鲁教版英语八上Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells课件之三

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鲁教版英语八上Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells课件之三_第1页
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Answer the questions(回答问题)Do you have a pen pal?Where is he/she from?Where does he/she live?Find friends(找朋友找朋友)live 国家pal 好朋友/伙伴 country 笔友 Andrew 居住Jodie 乔迪(女名)pen pal 安德鲁(男名)Revise the new words(复习新单词复习新单词)Find friends(找朋友找朋友)国名词国名词France 加拿大加拿大 the United States 法国法国the United Kingdom 日本日本Singapore 美国美国Japan 澳洲澳洲/澳大利亚澳大利亚 Canada 英国英国 Australia 新加坡新加坡 Find friends(找朋友找朋友)城市名城市名Sydney 东京东京New York 纽约纽约Paris 巴黎巴黎Toronto 多伦多多伦多Tokyo 悉尼悉尼 Canada France the United Kingdom ChinaJapan Australia Singapore The United StatesThe Map of the World世界地图世界地图China the United StatesCanada the United KingdomAustralia Japan Singapore France SectionA 1a 听录音跟读这些国名词听录音跟读这些国名词Chinathe United Kingdom1234Say these countries names out说出这些国家的名字说出这些国家的名字JapanFranceSingaporeAustralia5678Write these countries names down写出这些国家的名字写出这些国家的名字1234 567Canadathe United States(the USA)FranceJapanAustralia(the UK)the United Kingdom SingaporeTian An Men Squarethe Great WallWere from China.来自中国来自中国/中国人中国人.This is my new pen pal.Her name is Wang Li.She is from China,too.Wang LiMy pen pal is from China,too.我的笔友也来自我的笔友也来自中国。中国。1.Where is Mikes pen pal from?2.Where is Boy1s pen pal from?3.Where is Lilys pen pal from?4.Where is Tonys pen pal from?Listen to the tape and write the answers down(听录音听录音,把答案写下来把答案写下来)Boy1:Where is Mikes pen pal from,Mike?Mike:Hes from_?Boy1:Really?My pen pals from_.How about you,Lily?Where is your pen pal from?Lily:Shes from _.Where is Tonys pen pal from?Girl2:I think shes from_.CanadaAustraliaJapanSingaporeCanadaAustraliaJapanSingapore-Where is your pen pal from?-She/He is from China/Canada/France/Japan/the United States/Australia/Singapore/the United Kingdom.Ask and answer in pairs(两人问两人问答答)Where is it?Paris巴黎巴黎Tokyo东京东京Read the names of the cities after me(跟我读跟我读)Beijing New York Toronto Sydney Tokyo Paris Write the names of the cities down(写出下列写出下列城市名称城市名称)TorontoParisNew YorkBeijingTokyoSydney 1多伦多2巴黎3纽约4北京5东京6悉尼Australiathe United StatesCanadaFranceJapanChinathe United KingdomCity(城市)Country(国家)BeijingNew YorkParisTorontoTokyoLondonSydneythe United StatesFranceCanadaJapanthe United KingdomChina2a Where are these cities?这些城市在哪这些城市在哪里?完成下列表格里?完成下列表格.AustraliaWere from China.We live in Laiwu.住在莱芜住在莱芜 Jodie AndrewJohnTheyre talking about their pen pals.1.Where does Johns pen pal live?2.Where does Jodies pen pal live?3.Where does Andrews pen pal live?Listen to the tape and answer the questions(听录音回答问题听录音回答问题)Conversation 1A:Where is Mikes pen pal from,John?B:Hes from Japan?A:Oh,really?Where does he live?B:_.JapanJapanConversation 2A:Where is Mikes pen pal from,Jodie?B:Hes from France?A:So,where does he live?B:Oh,she lives in_.Conversation 3A:Andrew,where is your pen pal from?B:Shes from Australia?A:Uh-huh.Where does she live?B:She lives in_.SydneyParis2.Where does Jodies pen pal live?3.Where does Andrews pen pal live?ParisSydney Name City Country John Tokyo Jodie AndrewListen to the tape again,complete the chart2c再听一遍,完成表格再听一遍,完成表格.JapanParisFranceSydneyAustralia Name City Country John Tokyo Japan Jodie Paris France Andrew Sydney AustraliaLook at the chart and answer:(根据表格回答问题根据表格回答问题)Where is Johns pen pal from?Where does he live?-Hes from Japan.-(He lives in)Tokyo.Name City Country John Tokyo Japan Jodie Paris France Andrew Sydney Australia2d Ask and anwser in pairs(两人问答)(两人问答)-Where is Johns pen pal from?-Hes from Japan.-Where does he live?-Tokyo.


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