冀教版(三起)五上lesson 21 How Can We Go To Beijing课件1

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冀教版(三起)五上lesson 21 How Can We Go To Beijing课件1_第1页
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冀教版(三起)五上lesson 21 How Can We Go To Beijing课件1_第3页
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二泉井乡中心小学二泉井乡中心小学 庞闪闪庞闪闪songby bicycle/bikeHow do you go to school?I go to school on foot.by carby cab/taxiby bus(take a bus)How can I?airplane an train aAn airplane is fast.An airplane is than a train.faster by plane(take a plane)by train(take a train)A train is than an airplane.slowerA train is slow.A bus is a train.A train is _a bus.slower thanfaster than Exercise Exercise:A car is a bicycle.A bicycle is a car.faster thanslower thanA taxi is _ a bicycle,but a train.faster thanslower thanA train is an airplane,but a bus.slower thanfaster thanpair work(1)(2)(3)(4)fastersloweryoungerolderbiggersmallertennis网球网球Tiananmen Square Palace Museum 故宫Summer Palace 颐和园The Great Wall 长城Do you want to go to Beijing?How can we go to Beijing?Lets go to Beijing by train.Li Ming:Lets go to Beijing by plane,Mum!Planes are fast!Mum:No,Li Ming.I want to take a bus.Li Ming:A bus is slow!I dont want to go by bus.Mum:Lets take a train!A train is slower than a plane but faster than a bus!1.How does Li Ming want to go to Beijing?2.How does his mother want to go to Beijing?3.How do they go to Beijing at last(最后)?Why?He wants to go to Beijing by airplane.She wants to go to Beijing by bus.They go to Beijing by train.Because a train is slower than an airplane,but faster than a bus.Read and AnswerRead and Answer 你能帮我们闯关吗?1.A car is _ than a train but _ than a bike.A.slower,faster B.faster,slower 2.How do you go to school?_.A.Take bike B.By bike C.By my bike D.On bike1.He is _(tall)than my sister.2.A plane is _(fast)than a bus.3.A football is _(big)than a ping-pong.4.A duck is _(slow)than a rabbit.5.A train is_(slow)than a plane but _(fast)than a bus.1.He is _(tall)than my sister.2.A plane is _(fast)than a bus.3.A football is _(big)than a ping-pong.1.He is _(tall)than my sister.2.A plane is _(fast)than a bus.4.A duck is _(slow)than a rabbit.3.A football is _(big)than a ping-pong.1.He is _(tall)than my sister.2.A plane is _(fast)than a bus.5.A train is_(slow)than a plane but _(fast)than a bus.4.A duck is _(slow)than a rabbit.3.A football is _(big)than a ping-pong.1.He is _(tall)than my sister.2.A plane is _(fast)than a bus.tallerfasterbiggerslowerslowerfaster You are great!Get your gifts!CBA A plane is fast.A bus is slow.Lets take a plane,That is how I want to go!A plane is fast,But lets take a bus.A bus is slow,But it doesnt cost as much!Please,not a bus!Lets take a train!Its faster than a bus,And its cheaper than a plane!A trains just right!Oh,hooray,Li Ming!We can take a train on our trip to Beijing!Lets chant!调查身边的人或者物,写一写_ is faster/slower than_.一共写5个句子。


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