是世界闻名的。(“介词+关系代词”)Located must be done of which7.“数词+名词”改用“as many as+数词+名词”。A great number of buildings were destroyed,leaving _ 10,000,000 people homeless.许多房屋被摧毁,多达一千万人失去家园。8.使用what引导的主语从句。_was to find she was such a fine swimmer.使我大吃一惊的是,我发现她竟是如此一位优秀的游泳选手。9.适当使用插入语。如 I guess,I think,I believe,however,in my opinion,in other words,that is to say,generally speaking,believe it or not,to tell you the truth,to be honest,as we know,whats worse等。as many asWhat surprised me greatly即时练习即时练习1.I didnt realize the importance of cooperation until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior middle school.(强调句)_ _.2.We can live a happy life only in this way.(倒装)3.I often feel anxious.The final exam is around the corner.(with结构表原因)_ 4.When I finished reading your letter,I was much moved.(非谓语动词)_It was not until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior middle school that I realized the importance of cooperationOnly in this way can we live a happy life.I often feel anxious with the final exam around the corner.Finishing reading your letter,I was much moved.5.They carried out a survey among 260 students.(被动语态)_6.They were faced with many difficulties.They didnt lose heart.(非谓语动词)_7.I couldnt fall asleep at night.I lost interest in everything.(插入语“表示情况更糟糕”)_8.He worked very hard.He made great progress in his study.(改为复合句)_9.He offered me a piece of advice that I should cheer up and start all over again.(what从句)_.10.He began playing the computer the moment he got home.This took up much of his time.(定语从句)_A survey was carried out among 260 students.Faced with many difficulties,they didnt lode heart.I couldnt fall asleep.Whats worse,I lost interest in everything.He worked so hard that he made great progress in his studyWhat he offered me was a piece of advice that I should cheer up and start all over againHe began playing the computer the moment he got home,which took up much of his time.强化训练:介词短语与with结构等专练1.Its possible that postal service may eventually disappear_(随着时间的推移)2._(一到达),Li yue and Zhang hua were warmly welcomed.3._(做完那些工作之后),we put up a board reminding people to protect the trees,and _(在离开之前),we took some photos to record our green action.4.As high school students,we run into one difficulty after another _ _(course or process的短语)5._(一听到铃声),students ran into the classroom quickly as they could.with time passing byUpon arrival/On arrivingAfter getting the work done before leaving in the process/course of learningOn hearing the bell6._(随着人们生活标准的 提高),cars have become popular means of transport,bringing great convenience to our life.7._(所有事情做完之后),they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people.(独立主格结构)8._(由于那噪音的持续),I couldnt go on studying.(with的复合结构)9._(随着社会的快速发展),its quite necessary that we(should)have a good knowledge of English and computer.(with的复合结构)With the improvement of peoples living standardsEverything done With the noise going on With the society developing very fast非谓语动词短语与强调结构训练用非谓语动词短语1.They should stick to their post,_,_ _.(提供良好的服务,满足合理需 求和做好准备帮助有困难的人)2.Im Li Hua,a Chinese student _(在你们的大 学参加 暑假课程)3._(踢足球和阅读故事书)are my favorites which do me lots of good.4._(为了缓解思乡之情),his aunt asked Xiao Lin to telephone his parents offering good services satisfying any reasonableneeds and being ready to help those in difficulty taking summer courses in your universityPlaying football and reading storiesTo relieve the homesickness5._(在2010出版),the Chinese version of this book began to sell in China at the beginning of 2011.6.I am writing _(想请您注意)some improper behavior among us studentslittering and scribbling.7._(看到她腿上绑着绷带躺在床上),we felt sorry for her and hoped that she would recover soon.8._(直到我被选为班长)of my class in my senior middle school that I realized the importance of cooperating with others.9._(是团队工作而不是独立工作)freed me of trouble and made my work more efficient.Published in 2010 to draw you attention toSeeing her lying in bed with her leg wrapped in bandagesIt was not until I was chosen monitorIt is working in teams instead of on my own that10._(只有师生齐心协力)will our school become a more enjoyable place.(倒装结构)11._(只有这样他们才能)develop their creative ability.12._(只有那时我才意识到)that I had been wrong.用it句型13._(令人惊讶的是)although Chinese parents are stricter with their children than American parents,most Chinese mums disapprove of the way the author educated the daughters.14.As I am away from my parents,_(对我来说有必要学会)to live on my own.Only with the joint efforts of both teachers and studentsOnly in this way can theyOnly then did I realizeIt is surprising that it is necessary for me to learn15._(是普遍的)students are so engaged in their studies that they seldom pay attention to what their parents thinks.16._(我会感激不尽)if you could give me a hand to solve the problem.17.I think _(在考试中作弊是错误的)because it breaks the rules of school.18._(当学生们要离开时),the elderly people thanked them for their kindness.It is common thatI will appreciate it very much it(is)wrong to cheat in examinationsWhen it was time for the volunteers to leave句子润色:简单句合并成复合句1.Our outdoor activities will last 3 hours.Well be back at about 11 oclock.(and)_2.You must hurry.Youll miss the plane.(or/otherwise)_3.Honey is sweet.The bee stings(刺;蜇).(but)_4.We will organize all kinds of activities in our English club.We can not only practice but also learn more English.(改为含定语从句的复合句)_ _Our outdoor activities will last 3 hours and well be back at about 11 oclock.You must hurry or youll miss the plane.Honey is sweet but the bee is stings.We will organize all kinds of activities in our English club in which we can not only practice but also learn more English.5.He missed the first bus.He came to school late.(改为含状语从句的复合句)_即时练习1.Your study become much more difficult.You have to work much harder.(so)_2.We should be easy-going.We should be concerned for others.We want to be liked by others.(if)_3.(1)Li Hua is a senior one student.(2)She had to attend different enrichment classes.(3)She had to do s lot of homework during the summer vacation.(4)This made her unhappy.(5)She wanted to relax herself.(同位语与非限制性定语从句)Because he missed the first bus,he came to school late.He missed the bus,so he came to school late.Your study becomes much more difficult,so you have to work much harder.If we want to be liked by others,we should be easy-going and concerned for others._ _ _4.(1)We high school students do have some growing pains.(2)We can get rid of them correctly and wisely.(but)_ _.5.(1)Students attend enrichment classes during vacations.(2)Students can improve their main subjects.(3)Students make more friends.(if)_ _.Li Hua,a senior one student,had to attend different enrichment classes and do a lot of homework during the summer vacation,which made her unhappy,as she wanted to relaxed herself.We high school students do have some growing pains,but we can get rid of them correctly and wiselyIf students attend enrichment classes during vacation,they can not only improve their main subjects but also make more friend 6.1 Ive made good preparations for exams.6.2 Ive very stressed and nervous.6.3 I cant fall asleep,control my temper or focus.6.4 I even dont want to eat.(though;sothat)_ _7.(1)79.3%of the surveyed netizens say that their main motivation is to help their parents to live a better life.(2)67.7%claim that they work hard in order to change their own life._ _ _Though Ive made good preparation for exams,Im still so stressed and nervous that I cant fall asleep,control my temper or focus and even I dont want to eat.79.3%of the surveyed netizens say that their main motivation is to help their parents to live a better life while 67.7%claim that they work hard in order tochange their own life.8.(1)The job was hard and boring.(2)The job seemed endless.(3)The job made me vey tired.(4)I almost quit halfway.(定语从句)_ _.9.(1)Learning English well is a must.(2)You hunt for a job.(3)Your English level is very important.(as 引导的原因状语从句)_.10.(1)I have just received your letter.(2)You express your concern.(3)I join in too many after-class activities.(4)These activities may have a bad effect on my study and future.(介词+关系代词)_ _ The job was hard,boring and seemed endless,which made me so tired that I almost quit halfway Learning English well is a must,as when you hunt for a job,your English level is very important.I have just received your letter in which you express your concern that my study and future may be affected because I join in too many after-class activities.强化训练:并列复合句和主从复合句1.Work hard,_ you will fail.2.Work hard,_ you will get good grades.3.I worked hard at English and devoted all my spare time to practicing English,_ I failed to pass the mid-term examination.4.About 9 oclock last night,I was busy preparation for my tomorrows test _ suddenly loud noises came into my room.5.Half of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols,_ 48%of the boys favor sports stars.6.However,sometimes when you meet some difficulties,when you quarrel with others_ when you fail in doing something,you may have a bad mood.7.Next Saturday,we going to pick apples in a village 20 kilometers away from our town,_all are welcome.orandbutwhenwhileorand主从复合句:主从复合句:根据汉语提示完成英文句子。8.I have taken with me _.(你叫我帮你还给市图书馆的那两本书)9.We will meet at 8:00 a.m.at the gate,_.(一辆蓝色的公共汽车将在那里等候)10._(如果你有兴趣),please sign up at the office before 5:00 p.m.next Thursday(以便我们有必要的安排)11.It is said that slightly more than 50%students,_ (这在世界排名第一),are short-sighted.12._(在他进来不久以后),he cried on his desk.the two books you asked me to return to the City Library where a blue bus will be waitingIf you are interested so that we will make necessary arrangements which ranks the first in the worldShortly after I let him came in13.The causes for short-sightedness are so complicated _ _-.(没有一种药可以治愈近视)14._(如果我是野生动物园的 动物),I would feel annoyed _.(当人们不断 地同我拍照)15.He suggested that _ _ (中小学生不要过分使用眼睛,且要多做户外运动).16._(使我印象最深刻地)is his famous saying.“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”.17._(我要的强调是)that each of us should listen more to others.that no medicine can cure short-sightednessIf I were an animal in the wildlife park when people keep photographs with meschool children(should)avoid overuse of their eyes and do more outdoor activities.What impressed me mostWhat I want to stress is


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