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Reading A short history of western painting许天佑 湖北省嘉鱼县第一中学教学课题 A short history of western painting (Reading)教学设计理论依据基于建构主义理论,对客观世界的理解和赋予意义是由学习者个人决定的,学习者的知识,是他们在情境的交互作用中主动建构的。因此,学习者在学习过程中获取知识的过程,是在一定情境条件下,动态的、内部生成的过程。教师在教学过程中,要在学习者原有知识经验的基础上,根据学习材料,创造生动的学习情境,组织课堂活动,引导学生在合作学习、相互交流、互动探究的过程中,理解学习内容,丰富知识、发展综合素质和能力。教材分析 本课是新课标高中英语选修6第一单元中的阅读课,是一篇介绍西方绘画史的文章。文章以西方社会发展的几个重要历史阶段为线索,简要阐释了影响艺术的主要因素,着重展示了四大时期西方世界中,不同社会背景下西洋绘画艺术的流派及其特点。通过本篇的学习,学生可以在了解绘画这一艺术特征的基础上,初步具备欣赏和描绘西方不同时期的绘画作品的知识和能力。学情分析本课的教学对象是高二上学年的学生,对绘画艺术有过初步的了解。但是,他们对影响绘画作品的因素,尤其是西方绘画作品发展史,不同时期作品的特征、名家、名作知之甚少,因此对西方绘画作品的认识、了解兴趣浓厚,渴望欣赏不同时期西方绘画名作,培养一定的术鉴赏力。作为高二的学生,他们思维活跃,具备初步的分析和解决问题的能力。已掌握了略读和查读的阅读策略,具备较强的想象、记忆、归纳、推理、分析、总结的能力。但是,除几个学生英语基础较好、英语学习能力和语言表达能力较强外,大部分学生的相关能力相对较弱。学生对未知世界的好奇心较强,很有个性,喜欢表现。因此,可以采取问题型、任务型教学活动和情境的分层设计,层层推进,启发引导学生阅读材料;通过生生之间、师生之间的相互交流、合作探究,引导全体学生积极学习。教学三维目标1. 知识目标Leading students to learn the following words and expressions.Import wordsabstract, sculpture, gallery, faith, conventional, evident, typical, adopt, possess, superb, technique, shadow, ridiculous, controversial, attempt, predictImport phrasesby coincidence, on the one handon the other handImport sentence patternsAmong the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the impressionists, who lived and worked in Paris.But it was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters likein a more realistic city.2. 能力目标To learn the brief history of western painting and the characteristics of the painting in the four periods.To improve students reading ability. To cultivate students ability to appreciate western paintings.To develop students speaking ability to describe paintings and feeling to paintings.3. 情感态度目标通过多媒体和音乐展示艺术的不同种类,在引导学生欣赏艺术作品的过程中,创造积极和谐的教学气氛,让学生在情境的体验中活跃思维,积极欣赏和探索绘画艺术的内涵和魅力。学生在教师的引领下,学习西方四大阶段绘画艺术大家及其作品特点,提高艺术素养和对生活的热爱。教学重点Learn the important new words and expressions.Study the characteristics of the paintings and the representatives in the four periods of western history.教学难点Study the connection between the paintings and social life.Teach students the way to appreciate paintings and lead students to describe the characteristics of the painting works they like.教学策略培养学生搜集与处理信息的能力(“有意义式接受学习” 教学法)培养学生获取新知识的能力(探究式教学法)培养学生分析和解决问题的能力(问题式、任务型教学法)培养学生合作能力和语言表达能力(合作学习教学法、交际教学法)教学用具多媒体辅助:将本课所需的录音、图片、文字、音乐制成CAI 软件使抽象的语言变得直观,为学生创造良好的学习情境,促进、加深学生对文章内容、重难点知识的理解,为学生用英语交流创设情境。黑板:展示本课的重点单词、短语、句型。教学过程Step1 Lead-inAsk students if they know the types of art.Lead students to discuss the different types of art they know and list the types of art. For example, music, dance, movie, opera, literature, sculpture, photography, calligraphy, architecture, etc. (设计意图:运用“有意义接受学习”教学方法、交际教学法,指导学生展示所学知识,增强其学习热情和自信心。通过对艺术样式知识的讨论,让学生在交流合作的同时,学会相互学习,共同进步。列出艺术的各种样式并对其小结,培养学生的发散思维和归纳能力。)Step2 Presentation Ask students if they have visited galleries and appreciated the western paintings, then show several famous paintings in different period of western painting history and tell the different points, such as the topic, color, line and the feeling to them.(设计意图:通过交际教学法,引导学生欣赏西方不同时期的绘画作品,让他们说出绘画作品的不同特点、探讨原因,既培养了学生对事物的观察能力、英语表达能力,也激发了学生的求知欲,为引导学生探究阅读材料做好了铺垫。)Step3 Reading and comprehending1. Fast-readingAsk students to skim the passage to grasp the key words and answer the following questions(1) What is art influenced by?(2) How many periods of painting development are referred to? What are they?(Then lay out the western painting development periods and make out the way that the passage is developed.) (设计意图:运用问题式、任务型教学法,学生带着问题迅速浏览文章,粗略了解文章主题、篇章结构,进而发现文章的结构和写作顺序。一方面,该任务可充分发挥学生自主性,培养学生主动探究问题寻找答案;另一方面,该任务有助于培养学生运用一定的阅读策略,解决阅读问题的能力,进而提高学生的逻辑思维和抽象概括能力。)2. Detailed-reading(1) Ask students to read paragraph2 and fill in the blanks. The main aim of painters during the middle ages was to _. The typical painting at this time was full of _to show feeling of _for gold. The representative artist is _, whose painting of religious scenes in_.(After finishing it, teacher can show a typical works created by Giotto di Bondone)(2) Ask students to read paragraph3 and paragraph4 then fill in the form.PeriodThemeCharacteristicsRepresentative artistThe Renaissance(3) Ask students to read paragraph5 and finish the exercise.Get students to read and fill in the blanks.In the late 19th century, Europe_great deal, from a mostly_to a mostly _one.People moved from_to the _.There are many_ and_. They led to changes in _. Get students to think of the question: Why were the paintings of impressionists not so detailed?(Then show a famous painting painted by Monet)(4)Ask students to read paragrph6 and try to fill in the form.PeriodMai aim of painterCharacteristicsThe Renaissance (After students finished the exercise, teacher can lead students to appreciate several modern art paintings.)(5)Get students to listen to the tape and review the passage then think of the question and choose the correct answer.What does the passage mainly tell us?A. How religious painting developed.B. How oil painting developed.C. How impressionist painting developed.D. How western art developed.( 设计意图:运用任务型、交际教学法,指导学生在读完文章每一个片段后,根据文章内容完成对应的任务。学生做好语言信息输入工作后,及时有效地反馈所获取的信息。在完成任务的过程中引导学生关注文中重点词汇、短语和句型,不仅能加强学生对文意的理解。)Step4 DiscussionShow the Chinese paintings and western paintings in different history periods, and then let students choose their favorite one to decorate his or her room, discussing the reasons with their teammates or partners. (设计意图:运用任务型、合作探究、交际教学法,指导学生在学完本篇内容的基础上,充分利用本文所学的绘画知识、词语和表达方式,阐释根据个人生活的居室特征,选择自己最喜爱而又合适的绘画作品来装点自己的房间。不仅可以让学生对所获取的知识和信息得到有效的利用,提高学生的表达能力,而且可以让学生体会到所学知识的乐趣和学以致用的成就感,进一步激发其学习热情。)教学反思本节课是一节以西方绘画艺术为主题的阅读课,反思备课和课堂教学的过程,可以总结到如下几点:1.科学解读教材和学生,优化教学内容在备课过程中,一方面,教师要充分解读阅读材料,了解阅读材料的重、难点和兴趣点。另一方面,充分考虑学生的个性、心理特点,相关背景知识掌握情况,在充分利用阅读资源的同时,适度增加和拓展学生感兴趣的知识和内容,选取阅读材料中重要而又有启发性的内容,深度挖掘阅读材料的思想内涵。2.分层设计,合理安排课堂教学活动,提升课堂教学质量在教学内容和课堂教学活动的安排和组织方面,可根据学生的学情,灵活选取合适的教学方法,遵循分层教学、层层推进的原则。此外,通过激发、引导、展示、解读、评述等策略,教师在引导学生解读阅读材料,积极探究的过程中,不仅激活了学生的大脑,发展了学生的思维能力,而且通过合作探究、师生互动、生生互动和交流,在创造浓郁的课堂学习和文化氛围之余,让学生轻松掌握知识,体验到学习的成就感,从而激发其学习热情。3. 激活文本,学以致用文本为学生提供了丰富的知识,教师在引导学生解读文本,获取知识,培养技能后,将所学知识与现实世界重新链接,让学生从文本世界回归现实生活,结合文本内容思考现实生活、解决现实问题。在这一过程中,不仅激活了所学知识,给学生的智慧树之根注入了新的营养,而且通过学以致用,提高了学生的学习成就感,培养了学生阅读英语文章的兴趣。6


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