三年级英语下册 Unit 4 Where is my car(第3课时)课件 人教PEP版.ppt

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三年级英语下册 Unit 4 Where is my car(第3课时)课件 人教PEP版.ppt_第3页
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Unit 4,Where is my car?,Lets chant,Where, where, where is my pencil? Maybe, maybe, maybe its in your desk. No, no, no, it isnt. Where, where, where is my ruler? Maybe, maybe, maybe its on your chair. Yes, yes, yes, it is.,看谁说得多,看谁说得多,看谁说得多,看谁说得多,Lets spell,d-o-g, dog,/,Lets spell,b-o-x, box,/,Lets spell,o-r-a-n-g-e, orange,/,Lets spell,b-o-d-y, body,/,Lets chant,Oo, Oo, /,a dog, A dog in the box. Oo, Oo, /,a doll, A doll on the box. Oo, Oo, /,an orange, An orange under the box.,AEIO,bag,bed,pig,dog box orange body,活学活用,fog,hop,hot,lot,mop,not,cot,cob,cock,god,ox,pot,当堂检测,.Fill in the blanks according to the pictures.,d_g _range b_dy d_ll,当堂检测,. Put the following words in the correct group. (hand, red, cat, box, leg, big, six, doll) (1)bag, dad, panda, _,_ (2)pen, ten, seven, _,_ (3)milk, pig, gift, _,_ (4)orange, dog, body, _,_,Summing up,dog box orange body,(1)Listen to and repeat “Lets spell”. (2)请学生查阅含有字母Oo,并发音为/的单词,也可以查阅含有Aa, Ee, Ii的单词,分类并记录下来。,Homework,xx小学 x年级x班,xxx,


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