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浙江省绍兴市柯桥区杨汛桥镇七年级英语下册Unit3HowdoyougettoschoolPeriod4(SectionB2a-3b)练习(新版)人教新目标版Unit 3 How do you get to schoolPeriod 4(Section B 2a3b)1For many students, it is easy to get to school.对许多学生来说,到达学校是容易的。(课本第17页)句中it是形式主语,to get to school是真正的主语。for many students作状语,既可放在句首,也可放在句中。句型“Its形容词for sb.to do sth.”意为“对于某人来说,做某事是”。2There is a very big river between their school and the village.在他们的学校和村子之间有一条很大的河。(课本第17页)(1)there be结构是英语中陈述客观存在的事物的常用句型,意为“在某处存在某人或某物”。there作为引导词,本身没有意义,动词be的形式要跟紧邻它的名词的数保持一致。(2)between意为“在之间”,常用于两者之间。常见短语:between.and.在和之间。3One 11yearold boy, Liangliang, crosses the river every school day.亮亮,一个11岁男孩,每天过河上学。(课本第17页)(1)11yearold为一个复合形容词,其结构为“数词名词(单数形式)形容词”,每个单词间用连字符连接。常作定语修饰名词,放在名词的前面。(2)cross意为“穿过”,指从某物体的表面穿过到另一边,其介词形式为across。through也意为“穿过”,指从某物体的内部穿过到另一端。4Hes like a father to me.他对我来说,就像父亲一样。(课本第17页)be like意为“像”,既可指性格上的像,也可指外表上的像。look like意为“看起来像”,侧重外貌上的像。5Can their dream come true?他们的梦想能实现吗?(课本第17页)come true意为“实现”,主语通常是“理想”“愿望”等名词。,1根据汉语意思翻译句子对我来说,听音乐是令人放松的。Its me music.21.用所给单词的适当形式填空There _(be) some milk and two bananas on the table.22.根据汉语意思翻译句子银行在学校和超市之间。The bank is _ the school _ the supermarket.31.根据汉语提示完成句子Kate is an _(十八岁的) girl.32.用所给单词的适当形式填空Be careful when you _(across) the road.4改错What does your sister like?She is very kind._5选词填空You should try to make your dream _(come on, come true)一、汉译英1穿过河去上学_ 2在学校和村庄之间_ 3一个11岁的男孩_ 4对划船而言河水太急_ 5就像父亲一样对我_ 6干某事是容易的_ 二、根据汉语提示或用所给单词的适当形式完成句子1Im _(害怕的) he cant come this afternoon.2He always _(离开) home for work at 8:00 in the morning.3We cant _(横穿) the road here.4An _(八岁的) boy can swim very well.5There are no _(桥) over the river.6The _(村民们) have to cross the river to get food.7Study hard, and your dream can come _(实现)8(宁波中考)Hold on to your _(梦想). One day they may come true.9The children in that village go to school by _(小船)10(盐城中考)Scientists are working hard to make the dream _(come) true.三、阅读理解NamePlaceWayCindyVenice,ItalyVaporettoVaporetto is a water bus. I go to school with my brother. It takes us 20 minutes to get to school. Vaporetto works 24 hours every day.JudySanFrancisco,the USATrolley carThe trolley car runs on tracks(轨道). It runs on electricity(电). It doesnt run very fast. It takes me about half an hour to go to school.JackKiev,UkraineSleighIts fun to go to school by sleigh. The horses drive the sleigh. It can take six people at one time. Its cold, but its interesting. It takes me 25 minutes to go to school.()1.Cindy goes to school with her _Afather Bfriend CbrotherDsister()2.It takes Jack _ to go to school.A20 minutesB25 minutes C30 minutes D45 minutes()3.The _ drive the sleigh.Adogs Bworkers CstudentsDhorses()4.Whats the meaning of “vaporetto” in Chinese?A水上巴士B空中客车 C沙漠之舟D雪橇()5.Which of the following is TRUE?AVaporetto works 12 hours a day. BCindy takes the train to school.CThe trolley car runs very fast. DUkraine is the name of a country.四、语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空(每空不多于3个单词)。Im 1_ England now. Here I have 2_ good time. The food is delicious and the people 3_(be) nice. Now Id like to tell you something 4_ its traffic(交通). The traffic in England goes on the left(左边)! You see, this is very different from the traffic in 5_(we) country(国家). As we know, the traffic in our country goes on the right(右边) of the street. If you want 6_(walk) across a street, you can have many ways: a subway, a footbridge, or a sidewalk(人行道). And in some places, there are black 7_ white poles(杆) with a button(按钮) in the streets. If you press(按) the button, cars will usually stop to let you go. Taxis 8_ London are really expensive, so if you come to London, you should have enough money 9_ you. Taxi drivers are usually friendly. Theyll give you some help if you 10_(need)参 考 答 案Period 4【巩固练习】1relaxing for, to listen to 21.is 22.between, and 31.eighteenyearold 32.cross 4.doesis e true【课时训练】一、1.cross the river to school 2.between the school and the village3.one 11yearold boy 4the river runs too quickly for boats5.be like a father to me 6.its easy to do sth.二、1.afraid 2.leaves 3.cross 4.eightyearold5bridges 6.villagers 7.true 8.dreams9boat e三、15.CBDAD四、1.in 2.a 3.are 4.about 5.our6.to walk 7.and 8.in 9.with 10.need9


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