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breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work-dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: binding order: cable ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch wear steel and .A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide 10 ruler check mesh size 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long 10 ruler check wide, and high 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing 10 ruler check row from 5 ruler check cover thickness based 10 ruler check column, and beam 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template hasproblems that cannot be ignored. Some leaders unwilling to do masses work, masses concept weak, on masses feelings not deep, pendulum not are with masses of relationship, think masses work is revolutionary war era of things, now obsolete has, buried business work, ignored masses work of situation compared General; some leaders not do masses work, old method regardless of with, new not with, not understand masses psychological, not understand masses wishes, not said masses language, work method simple stiff, caused masses of conflict and antipathy; some leaders cant do masses work, Faced with a lot of contradictions among the people worry about fear, panic set in encounter group events, and some are even mismanaged, inflame, so work has suffered heavy losses, and so on. These problems we are soberly aware, enhancing the partys ruling capability, the maintenance and development of the partys advanced nature and purity, and to enhance the ability of party committees and leading cadres are good people. Attach great importance to and is good at doing mass work, has become the new urgent situation strengthening the partys governing capacity-building tasks. Combined practice of maintaining flesh-and-blood ties with the masses, urged the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially all levels . Processing to improve as a guide to the country. What I did is summed up these new things, be promoted. This is a vivid manifestation of the Deng Xiaopings mass. Deng also put people support does not support, agreed not to agree, happy happy, promise not to promise as a starting point and destination of developing guidelines, policies, and as the only standard for measuring compliance with the wishes of the masses of the people. Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping theory, Central Government adopted a series of important measures to strengthen links with the masses. In December 1989, the CPC Central Committee made on adhering to and perfecting the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, closely for CPC and the democratic parties and the relationship between the part of the masses that they contact, effectively carrying out the mass line, played a positive role. In March 1990, the 13 plenary session adopted the decision on strengthening contacts with the masses of the Party noted that created and developed in the long struggle of the partys mass line, is to realize the partys ideological line, the fundamental political and organizational work route, can always maintain flesh-and-blood ties and development of the masses, is directly related to the rise and fall of the rise and fall of the party and State. In September 1994, 14 adopted by the plenary session of the Party on strengthening decision on several major issues of party building. The requirements of the decision of the partys leading bodies and leading cadres should develop a democratic style of work, come from the masses, to the masses, together, stick to the mass line. Party of 13 session four in the plenary yihou, to Jiang comrade for core of party二灰碎石基层施工方案一、工程概况 本合同段土方路基段底基层是采用32CM厚的石灰粉煤灰碎石,分两层,每层16CM厚,计239480m2 。双幅主车道,各8米宽,中间由8米宽绿化分隔带分隔开。二灰碎石七天无侧限抗压强度为0.8MPa,压实度为98%。二、施工准备 1、人员准备:(见主要管理人员配备一览表) 2、机械设备:(见机械设备配备一览表) 3、材料准备:采用预拌商品混合料。 4、测量准备工作:(1)在基层边缘以外30cm处,纵向每隔10m,钉基准桩(直径12mm15mm长600mm),铁桩一端制成尖头。(2)在基准桩上用螺栓固定横梁,横梁亦为铁质(直径12mm15mm长300mm),待测量高程后再紧固横梁,横梁必须呈水平状。 (3)在基准桩横梁上架高直径3mm钢丝绳基准线,基准线钢丝绳放在横梁的刻梁槽内以免基准线在横梁上左右滑动。(4)基准线顶面与铺筑的二灰碎石(砂砾)基层面的垂直距离为1030cm。(5)基准线两端用紧线器拉直绷紧,其拉力应不小于800N。(6)施工过程中设专人对铁桩、基准线做好看护工作。5、施工现场准备工作: (1)在准备施工二灰碎石基层前,验收底基层的高程、宽度、厚度、横坡、压实度等各项质量指标符合设计要求,表面平整坚实、无坑洼、松散、弹软现象。 (2)对路面底基层进行清扫和洒水湿润,用石灰粉画出二灰碎石基层的铺筑宽度线。(3)测量人员在施工前作好基准桩的测设工作。(4)在集中拌和站安装稳定土厂拌设备 ,正式启动拌和之前试机、做流量试验、调试、保养所用的机械设备。保证施工期间一般不发生有碍施工进度和质量的故障。三、 施工要点(1)混合料拌和 1)在中心站集中厂拌设备混合料。采用连续式拌和机。 2)拌和时将石灰、粉煤灰、碎石(砂砾)按重量比送入拌和机中,加水拌和。在略大于最佳含水量的1%以上拌和均匀,拌和好的混合料中不得含有粉煤灰和石灰团粒。 3)在正式拌和混合料之前,先以调式设备进行流量试验,使拌和好的混合料的集料颗粒组成和含水量、含石灰量都达到规定要求。否则应重新调试设备。在拌和站建立中心试验室每天进行检测集料的中颗粒组成、含灰量。4)集中拌和要掌握三个要点a.配料要准确:b.含水量要略大于最佳值使混合料运到摊铺地段、摊铺后碾压时的含水量不小于最佳值。c.拌和要均匀。5)要严格控制混合料的拌和数量和施工现场铺筑能力想配合,拌和好的混合料应即使用自卸汽车运至铺筑地段。6)混合料的堆放时间不宜超过24小时,应即使处理。(2)混合料的运输1)采用大型自卸汽车运送二灰石混合料,根据日产量备足汽车以保证所拌好的混合料及时运到摊铺地段。运输车的较拌和能力和摊铺速度有所富余。2)运输汽车的车厢要干净,每天收工时要进行清扫和冲洗。3)运距较远时应加覆盖以免混合料水分丢失。(3)混合料的摊铺1)二灰碎石混合料采用两台摊铺机进行摊铺。摊铺机一前一后相隔510m进行梯队摊铺。前一台摊铺机一侧传感器搭在并沿着基准线,另一侧依着要求的横坡进行自动摊铺,后一台摊铺机利用小滑撬依据第一幅松铺面走滑撬,另一侧传感器沿基准线控制高程进行施工。2)摊铺机就位后,摊铺速度按24m/min, 前方应有2辆以上运料车处于等待状态,做到均匀、连续不间断地摊铺混合料。3)摊铺混合料的含水量应大于最佳含水量的1%左右(视气候温度而定,以补偿摊铺及碾压过程中的水分损失)。4)摊铺机就位时的公铺系数约为1.21.3要通过试铺段的实际情况,确定该工程的松铺系数以便控制高程在允许偏差内。操作者在开始摊铺后立即用水准仪测量实铺高程 再根据初铺后的混合料的实际高程偏差进行调整,摊铺工作逐渐进入正常施工。5)设专人对混合料在摊铺过程中石料集中离析现象进行局部点补工作,使混合料表面均匀一致。(4)压实混合料一经摊铺成型,含水量等于或略大于最佳含水量时,立即用振动压路机在半幅全宽内进行碾压。直线段,由路肩两侧向道路中心碾压,超高路段由内侧路肩向外侧路肩进行碾压,总之,应由低处向高处进行碾压。碾压时,轮迹应重叠1/2轮宽,相邻两段的碾压接头处,应错成横向45度的阶梯状。严禁压路机在已完成或正在碾压的路段上“调头”和急刹车。碾压段长度应根据施工现场的气温情况进行选择确定。气温高时,水份蒸发快,可缩短碾压段长度,反之可适当延长碾压段长度。一般从混合料拌和到最后碾压成型,总时间应控制在2.5小时以内,为此碾压段长度不应超过50米,成型时间严禁超过3.5小时。 (5)养生与交通管理 1)该低基层成活后养护工作至关重要,石灰粉煤灰底基层表面易风干,如果养护跟不上,不但影响强度增长,而且表层松散扬尘,所以碾压完成后第二天开始养生,采用洒水车洒水养生的方法。每天洒水至少六次以上或视气候条件而定,应始终保持表层潮湿。养生期不宜少于7天。 2)在养生期间,除洒水车外封闭交通,在已经成活的二灰底基层地段禁止各种车辆通行,并进行封闭管理。四、质量标准(1)基本要求1)粒料符合设计和施工规范要求,并根据当地源选择质坚干净的粒料。2)石灰和粉煤灰质量应符合设计要求,石灰应经充分消解后才能使用。3)混合料配合比应准确,不得有灰团和生石灰块。4)摊铺时要注意消除粗细料离析现象。5)碾压进应先用轻型压路机稳压,后用重型压路机碾压到要求的压实度。6)保持一定湿度的养生,养生期要符合规范要求。(2)实测项目石灰粉煤灰底基层实测项目项次检查项目规定值或允许偏差快速路、主干路1压实度代表值95极值912平 整 度(mm)123纵段高程(mm)+5,-154宽 度(mm)不小于设计值5厚度(mm)代表值-10极值-256横坡%0.57强度MPa符合设计要求(3)外观鉴定1)表面平整密实、无坑洼、无明显离析。2)施工接茬平整、稳定。五、质量保证措施 我们根据项目部实际情况,建立组织严密完善的职能管理机构,按照我局质量保证体系正常运转的要求,依据分工负责,相互协调的原则,层层落实职能、责任、风险和利益,做到各司其职、各负其责,保证在整个项目实施过程中,质量保证体系发挥作用。1、成立以项目经理为组长、技术负责人为副组长的全面质量管理小组,形成行政上支持,技术上把关的良性循环,负责工程总体质量控制。2、配备强有力的质检技术力量,以质安部为龙头,组织试验室、测量、电算室实施各工序的质量管理和数据检测分析,形成第二级自检体系。3、现场施工配备相应的技术人员及质检人员成立现场质量自检小组,形成第一级自检体系。4、专职质检人员经过专门培训并具有一定资质和现场施工经验,经项目经理部批准后方能上岗。5、成立质量体系审核小组,定期进行内部质量体系审核,并不断改进有关质量管理措施。本项目质量管理体系框图及质量保证体系框图见后页。附质量管理体系图设备部质安部质量方针:百年大计 质量第一 质量目标:优良工程质量领导小组:经理、技术负责人、各业务部门领导材料部材料部材料部材料部政工教育组核算部材料部以百年大计,质量为本为中心,开展教育活动(2)制度保证体系制度保证体系(3)施工保证体系施工保证体系质量检验等体系工程质量保证体系达到目的工程质量评定工程质量检验单位工程质量检验分部工程质量检验工序质量检验材料构件设备核检不定期进行质量评比分析会。开展QC小组管理活动依据质量状况,监督资金发放,有权按有关制度进行,有权不验收不合格工程依据质量状况,监督资金发放,有权按有关制度进行,有权不验收不合格工程依据质量状况,监督资金发放,有权按有关制度进行,有权不验收不合格工程实行以管好、用好、维修好机械设备为中心的质量现任质,做好设备检查鉴定,填好运行纪录。供应合格材料及构件并提供质量证明,搞好材料的限额发放管理。做好材料进场的验收和抽检,负责现场计量工作。配合搞好工程控制测量和复侧,保证施工测量精度。组织技术交底和落实,确保按计划保质保量完成任务并进行图纸回身,编制施工计划,组织隐检、预检和验收。进行日常质量管理,负责组织协调督促、检查和综合部门各级质量活动并进行质量反馈施工保证体系制度保证体系组织保证体系(1)组织保证体系质 量领 导小 组设备物质部经营财务部办公室质量保证体系质量管理信息系统满足用户需要预防为主质量第一标准化计量工作班组质检员工程队质检员项目质检部门质量管理部门思想工作体系组织保证体系产品形成过程的控制质量保证工作体系质量保证工作计划质量管理目标的确定对设计图纸的质量审核施工准备阶段的质量控制材料、机具的质量控制施工过程的质量控制使用过程的质量控制质量管理工作体系图(二)质量控制全线路施工严格按规范进行,并按“施工进度网络计划”控制施工进度。质量控制注重施工前和施工中的过程控制,以预防为主,加强对工作质量、工序质量和中间产品质量的检查,以良好的工作质量来保证工序质量,以达到整体工程的质量目标。1、施工过程控制措施加强施工工艺管理。对各分项工程的生产、机械操作方法制定形成文件性的程序,及时督促检查其执行情况。加强施工过程中的工序控制,现场质检员对每道工序进行控制,并作好质量控制记录,以便及时发现缺陷并迅速予以排除,从根本上防止不合格品的产生。对施工参数进行监视和控制,并作好记录。与质量有关的操作人员均持证上岗。施工员每天作好施工日记,记录开停工时间、桩号、施工中发生的问题及解决方案以及其它有关事项。对关键工序设立质量管理点严加控制,由经验丰富的技术人员跟班作业进行指导,监控参数指定专人进行记录,一旦发生问题,立即采取纠正措施。对隐蔽工程(含下水道管)要拍照,以便为追溯某一状态提供原始凭证。开展质量统计分析,掌握工程质量动态,质检员对每天的质量控制记录进行统计分析,用排列图查找产生不合格点项的主要质量问题,用因果分析图查找原因,以便制定控制措施。每周对各部门的工程质量和工作质量进行考核评比,并采取适当的奖罚措施,充分发挥施工过程中质量控制的预防作用。2、质量奖惩办法根据责权利相一致的原则,我们将建立质量责任制,制定切实可行的质量奖罚措施,严格执行奖惩制度,将工程质量与相关责任人经济利益挂钩,以提高全体员工的质量意识和质量责任感。对于施工质量达到优良工程标准的分项工程或者在质量管理方面受到业主和监理工程师口头或书面表扬的相关责任人,除给予一定的经济奖励外,还将该事件记入档案,作为年终评先进工作者和质量管理先进个人的依据。对于出现较轻的质量事故或未达到优良工程标准的分项工程,视情节的轻重对相关责任人予以一定数量的罚款、进行口头批评并责令其改正。对于情节较重、影响较大的质量事故,不但扣除相关责任人当月奖金,并且对其进行记过一次、留岗待查的处分,且不能参与当年度的先进评选。六、职业健康安全保证措施1.建立安全保证体系项目部成立“安全生产委员会”,由项目经理、技术负责人任正副主任,下设专职安全检查员。项目实行安全生产三级管理,即:一级管理由项目经理负责,二级管理由专职安全员负责,三级管理由施工组负责人负责。建立安全生产责任制,落实各级管理人员和操作人员的安全生产责任,做到纵向到底,横向到边,各自做好本岗位的安全工作。2.落实安全责任制,制定安全管理的各项规章制度建立健全各项安全生产的规章制度,体现“全员管理、安全第一”的基本思想。明确安全生产责任,做到职责分明,各负其责。需进一步制定的规章制度有:各级人员安全生产责任制度、安全生产教育培训计划、安全检查制度、安全交底制度、事故的分析处理制度等。安全生产保证体系框图安全方针:安全第一,预防为主安全目标: “三无二杜绝”,负伤率控制在6以内安全领导小组:经理、总工、副经理、各业务部门领导经理部月评奖罚班组自评安全监督检查施工中检查开工前检查工区自检经理部安全小组检查逐级上报事故处理班组安全制度班前安全讲话周一安全活动交接班制度三检制度制度上墙奖惩制度安全教育新工人入路三级教育新工艺教育特殊工种培训技术交底教育领导干部安全教育安全责任制总结经验教训,以利今后提高3.职业健康安全目标及危险源识别项目部根据中建五局职业健康安全目标,结合本项目特点及合同要求制订本项目职业健康安全目标:1、在整个项目实施过程中做到“三无二杜绝”。“三无”即:无工伤死亡事故、无交通死亡事故、无火灾死亡事故;“二杜绝”即:杜绝重伤事故、杜绝重大盗窃事故2、负伤率控制在6以内。项目部根据中建五局危险源清单,结合本项目特点识别出影响本项目职业健康安全问题的危险源,再逐项加以评价,得出影响较大的重大危险源,制定相应控制措施及职业健康安全管理方案,逐项加以控制,以消除这些安全影响或将这些安全影响降至最低。4.各项安全技术措施1、安全生产管理措施积极主动地与当地公安和交警部门取得联系,按照上述部门的规定和要求办好各种手续。进行安全交底、安全教育和安全宣传,加强全体员工的安全生产意识。安全检查员认真执行安全检查制度,对检查中发现的问题及时制定整改措施,定人限期进行整改,直至停工,经验收合格后方可继续施工。开展“生命生产月”活动。经理部定期组织各队负责人进行检查、评比,并处以一定的奖罚。 加强规范化管理,严格执行安全技术方案,制定各工序、岗位安全生产的操作规程,形成安全生产操作手册。操作人员熟知和遵守本工种的各项安全技术操作规程,并定期进行考核,合格者方准上岗。2、施工安全防护措施建立安全保证体系。为搞好本工地安全生产工作,我司将成立专门安全领导小组,工地设立安全监督小组,班组设安全员,形成一个健全的三级安全保证体系。负责工地日常的安全工作,定期组织安全检查。健全安全生产责任制。明确各管理人员,施工技术人员和生产工人在本工程中的安全责任。强化安全教育。坚持“三级安全教育”,规范“三级安全交底”制度,施工中坚持“班组安全活动”制度。改善施工劳动条件。积极改进施工工艺和操作方法,改善劳动环境条件、减轻劳动强度,消除危险因素。实行人身安全保险。所有施工人员均参与人身安全保险。加强施工安全监控。及时反馈检测信息,进行科学的信息化施工,确保施工安全(包括道路、地下管线安全)。完善现场急救措施。本工地内将常驻医护人员,在出现紧急情况时做好现场急救措施。同时现场常备应急车辆,并与附近大医院保持联系 道路工程项目经理部 进场主要人员一览表职务姓名职称备注项目经理高级工程师一级项目经理技术负责人高级工程师执行经理工程师商务经理兼计量工程师工程师办公室主任 兼书记政工师施工组长工程师综合技术员工程师测量工程师工程师道路工程师工程师测量工程师工程师试验工程师工程师机料工程师工程师质安工程师工程师质检员、安全员 主要施工设备仪器一览表序号名称规格单位数量备注1装载机台22挖掘机台23汽车斯太尔台104全站仪台25水准仪台46摊铺机台27双轮压路机台18振动压路机台19洒水车辆110拌合站个11112131415171819注:水准仪、全站仪均经过检验校正。breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work-dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: binding order: cable ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch wear steel and .A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide 10 ruler check mesh size 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long 10 ruler check wide, and high 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing 10 ruler check row from 5 ruler check cover thickness based 10 ruler check column, and beam 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template hasof third generation Central led collective, banner Deng Xiao-pings theory great flag, insisted liberation thought, and facts, and times, in both at home and abroad political storm, and economic risk, severe test before, relies on party and people, defended China features Socialist, created socialist market new system, created full open new situation, advance party of construction new of great engineering, founded three a representative important thought, Continue to steer the ship of reform and opening up forward on the right. Comrade Jiang Zemin said: strengthening and improving the partys mass work in the new situation, it is of decisive significance to consolidating the ruling Foundation of the party. Through our party and some of the worlds major lessons learned from the success of the old party of the party, Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out: the biggest political advantage of our party is in close contact with the masses, the most dangerous after the ruling party was divorced from the masses. He said: our reform and construction, only the understanding, support and participation of the people, peoples enthusiasm and creativity into full play in order to advance; the leadership of the party, only the tie and win the masses embraced, can be consolidated and strengthened. He pointed out that strengthening and improving the partys work style construction, maintaining the partys flesh-and-blood ties with the masses is the core problem, the key is to do solid work, implement, resolutely oppose and overcome formalism. Comrade Jiang Zemin stressed that all the work and policies of the party, are in compliance with the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people to the highest degree, to the majority of people are not satisfied with the fundamental guidelines, strive to make our workers, farmers, intellectuals and other people enjoy . Single, everyone seemed to know. But well known does not mean perfect. Some party members and leading cadres, consider contacting their small departments, within a small circle of people, or contact individual owners, the entrepreneur, is the masses, this idea is obviously not correct. The Communist Party of China, people should have three characteristics. First, the people should be the most social, is a Department within the scope of the majority. Specific to the party and Government departments, especially the cadres working in the Central and State organs, mass is the 1.3 billion Chinese people, work for the party members and cadres, masses are the land within the jurisdiction of the common people. The second characteristic of the masses, is that we have common interests. Masses are manifestations of each specific people, but the crowd is a comprehensive political concept, refers to people with common political and economic interests in the period of social transformation, social differentiation between the interests of the masses is large, if you do not find the interest in doing mass work, the party members and cadres, will be in a passive position. The third characteristic of the masses


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