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Unit 1 Dream Home Task,Can you retell the different homes of the four foreign students in the book?,Talk about your own homes,What kind of home do you live in? Do you live in a house or a flat? How many floors are there in your house? How many rooms do you have in your home? What are they? How many people live in your home? Do you have a garden? Do you want a better one?,1. How many floors does his dream home have? 2. Where is his computer room? 3. Whats on the second floor? 4. Are there any other rooms on the second floor? 5. Where are the other rooms? 6. Is there a swimming pool? How long is it? 7. Does he have a garden? 8. What does he have outside his house? 9. Why does he have a room with12 showers and four baths?,Three,On the ground floor,No, there arent,On the ground and first floors,Yes, there is. It is fifty metres long,No, he doesnt.,A swimming pool and a football field.,Because he would like all his friends to have a shower or a bath at the same time.,His bedroom and bathroom,Simons dream home is very large. There are _ 25 rooms. It has three floors. He has a computer room _ . He has his own bedroom and bathroom. They are very large and are _ floor. There are _rooms on the second floor. _ rooms are on the _ and _floors. He has big beds in all the bedrooms. They are very comfortable. Many friends can stay with him at his home. There is also _ . It is fifty _long. He does not have a garden, but he has _. He would like all his friends to _ or a bath in a room _.,at least,on the ground floor,on the second,ground,first,a swimming pool,metres,a football field,have a shower,no other,The other,at the same time,The following questions may help you: What kind of home would you like to live in? How many floors do you want to have? How many rooms do you want to have in your dream home? What are the rooms? What do you want to have in your dream home? Do you want to have a garden? What can you do there?,根据所给提示以My dream home 为题,写一篇短文。要点如下: 1. 房子很大,是一个有花园和游泳池的三层房屋。 2. 底楼有一个大的厨房和餐厅,我可以邀请至少30个朋友来吃饭。 3. 卫生间有浴缸,淋浴器,抽水马桶等。可以天天洗澡。 4. 二楼有电脑房,和一个大客厅,可以和朋友在网上玩游戏,在客厅聊天、看电视。 5. 卧室有书桌,扶手椅和大床。书在书橱上。 6. 最喜欢的地方是阳台,是玩游戏,看漫画,聊天的好地方。,Collect extra beautiful sentences,1. Boys and girls. No matter what your home is like,3. Write down the sentences above in your note,Home is where the heart is (心在哪里, 哪里就是家).,Men make houses, women make homes (男人造屋,A mans house is his castle (一个人的家就是他的城堡).,2. Collect more sayings :,love it. Because East or west, home is best (金窝,银窝,不如自己的狗窝).,books as usual.,女人造家).,1用你自己的信息_ 2至少_ 3一个电脑房_ 4在底层_ 5有自己的卧室和卫生间_ 6没有其它的房间_ 7 和我呆在一起_ 8长50米_ 9一个游泳池_ 10一个有12个淋浴的房间_ 11多少人居住在你的家里? 12同时_,With your own information,at least,a computer room,on the ground floor,have my own bedroom and bathroom,Have no other rooms,stay with me,fifty metres long,A swimming pool,a room with 12 showers,How many people live in your familiy?,at the same time,1你住在什么样的房子里? What _ _ home do you _ _? 2在你的家里有多少房间? How _ _ _ _ in your home? 3在我们学校里至少有2500个学生。 There are _ _ 2500 students in our school. 4这个足球场长100多米。 The _ _ _ 100 _ _.,kind of,meters long,many rooms are there,at least,football field is,live in,1.,1.There are many _(kind) of birds in the park. I enjoy their _(sing). 2Our classroom is in the tall _(build) there, its white. .You must finish at _(little) 80% of the work by the end of this week. 4.There are two _(floor) in my home. My bedroom is on the _(two) floor. 5I sleep on the top of the bunk _(bed). 6 Do you know the _(mean) of his words?,kinds,singing,building,least,floors,second,beds,meaning,1.7 There are more _(people) in China than in other countries. 8 Which lesson shall we learn today? The _(twelve) lesson. 改正下列句子中的错误: _1. Where are you go today? I go to the supermarket to buy a watch. . _2. My cousin lives on the nine floor in the tall building .,people,twelfth,do,ninth,3. There are not other rooms in the building. _4. Which floor do you live? We live on the ground floor. _5. I have a room has two big windows and a shower. 6. What is made of the coat? It is made of wool,no,on,with,the coat made of,Thank you,Goodbye,


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