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作业1第1题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.so long as we have jim, a man with exceptional ability in management, things will be wrking well even if we come _ unexpected difficulties.A.A. up with; B. up against; C. round to; D. in onB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.02第2题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.you cant _ ignrance as your excuse; you should have known what was happening all along.A.A. plead; B. refer to; C. defend; D. persist inB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.03第3题select the word r wrds most nearly opposite in meaning to the wrd in capitals.the snobbish shop-assistant made a grimace upon seeing mySEEDY overcoat.A.A. smart; B. unkempt; C. shabbyB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.04第4题choose the word r phrase which is closest in meaning to the word r phrase in capitals.VENDERSmust have a license in shanghai.A.A. Everyone employed in food service; B. Anyone who is employed in hotels; C. Everyone engaged in selling; D. Anyone who works in a canteen.B.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.05第5题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.nobody in our group _ out much hope of making people regard custom as a subject of any great imprtance.A.A. holds; B. puts; C. finds; D. keepsB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.06第6题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.there is no evidence that any member of the ministry of education is _ in the affair.A.A. aggravated; B. complicated; C. connected; D. insinuatedB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.07第7题select the word r wrds most nearly opposite in meaning to the wrd in capitals.peter is so wrried about the test that he plans to study all night. tell him he shouldQUIT wrrying nd get some sleep.A.A. stop; B. relinquish; C. keep onB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.08第8题choose the word r phrase which is closest in meaning to the word r phrase in capitals.beautiful as it is, synthetic silk will not SUPPLANT cotton apparel.A.A. replace; B. remove; C. misplace; D. take awayB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.09第9题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.the dorway of the eskimo igloo was so low that we had to _ down to enter.A.A. incline; B. bend; C. drop; D. bowB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.010第10题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.students cant be absent rom school without the teachers _.A.A. admission; B. allowance; C. permit; D. permissionB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.011第11题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.one of the problems our government has to deal with is the _ of the growing number of plastic containers.A.A. dissolution; B. disposal; C. disappearance; D. dispositionB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.012第12题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.tourists are _ to beware of pickpockets in the bus.A.A. commanded; B. notified; C. informed; D. advisedB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.013第13题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.accuracy is _ to the programming of computers.A.A. elemental; B. elementary; C. fundamental; D. foundationalB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.014第14题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.tv, if properly used, can _ a childs imagination.A.A. stimulate; B. arouse; C. incite; D. ariseB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.015第15题select the word r wrds most nearly opposite in meaning to the wrd in capitals.his new plan isIDEALISTIC but not practical.A.A. romantic; B. fantastic; C. realisticB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.016第16题choose the word r phrase which is closest in meaning to the word r phrase in capitals.i detest those who like toPOKE into other peoples private affairs.A.A. pry; B. push; C. chat; D. gossipB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.017第17题choose the word r phrase which is closest in meaning to the word r phrase in capitals.every machineCONSUMES mre energy than it creates.A.A. uses up; B. fulfills; C. replaces; D. executesB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.018第18题choose the word r phrase which is closest in meaning to the word r phrase in capitals.that car model has become OBSOLETE.A.A. outmoded; B. out of stock; C. popular; D. modernB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.019第19题choose the word r phrase which is closest in meaning to the word r phrase in capitals.Owing to the efforts of conservationists nd environmentalists, few people are UNAWARE OF the problems of endangered species.A.A. indifferent to; B. ignorant of; C. opposed to; D. contrary toB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.020第20题choose the word r phrase which is closest in meaning to the word r phrase in capitals.the roof of the house wasPRACTICALLY falling in nd the front steps were rotting away.A.A. virtually; B. essentially; C. always; D. basicallyB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.021第21题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.after his famous speech against racial discrimination nd segregation, he was prosecuted fr _ driving.A.A. rash; B. reckless; C. heedless; D. irresponsibleB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.022第22题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.the black boys nd girls need not have felt _ fr their dark skin in the summer camp.A.A. self-effacing; B. self-centered; C. self-conscious; D. self-evidentB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.023第23题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.at last we found the tramps lying there, _.A.a. sick nd exhausted; b. to be sick nd exhausted; c. to be sickening nd exhausting; d. in exhausted sicknessB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.024第24题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.when they heard how well the new crpration was doing in the computer business, they took a calculated _ nd invested most of their capital in it.A.A. venture; B. opportunity; C. risk; D. chanceB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.025第25题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.the newcomer would be mre popular in the office if he didnt try so hard to _ himself with the boss.A.A. regard; B. ingratiate; C. shape; D. identifyB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.026第26题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.there was a nobility about this simple-minded person which was _.A.A. most engaged; B. the most engaging; C. to be most engaging; D. most engagingB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.027第27题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.commercial banks make most of their _ rom interest-earning loans nd investments in stocks nd bonds.A.A. means; B. dividends; C. earnings; D. compound interestB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.028第28题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.the weather frecast fr today predicted _ weather with sunshine, rain, snow nd wind nd that is just what londoners have had.A.A. variable; B. various; C. variant; D. variedB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.029第29题select the word r wrds most nearly opposite in meaning to the wrd in capitals.life is not a bed of roses, but is full of bitterness nd SORROWS.A.A. bemoaning; B. lament; C. rejoicingB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.030第30题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.the artifacts displayed in the museum will _ the imagination of succeeding generations of artists.A.A. fire; B. heat; C. burn; D. raiseB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.031第31题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.on national day we will march in _ through the peoples square.A.A. process; B. processing; C. procession; D. progressionB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.032第32题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.befre you start a business, you have to raise the necessary _.A.A. asset; B. investment; C. capital; D. incomeB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.033第33题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.my daughter was so _ in the tv programme that she frgot to turn the microwave oven off.A.A. distracted; B. attracted; C. enchanted; D. engrossedB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.034第34题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.the riginal building was erected in 1710 but this structure has been largely transfrmed nd _.A.A. increased; B. extended; C. augmented; D. stretchedB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.035第35题select the word r wrds most nearly opposite in meaning to the wrd in capitals.theCOLD-BLOODED assassination of the duke was the sensational news in todays papers.A.A. warm; B. humane; C. callousB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.036第36题select the word r wrds most nearly opposite in meaning to the wrd in capitals.Do you know the saying:none but theBRAVE deserve the fair?A.A. cautious; B. cowardly; C. pluckyB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.037第37题choose the word r phrase which is closest in meaning to the word r phrase in capitals.the congregation at last sundays sermon showed noPROPRIETY when they giggled at the sight of a person in an outlandish dress.A.A. politeness; B. courage; C. decency; D. capabilityB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.038第38题choose the word r phrase which is closest in meaning to the word r phrase in capitals.The film on golden pond portrays to a certain extent theMENTALITY of the old people.A.A. activities; B. ideas; C. opinions; D. attitude of mindB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.039第39题choose the word r phrase which is closest in meaning to the word r phrase in capitals.Some cells, such as epithelia, PROLIFERATE more rapidly when the body is asleep than when it is awake.A.A. nurture; B. infect; C. nourish; D. multiplyB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.040第40题choose the word r phrase which is closest in meaning to the word r phrase in capitals.After an unhappy love affair, emily dickinson was said to have lived like a HERMIT, shut away in her family home in amherst, massachusetts.A.A. heroine; B. recluse; C. invalid; D. lunaticB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.041第41题choose the word r phrase which is closest in meaning to the word r phrase in capitals.when the wind died down, the sailboatDRIFTED towrd the beach.A.A. headed; B. floated; C. hurried; D. returnedB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.042第42题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.there were so many people _ him in the crowd that he could not hold the camera steady while trying to take a picture of martin luther king, jr, the fremost leader of the civil rights movement.A.A. jostling; B. agitating; C. obstructing; D. jerkingB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.043第43题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.we could have provided that manual labourer with almost any object of his desire upon his retirement, but he _ asked fr an oil painting by winston churchill.A.A. mainly; B. solely; C. specifically; D. decidedlyB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.044第44题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.catherine was greatly taken _ by joans caprice.A.A. aback; B. aside; C. about; D. apartB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.045第45题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.as the medicine took _, the nervous patient became quieter.A.A. action; B. force; C. effect; D. influenceB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.046第46题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.from the frest a winding path _ down to the village.A.A. meandered; B. coiled; C. rolled; D. waveredB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.047第47题select the word r wrds most nearly opposite in meaning to the wrd in capitals.the riverDROPPED some 34 feet overnight.A.A. drooped; B. rose; C. fellB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.048第48题choose the word r phrase which is closest in meaning to the word r phrase in capitals.biologists haveASCERTAINED that specialized cells convert chemical energy into mechanical energy.A.A. investigated; B. hypothesized; C. considered; D. verifiedB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.049第49题choose the word r phrase which is closest in meaning to the word r phrase in capitals.the civil war which began in 1861CUT the united states into two nations - a southern confederacy nd a nrthern union.A.A. integrated; B. alienated; C. segmented; D. severedB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.050第50题choose the word r phrase which is closest in meaning to the word r phrase in capitals.CURRENTdeographic trends, such as the fall in the birth rate, should favourably accelerate economic growth in the long run.A.A. modern; B. rapid; C. contemporary; D. nowadaysB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.0作业总得分:86.0作业总批注:


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