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新概念六年级上册英语看图写单词专项提升练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图写单词。1 23 42. 根据图片填空。1You must_.2Whats the date today?Its_.3I will_for her.4_interesting book!5I will_her a big_.3. 看图,写单词。1. 2.3. 4.5.4. 看图片,完成句子。(每空一词)1There_some flowers and_here five years ago.2I didnt like winter before. Because I couldnt_.3Liangliang_last Sunday.4It was_then. Now it is_.5Then Allen could_well.5. 看图写出相应的单词(写数词)。(1) (2)(3) (4)6. 根据所给图片填空,每空一词。1How does Susie go to Canada?She goes there.2How does your father go to work?He goes to work.3How do you go to school?I go to schoolsometimes.4How do you go to the nature park?.5How do the kids come to school?They come to school.7. 看图写单词。1. 2.3. 4.5. 6.8. 读一读,为下列图片选择正确的一项。1()A.science museum B.bookstore2()A.Turn left. B.Turn right.3()A.by train B.by subway4()A.take a taxi B.go hiking5()A.police officer B.postman6()A.be angry B.be happy9. 根据各题的图片,填上合适的单词,使句子完整。1A: What_you do last Saturday?B: I_football with Mike.2My family_a park yesterday.3A:_Sarah wash clothes yesterday?B: No, she_. She_a book.4A: Did you_swimming yesterday afternoon?B: Yes, I_. I went swimming yesterday.5I_my grandparents last weekend. We had a good time.6I am going to_the flowers after school.7I went to Harbin and went_there last winter.8A:_did they_to Beijing last week?B: They_plane.9A: What did you do on Friday evening?B: I_good_on Friday evening.10A: What did you see yesterday?B: I_many_in the zoo yesterday.10. 看图片,补全句子。1It was cold yesterday. My grandpa_.2I stayed at home and_all day.3Ann is_Jenny.4Im 1.5 metres. My cousin is_than_.5Lily_her_last night.11. 根据图片和首字母提示完成句子。1You can go to the museum byb_.2Im going to thes_to buy some vegetables.3He likes sports. He wants to be ac_.4Do you have an English-Chinesed_?5My aunt is a doctor. She works in ah_.12. 看图完成下列句子。1We use wood to make_.2We use wood to_.3We use_.4We also_.5_.13. 看图片,完成句子。1The cinema is_the hospital.2_at the traffic lights.3My friend likes_.4I am going to buy a_tomorrow.5He is ill. He should_.14. 根据图片写单词或短语。1 23 45 67 815. 根据句意和首字母或图片提示写单词。每空一词。1.Pandas love b_very much.2.How does it feel?Its_.16. 看图补充句子。1Look! The_with the ball.2We cant go out. It_outside.3Lucy_butterflies in the park.4Dick is_on the playground.5Look! Boys and girls are_happily.17. 根据图片和首字母完成句子。1. Im going to the c_to see a f_.2. I f_off my bike yesterday and h_my leg.3. Last week, we went c_and h_a good time.4. He is g_to Guangzhou by p_next week5. Mr Wang is y_t_Mr Zhang.18. 看图,写出下列过去式短语。1234511 / 11


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